Doomsday Camp [Base Construction]
Doomsday Camp [Base Construction] Chapter 17

Chapter 17:

During her hospital checkup, Yun Shan skimmed through the recent hot topics.

“I have sensitive skin, prone to allergies, but after playing the game, seemingly invincible against all toxins. This is just too miraculous!”

“I have poor digestion, prone to gaining weight, but lost six pounds in just two weeks of gaming. Friends are asking how I managed to lose weight? Just played the game, no exercise, no diet pills, and the weight just dropped automatically.”

“I have hereditary rhinitis, but since playing ‘Doomsday Camp’, it hasn’t recurred. Can this be considered a medical miracle?”

“Two million for a registration code! I want to play too!”

“Spending a fortune is useless; this game doesn’t support pay-to-win. It’s not very friendly to RMB players.”

“‘Doomsday Camp’ is amazing, the healing effect is truly remarkable. I had a slight limp, but after playing for three months, I’m completely recovered, walking with a spring in my step. Half a year ago, my account was assassinated by an NPC. I thought I would return to my previous state, but my legs are fine, absolutely no problem. Even though I can’t play anymore, I’m still a fan of ‘Doomsday Camp’. Every time I see it, I’ll praise it, no one can stop me!”

After a brief round of browsing, Yun Shan had a rough understanding of the situation.

Once the examination report confirmed her well-being, she didn’t hesitate and immediately completed the discharge procedures.

Forced to withdraw from the game for a year and two months, Yun Shan was both anxious and restless about what had become of the Red Maple Camp, as well as the well-being of Dahei, the falcons, and Lu Ming.

As soon as she arrived home, she hastily put on the holographic helmet and logged into the game.


Crimson pupils sparkled like finely cut rubies, emitting a peculiar crimson light.

Dark hair fluttered in the wind, partially draped over his shoulders.

His sturdy limbs were bound by thick iron chains, yet they did not hinder his forward motion.

“Sir is ill and unconscious. We must stop him!” Zuo Xin held onto a chain, speaking word by word.

“Stop! Him! Ah!” Zuo Xin’s forehead bulged with veins, feeling like the chains might slip from his grasp at any moment.

“If we can’t stop him, we still have to.” Lu Liu, with a pale face, gritted her teeth.

Zhu Hong remained silent, holding onto the chains with a death grip. Even if his palms were bleeding, he showed no sign of letting go.

It was all so annoying.

He wanted to wipe them all out.

Violent emotions surged, and Lu Ming tightened his grip on the chains around his wrist. The next second, Zuo Xin and Lu Liu were sent flying.

Subsequently, Zuo Xin and Zhu Hong were also thrown back.

The four lay on the ground, spitting blood, unable to move.

“Sir!” Zuo Xin shouted hoarsely, “Wake up, sir!”

“It’s no use, he can’t hear us,” Zhu Hong spat blood, his eyes fixed on Lu Ming, rapidly considering a plan of action.

After considering every possible solution, he didn’t see anything that would be helpful in their current situation.

“If Miss Yun Shan were here…” You Yi sighed deeply.

Lu Liu sneered, “It’s been over a year since she disappeared. Where can we find someone now? The situation is urgent. Stop talking nonsense and think of a solution quickly.”

“If there was a solution, we wouldn’t be in this mess!” You Yi said helplessly.

“There’s no way. All the residents of the camp will suffer,” Lu Liu’s voice was cold.

“I’ll do it,” Zhu Hong stood up, a hint of madness in his eyes. “I’ll risk my life to buy us some time. You guys seize the opportunity, grab the iron chains, and restrain him from moving freely.”

Before he finished speaking, Lu Ming, feeling uncomfortable with the iron chains on his wrists and ankles, shattered them all.

“We’re doomed,” You Yi said in despair.

Lu Ming gave the four of them a cold glance and walked towards the center of the camp.

“Stop him!” Lu Liu urged anxiously.

At the same time, Zhu Hong moved forward to engage Lu Ming. But as soon as they made contact, he was grabbed by the neck.

Lu Ming’s eyes were cold, filled with an urge to kill.

Instead of resisting, Zhu Hong closed his eyes slowly.

Just as Zhu Hong was about to be mistakenly killed, someone rushed out and grabbed Lu Ming from behind.

“The Divine Doctor!” You Yi exclaimed.

Lu Ming paid no attention and tried to break free.

Yun Shan held on tightly and even wrapped her arms around him. “Stay calm, take deep breaths, you’ll be okay.”

Her words echoed in his ears, and Lu Ming eventually let go of Zhu Hong.

“Ugh…” Suddenly, a headache struck, causing Lu Ming to sway, his brows furrowed tightly.

Yun Shan pressed her thumb against his temple, rubbing gently as she asked, “Feeling better?”

Her gentle circular motions miraculously eased the pain.

Lu Ming turned to look at Yun Shan, as if he had found a treasure.

“Still hurting?” Yun Shan asked with concern.

Lu Ming didn’t answer. Taking advantage of her distraction, he suddenly lifted her and strode towards the bamboo house.

Yun Shan: “???”

Wait, this isn’t right!

Ignoring her protests, Lu Ming continued forward.

You Yi, watching from the side, turned to his companions, “Is this considered resolved?”

“Seems like it,” Lu Liu said.

Zhu Hong had a bruise on his neck and couldn’t utter a word at this moment.

Lu Liu remained silent, then after a while managed to say, “It seems this person truly doesn’t harbor any ill will towards the master.”

With evil intentions, she could achieve her goal without doing anything at all.

“I wonder when the master will wake up, and how long the Divine Doctor will stay this time,” You Yi looked towards the bamboo house, his eyes filled with concern.

Inside the room, Lu Ming held Yun Shan like a large pillow, sniffing her as if she were a cat.

Despite knowing he was unwell, Yun Shan felt the urge to hit him. “Be Good!” she scolded in embarrassment.

“You smell really good,” Lu Ming mumbled, nestling into her neck.

Helpless, Yun Shan resigned herself to being a pillow.

Unsatisfied, Lu Ming grabbed Yun Shan’s hand and pressed it against his cheek.

The bloodlust and killer instinct gradually faded from him, and the long-awaited tranquility returned.

Lu Ming remained motionless, slowly closing his eyes.

Yun Shan thought, “This isn’t what a responsible pillow should be doing.”

As she tried to pull her hand back, Lu Ming’s face immediately twisted in discomfort. Seeing he was about to wake up, Yun Shan stopped and continued posing as a statue.

Why was Yun Shan there? It’s a long story.

Upon logging in and returning to the estate, Yun Shan found that Dahei had reached three stars, and the young falcon had also grown to three stars. The three tenant farmers diligently worked the land, following the rules and sharing the produce properly. Everything was orderly, as if she had never left.

Just as she marveled at this, a tenant NPC told her, “In the past year, the affairs of the estate have been personally handled by the lord, and the beasts have been taken care of by him as well. Now, the camp has a year-round harvest. Your share of the food is kept in your room, and no one is allowed to touch it.”

Yun Shan felt both relieved and anxious.

She had returned too late—the beast tide had already appeared.

In order to protect the camp, Lu Ming forcibly broke through to five stars, impacting his mental state, leaving him less than fully conscious.

“And where is he?” Yun Shan inquired.

“Well…” the NPC looked troubled. “No one is allowed near the lord during his illness. It’s best to wait until he’s better to discuss this further.”

“Take me to him. I can help him,” Yun Shan insisted.

“The lord is a good person and shouldn’t suffer like this,” the hesitant NPC said. “I know where he is. He won’t take you, but I will!”

It was then that Yun Shan finally saw Lu Ming.

A car accident, a year of unconsciousness, had disrupted all her plans.

Initially, being in the early stages of the game, she could have leveraged her foresight to amass wealth. But now, all that awaited her were problems.

Yun Shan was feeling quite a headache, wishing she could go back a year and restrain herself, staying at home, not going anywhere.

“We need to figure something out.”

Remembering the string of zeros on her bill, she couldn’t calm down, repeatedly pondering fast money-making methods in the mid-game.

Suddenly, Yun Shan froze.

Mid-game! The camp was being heavily renovated!

The variety of crops increased, the yield grew, and the range of products for sale became more diverse. Many high-profit items that were previously unattainable due to lack of materials could now be produced.

The only concern was whether someone might seize the opportunity.

However, all the formulas had been personally improved by her. Even if there were competitors, she was not afraid!

After a brief consideration, Yun Shan remembered several effective and profitable recipes, and a slight smile formed at the corner of her mouth.


About twenty minutes later, Lu Ming opened his eyes. The blood color in his eyes had diminished slightly, but the situation remained dire.

Suppressing the urge to hit him, Yun Shan calmly negotiated, “I’ll go to the kitchen to prepare medicine. You should release your grip.”

Unenergetically slumped, Lu Ming acted as if he hadn’t heard her.

Yun Shan hesitated. She attempted to withdraw her hand, but Lu Ming held on, refusing to let her go.

With determination, Yun Shan grasped Lu Ming’s hand and, in a tone that brooked no argument, said, “You’re coming with me.”

Saying this, she pulled him along.

Lu Ming followed indifferently.

“Lord?” You Yi stood outside and, with hope in his eyes, called out upon seeing them coming out.

Lu Ming remained aloof, unmoved.

“Stop shouting, he’s still out of his mind,” Yun Shan said irritably. “Who’s free? Go to the pharmacy and get some herbs.”

Lu Liu stepped forward. “The kitchen has all the commonly used medicinal herbs. If anything’s missing, I’ll go buy it.”

“Then let’s go to the kitchen first.”

Since Lu Ming fell seriously ill, doctors in the camp took turns treating him, trying every available prescription. This directly led to the kitchen having a wide variety and an extremely abundant supply of medicinal herbs.

Yun Shan looked around and said, “No need to buy, we have all the necessary herbs here.”

With that, she rolled up her sleeves, ready to brew the medicine.

Suddenly, waves of intense pain surged through Lu Ming.

Lu Ming’s face turned pale, and he leaned on the dining table, barely steadying himself.

Lu Liu exclaimed, “Quick, lock him with iron chains!”

You Yi looked at him in dismay, “No, all four chains were shattered.”


Lu Liu pursed her lips and strode forward, intending to pull Yun Shan away.

But he saw Yun Shan skillfully holding Lu Ming, patting his back gently, and comforting him in a low voice, “I’m here, everything will be fine.”

Lu Ming, along with his arm, was encircled by Yun Shan, his face filled with agitation. Yet, he remained rooted in place, his expression somewhat hopeless.

Lu Liu: “…”

Four thick iron chains couldn’t hold him. A two-star support making the master unable to move? She must have used a special technique.

So, how did she come, and how did she leave?

The headache came and went quickly. Lu Ming sat resting in the chair, and Yun Shan finally had her hands free to brew the medicine.

In a short while, the Tranquilizing Potion was ready.

Yun Shan brought it over to Lu Ming. “Drink the medicine.”

Lu Ming quietly looked at her but made no move.

You Yi hesitated, “If we get a few more people, we can forcibly administer it…”

Yun Shan: “He’ll beat them to death.”

You Yi tightly closed his mouth, pretending he hadn’t said anything.

“Lord, you watched the medicine being made. There won’t be any issues. Please drink it quickly,” Lu Liu urged, unable to hold back.

Lu Ming didn’t respond.

If the patient refuses to take the medicine, how can the situation improve? But with the patient’s incredibly high strength, and no cooperation, they were at a loss.

Lu Liu and You Yi both felt hopeless.

After some thought, Yun Shan drank half a bowl of the potion and then handed it to Lu Ming, “I’ve had some, it tastes good. Will you finish the rest?”

Frowning, Lu Ming thought for a moment before accepting it.

You Yi: “…”

Suddenly, he had a mysterious toothache.

1 comment
  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    Welcome back <3


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