Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Adam’s Chaldea Heroic Spirit Catalogue

Basic Information

True Name: Adam

Class: Pretender (One who dons roles)

Hidden Attribute: Star

Strength: C

Endurance: C

Agility: C

Magic Power: C

Luck: C

Noble Phantasm: C

Parameters are self-reported.

Class Skills:

Territory Creation: B

Item Construction: A+++

Magic Resistance: EX

Independent Action: A

??? (The First): C 3jdtgq35

Personal Skills:

Progenitor: EX

“Fruit of Wisdom” (Great Art): A+

“Perfect Creation” (Archetype: Infinite Earths): B

Noble Phantasm:

“O Mankind, Be Born from My Bones” (“True Name in an Unintelligible Strange Language”): EX, Anti-Human Noble Phantasm

Character Details:

A mysterious Servant who suddenly appeared before the people of Chaldea at a certain Singularity. He claims to be just passing by, intending to lend a hand and witness Chaldea’s actions firsthand.

Suspected to possess the Clairvoyance skill capable of observing the future.

Based on the staff’s conjecture and the individual’s own acknowledgment, he is ultimately identified as Adam from the legends, the primal man.

But what does this peculiar additional class really signify?

Personal Data One:

Height/Weight: 181cm·72kg

Source: Old Testament / ███████

Region: Earth as a Whole

Alignment: Neutral · Good

Gender: Male

“You say I don’t act like a devout Christian? Maybe it’s because I’m too close to God… let’s just leave it at that.”

Personal Data Two:

Created by God, Adam lived in the Garden of Eden, and his rib became the first woman, Eve.

Deceived by the “serpent” to eat the fruit of wisdom, he was tainted with original sin, entered the earth, and ultimately gave rise to the entire human race.

Many schools of thought in later generations viewed Adam as the perfect human, seeking to eliminate the original sin of consuming the fruit of wisdom to return to a state close to divinity.

The above is the record of Adam in pan-human history.

In reality, the Servants from the Crusades at Chaldea feel an indescribable strangeness towards him.

Perhaps the truth is not so simple.

Personal Data Three:

○ Personality

Proactive and contemplative.

Likes to take the initiative in actions but usually weighs the pros and cons thoroughly in his mind first.

He treats idealism as a direction and goal, then pragmatically and steadily achieves it.

Surprisingly easy to talk to, although he always spontaneously does various things, he does not harm others.

Gets along well with writer-type Servants, even a certain fairy tale writer known for their sarcasm greatly admires him.

Claims to have become obsessed with movies after acquiring modern knowledge, but does not seem like an ancient person who has just been exposed to them.

○ Motives & Attitude towards the Master

“As the ancient ancestor, of course, I have the duty to help.”

He takes this as a verbal excuse.

In reality, he seems to be observing Chaldea’s actions.

In normal battles, he rarely fights with all his might, preferring to guide the Master, treating them as the protagonist, for their growth.

Just a secret between us, Ritsuka Fujimaru. In a possible future, we may fight as enemies, but if you continue forward with resolve, I will prepare a grand, harmonious ending for you.

Personal Data Four:

○ ??? : C

An inherent skill that cannot be observed.

Can receive support from some vast existence.

○ Territory Creation: B

Originally should have the same level as Item Construction, able to turn any land into his territory at any time.

He claims it’s because he is far from his original region.

Chaldea understands the story as Adam being expelled from the Garden of Eden, but the reality is different.

○ Progenitor: EX

A symbol of the beginning.

Capable of exhibiting all skills developed thereafter.

All Servants originating from human history will be overwhelmed by him, and the damage inflicted on them will be greatly reduced.

Strangely, this also has an effect on dragonkind.

○ “Fruit of Wisdom”: A+

Gained knowledge while being tainted with original sin.

Similar to the Norse mythological god who obtained wisdom and runes through two sacrifices.

Capable of performing miracles at the level of authority.

Notably, many Casters consider it to be something entirely different from magic.

It seems not to be a true skill.

○ “Perfect Creation”: B

The legend says that God created Adam in his own image, the first man.

Thus, his body is considered the most perfect.

Resistant to various negative effects and can restore magic power just by breathing.

However, due to being deceived by the serpent and the separation of his rib, he became incomplete, leading to a downgrade in level.

It seems not to be a true skill.

Personal Data Five:

“O Mankind, Be Born from My Bones”

Class: EX Type: Anti-Human Noble Phantasm

Effective Range: 1 Maximum Targets: 1 person

True Name unknown.

A Noble Phantasm evolved from his rib becoming the first woman. It can create female individuals through harming his own flesh.

Yet, strangely, this Adam can summon various Heroic Spirits and even goddesses through this.

Can only maintain one individual at a time.

Adam explains that having too many people would lead to fights and they might end up tearing him apart.

Personal Data Six:

Unlocked after clearing ███████ and reaching Bond Level 5.

○ The First: C

Receives support from Earth, able to elevate abilities 1-2 ranks higher than the adversary. It’s downgraded due to leaving his original Earth, but will gradually improve as he establishes connections with Gaia of parallel worlds.

○ Great Art: –

The principles of the stars.

Similar to the technique of Imaginary Number Realization, capable of conceptualizing creative laws and eroding reality.

Allowed to mobilize life force of the planet beyond regular levels, even in a state of great source depletion, it will not be affected – because this is essentially a beneficial cycle.

○ Archetype: Infinite Earths

The strongest life form born with a celestial body is called the Ultimate ONE, and Adam is an existence on the path to formation.

It is worth noting that it is not Earth but Infinite Earths.

To avoid a victory that comes at a terrible cost and to reach the stars, he from a parallel world embarked on a path to connect with other Earths, which is why he appeared before the people of Chaldea.

Voice Lines

Summoning: “I have come in response to your call, are you my Master? — I unconsciously blurted out such a line.”

Upgrade: “Ah, seems like I should say I’ve become stronger.”

Ascension 1: “Don’t expect any changes from me, in game terms, it’s like a half-hearted effort to fill the catalog.”

Ascension 2: “I adhere to making films with the budget given, never over or under-spending, so let me take this a bit more seriously.”

Ascension 3: “Let’s stop here, if we continue, the facilities of Chaldea will fail, my domain will negate the invisible arts.”

Ascension 4: “Really a stubborn one. No help for it, I’ll solve everything properly before I leave, I never lie.”

Likes: “Movies, creation, well, and developing civilizations.”

Dislikes: “Stagnation, and the evils of censorship and political correctness.”

About the Holy Grail: “Is that thing useful? It’s better to believe in me than in that, I am Qin Shi Huang.”

During Event: “Master, do we still have enough Golden Apples?”

Birthday: “Today is your birthday, huh… The years I have lived through are too long; I’ve forgotten that such an occasion still exists. Come, close your eyes, make a wish, and I will help you fulfill it.”


Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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