Doomsday Camp [Base Construction]
Doomsday Camp [Base Construction] Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

Thirty minutes earlier.

Lu Ming held a peculiar farming tool, frowning as he asked, “What is this?”

The head of the blacksmithing factory, Manager Wu, respectfully replied, “Sir, this is a blueprint I acquired from a destitute traveler, said to be called the ‘Soil-Loosening Divine Tool’, also known as the ‘Five-Toothed Steel Fork’.”

“Just now, I had someone test it, and its soil-loosening efficiency is remarkably high. If given to someone accustomed to farm work, within the same time, they could cultivate 30%-50% more land.”

Lu Ming tossed the steel fork to Zuo Xin, instructing him to give it a try.

The new farming tool had five sharp and long teeth, requiring little effort to penetrate the soil. Due to the significant spacing between the teeth, it could loosen a large area of soil.

After trying it for a while, Zuo Xin nodded, “It is indeed useful.”

[Celebrations to “Red Maple Camp” for acquiring the farming tool “Five-Toothed Steel Fork”.]

[All farmland within the camp yields +10%.]

[Currently, the camp has three harvests a year, with each harvest yielding xx tons of food. The camp’s daily food consumption is xxxx tons, and the stored food can support consumption for xxx days.]

Ignoring the incessant pop-up dialogue boxes, Lu Ming ordered, “I approve the mass production of the ‘Five-Toothed Steel Fork’, and distribute it to the farmers as soon as possible.”

“Yes,” Manager Wu agreed.

After a moment’s hesitation, he added, “Sir, the destitute traveler mentioned that he has other blueprints in his possession, which are even more effective than the Five-Toothed Steel Fork. However, he insisted on discussing the details with the lord.”

“Where is he?”

“He’s in the resting room at the blacksmithing factory.”

“Lead the way.”

With a thought, Lu Ming changed his title, and the black text above his head changed from “Lu Ming” to “Lord”.

Before long, a group entered the resting room, and a fifteen or sixteen-year-old teenager appeared before Lu Ming. Manager Wu introduced, “Sir, this is the one who presented the ‘Five-Toothed Steel Fork’ blueprint.”

The teenager was a grey-name player named “Cui Wenyu”. Glancing around warily, he said, “All of you, leave. I have something to discuss with the lord alone.”

“Sir…” Zuo Xin wanted to say something, but Lu Ming waved his hand, indicating for the others to leave.

When only two remained in the room, he asked, “What is it? Speak.”

Cui Wenyu’s expression turned serious, “I have two more blueprints to offer to the lord. However, after the matter is settled, I would like a special reward. I wonder if the lord is willing to grant it?”

“What blueprints? Show them to me,” Lu Ming said.

“In addition to the Soil-Loosening Divine Tool, there are also the Earth-Digging Divine Tool and the Sowing Divine Tool,” Cui Wenyu said as he handed over the blueprints. “Please have a look, sir.”

Lu Ming carefully examined the blueprints.

The so-called Earth-Digging Divine Tool was a shovel, albeit with a somewhat peculiar design. It was evident that the handle was specially designed with anti-slip features, and the head was structured for easy digging.

With the blueprints, mass production would be quite feasible. Without the blueprints, it would be exceedingly difficult to improve upon the existing foundation through professional expertise.

As for the Sowing Divine Tool, it was a specially crafted farming implement with three pointed cones at the top. With a gentle swing, it would create three round holes in the ground, making sowing considerably more convenient.

“Besides these, I have other abilities, such as—”

Before he could finish speaking, a powder was scattered.

Lu Ming, engrossed in examining the blueprints, was caught off guard. Inhaling a breath, his eyes turned as cold as steel. “Sedative Powder, Paralyzing Powder? Where did you get these?”

“I saved someone in the wilderness, and an NPC gave them to me,” Cui Wenyu gloated, having succeeded. “The Sedative Powder can cloud the mind, and the Paralyzing Powder can render someone powerless, unable to move. If both are inhaled, one can only be at the mercy of others.”

“Why?” Lu Ming clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms, using the pain to stay alert.

“I heard that killing a lord can cause them to drop a Lord’s Decree,” Cui Wenyu dismissed it lightly, “You can only blame yourself for being the lord of Maple Camp.”

Killing bosses, farming rare items—what other reasons could there be?

“You fool.”

With a single strike, Cui Wenyu turned into white light.

Before logging out, he stared in disbelief, as if questioning why the Paralyzing Powder didn’t work.

“Clang!” Lu Ming’s head throbbed painfully. Losing his balance, a teacup crashed to the ground, creating a loud noise.

“Sir!” Zuo Xin rushed in upon hearing the commotion, seeing the chaotic scene in the room, and was instantly stunned.

Lu Ming’s eyes seemed to be turning red, with only a third of them remaining as black pupils.

“I’ll take you to Mirror Lake,” Zuo Xin urged anxiously.

“No time,” Lu Ming held his forehead, “Take me to the hospital in the East District.”

His consciousness slowly faded, and the urge to kill surged relentlessly.

There were several instances when Lu Ming nearly lost control. Remembering this was Red Maple Camp, surrounded by innocent residents, he managed to salvage a shred of sanity.

But if willpower alone could prevent an episode, he wouldn’t have had to endure madness in the wilderness in the past.

As Lu Ming’s consciousness dimmed, his gaze became increasingly unfocused. He heard Zuo Xin’s panicked calls, “Sir, sir!”

Then, he knew nothing more.


Yun Shan glanced at the newcomer’s title, “Lord.”

Looking at the face, it was indeed Lu Ming.

Now, the question arose: Why was Lu Ming a lord? How could NPC titles change?

Yun Shan had never encountered such a peculiar situation.

Until now, she had always thought of Lu Ming and the lord as two separate individuals.

Lu Ming, the top expert of Red Maple Camp, possessed immeasurable strength. Unfortunately, afflicted by illness, his consciousness was often unclear.

The lord, perhaps an emblematic figure in Red Maple Camp, much like a mascot? Usually staying in the mansion, he would appear to oversee major events. Every appearance was with a black robe and a black matte mask, concealing his appearance and strength from everyone.

Just an ordinary tool, symbolizing the supreme authority of Red Maple Camp.

“Sir!” Zuo Xin hurried over, aiming to prevent Lu Ming from harming the female doctor (Yun Shan).

However, as soon as he approached, Lu Ming struck him in the chest, causing him to cough up blood.

Yun Shan quickly intervened, “Stop, don’t act.”

During his episodes, Lu Ming typically ignored everyone, but this time, he surprisingly ceased his actions. He enclosed Yun Shan, took a deep breath, and relaxed his furrowed brow.

Zuo Xin: “???”

Yun Shan: This expression, this action, it is indeed Lu Ming.

“Come here.” Knowing she couldn’t let him wander outside, Yun Shan grabbed Lu Ming’s wrist and pulled him into the bamboo house.

Lu Ming did not resist.

Zuo Xin began to worry about the safety of the lord. He steadied his breathing and quickly followed inside.

Yun Shan made Lu Ming sit down in a chair and proceeded to examine him.

She found a small amount of white powder on his collar, rubbed it between her fingers, and furrowed her brow, “Paralyzing Powder. Inhaling a certain amount causes those below three stars to collapse, those at three stars to have impaired movement, delayed reactions, but it’s ineffective against those at four stars and up.”

“It’s Sedative Powder,” Zuo Xin entered the room and explained the situation, “Sir was perfectly fine before inhaling the Sedative Powder, which led to his illness.”

Yun Shan fell silent.

Sedative Powder was an exceedingly rare substance with the ability to cloud the mind.

Lu Ming already suffered from mental illness and would lose the ability to distinguish friend from foe during an episode. If combined with Sedative Powder…

“We need to prepare a medicinal soup for him to take,” Yun Shan suggested going out to buy medicine, but Lu Ming grabbed her, preventing her from leaving.

“Let go,” Yun Shan insisted.

Lu Ming acted as if he hadn’t heard her.

Dahei was extremely dissatisfied, running circles around Lu Ming while loudly protesting.

Lu Ming cast a glance to Dahei, his gaze conveying a lethal stare.

Silent Threat. Dahei closed its mouth and obediently sat down, instantly subdued.

“Do you need any herbs? Should I go and buy them?” Zuo Xin offered to handle the task.

Entering someone else’s home to intimidate (Dahei) and restricting freedom (Yun Shan), regardless of the reason behind his actions, was indeed excessive. Those with short tempers might even refuse to comply.

Fortunately, Yun Shan was broad-minded and had a high tolerance level, “You can go.”

She sat down at the table, using her free hand to list the required materials. After completing the list, she handed it to Zuo Xin, “Go quickly and return quickly.”

“Got it.” Zuo Xin dashed out.

Lu Ming’s condition had improved slightly compared to before. He gazed at Yun Shan without blinking. His fingers grasped her wrist, not too tight, but she couldn’t break free either.

How should she handle such a large man? Yun Shan fretted.

She wanted to cure Lu Ming, but she couldn’t earn money, nor could she afford medical supplies.

She could have Lu Ming’s people gather the supplies, but without cause, why would Lu Ming trust her? Unless she possessed exceptional medical skills, a good reputation, and a trustworthy character.

And all of these required gradual accumulation, day by day.

Yun Shan had intended to visit Lu Ming after some time, but unexpectedly, he fell ill and lost his sanity, actively seeking her out.

Suddenly, Lu Ming’s expression shifted as he looked toward a certain place.

Dahei: “!!!” It stood up and paced anxiously, attempting to intervene.

“What’s wrong?” Yun Shan was puzzled.

Lu Ming opened a cupboard and found a plate of sauced beef. The color of the meat was enticing, the aroma delightful, easily arousing one’s appetite.

Yun Shan recalled that the food she made herself would have a soothing effect when eaten.

This plate of sauced beef was a special snack she had made for Dahei.

First, the beef was cooked until tender, then the herbs/spices were chopped and ground, packed into a cloth bag. Next, the beef, cloth bag, and seasonings were combined and simmered over low heat until the flavors melded.

After making it, Yun Shan sampled a piece. The meat was tender, the sauce fragrant, and the taste exceptionally good.

Dahei liked it so much that it was reluctant to eat it, only gesturing to Yun Shan to feed it a piece when in a good mood.

Now, the entire plate had been taken away…

Lu Ming ate the sauced beef, one piece after another, breaking Dahei’s heart.

It howled and whimpered, lying on the ground, its expression filled with indescribable grievance.

Don’t ask, asking is autism, asking is despair.

Yun Shan comforted, “I’ll make you a new one next time.”

Dahei responded listlessly.

After a while, Lu Ming stopped eating and pushed the plate in front of Yun Shan.

“I don’t need it, you eat,” Yun Shan pushed the plate back. This was medicinal cuisine, prepared with herbs during cooking, aiding in restoring calmness and regaining sanity when consumed. Since she was healthy, she didn’t want to compete for food with a patient.

Lu Ming was particularly insistent, pushing the plate of sauced beef back over to Yun Shan.

Yun Shan: “…”

Pushing it back and forth, did he think this was a game?

“Open your mouth.” Yun Shan fetched a pair of chopsticks, intending to feed him forcefully.

This time, Lu Ming cooperated.

One fed, the other ate, in perfect harmony.

“The herbs are back!” Zuo Xin, disregarding his injuries, quickly collected all the items on the list.

However, upon entering, he found Yun Shan and Lu Ming together, creating an incredibly harmonious atmosphere.

Noticing someone at the door, Lu Ming glanced over, his expression not particularly friendly.

Zuo Xin: “…I could have come back later, it’s all because of his impatience.”

“Give me the herbs, I’ll make the soup,” Yun Shan stood up, heading towards the kitchen.

Lu Ming immediately stood up.

Dahei ran to catch up.

“You two stay here.”

While Dahei hesitated, Lu Ming had already made his stance clear—no matter what, he was going.

Seeing this, Dahei followed suit, pretending not to hear.

Yun Shan had no choice but to gather her things and change locations.

Zuo Xin, watching from the side, couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite right.


The processed herbs were finally brewed into a bowl of emerald green soup.

“This medicinal soup…”

Before Zuo Xin could ask more, he heard Yun Shan say, “Tranquilizing Soup, it has a calming and sleep-inducing effect.”

She picked up the bowl and drank nearly half of it, proving to herself that the medicine was not toxic.

“The Divine Doctor need not do this,” Zuo Xin was moved.

Even when the lord went mad and was risking his life (?), she extended a helping hand. He trusted her.

Yun Shan said, “It’s a habit.”

Players play the game, NPCs play their lives. It’s never too cautious. She had long formed the habit of drinking nearly half the bowl before feeding the medicine to Lu Ming.

After finishing, Yun Shan handed the bowl to Lu Ming, “The medicine is fine, you finish the rest.”

Lu Ming glanced at her, then drank the medicinal soup, leaving not a drop behind.

“After drinking, just sleep, and you’ll be fine when you wake up,” Yun Shan said.

“Is that all?” Zuo Xin looked bewildered.

The treatment process was so simple and easy that it was unbelievable. In the past, every episode resulted in a huge commotion, and everyone struggled to contain it.

“This time, the episode has been brought under control. To achieve a complete cure, long-term treatment is still necessary.”

This illness can be cured? Zuo Xin was astonished.

As they conversed, fatigue overwhelmed them, and Lu Ming closed his eyes, soon drifting into sleep.

Yun Shan picked up Dahei, gestured to Zuo Xin, and quietly left the room with the others.

Zuo Xin dared not make a sound until they were outside, then asked, “What should I do next?”

“Just guard the door and don’t let anyone enter,” Yun Shan said, pulling out a porcelain bottle from her pocket, “You took a blow just now, and you must have some internal injuries. Here, take this Healing Pill. Two pills at once, to be ingested.”

Upon hearing this, Zuo Xin immediately poured out the pills from the porcelain bottle, picked up two and swallowed them.

Almost instantly, a warm flow coursed through his body. Passing through the injured area, the pain immediately lessened.

“Did you make this medicine too?” Zuo Xin was amazed. This medicine was even more powerful than the finest injury-healing medicine he had ever taken, its effects reaching an incredible level.

Shouldn’t she be recognized as a Divine Doctor?

“Yes, I made it.”

As her “total online time today” was nearing its limit, Yun Shan casually found a reason to dismiss Zuo Xin and then logged off in a secluded place.


Lu Ming couldn’t remember the last time he had a proper night’s sleep.

Lying on the bed, his eyelids felt heavy, but he couldn’t sleep. Coupled with his recurring headaches, every time an episode occurred, any remaining drowsiness vanished.

The last time he remembered falling asleep was at Mirror Lake.

…That’s right, he accidentally inhaled the Sedative Powder and fell ill again!

Lu Ming suddenly became alert.

Opening his eyes, he found himself lying in bed, surrounded by unfamiliar surroundings. But he felt unusually refreshed, and there was not a trace of blood on his clothes.

[You have received assistance from the player “Yun Shan”.]

Current personal information is as follows:

Name: Lu Ming

Stamina: 100/100%

Satiation: 76/100%

Resistance: 68/100%

Comprehensive Strength Rating: Four stars.

Lu Ming remembered that the last time, with the help of the player “Yun Shan” at Mirror Lake, his resistance had increased to 63. Besides that, his resistance had been consistently below 50.

At 0 resistance, he would lose control and go mad.

He had long known that Yun Shan could help him, but he hadn’t figured out a reason to approach her, so he re-encountered her in the most embarrassing manner.

Lu Ming opened the door, and Zuo Xin immediately became alert.

Seeing the familiar face, he was both surprised and delighted, “Sir, you’re awake? You’ve slept for a whole day and night this time! Miss Yun Shan is truly a Divine Doctor!”

“After I was attacked, I asked you to take me to the East District. What happened after that?” Lu Ming inquired.

He had no memory of his madness, so he could only speculate based on the game system’s dialogue box prompts, reports from his subordinates, and other clues.

Zuo Xin carefully chose his words, omitting less important details, “On the way, you suddenly shook me off and came to the East District alone. We have our people around here, and I intended to intercept you, but unfortunately, I couldn’t stop you and ended up getting injured. Fortunately, there are few residents nearby, and no innocent people were harmed.”

“When we met Miss Yun Shan, your condition suddenly stabilized. Later, you were given a medicinal soup to drink, and shortly after, you fell asleep.”

“What do you mean my condition stabilized when I met her?” Lu Ming questioned.

Zuo Xin didn’t know how to explain, “Initially, I thought you were delirious and might harm the Divine Doctor, so I tried to stop you. Instead, you flung me away. But when you faced her, you not only refrained from attacking, but also allowed her to bring you into the house, diagnose and treat you…”

Lu Ming accessed all player data and located Yun Shan.

Name: Yun Shan

Stamina: 100/100%

Satiation: 98/100%

Comprehensive Strength Rating: One star.

Talent: Affinity (Passive).

Affinity (Unupgradable): 1. Animals find you very friendly, greatly reducing the desire to attack actively. 2. You can effectively appease animals.

Reduced desire for active attacks, effective at appeasing? No wonder…

“Are you awake?” Yun Shan, about to check on Lu Ming inside, saw him standing at the door conversing with Zuo Xin, and greeted him.

“Thanks to the Divine Doctor’s help.” Lu Ming knowingly inquired, “Last time at Mirror Lake…”

“That was also me,” Yun Shan openly admitted, “Your friend also helped with the medical fees.”

“Friend?” Lu Ming paused.

“He’s young, good at picking herbs, and skilled in using flying needles. When I left, he said he’d stay behind to watch over you,” Yun Shan explained.

It was Zhu Hong.

He hadn’t seen anyone when he woke up, completely unaware.

Lu Ming furrowed his brow, but heard Yun Shan continue, “Before making the medicinal soup and feeding you the medicine, I drank nearly half the bowl.”

Lu Ming, “?”

He looked at Zuo Xin, who nodded slightly.

“You don’t need to take the risk yourself in the future,” Lu Ming said in a softer tone.

Yun Shan felt conflicted.

Seeing Lu Ming guess that the person he met at Mirror Lake was her, she thought they were reacquainted from the past, but it wasn’t the case.

The Lu Ming she knew was extremely wary of players. Even though she had studied medical texts extensively and exhausted every effort to find a way to help him, every time before taking the medicine, Lu Ming would still give her half the bowl and let her drink first.

A person like that wouldn’t say “you don’t need to take the risk yourself.”

On second thought, Yun Shan felt it might be for the best. While his character hadn’t become distorted, and he hadn’t developed an excessive wariness of players, it was best to treat his illness promptly. It would save the trouble of persuading him to cooperate, which would be even more difficult than curing the illness in the future.

“I saved the lord. What’s my reward?” Yun Shan’s tone was as if she had just completed a mission and was asking the system to issue rewards.

“Points, equipment, materials—what do you want?” Lu Ming countered.

It sounds like a three-in-one deal, but Yun Shan wasn’t fooled. “I want land.”


“Near the East District rental, preferably right next to where I live.”

Lu Ming gave her ten plots of land. “If you can cure me, the reward will be even more generous.”

“This is a stubborn illness, requiring long-term treatment.” Yun Shan thought for a moment and suggested, “Let’s set a time, come for a follow-up once a week, and pick up medicine every day.”

“Brewing medicine is a trivial matter, you can leave it to me,” Zuo Xin hurriedly said, “I will trouble the divine doctor to write a prescription.”

“This is the formula for Tranquilizing Soup.” Yun Shan wrote it down. “I recommend taking the medicine daily, but not brewing it yourself.”

“The divine doctor is busy with important matters, we won’t trouble you further,” Zuo Xin politely responded.

Before leaving, he specifically instructed, “The Lord’s mental state and the treatment he’s receiving, I hope you’ll keep it confidential.”

Once the news spread, the residents were highly prone to panic. What kind of chaos might ensue at that time, no one could predict.

“I understand,” Yun Shan agreed.


Red Maple Pharmacy Medical Hall.

“Manager, 83% of the poor-quality purple grass has already recovered.”

“According to the new formula, one plant of purple grass stably produces 10-12 boxes of purple grass ointment, and an excellent master craftsman has produced 11 boxes.”

“We’ve tested the new batch of purple grass ointment, it’s indeed top-notch, with much better efficacy than before.”

The good news kept coming, and a hint of a smile appeared in Manager Meng’s eyes. “Instruct them to proceed according to the plan.”

Before long, the news that “Yun Shan sold the formula for premium purple grass ointment to Red Maple Pharmacy” spread throughout the streets and alleys.

At the same time, Manager Meng directly named the new batch of goods “Premium Purple Grass Ointment”.

For a while, countless residents flocked to Red Maple Pharmacy to make purchases.

After trying it out and finding that the efficacy was just like that sold in the market, the residents went even crazier, some buying five boxes at once, and others buying eight boxes in one go.


Miachun Hall.

Seeing the booming business at Red Maple Pharmacy and the dismal sales of their own purple grass ointment, Manager Lin was furious, “Why buy so much? Are they planning to eat it as a meal at home?”

Of course, they were afraid of not being able to buy it in the future, so they took the opportunity to stock up.

Steward Zhang kept his head down, trying to minimize his presence as much as possible.

Unfortunately, Manager Lin had no intention of letting him off, “Facing Red Maple Pharmacy, cutting off the raw materials won’t hinder them with such a simple strategy. Other medical halls must unite to exert pressure. You…”

Before he could finish, the gatekeeper hurriedly reported, “Red Maple Pharmacy sent someone over, saying they have researched a method to treat purple grass spots. If we need it, they are willing to provide the anti-mold agents at a low price.”

Steward Zhang hesitated.

Red Maple Pharmacy already had a strong background and wasn’t easily provoked. If they were to sell the anti-mold agents at a low price, who would dare to oppose them?

The debut of premium purple grass ointment had the greatest impact on Miachun Hall.

Other medical halls have modest prices and low production. After a few days, the ointment always sells out.

If the anti-mold agent works, and the production of purple grass ointment greatly increases, then all the extra sales will have been for nothing. Who would have a problem with making money?

Thinking about this, Steward Zhang felt his scalp tingle, wishing he could dig a hole and bury himself on the spot.

Manager Lin remained silent for a long time, then sighed softly, “It’s true that we’ve lost this time, our background isn’t as strong as theirs, our prescription isn’t as good as theirs, our methods aren’t as good as theirs.”


Pay-to-Win Game Group.

“West Lake, My Tears: Finished reading the book? @Farm Life, come join in.”

“Farm Life: Thanks for the invite. I’m at the Farm Life, already passed the interview, and successfully got the job. Once I’ve learned enough, I’ll definitely return to the game to start a big business.”

“I Love Construction: ?”

“Hold onto the Crazy: ??”

“Food, Drink and Fun: ???”

“West Lake, My Tears: …No need to work so hard.”

“Farm Life: Combining theory and practice can give a deeper understanding of Farm Lifeing!”

The members were impressed by the professionalism and eagerness of their group friends, leaving them momentarily speechless.

“West Lake, My Tears: Heard you sold the purple grass ointment formula? @Yun Shan.”

“Yun Shan: Thanks for asking. With the new formula, one plant of purple grass can produce more ointment. To prevent shortages at the camp, I’ve decided to sacrifice myself for the greater good.”

“I Love Construction: That’s true, couldn’t even buy it before, but there haven’t been shortages recently.”

“Look at Everything from a Money Perspective: One trick pony. Once you’ve tried everything, you’ve experienced all. If the skill of making money is gone, it’s not worth it.”

“Dream of Getting Rich Overnight: Having the skill but not using it is pointless. Because of her, all the medical halls in the camp have stopped selling purple grass. It’s quite profitable to sell the formula again.”

“Keep a Low Profile to Stay Alive: Isn’t the most important thing to divert attention? Being targeted by NPCs isn’t a good thing. Don’t ask me how I know…”

The group friends exchanged words, and the atmosphere became lively once again.

Yun Shan observed everyone chatting, quietly enjoying both credit and profit from selling the formula, earning 20,000 points.


1 comment
  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    New arc unlocked


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