After Being Marked By A Powerful Love Rival
After Being Marked By A Powerful Love Rival Chapter 18.1

the next day.

  Gu Xingchuan turned his head while he was half asleep and half awake. He felt his shoulders tingling and itching, and the air was filled with a light milky fragrance. It was innocent and fragile, and it was very wonderful. It entered his body with his breath and followed his blood veins directly to his hot chest. .

  He opened his eyes and lowered his head, and saw a slender and fair section of the back of his neck. His hair was black, making the skin on his neck look even more white. His hair was slightly shorter near the hairline, with a layer of fluffy hair. Like a child, very pure and clean.

  The only fly in the ointment is that the glands on the back of the neck are terrible to look at, and there are densely packed tooth marks one after another. It can be seen that the owner has suffered a lot of torture.

  Gu Xingchuan was stunned for a few seconds, a chill ran down his spine, and his dark pupils shrank, as if he had been struck by lightning.

He took care of Song Yi…

  Song Yi is actually an Omega, and her pheromones are exactly the same as Shen Li’s.

  These three things hit Gu Xingchuan’s chest like a series of bombs, making a buzzing sound like a bombing zone.

  He has been very domineering since he was a child, but he has his own sense of proportion in doing things and has never caused any serious trouble. Unlike those alphas who can’t control their dicks, he has never lost control in the face of an omega. .

  But yesterday, when I saw Song Yi and smelled this pheromone, it was like a bullet meeting gun smoke. It ignited as soon as it hit him. He screamed with all his heart to conquer and possess, to stamp his own seal on this omega.

  That feeling was so damn good that Gu Xingchuan licked his lips. Just thinking of that scene made his blood rush uncontrollably and his heart pounded tirelessly.

  But…how could it be exactly the same as Shen Li’s pheromones?

  Gu Xingchuan will never forget this taste. It is particularly appetizing, fresh and sweet, tempting yet innocent. A gentle sniff is enough to make all alphas excited.

  ”Hmm…” Song Yi, who was sleeping, groaned and turned her head away in discomfort.

  Gu Xingchuan paused and saw that his face was very red and hot to the touch. It was inevitable to have a fever after being caught in such a heavy rain.

  Gu Xingchuan was a little worried, so he found the medical kit left by the crew, dug out a box of antipyretics, and gave it to Song Yi with water.

  Yesterday, Gu Xingchuan came out to find Song Yi. The crew waited until night, but before they could wait for the two of them, a storm hit and they had to return to the seaside city, leaving them with a lot of supplies and a note. Tomorrow morning, we will wait until the rain has passed and the sky will clear to pick up Song Yi and Gu Xingchuan.

  The rain on the island became lighter and continued continuously, hitting the tent bit by bit, and there was a damp atmosphere in the air.

The light in the tent was dim. Gu Xingchuan turned on the lamp brought by Song Yi. A circle of warm yellow light shone on Song Yi’s sleeping face, casting a light golden glow. The originally pale skin looked a little brighter. Warm and soft taste.

  Gu Xingchuan leaned over and squinted his eyes to look at it carefully, not missing any detail.

  I had known that Song Yi was good-looking before, and there were many people who secretly and openly liked Song Yi in high school. Love letters flew into Song Yi’s desk pocket.

  At that time, Song Yi was still an alpha, sitting at Gu Xingchuan’s front table. Her hair was shorter than it is now. There was a small brown mole behind her left ear. It was usually invisible. Only when Song Yi lowered her head could she vaguely see the mole. .

  During the self-study class, Gu Xingchuan threw a rubber ball and hit Song Yi on the back of the head, disturbing Song Yi’s chat with Shen Li at the same table. Until Song Yi was forced to turn around and curse, Gu Xingchuan felt relieved.

Whenever Song Yi finished scolding him, she would lower her head and reach out to touch the rubber ball in her neck, and the mole behind her ear was clearly exposed.

  Too much time had passed, and many of Gu Xingchuan’s memories were vague, but the mole behind Song Yi’s left ear left a deep impression, as if it was burned into his heart. When he thought about it, his heart felt numb, as if he had experienced an electric shock.

  Gu Xingchuan’s gaze stopped behind Song Yi’s ear, stretched out a finger, and gently poked the small brown mole. The fingertips itched, as if they had touched a poppy flower, and the itching feeling spread to the palm of his hand, along with the entire Palms are warm.

  ”You are really an Omega.” Gu Xingchuan lowered his voice and gently sniffed Song Yi’s delicious pheromones.

He felt very subtle at this moment. Song Yi was an alpha before, and Gu Xingchuan naturally put Song Yi in the position of his competitor. How could he make Song Yi unhappy?

  Now Song Yi has become an Omega, and Gu Xingchuan has received an education in caring for and caring for Omegas since he was a child. This is the most basic training for an alpha.

  Moreover, he was still an Omega who was temporarily marked by him. It was natural for an Alpha to take care of himself.

  Gu Xingchuan thought of Song Yi’s unforgiving mouth, pinched Song Yi’s thin lower jaw, and warned softly: “Listen to me, I will take good care of you, do you understand?”

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