The Moon Island
The Moon Island: Chapter 4

4. Are you worried your boyfriend will get jealous if you add me?

Qin Zhaoyi had a nightmare.

In the dream, she found herself in an endless abyss of the deep sea, with water rushing in from all sides, and she was falling aimlessly.

With great difficulty, she opened her eyes and saw a distant glimmer of light. She reached out to grasp it, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t catch that faint light.


Just like many years ago when someone had whispered provocatively in her ear, telling her that no matter how hard she tried, some things were unattainable.

After struggling, she reluctantly gave up.

But then she felt like she was being pulled out of the deep sea, sitting by a campfire, listening to someone playing a musical instrument, as if basking in the summer sunlight.

A night of peaceful sleep.

When she woke up again, it was broad daylight. Sunlight streamed in through the gap in the curtains, and the sky was as clear as if it had been dyed with a paintbrush, a vivid shade of azure.

Qin Zhaoyi sat on the bed for a while before gradually emerging from the nightmare of the previous night.

It had been many years since she last had this dream, and she hadn’t seen her therapist in a long time either. She had thought that the dream would be buried with her past, but falling into the sea had unexpectedly triggered these long-forgotten memories.

After a while, Qin Zhaoyi subconsciously reached for her phone at the bedside, but all she found was a note.

The note had clear handwriting: “There’s breakfast on the table, please leave on your own.”

It was a straightforward dismissal.

However, the scenes from last night played back in Qin Zhaoyi’s mind, and she couldn’t help but touch her own lips…

Did they kiss?

Yes, right?

And she initiated it…

Had she lost her mind?

In this moment, Qin Zhaoyi felt like there were ten thousand groundhogs in her heart, and her neck and ears turned crimson in an instant.

It was hard to imagine that she was capable of such actions. Kissing someone in the heat of the moment, especially when the other person was performing CPR on her, would not be considered unreasonable if they slapped her in response.

However, the other person… didn’t.

It seemed that she had been brought back to this person’s home while unconscious.

Qin Zhaoyi casually surveyed the room. The white decor appeared simple yet charming, with the addition of tasteful lighting and vases, creating a warm and romantic ambiance.

At a glance, it was clear that the owner was someone who knew how to enjoy life.

The bedsheets and duvet cover featured orange floral patterns, and the sunlight falling on them made the room feel incredibly warm.

Her clothes from the previous day were still there, untouched by anyone, but there was a puddle of dried water underneath her. Even though it had already dried up, it left a mark.

…Quite embarrassing.

Qin Zhaoyi hadn’t experienced something this embarrassing in over two decades.

Her suitcase sat quietly by the door, leaving marks on the floor.

Qin Zhaoyi got up, spread out the duvet, and rolled up her sleeves to start removing the duvet cover and bedsheets. However, midway through, she heard a teasing voice, “Oh, *er he you’re disassembling the house.”
*colloquial term for a silly but cute husky.

Qin Zhaoyi: “…”

She turned around to see a man who looked quite refined. He wore gold-rimmed glasses, a white coat, and held a stethoscope in his hand.

A terrifying thought crossed her mind – could it be that he was the one who had brought her home last night?

The man spoke up next, “This isn’t my home.”

Qin Zhaoyi: “?”

“My friend brought you here,” Cheng Shijing calmly stepped over her suitcase. “I came to check on you.”

Qin Zhaoyi: “…”

“Oh,” Qin Zhaoyi responded somewhat unnaturally.

Cheng Shijing pushed her to sit on the bed, then squatted down to auscultate her, displaying an unusual seriousness. Qin Zhaoyi involuntarily furrowed her brows as he got closer and moved back a bit.

Cheng Shijing didn’t mind her reaction. After listening to her heartbeat and taking her temperature, he said, “Your fever hasn’t completely subsided from last night. After eating breakfast, take your medicine. It’s likely that you’ll continue to have a fever tonight. When you leave Moon Island, find a big hospital to get checked out. Don’t take it lightly; it could develop into a lung infection.”

Qin Zhaoyi raised an eyebrow, then asked coldly, “Who said I plan to leave Moon Island?”

Cheng Shijing stood up, his hands in the pockets of his white coat. “So, what do you plan to do?”

Qin Zhaoyi said, “I’m looking for someone.”

Cheng Shijing was straightforward, “The person you’re looking for has already left Moon Island.”

Qin Zhaoyi’s gaze turned piercing as she looked at him, showing a hint of caution and inquiry. “You know who I’m looking for?”

“I’ve heard a bit,” Cheng Shijing replied. “She didn’t want us to mention her presence on Moon Island before.”

“So what?” Qin Zhaoyi questioned.

“This island has never been welcoming to outsiders,” Cheng Shijing said. “You don’t fit in here.”

“You don’t know me,” Qin Zhaoyi retorted. “How can you be sure I don’t fit in here?”

Cheng Shijing glanced at her obliquely, and Qin Zhaoyi met his gaze without fear. After a prolonged staring contest, Cheng Shijing shrugged and smiled, “Suit yourself.”

“Shijing-ge,” a familiar voice came from the door, accompanied by footsteps. The graceful figure appeared at the doorway, “Have you finished your examination?”

“I’m done,” Cheng Shijing said. “Nothing serious. You didn’t go to class?”

“The first class just ended,” the woman chatted with him skillfully. “I came back to check on you.”

Cheng Shijing made a clicking sound and left the responsibility to her. “Alright.”

Qin Zhaoyi’s gaze hadn’t left the two of them ever since they entered. In their presence, it felt like there was an invisible barrier, and no one else could penetrate it.

After the two finished their conversation, they finally had time to address Qin Zhaoyi.

“Are you feeling better?” Luo Yue spoke first, looking at her openly. “The boat leaves Moon Island at 12:10. You can still make it.”

Qin Zhaoyi pursed her lips, not knowing how to respond. The other person’s attitude was so nonchalant that she felt like last night had been a dream, not a real occurrence. How else could they be so composed?

Those clear eyes remained as serene as the sea.

But Qin Zhaoyi was certain it wasn’t a dream because, in that moment, she had also experienced inner turmoil before turning around to initiate the kiss. Moreover, she remembered the fragrance of white tea when she kissed.

Not daring to dwell on it further, Qin Zhaoyi was afraid she would reveal her unease in front of them. She said in a gentle tone, “I don’t plan to leave Moon Island.”

Luo Yue was slightly puzzled by Qin Zhaoyi’s words. “Then you?”

“My phone fell into the sea,” Qin Zhaoyi said. “I can’t go anywhere without my phone.”

Luo Yue turned and went outside, then returned with a white iPhone 14 Pro. “The back screen is shattered, but I don’t see any other issues. I left it out in the sun this morning; see if it can turn on.”

Qin Zhaoyi was used to using her phone without a case, so a cracked back was expected. She attempted to turn it on but couldn’t get it to start, even with Cheng Shijing kindly providing a charger.

She shook the phone, and a few drops of water came out. It seemed like it was completely broken.

“I’ll go buy a new phone,” Qin Zhaoyi said to Luo Yue, trying to conceal her nervousness. “But my bag also fell into the sea, and it seems it hasn’t been found. So, can I transfer the payment to you after I get a new phone?”

“You have a bag too?” Luo Yue asked her, but her gaze shifted to Cheng Shijing.

Cheng Shijing innocently raised his hands. “You only told me about the suitcase, not the bag.”

Luo Yue: “…”

Qin Zhaoyi didn’t like the natural and friendly atmosphere between the two, so she interrupted, “It’s a black commuter bag with my ID and wallet inside. If it’s not too much trouble, I hope you can help me find it.”

To make sure the offer was enticing, she added, “I’ll pay for your help.”

Cheng Shijing gave her a cold look and said, “Do you know how cold the sea water is?”

Thinking he might silence Qin Zhaoyi, she calmly replied, “I experienced it last night.”

Unintentionally, the room became tense.

Luo Yue pulled Cheng Shijing away and before Qin Zhaoyi could speak, Cheng Shijing surrendered, “Alright, I’ll go look for it.”

Luo Yue chuckled, “Good.”

Warm golden sunlight poured into the courtyard, creating a layer of radiance on Luo Yue’s face. Qin Zhaoyi, standing in the room, could see her profile, her eyelashes bathed in sunlight, making them appear curled and long. Even the fine hairs on her face were clearly visible, accentuating her fair complexion, especially when she smiled, even though it wasn’t directed at her.

However, that man seemed to be her boyfriend. The intimacy between them had been cultivated over more than a decade. Qin Zhaoyi didn’t know what last night’s kiss meant.

Yesterday, she hadn’t refused…

Could it be that it was simply because she had been disoriented at the time, and he hadn’t realized?

That was also possible.

Qin Zhaoyi felt a pang of disappointment in her heart.

Just when she was feeling uncomfortable with lowered brows, Luo Yue walked in alone and spoke gently, “I’ll take you to get a new phone.”

Qin Zhaoyi looked up, tilting her face slightly to meet Luo Yue’s eyes, her long and narrow fox-like eyes revealing a hint of confusion and sadness.

Luo Yue was taken aback and tentatively asked, “Are you still feeling unwell?”

“No,” Qin Zhaoyi concealed her emotions, adopting her usual reticent tone. “I’m much better.”

From then on, the two of them remained silent. Moon Island wasn’t large, but to reach the cellphone store, they needed to ride an electric scooter, and naturally, Luo Yue gave Qin Zhaoyi a ride.

Along the way, all they could see was the sea, and the air was filled with the salty, humid scent of the ocean. The sound of the waves crashing filled their ears, and the road seemed to stretch endlessly into the distance.

After about ten minutes, Luo Yue stopped in front of a store and removed her helmet. “This is the largest cellphone store on our island. They should have the model you’re looking for.”

Qin Zhaoyi politely said, “Thank you.”

Over the years, Qin Zhaoyi had earned quite a bit of money. She always bought expensive items, not necessarily the right ones. She chose the top-of-the-line model of her previous phone, but the store only had it in purple, as they had run out of white.

She had no choice but to purchase the purple one.

After inserting her SIM card and verifying her account, she completed a series of complicated procedures and then paid for the phone herself.

When paying, the store owner smiled and said, “Seeing that you’re a friend of Teacher Luo, I’ll round down your total.”

He also threw in a free data card.

The two of them left the cellphone store, and Qin Zhaoyi deliberately distanced herself from Luo Yue, saying, “I appreciate your help yesterday. I’m sorry about the bedsheet and the floor. I’ll compensate you for the damages.”

She then opened the QR code scanner on her phone.

Luo Yue noticed her phone screen flashing, so she opened her own WeChat QR code.

Qin Zhaoyi scanned it and found it was Luo Yue’s WeChat contact card, which left her momentarily puzzled.

Luo Yue furrowed her brow, “I’m sorry, I thought you wanted to add me as a friend.”

Seeing Qin Zhaoyi being polite, Luo Yue responded even more politely. She declined Qin Zhaoyi’s friend request and then opened her own payment code.

Qin Zhaoyi: “?”

Qin Zhaoyi felt like a lump was stuck in her throat, and she couldn’t seem to swallow it. As she transferred the payment, she asked sarcastically, “Are you worried your boyfriend will get jealous if you add me?”


Certified member of the IIO(International Introverts Organization), PhD holder in Overthinking and Ghosting, Spokesperson for BOBAH(Benefits of Being a Homebody), Founder of SFA(Salted Fish Association), Brand Ambassador for Couch Potato fall line Pajama set.

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