Get Lost, Damn Money!
Get Lost, Damn Money! Chapter 36

In the end, Chen Yiran really took away all three stuff toys, leaving none for Qi Lei.

On the way back to the company, Assistant Wu saw Chen Yiran holding stuff toys in his hands and asked him curiously, “President Chen, aren’t those for Miss Qi? Why are you bringing them back?”

Chen Yiran said, “No, it’s for……”

Chen Yiran’s voice gradually faded. He had promised Li Linlin before that he would help her get stuff toys whenever he saw a claw machine and he had done so, however, it seemed like he couldn’t give it to her now.

Assistant Wu was still waiting for him to continue so Chen Yiran changed his words. “It’s for myself.”

Assistant Wu: “……”

The president not only likes to play otome games, he also likes stuffed toys?

Quite cute.


On the other side, Qi Lei met up with her two friends at a restaurant in Xingguang Park.

“How is it?” As soon as they saw Qi Lei, the two young women couldn’t help but gossip.

Qi Lei sat on the empty chair and put down her clutch bag. “It’s okay. He shared his opinions on the paintings and I quite agree with him.”

“Isn’t that great?” The blonde one looked at her. “Why do you seem unhappy to me? Are you dissatisfied with him?”

Qi Lei rested her chin on the back of her hand and sighed. “Chen Yiran is fine, however, I suspect he already has someone in his heart.”

“No way.” The blonde girl was very surprised. “If he has someone he likes, why would Uncle Zhan make him go on a blind date?”

“Maybe Chen Yiran has never mentioned it to anyone.”

“Then how did you know?”

“Woman’s intuition.”

“……” The blonde girl was silent for a moment. “Then why don’t you use your intuition again and guess who’s in his heart?”

The other young woman seemed to think of something and suddenly covered her mouth. “Could it be Lu Siyu? They seem to be in a scandal before.”

“It shouldn’t be her.” Qi Lei shook her head. “I’ve seen Lu Siyu in person before and it’s probably not her. I think it’s a young lady who likes playing games and stuffed toys.”


Li Linlin, a young lady who likes playing games and stuffed toys, had been feeling particularly uneasy recently. Although Chen Yiran didn’t often contact her before, she had a feeling that something was different this time.

However, she couldn’t tell exactly what it was.

She gave Chen Yiran a call but there was no answer, so she called Assistant Wu instead. Assistant Wu did answer but said that Chen Yiran was in a meeting at the moment and it was inconvenient for him to answer the phone.

The conversation was normal up to this point, but when she inadvertently asked what Brother Yiran had been up to lately, Assistant Wu started to stutter!

There’s definitely something fishy going on!

She was furrowing her brows and pondering when her phone, which she had thrown on the plush carpet, rang cheerfully. Thinking that Chen Yiran was done with his meeting and returned her call, she quickly ran over to pick it up.

The words ‘Director Tao Ye’ were displayed on the screen.

Li Linlin pursed her lips and answered the phone. “Director Tao, hello.”

“Hello, Teacher Li!” Tao Ye’s voice sounded very excited. He seemed to be in a good mood, a world away from when he first met Li Linlin in the hotel. “I have good news to tell you!”

Li Linlin: “……”

No! Don’t tell her!

“Our drama has successfully found a streaming platform and it’s a big one!” Tao Ye became even more excited as he spoke and Li Linlin could imagine his beaming expression on the other end of the phone. “I originally thought it would be difficult to negotiate, but after the other party heard that you are the investor, they became interested in our drama! They released the evaluation results today and have signed a contract with us!”

Li Linlin: “……”

Which platform was this? So unreliable!

“It’s all really thanks to you, Teacher Li!” Tao Ye almost cried with joy. “You invested in us when we were in the most difficult time so that our drama can continue to film and you also indirectly helped with the broadcast issue. Who says our drama has no traffic? You’re our biggest traffic!”

Li Linlin: “……”

Thank you.

“I will carry on with the follow-up work and report to you if there are any new developments!”

“Don’t……” Her heart might not be able to take it.

“Oh, that’s right. You’re usually busy at work so it would be better for me to disturb you less.” Tao Ye was being considerate. “Then I’ll wait for the trailer to come out and the promotions starts before contacting you!”

“Okay……” Li Linlin hung up the call amidst Tao Ye’s bold words that they would definitely make profit.

A disaster, it’s really a disaster for her. Li Linlin dejectedly slumped on the edge of the bed.

Should she go find Master Chang Xin again and ask him to help her ward off misfortune or something?

“Linlin, are you inside?” Chen Xi carefully knocked on Li Linlin’s door.

Li Linlin got up from the carpet, put on her slippers and opened the door for Chen Xi. “What’s the matter, Xixi?”

“Haha……” Chen Xi laughed and hesitated to speak. She suddenly turned to Wu Hui, who was beside her, then push her forward. “Wu Hui has something to tell you!”

Wu Hui: “……”

Plastic sister, plastic sister ah!

Li Linlin turned her head in confusion and looked at Wu Hui. “What is it? You’re not here to urge me to read the scripts again, are you?”

“Uh, it’s not about that, though of course it would be best if you read them quickly—”

“Ahem!” Chen Xi coughed loudly, reminding Wu Hui not to go off topic.

Wu Hui’s words were stuck in her mouth. She managed to speak but it sounded unclear. “Actually, it’s about President Chen. Since Xixi is his sister and knows the situation better than me, let Xixi say it.”

Wu Hui wisely threw the ball back to Chen Xi.

Chen Xi: “……”

What’s the use of bringing a close friend over when she couldn’t even be relied on at critical moments? 🙂

Li Linlin looked at Chen Xi again and asked her curiously, “It’s about Brother Yiran? What happened to him?”

“Um, that……”

Li Linlin saw her hesitating and suddenly had a flash of insight. “Did something happen to Brother Yiran? I feel like you are all acting weird lately. Even Assistant Wu has become hesitant when talking about Brother Yiran! Did something bad happen to him?!”

“No, no, don’t jump to conclusions.” Chen Xi quickly stopped the little story in Li Linlin’s head. “Nothing bad happened to him, he just, had a blind date.”

Li Linlin froze, seeming unable to understand Chen Xi’s words. “Blind date?”

“Mm, it was his father who introduced the other person to him.” After the words came out, it wasn’t as difficult for Chen Xi to continue, “His father, you know, the one who didn’t take care of him when he was a child. Now that he’s older, his father is showing concern again.”

Li Linlin digested the information for a while before looking at Chen Xi and asking, “Then what?”

“And then……” Chen Xi raised her hand and scratched her head. “They’re getting along. I’ve also only heard it from my mom.”

Li Linlin’s eyebrows furrowed. “Does getting along mean they’re quite satisfied with each other?”

She took it all in for a moment, then suddenly grabbed Chen Xi’s shoulders and shook it. “Xixi, is Brother Yiran in love?! Is he in love with someone else?!”

“Linlin, Linlin, calm down first, I’m going to throw up.” Chen Xi struggled out of Li Linlin’s hands and restrained her. “They’ve only met twice so their relationship shouldn’t have developed that quickly. But I think you should clear everything with Brother Yiran.”

On the side, Wu Hui’s brows couldn’t help but twitch. What else could Li Linlin say? She’d already confessed her love. Does Chen Xi want to send Li Linlin to Chen Yiran’s door to be rejected again?

“Linlin, I think men are nothing, money is the most reliable. How about you just concentrate on your career?” Wu Hui felt that she couldn’t let Li Linlin walk to her death. No matter how hard it was, she had to change Li Linlin’s direction.

Unexpectedly, Li Linlin glared at her and said, “It’s you who makes me work on my career every day, that’s why Brother Yiran went on a blind date with someone else!”

“……” Wu Hui looked confused. “How’s that my fault? Plus, how are the two related?”

“Of course they’re related! I’ve told you a long time ago, I don’t want to pursue my career, I just want to pursue Chen Yiran!”

Wu Hui: “……”

Chen Xi: “……”

Linlin was still the fiercest.

“Anyway, we just wanted to let you know about the matter. It’s up to you how you want to deal with it next.” Chen Xi pulled Wu Hui and withdrew after saying this. Li Linlin closed the door, threw herself on the bed and covered her head with the quilt.

It turned out Brother Yiran hadn’t contacted her all this time because he’s going on dates with another woman?


An earth-shattering shout came from Li Linlin’s room, which scared Chen Xi and Wu Hui who was in the living room.

“Is she okay?” Wu Hui looked at Li Linlin’s door, worried.

“I don’t know either.” Chen Xi sighed. “I just can’t figure it out. How could Brother Yiran suddenly agree to go on a date when he’s such a workaholic?”

Wu Hui: “……”

Li Linlin locked herself up in the room all day and didn’t eat much. After two more days of self-imposed isolation, Li Linlin finally went out.

Instead of going to find Chen Yiran, she made an appointment with Master Chang Xin. Chang Xin had been out of town and it was only today that his secretary informed Li Linlin that she could come for a meeting.

The location wasn’t at the studio from last time but at an ocean view restaurant under the Yu family.

Only members could make reservations on the top floor of this restaurant. Li Linlin was currently popular and could be easily recognized when she goes out so an appointment at a place like this was friendlier for her.

“My apologies, my schedule is full but my secretary said you’re in a hurry so I can only ask you out during lunch time.” Chang Xin was dressed in a suit, sitting in a Western restaurant and eating Western food elegantly, he didn’t look like a fortune teller at all.

“I told you before, give up love and choose career. Why force it?” He cut the steak on his plate into small pieces, forked a piece elegantly and put it into his mouth.

Li Linlin didn’t have as much appetite as him. “Is there no way to break it? Aren’t you a master? Can’t you do something?”

Chang Xin looked at her and smiled. “You little girls, you’re always easily overwhelmed by love. I had a client before and I also advised her not to force it, however, she didn’t listen and ran to find someone else to help her make the person she likes fall in love with her.”

“Then what happened?”

“Then she got scammed out of millions of yuan, and the person she asked for help has also been arrested.”

“……” Li Linlin was silent for a moment. “You didn’t call the police, did you?”

Chang Xin smiled silently.

“So I am destined to die alone in this life?” Li Linlin asked him.

Chang Xin said, “Of course not. In fact, your fate has already begun to change. Let go of your obsession and work hard on your career, there may be unexpected gains.”

“……Are you talking about money?”

“Money isn’t an unexpected gain for you since it’s something already in the bag.”

“……” Why doesn’t it sound pleasing?

“Oh, and by the way, this meal will be charged to your account.”

Li Linlin: “……”

Li Linlin didn’t accompany Chang Xin to finish lunch and left first. When she first arrived, there weren’t many sitting on this floor, but now there were gradually more people. After walking a few steps, she saw Chen Yiran sitting at the table in front.

He didn’t come to eat alone. Sitting opposite him was a young woman whom Li Linlin had never seen before. She looked pretty and appeared like a lady from a certain family.

Could this be the person who went on a blind date with Brother Yiran?

Li Linlin’s heart sank. She didn’t expect to meet them there. As if sensing something, Chen Yiran turned his head slightly in her direction and collided with her gaze.

Qi Lei clearly noticed Chen Yiran freezing. She followed his eyes and saw the recently popular actress, Li Linlin.

Although Li Linlin was wearing a hat and a mask, she was an avid follower of Little Sister Linlin on Weibo, so how could she not recognize her little idol?

In any other time, she would happily rush up to Li Linlin to ask for a photo, however, there was something obviously wrong with the current atmosphere.

Chen Yiran and Li Linlin seem to have a somewhat unusual relationship?

After standing in place for a while, Li Linlin took the initiative to come up and called out to Chen Yiran, “Brother Yiran.”

En.” Chen Yiran rarely showed awkwardness. He stood up from his chair, unsure of what to say for a moment. Li Linlin looked at the girl opposite him and asked, “Who is this young lady?”

Chen Yiran glanced at Qi Lei and introduced, “Her surname is Qi. She’s my date.”

Li Linlin instantly nodded. “Oh, I heard Xixi mention it. She said that you guys are developing quite well.”

“Hmm.” Chen Yiran almost imperceptibly squeezed the hand on his side and said to Li Linlin, “After all, at our age, we meet with marriage in mind.”

“Marriage?” Li Linlin was stunned for a moment. “You want to marry her?”


“That-, Brother Yiran, I suddenly remembered I have something else to do. I’m going to leave first!” Li Linlin didn’t listen to his following words and ran away quickly with her bag.

Qi Lei looked at Li Linlin’s retreating back as if she was fleeing and seemed to have figured something out. She asked Chen Yiran out today because she wanted to ask him clearly. If he really has someone else in his heart, then the blind date between the two of them would end here and there would be no need to meet again in the future.

Now, after this incident, some things could be understood without asking.

“Sorry……” Chen Yiran looked at Qi Lei, wanting to explain to her.

Qi Lei didn’t wait for him to finish. She stood up with her bag and smiled at him.

“You don’t need to say anything, I can see it all.” Qi Lei said, “The person you like in your heart is Little Sister Linlin, right?”

Chen Yiran was taken aback. He likes Linlin?

“Miss Qi, you may have misunderstood, Linlin is my sister.”

Qi Lei gave him a rather surprised look as she realized that what Chen Yiran said didn’t sound like he’s making an excuse, but that he really thought so. She couldn’t help laughing. “President Chen, you’ve never been in love before, right?”

Chen Yiran: “……”

“If you didn’t have such a face, you probably won’t ever find a wife in this life.”

Chen Yiran: “?”

Why the sudden personal attack?

“Forget it, I don’t think there’s any need for us to continue.” Qi Lei started walking out. “This meal is your treat. After all, you’re the one who let me down. In addition, let me give you a piece of advice.”

Qi Lei turned around and smiled at him. “You may feel pleasure displeasing your wife, but you’ll end up suffering too in the end.”

Chen Yiran: “……”


After Li Linlin ran out of the restaurant, she took a taxi directly to the KTV and ordered a bunch of little brothers. Ann hadn’t seen Li Linlin there for a long time since they found out that they were neighbors. He didn’t expect that she would come over by herself today.

Moreover, she ordered a table full of wine.

“What’s wrong? Did something unhappy happen?” Ann took the wine glass from her hand and stopped her from continuing to drink. Li Linlin didn’t mind either way, holding the microphone, she continued to cry and howl in the private room.

A little brother on the side said in a small voice, “Is this really Li Shen’s daughter? Li Shen’s singing is obviously superb!”

Ann: “……”

“Don’t complain about the guest’s singing skills.” Nick said with a smile next to him. “But Manager Deng will probably have another headache today.”

“Have you contacted Madam Qiu?” Ann asked from the side.

Nick nodded. “I sent her a message before I came in.”

Li Linlin was immersed in her singing and didn’t notice what they were talking about. After the song was done, the little brothers in the private room gave her a round of applause. After bowing and thanking everyone, she stepped on the table and shouted on the michrophe, “Chen Shan, you *sshole, I, Li Linlin, will sever all ties with you today!”

As she said this, she tried to tear her clothes apart and perform a robe-cutting act[1]to break off all relations with a friend on the spot but her hands were held down by Ann.

“Alright, you’ve expressed your resolve well enough, no need to tear it up.”

“Really?” Li Linlin glanced up at him, then raised her hand and shouted into the microphone, “Men are all dogs!! Dogs——!”

The roomful of men: “……”


1 to break off all relations with a friend


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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