After Being Marked By A Powerful Love Rival
After Being Marked By A Powerful Love Rival Chapter 14.1

Questions were popping up in Song Yi’s head, and she couldn’t understand Gu Xingchuan at all.

  When she was acting in a drama before, Song Yi talked about the beta of a theater troupe. Song Yi was pursued first. She had the kind of delicate and clean appearance, which appealed to Song Yi. However, after being together for just one month, Song Yi was exhausted both physically and mentally.

  The other party would lose his temper easily at first, and then pick on Song Yi inexplicably and come to have a quarrel with Song Yi. Just like Gu Xingchuan now, he would change his face without any warning.

  If she hadn’t had close contact with Gu Xingchuan and knew everything about him, Song Yizhen would have doubted whether Gu Xingchuan was a hidden beta.

  The next day, Cheng Song finished his work and was about to return to the imperial capital. During the lunch break, Song Yi found a restaurant to see Cheng Song off.

He felt very sorry that because of Gu Xingchuan’s trouble, he had not entertained Cheng Song well this time. When ordering, Song Yi ordered an extra bottle of wine, poured a small glass, and clinked the wine cup with Cheng Song. “I neglected you this time. When I return to the imperial capital, I will entertain you well.”

  Cheng Song took a sip of wine and said with a smile: “You are too polite. Does our relationship need to be so open-minded?”

  ”You should be polite. It was my mistake this time.” Song Yi said calmly.

  Cheng Song shook his head and said in a long voice, “You…”

  ”That’s what makes it feel so distant.”

“Do I have a sense of distance?” Song Yi felt that she was quite enthusiastic.

  Cheng Song looked at him, his eyes brightened, and he mused: “If you are too polite in the interactions between friends, it will appear too harsh, so we have known each other for such a long time, and you give me the impression that we are just casual acquaintances.”

  Song Yi was startled, a little surprised, “Is that so?”

  ”No one has told you before?”

  ”No.” Song Yi’s friends all liked him like this.

  Cheng Song laughed and said, “Let’s not talk about this anymore. How were you last night?”

  Song Yi laughed, avoiding the important and taking the easy, “The French team won last night, Mbappe’s goal was so cool!”

Cheng Song reluctantly picked up the tea and took a sip, “I’m actually more curious about you and Gu Xingchuan.”

  ”Curious about us?” Song Yi felt somewhat guilty.

  Cheng Song nodded his chin, looked at Song Yi with a smile and said, “I think he is interested in you.”

  Song Yi was stunned, breaking into a cold sweat in the hot weather of the seaside city, “How is that possible? You misunderstood!”

Putting aside the little connection between them, Gu Xingchuan is a complete heterosexual. His feelings for Shen Li are as clear as the sun and the moon. Even a blind person can see it. There is no way he likes Song Yi, the “alpha”.

  ”It’s just my feeling.” Cheng Song was very calm and shook his head, “I hope it’s an illusion. Your schedule does not have the drama “The Age of Love”. It was decided directly from the board of directors, so I didn’t know last time that I could let the board of directors The only person I could think of was the person who gave the order directly, over and above me.”

  Song Yi pursed her lips in embarrassment. It was strange, but why did Gu Xingchuan ask him to take on “The Age of Love”? It was a thankless task. He took a sip of water and calmed down to explain, “It’s a coincidence. There is a misunderstanding. , Gu Xingchuan and I are love rivals.”

Song Yi explained the background of the three people, how they chased Shen Li, and how they met Gu Xingchuan.

  After hearing this, Cheng Song looked deeply at Song Yi and said with emotion: “Shen Li must be special when you two can chase an Omega at the same time, right?”

  ”He is not very conspicuous and looks ordinary, but he has a special attraction.” Song Yi never hesitates to praise Shen Li. In his eyes, Shen Li is the incarnation of the muse.

Cheng Song clasped his fingers lightly on the table and looked at him carefully.

  Song Yi thought about every detail of Shen Li, and was lost in thought for a moment, and the corners of her mouth curled up involuntarily.

  Cheng Songbie said meaningfully: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I believe you also have a special attraction in the eyes of others.”

  He knew this when Song Yi entered junior high school. Starting from adolescence, people chasing him could line up from here to the imperial capital.

Regardless of whether he is an Omega or an Alpha, they all love him miserably.

  The person who hates Song Yi the most in the world is probably Gu Xingchuan.

  ”The Age of Love” is rushing to be released in the summer of the next year to grab the popularity of the summer season. During this period of time, filming is going on day and night. Song Yi is very tired. It is easy to find time to rest in the afternoon. She hides under the umbrella and drinks cold water to relieve herself. heat.

  He made several calls and asked about the situation at Zhao Hongyan’s home. The loan sharks had recently been asking about Song Jie’s whereabouts, which frightened Zhao Hongyan. Song Yi told her to pay attention to her personal safety and not to go out in the near future.

Song Yi sent a few messages to the lawyer by the way, asking about Song Jie’s divorce lawsuit. After sending the message, someone in a WeChat group called [Little Junior Sister] @Song Yi.

  Song Yi frowned. This is the L station fan group of Senior Brother Long Legs. In the past, when Senior Brother went live, the room manager would notify the group. Since the last time Senior Brother wanted to fuck fans, Song Yi blocked this group.

  He clicked on it and swiped up. Thousands of messages were filled with messages and words of thanks filled the screen. The first message at the beginning was sent by Senior Brother Long-Legs himself.

[Senior Brother Long-Legs]: Please vote for No. 17 enthusiastically. After voting, send me a private message with a screenshot. I will be rewarded with a red envelope of 200, which can be transferred to other groups. It will be valid for a long time. Thank you everyone. [Link]

  Rich man!

  Money-spreading boy! Great good man!

  Although Song Yi was not short of money, she felt sad that the gift money she had given to Senior Brother Long-Legs was all wasted and she could get back whatever she could.

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