How Can My Wife Be So Adorable?
How Can My Wife Be So Adorable Chapter 201 – Indestructible Miracle Falls, Demon King Appears

Under the astonished gaze of Demon King Moran, the demonic blade entwined all of Chen Xing’s killing intent. He swung that peerless blade!

In an instant, Demon King Moran felt as if his body had been emptied.

The killing intent that had just filled his blade was completely expelled from his body along with the blade’s energy! And even that black blade energy changed!

It turned into a dark red color, alternating with the black, distinct from each other, resembling two intertwined dragons merging.

A massive black-red blade energy!

Instantly, it cleaved through Thousand Moonflower Queen into two halves!

Simultaneously, it crashed into the ceiling.



As if cutting vegetables!

From the outside view, it was as if a flash of light suddenly erupted within the main city. Then a dark red blade energy burst forth from within, shooting straight into the sky!


The entire main city, up to the 39th floor, suddenly tilted, a trend of collapsing emerged!

There were still dozens of floors above. If it were to collapse with a crash, the people below would all be doomed. At least half of the people in the entire main city would die!

At this moment, everyone outside raised their heads, gazing at the toppling indestructible miracle.


For tens of thousands of years, the first time!

“Run for your lives!”

“The main city is collapsing!”

The demon inhabitants of the entire main city were fleeing like mad.

But the main city was too vast, escaping from it wasn’t that easy. So they all fled in the opposite direction of the collapse!

While running, they turned back to witness this horrifying scene. As if witnessing the end of the world, their faces were filled with terror.

This one strike left the entire scene dumbfounded!

For how many years, this main city that stood as impregnable as a divine sanctuary. It was actually cleaved open from within by Chen Xing’s one strike!

Just how sturdy was this main city!?

The first floor, the second floor, they bore all the pressure from above. They remained unyielding, showcasing that this main city was absolutely impervious.

Yet, Chen Xing did it with just one strike! It’s unlikely that even any Demon King would possess such strength, right!?

“Kill him!!!”

Thousand Moonflower Queen’s voice rang out once again. The tone was even more hysterical than before!

Chen Xing’s brows furrowed suddenly.

Still not dead!? Unbelievable!

Seems like there’s no special way to kill her.

So Chen Xing decided to slip away first, because this place was clearly about to collapse. The dozens of floors above were coming down.

Everyone would die! No one could escape!


While everyone was in shock, he had already reached the exit. But at this moment, the exit had been completely blocked by those demon inhabitants!


Another strike.

The black-red blade energy again!

Killing intent, this thing, as long as the intent to kill remained, it could be drawn upon endlessly, never depleting.

However, there was a limit to the maximum release each time. It needed constant practice, and the larger the single release, the stronger it would be. Chen Xing’s single release was his peak ability in the Assassin Star!


The demonic blade buzzed again!

Accompanied by that buzz, all the demon inhabitants in front of him were simultaneously cut at the waist. Unlike Thousand Moonflower Queen, they didn’t have several lives.

Instant death on the spot!


The walls burst open suddenly.

And the collapsing of the main city’s upper layers that had been tilting to one side also abruptly stopped. Instead, they fell straight down!

“The Embrace of the Demon!” Chen Xing roared explosively.

A burst of white light flashed. The demonic form reappeared!

The Demon King descended!

Kanlegi was looking at Chen Xing’s back in disbelief.

A Demon King!!!

Other surviving demons also saw that familiar Demon King armor on Chen Xing.

Throughout the dimension, there was no one who didn’t recognize that armor. It was the exclusive armor of the Demon King!

Upon seeing Chen Xing, tears streamed down Kanlegi’s face.

A hundred years of waiting! The awaited moment finally came!

The pain of losing his little brother seemed to be released in this very moment.

The next second, with tears streaming down his face, he looked up to the sky and laughed heartily: “Demon King! Hahaha!”

“You foolish succubi! Our king has returned! Hahaha!”

However, the ceiling adorned with numerous oil lamps had already descended upon his head.

And Chen Xing had managed to escape!

In the instant that the ceiling, which would have ended his life, came crashing down, he was still laughing.


Due to Chen Xing’s two strikes, the main city above the 39th floor lost its main supports. It collapsed with a deafening roar. Crushing the core of the 39th floor.

The entire main city, and even the earth, trembled!

The tremendous impact caused a massive storm to surge. Smoke and fog burst open abruptly, enveloping several dozen floors above the whole main city.

Meanwhile, Chen Xing had leaped forcefully and directly from the 39th floor to the 27th floor!


As he landed on the ground, he created a massive crater in the earth.

The surrounding demons felt a momentary dizziness and were then overwhelmed by the immense energy. In that fleeting moment, they seemed to catch a glimpse of a familiar figure!

After a series of successive jumps,


Another large crater appeared.

Finally, he had reached a lower level. Yet, he was still inside the main city!

Even now that Chen Xing had the power of the Embrace of the Demon, with nearly five million units of combat strength, and a full-powered leap covered several kilometers. But to jump out of this main city from the 39th floor would still require several leaps!

This was a testament to just how massive the main city was.

Chen Xing didn’t dare to linger any longer. He leaped again, directly jumping out of the main city!

But it didn’t stop there. Several dozen floors of the main city, which extended to the sky, collapsed downwards, affecting an unknown range.

Moreover, he didn’t know if Thousand Moonflower Queen was dead or alive. Chen Xing had beheaded her once and cut her body as well, yet he hadn’t managed to completely kill her!

He understood that if Thousand Moonflower Queen was alive, she wouldn’t give him a third chance. Without knowing her true strength, Chen Xing chose to retreat for now and plan for the long term!


Another deafening sound came from behind, but Chen Xing didn’t look back. Instead, he ran as far as possible, running towards a safe place as much as he could.

There’s still ten minutes of weakness time after using Embrace of the Demon. Chen Xing must find a place where no one can find him!

As Chen Xing dashed forward, on a high mountain far from the main city, there were hundreds of male demons hidden there.

At this moment, they all stared in shock at the fallen Main City. The miracle that had stood for tens of thousands of years had collapsed!?

This was too shocking; all the demons were rendered speechless!

After a while, someone finally reacted and looked towards the surrounding demons.

In disbelief, they said: “Is… this Kanlegi’s doing!?”

“That guy has this kind of strength?”

“Could it be that he’s the Demon King!?”

“Suddenly awakened!?”

“Damn! It’s possible!”

“The Demon King might not even achieve this level! He might be the strongest Demon King in history!”

“Has the Demon King descended!?”

The news spread immediately!

“Amazing! Demon King! Our king!”

The whole crowd cheered!

However, a few individuals were deeply fearful within their hearts: It’s over! I cut the Demon King’s thing…

“Somebody’s coming! Conceal!” Suddenly, a demon ran up from below the mountain and shouted.

Upon hearing this, all the demon inhabitants immediately crouched down. They reached into the ground’s weeds and pulled forcefully. The uneven ground suddenly revealed a door.

Nearly a hundred demons swiftly entered.

The mountaintop, which had been crowded a moment ago, immediately regained its tranquility. As if nothing had happened, as though no one had been there just now.


A figure suddenly appeared on this mountaintop.

It was Chen Xing!

The area was densely covered with trees and overgrown with weeds, perfect for concealment.

【 5 seconds left! 】 San’er reminded just in time.

Chen Xing had to find a hiding place immediately. Narrowing his eyes, he lightly leaped and landed directly on top of a towering ancient tree. The trunk of that tree was as wide as a road, surrounded by leaves.

Chen Xing leaped onto it and then lay flat.

Just as he lay down, suddenly, a white light flashed, and little Zero had already nestled on his body.

Having learned from their previous experience, they promptly put on their clothes this time; there would be no more instances of being completely naked. Unless these two wanted to.

However, it was clearly not appropriate in the wilderness.

To leave no room for mistakes, Chen Xing also put on regular demon armor for himself and Zero. It was just in case a demon happened to appear.

“Wuwu… Husband…” Little Zero lay on his body, softly calling out.

Chen Xing chuckled lightly, wanting to reach out and embrace her, but he didn’t have any strength left. He could only console her softly: “Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”

“Mhm! I’m not scared… I have you, so I’m not scared…”

“I love you…”

“I love you too.”

Afterwards, little Zero closed her eyes, basking in the feeling of surviving the ordeal. Great, they were still alive!

She could still see Chen Xing every day in the future~ She could still be patted on the head every day, hug and kiss him every day!

Meanwhile, Chen Xing was pondering.

What in the world was up with the Thousand Moonflower Queen!? This was ridiculous!

Not to mention humans, even demonic beasts, Chen Xing had killed quite a few. Strange and peculiar demonic beasts with strange and peculiar traits. But not a single one was like Thousand Moonflower Queen. Being beheaded and having the body cut in two, and still surviving.

Just as he was lost in thought, suddenly!

Beside the spot where Chen Xing and Zero were lying down, a door opened.

This door opened directly upwards from the wide trunk-like ground, as wide as a road. Then a young demon boy poked his head out.


“Uh…?” Little Zero heard the commotion but didn’t have the strength to turn her head. She only made a soft sound.

Chen Xing’s peripheral vision, however, caught it. A demon!

Chen Xing panicked in an instant. He was weak now, completely powerless to resist. If they discovered he was human, given the nature of the demon clan, they would surely kill him on the spot!


【 What the heck!? Where did he come from!? 】

San’er was also caught off guard. He hadn’t expected someone to be hiding in the tree trunk!

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