Green Tea Villainess Fails
Green Tea Villainess Fails Chapter 29

“We’ve arrived.”

Qin Ai’s car passed through the front yard of the Zuo family before coming to a stop at the gate of the villa, but Zuo Bian didn’t immediately get out of the car.

“Do you want to come in for a cup of tea?” Asked Zuo Bian.

The Green Tea Manual had it written that if one was sent back home by the other party at night, it’s a must to invite the other person for a cup of tea. However, this was generally based on the principle that both individuals should be completely alone so that an ambiguous atmosphere can be created between them.

Qin Ai thought for a moment before answering. “Okay.”

Instantly, Zuo Bian smiled, “Then let’s get off then.”

When Zuo Bian returned home, she was the only one who wasn’t already gathered in the living room. Zuo Yan was sitting at the mini bar engrossed in reading a book while Zuo Yuan who was sitting next to Du Yundong on the sofa watching TV had a foul look on his face.

“Baba, mama, big brother, I’m back.”

Du Yundong immediately looked up in surprise when she heard Zuo Bian’s voice, “Xiao Bian is back!”

[1]TN: Xiao (小) means little, so it’s like a nickname.

Du Yundong’s eyes quickly fell on Qin Ai who was beside Zuo Bian.

Zuo Bian introduced her to her mother, “Mom, this is my friend Qin Ai. She sent me home, so I want to invite her for a cup of tea before she leaves.”

Du Yundong looked at the two with a big smile, her eyes full of love and satisfaction.

“A cup of tea is definitely in order, come sit Xiao Qin.” Du Yundong asked the maid to make tea.

Zuo Yuan was still sitting motionless on the sofa, his arms crossed with an unhappy face as he loudly grunted, “Hmph!”

It was for naught, however. No one paid attention to him.

Zuo Bian’s father, Zuo Yan, put down his book to help Du Yundong entertain Qin Ai as a guest, so Qin Ai greeted the two elders and sat down with Zuo Bian.

In the presence of Zuo Bian’s parents, Qin Ai was not as cold and proud as she would be in the company. With her soft smile, politeness and decent manners, Du Yundong gradually became more satisfied with her.

No one cared about Zuo Yuan as he quietly turned around, shifting himself lightly on the sofa to stare at Qin Ai without facing her directly.

Such a fierce look he was giving to her, it was almost as if he couldn’t wait to get a harpoon and immediately spear Qin Ai out of their home.

“What an actor.” Zuo Yuan’s voice wasn’t kept to himself, and everyone present heard it loud and clear.

Yet Qin Ai’s face did not change, as if she did not hear Zuo Yuan’s words at all.

With an awkward smile, Du Yundong tried to skirt around his words. “Xiao Qin, don’t mind that, our family’s Zuo Yuan never speaks with his brain, it’s best that you don’t take his words to heart.”

Qin Ai smiled, “Of course I won’t take it to heart, Mr. Zuo has always been straightforward and doesn’t care to hide his emotions, that’s much more adorable than vile people who say one thing and then talk behind your back.”

[2]TN: Basically she’s saying that she prefers that he talks shit about her in front of her instead of behind her back.

Zuo Yuan sneered and said, “So you also know ah.”

“Big Brother, you seem to be biased against Qin Ai. It’s not right to look at someone with biased lenses when you don’t know them.”

Zuo Yuan clutched his chest as if his heart was broken, “Xiao Bian, why did you start speaking up for this Qin Ai? I’m the one who is your own brother.”

“I didn’t speak up for anyone, I just think it’s not right for you to do this.” Zuo Bian’s eyes were clear and her expression was serious when she said this, she really felt that Zuo Yuan was not right for doing this.

“Alright, then brother will hold off hating Qin Ai until I learn more about her.”

Just based on the fact that Qin Ai stole his sister, Zuo Yuan was already certain that he would never like Qin Ai in his life.

“Here’s the tea, come drink tea Xiao Qin. Thank you for taking care of our family’s Xiao Bian.” The mother of the Zuo family Du Yundong tried to liven up the atmosphere.

Qin Ai took the tea cup and smiled politely. “Auntie doesn’t need to thank me, this is what I should do.”

“It’s getting late today, does Xiao Qin want to stay and rest for a night?”

Qin Ai took a short sip of tea before slowly putting the teacup down to politely decline. “Thank you Auntie for your kindness, but my mother and younger brother are still at home waiting for me to return.”

“In that case Xiao Qin should go home earlier, don’t let your family worry.” Du Yundong’s eyes looked at Qin Ai with some regret.

The elder generation in their circle was aware of Qin Ai’s family situation to varying degrees, so Du Yundong both admires and feels heartbroken for Qin Ai, the child who single handedly rebuilt the Qin family.

“Then I will take my leave, thank you uncle and aunt for your hospitality.” Qin Ai got up and walked towards the door.

Zuo Bian followed her to the gate, watching Qin Ai enter the car.

“Qin Ai, be careful on the road. See you the day after tomorrow.” Zuo Bian waved her hand at Qin Ai with some reluctance.

Qin Ai lowered the window of the car, letting the light coming from inside the living room shine on her beautiful and delicate face. Zuo Bian could clearly see the soft smile in Qin Ai’s eyes.

“Before you leave, call me again.”

Qin Ai didn’t tell her what to say, but Zuo Bian knew what Qin Ai was talking about.

Zuo Bian took two steps closer in the direction of the car as she hung her head and whispered, “Sister Ai.”

[3]TN: Zuo Bian is saying 爱姐姐 (Ai Jie Jie) which could be interpreted as (I) love sister, but since she means to call Qin Ai (秦爱) this as a nickname(? Pet name?) I’ve interpreted it as such.

“Okay I’m going, go back in.” 


As Zuo Bian watched Qin Ai’s car disappear from her line of sight, she suddenly felt someone pat her shoulder.

“Xiao Bian has really grown up, are you still hungry after eating with Xiao Qin because you didn’t dare to let go of her? If you didn’t eat enough mom let someone prepare a night snack for you.”

Zuo Bian shook her head and said, “Thanks mom, no need.”

Du Yundong smiled as she pulled Zuo Bian into the living room to ask her some questions. Zuo Bian answered every one of them truthfully like she was a second Qin Tian.

“I just look at her and I know that this Qin Ai is not a good thing, mom, why do you like Qin Ai so much?” Zuo Yuan sat on the sofa clicking on the remote control in his hand randomly, causing the TV to make a weird sound as the channels were changing too quickly.

Du Yundong sat towards Zuo Yuan’s side, making him squeeze to the side before snatching the remote control and said in an upset tone, “You’re not even watching TV so why take the remote control, go go go, don’t disturb me from watching TV with Xiao Bian. Xiao Bian come over, come and sit with mama.”

Zuo Bian sat next to Du Yundong, slightly leaning on Du Yundong’s shoulder to watch TV together.

[4]TN: Okay so technically what the writer probably means is that the two were sitting so close that their shoulders were brushing against each other, but since it was like to show proximity/closeness … Continue reading

When she came to this world, Zuo Bian didn’t watch a lot of TV. Before she entered the film crew she was studying, and after she entered it she was busy shooting scenes.

Currently the TV was broadcasting the TV series that had become incredibly popular recently, with the female lead in it being one of the rare domineering royalty-like beauties in the entertainment industry.

At the moment, the female lead was wearing a tight leather jacket and a helmet. With one of her long legs stepping on the side of a heavy motorcycle with her long legs,  she valiantly and recklessly raised her chin towards the male lead, “Dare to come?”

Du Yundong sighed, “The actresses nowadays are becoming more good-looking each time.”

Without thinking, Zuo Bian said, “I think Qin Ai looks better.”

Du Yundong sniffed and snorted, “Right, right, right, Little Qin is the best looking.”

“I think in general, it’s still our family’s Xiao Bian who is the most beautiful, and the mama who gave birth to a child as beautiful as Xiao Bian is also beautiful. Even though she’s the mom of two children, her body and face still look like she’s twenty-eight years old.” Zuo Yuan’s mouth was smeared with honey, sending Du Yundong into a state of bliss.

[5]TN: Basically he said really sweet things that his mouth seemed to be smeared with honey.

-/[Green Tea Villainess Fails]/-

Before going to sleep at night, Zuo Bian planned to play games for a while longer before going to sleep. While playing, she received a WeChat message. She finished playing a round before checking WeChat.

“555, someone named Lin Qingqing requested to add me as a friend. Lin Qingqing?”

[Host, have you forgotten, the female supporting character with a threat level of 61 that you met this afternoon is Lin Qingqing!]

“But what’s the point of her adding me?” Zuo Bian said while clicking reject, “Better to not add her.”

After clicking reject, Zuo Bian returned to the game to start a new round. As a result, Lin Qingqing’s friend requests kept coming. Zuo Bian frowned and asked 555 what she should do to stop receiving messages from Lin Qingqing.

[That’s easy to do, just block her directly.]

“Okay.” Zuo Bian blocked Lin Qingqing under the guidance of 555.

After blocking Lin Qingqing, Zuo Bian felt refreshed as she continued to play games, and even had another video call with Qin Ai before going to bed.

The next morning, Zuo Bian woke up to the sound of Little Frog counting. With her eyes still closed, she yawned and went into the bathroom to wash up.

[Host, what are your plans today?]

‘I’m going shopping with Qin Ai tomorrow, and I want to check out the place in advance. I also need to buy a new gift for her since the chocolate will be gone after eating it. I want to give her a gift that she can always keep with her. ’

[Host, you have really read the Green Tea Manual thoroughly. The Green Tea Manual says that you should give the other person a gift so that the other person will think of you when they see it. I recommend giving things like necklaces and watches, these are items you can carry with you. ]

  ‘Uh-huh. ’

Zuo Bian came out of the bathroom, randomly picked a set of clothes and was about to leave when she heard Little Frog’s anxious voice .

“Take me out with you! I want to go out and play too, ribbit!” Little Frog jumped on Zuo Bian’s bedside table with some difficulty. Although it actually has the limbs to move, they were so small that they might as well not be there.

[6]TN: It’s actually just written as 呱 (gua) like the frog sound, but like if I used ‘gua’ or ‘croak’ it didn’t sound as cute so I just changed it to ribbit. Just for the record, the other … Continue reading

She walked over to the left and held Little Frog in her hands, casually pinching Little Frog’s soft butt, “Okay, but you have to be quieter, otherwise you might be discovered.”

“Okay, ribbit! I will restrain myself from counting, ribbit!” The little frog’s round face showed two fiery red blushes.

With Little Frog in Zuo Bian’s hand, they went out. Little Frog opened its already big eyes even wider. It looked at this unfamiliar world almost greedily.

Zuo Bian got off the bus at the largest commercial street in City A, holding a cute little creature in her hand. Although it looked a little strange for an adult to be holding a small toy, Zuo Bian appeared to be extremely calm. Coupled with her outstanding appearance, people subconsciously ignored the little frog in her hand.

Once she walked into the mall, Zuo Bian saw a small inflatable amusement park with more than a dozen children already playing in it.

“Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit!” Little Frog couldn’t help but shout excitedly, “It looks so fun, ribbit!”

Although it has lived for thousands of years, the little frog still retained its childlike innocence.

555, who was about the same size as Little Frog, was secretly also envious of the children playing, but since it doesn’t even have a body, it can only look.

In Zuo Bian’s blindspot, a woman wearing sunglasses and high heels walked towards her.

“Miss Zuo, can I talk to you?” Although she was making a request, there was no politeness in the woman’s tone.

Zuo Bian followed the sound and looked at the other person. Even though the other person was wearing sunglasses that almost covered half of her face, she still recognized her.

It was Lin Qingqing.

“But I don’t think we have anything to talk about.” Zuo Bian looked at her less intensely..

“So you blacklisted me yesterday?” Lin Qingqing was finally willing to take off the sunglasses on her face. If her eyes could breathe fire, she would have burned away all of Zuo Bian’s hair.

Lin Qingqing, who was blacklisted by Zuo Bian yesterday, almost died of anger. In order to have a chat with Zuo Bian, she waited near Zuo Bian’s house before dawn, and didn’t move until she saw Zuo Bian leave before following her.

“Surely Miss Zuo definitely wants to know about Sister Qin’s past. Sister Qin and I have known each other since we were young, and there is no one who knows her better.” Lin Qingqing tried her best to coax Zuo Zuo to follow her.

However, Zuo Bian was not interested in Lin Qingqing’s words at all. She replied very “coldly”, “Can you not disturb me while I enjoy the scenery?”

[7]TN: I have genuinely no clue why‘冷酷’is in quotation marks.

The scenery that Zuo Bian was referring to was the inflatable amusement park occupied by children. When Lin Qingqing followed Zuo Bian’s line of sight and saw the inflatable amusement park, her face turned red with anger.

In Lin Qingqing’s heart, she thought Zuo Bian must have done it on purpose to humiliate her.

“I heard that there is a milk tea shop nearby. The yogurt drinks are delicious and the environment is very good. It is very suitable for chatting.” Lin Qingqing used her last trick.

Lin Qingqing had inquired about Zuo Zuo’s preferences in advance and knew that Zuo Bian liked to drink beverages, but it was just that she wasn’t too sure if Zuo Bian would take the bait.

  “All right.”

“You agreed?” Lin Qingqing couldn’t believe it, she had only tried it without really expecting anything, but Zuo Bian actually took the bait.

Zuo Bian, who had already taken a few steps, looked back at Lin Qingqing and said, “Aren’t we leaving now?”

Lin Qingqing sorted her emotions, pulled the hair on her temples back, and walked to Zuo Bian’s side with much charm, “Follow me.”

Following Lin Qingqing on the left, she stared at Lin Qingqing’s back and couldn’t help but ask 555 in her heart, ‘555, do you think her waist will show when she walks like this? Swayling like that, isn’t she afraid of falling, especially since she’s wearing such high heels?

[Maybe it’s because she’s still young, but when you get older, you may develop a herniated disc in your waist.]

In the eyes of 555, Lin Qingqing was acting too artificially, and its likings have gradually been assimilated by Zuo Bian, who prefers people who are straightforward, and is now unable to appreciate people who speak in turns and hide their intentions behind flowery language. 

[Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, I seem to be able to talk to you, ribbit. ]

  ‘Little Frog? ’ Zuo Bian heard the voice with her ears, having directly received the voice of Little Frog in her mind.

[Ribbit, it’s me, it’s me, this old grandfather has the power to see through people’s hearts, ribbit. The woman you just talked to likes Qin Ai, ribbit. Her love value is 80, ribbit, her ambition value is 90, ribbit, her combat ability is 61, ribbit, her intelligence is 59, ribbit, her mobility is 100 , ribbit, and her overall score is 30 , ribbit. ]

When Zuo Bian heard the last part, she was confused. She asked in her mind: ‘Lin Qingqing’s various stats are obviously very high, why is the overall score only 30 points, ribbit? ’

Zuo Bian found that she couldn’t help but to also start croaking after listening to Little Frog talk too much.


1 TN: Xiao (小) means little, so it’s like a nickname.
2 TN: Basically she’s saying that she prefers that he talks shit about her in front of her instead of behind her back.
3 TN: Zuo Bian is saying 爱姐姐 (Ai Jie Jie) which could be interpreted as (I) love sister, but since she means to call Qin Ai (秦爱) this as a nickname(? Pet name?) I’ve interpreted it as such.
4 TN: Okay so technically what the writer probably means is that the two were sitting so close that their shoulders were brushing against each other, but since it was like to show proximity/closeness that’s how I interpreted it.
5 TN: Basically he said really sweet things that his mouth seemed to be smeared with honey.
6 TN: It’s actually just written as 呱 (gua) like the frog sound, but like if I used ‘gua’ or ‘croak’ it didn’t sound as cute so I just changed it to ribbit. Just for the record, the other alternative was ‘quack’, but I don’t think frogs quack in English so it’s ‘ribbit’.
7 TN: I have genuinely no clue why‘冷酷’is in quotation marks.
  1. Hohohuh has spoken 11 months ago

    One of the novels i was most hooked on continued! Thank you for picking this up!

  2. Bielt has spoken 11 months ago

    thanks for picking this novel!

  3. Demonsd has spoken 11 months ago

    Thanks for picking this novel up|||

  4. Stephanie has spoken 11 months ago

    Thanks for picking this up

  5. Elom has spoken 11 months ago

    yups thanks for continouing this book. this is one if my fav

  6. Astral has spoken 11 months ago

    Yes! Thank you for continuing this! It’s one of my favorites and I was so sad when it hadnt updated in over a year


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