Doomsday Camp [Base Construction]
Doomsday Camp [Base Construction] Chapter 18

Chapter 18:

Lu Liu and Zhu Hong stood by, silent. Seeing the lord finally drink the medicine, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, Lu Liu asked, “Where have you been during this time?”

Mentioning this made Yun Shan feel a pang in her stomach. “There was an accident, and I ended up hospitalized for over a year. I just woke up recently.”

“How could this happen?!” You Yi expressed his astonishment.

Yun Shan looked pained.

Don’t ask, asking would only bring bad luck.

She shouldn’t have gone out, home was the safest place.

“Can the Lord’s illness be cured?” Zhu Hong’s voice was hoarse, as if each word was squeezed out, determined to understand.

“Not sure about a full recovery, but with treatment, at least the situation won’t be as bad as it is now,” Yun Shan replied after careful consideration.

“That’s good,” Lu Liu said bluntly. “After seeing so many doctors these days, only your assurance gives hope for an improvement in the condition.”

After drinking half a bowl of the Tranquilizing Potion, Lu Ming’s complexion improved slightly.

You Yi wondered, “Why isn’t he sleeping? In the past, after drinking the Tranquilizing Potion handcrafted by the female doctor, the master could clearly sleep well.”

Yun Shan replied, “With his condition worsening, it’s difficult for the Tranquilizing Potion alone to make him sleep.”

“What should we do then?” You Yi grew anxious.

“With his current state, he must be with me at all times,” Yun Shan earnestly explained. “Long-term use of the Tranquilizing Potion and medicinal meals will improve the situation. After some time, I’ll make some sachets that can be carried around to alleviate restlessness.”

“Alright, we’ll follow your instructions,” Zuo Xin agreed wholeheartedly.

After a moment of contemplation, Lu Liu looked up and said, “Zuo Xin, take good care of the master. I’ll handle the pending work.”

Zuo Xin nodded in agreement.

Seeing that things were settled, Zhu Hong interjected, “If there’s nothing else, I’ll be leaving.”

With that, he left without looking back.

It was as if he had come for the sole purpose of preventing Lu Ming from losing control.

Lu Liu remarked, “The camp is dangerous. I’ll stay to protect the Divine Doctor.”

After the discussion, Yun Shan led Lu Ming and the others back to the estate.

Before they could enter, Dahei leaped over the fence and dashed over to greet them.

Four falcons landed on Yun Shan’s shoulders, chirping incessantly.

“I’m back.” Feeling apologetic for not arranging the beasts properly before ending up in the hospital for a year, Yun Shan expressed her remorse, “You’ve suffered.”

It was supposed to be a heartwarming reunion, but Lu Ming’s illness struck again.

His pupils seemed to turn red, and a chilling intent permeated his entire being.

Yun Shan immediately disregarded the playful interaction with the beasts and focused on assisting Lu Ming into the house.

As Zuo Xin reached out to assist, he was pushed back by a gust of wind.

Yun Shan thought to herself, “Since no one else can get close, I’ll have to help him myself.”

Supporting Lu Ming, they slowly made their way towards the bamboo house. Dahei followed closely behind, almost like a wagging tail. Wherever Yun Shan went, it followed.

The four falcons also wanted to follow but seemed a bit hesitant. After some consideration, they ultimately didn’t follow.


In the game’s premium group chat, Yun Shan privately messaged Han Jiaqing, “I’ve observed the stars at night and made some calculations. I think today is suitable for a major business deal.”

The response came quickly, “The group leader is still alive? It’s been over a year since you’ve been active in the group. What happened?”

After a while, he began to suspect, “Could it be that it’s not you and your account has been hacked?”

Yun Shan informed him, “I had a car accident and ended up in the hospital for a year and two months. I just woke up recently.”

“That’s really unlucky,” Han Jiaqing sighed repeatedly. “If you had continued playing the game, you would have been a dominant force by now.”

Yun Shan replied, “It’s not too late.”

In her past life at this time, she had just met Lu Ming, and her situation wasn’t much better.

“True. After buying so many medicines, I still think the Healing Potion and Revitalizing Elixer you make are the most effective,” Han Jiaqing praised Yun Shan, “The healing powder and pills made by others are always a bit lacking.”

“How much do you need?” Yun Shan asked directly.

“No rush,” Han Jiaqing’s tone changed. “I have a bold idea. Why don’t you join the Genesis Guild and help manage the guild’s affairs regularly? I’ll pay you a monthly salary.”

With the increasing popularity of “Doomsday Camp,” more and more players were spending in the game. Without a way to prevent their determination to spend money, various roundabout methods of spending were devised.

The most common was the high-priced purchase of game points, with a clear price tag.

Next was the use of real-world currency to pay for game items/materials.

There was also the practice of hiring game players as employees, paying regular salaries on a monthly basis, and having them at one’s disposal for eight hours a day.

Although playing a holographic game felt as boring as working, it was a way to earn money.

Earning two to three months’ salary in a month, without overtime, with weekends off, the benefits exceeded those of most jobs.

Some players didn’t mind and even actively sought such opportunities.

Having known Yun Shan for several years, Han Jiaqing was aware of her gaming prowess and trusted her character, which led him to invite her to the guild, intending to entrust her with significant responsibilities.


“Joining the guild is not feasible for me, I don’t have that much time,” Yun Shan politely declined.

“It’s just six hours a day, it won’t take up too much of your time,” Han Jiaqing earnestly explained, “You have six hours for private activities, and you’re free to do whatever you want. If you’re willing, you can produce Healing Potion and Revitalizing Elixer to sell to the guild, and you’ll receive additional compensation for that.”

“The current Red Maple Camp is different from before. Many of the fast money-making methods have been cut off by the guild. Not to mention eating meat, they don’t even leave any soup for others.”

“Fertilizer, breeding, clothing, battle pets, medicinal herbs, regular meals, pastries, weapons, armor—all of these have been infiltrated by various forces. There are even players making glass and selling soap,” Yun Shan remarked, “Thanks, but I have other plans.”

Seeing her firm refusal, Han Jiaqing didn’t insist, “In that case, let’s talk business. Let’s start with 200 bottles of Healing Potion and 100 bottles of Revitalizing Elixer.”

Yun Shan replied, “Cash payment.”



In the morning, the falcons finished their hunt and returned with their prey.

Two of them each carried a one-star crimson-bellied pheasants, while the other two each carried a one-star White Heron Duck. Another held a two-star Tiger-Striped Rabbit.

Upon seeing Yun Shan, the five falcons spontaneously presented their catch and then sat in a row, waiting for their meal.

“You’ve done a great job,” Yun Shan praised them with a smile.

Excluding Lu Ming, You Yi, and Lu Liu, who arranged their own meals, Yun Shan was only responsible for her own, Dahei’s, and the five falcons’ food and drink.

The daily catch from the falcons was enough to satisfy them, and the surplus could be sold in the market.

Hearing Yun Shan’s praise, the falcons puffed up their chests, feeling proud. Some of them were eager to go out again and bring back another catch.

The falcon mother had sharp eyes and high alertness, managing to catch her offspring before they could run off.

The beasts were large, and holding them felt quite weighty.

Yun Shan pondered for a moment, then cooked a pot of rice and prepared four dishes: Sichuan-style Mouthwatering Chicken, Beggar’s Chicken, Braised Duck with Medicinal Herbs, and Dry-Pot Rabbit.

The remaining White Heron Duck was kept in the yard for making soup later in the evening.

The Mouthwatering Chicken was a Sichuan dish, fragrant, spicy, tender, and refreshing, best served with rice.

The Beggar’s Chicken involved wrapping prepared chicken in mud and lotus leaves, then baking it in the fire. Once done, it had a bright red color, a crispy exterior, and a unique flavor.

The Braised Duck with Medicinal Herbs was a medicinal dish prepared with medicinal packets, shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and ham. Due to the lengthy cooking time, the duck meat was tender and flavorful.

The Dry-Pot Rabbit was made with rabbit meat and potatoes. Once cooked, a strong aroma of cumin and spices filled the air. Upon closer inspection, the rabbit meat was savory and the potatoes were soft and glutinous, complementing each other perfectly.

As the fragrance wafted through the air, Dahei and the falcons instinctively took their bowls and stood in line in front of Yun Shan—time for dinner!

Three days later, at the trade market.


Name: Concentration Incense

Quantity: 1 (stick)

Duration: 30 minutes

Effect: Enhances focus and concentration

Price: 10 points

Seller: Yun Shan (White)


Name: Concentration Incense

Quantity: 5 (sticks)

Duration: 30 minutes

Effect: Enhances focus and concentration

Price: 50 points

Seller: Yun Shan (White)

Yan Zhiguo inadvertently caught sight of it and furrowed his brow slightly. “Yun Shan? Why does that name sound so familiar? I feel like I’ve heard it somewhere.”

Coincidentally, his teammate, Song Xingyun, had been bitten by two mosquitoes and was applying a premium purple grass ointment. Upon hearing Yan Zhiguo’s question, he chuckled, “Yun Shan, isn’t she the one who overshadowed all the major medical institutions and ignited the entrepreneurial spirit of all the players?”

“Who’s that?” A latecomer to the game had no idea about the storm stirred up by the premium purple grass ointment. Listening to the team leader and vice-leader chatting, they were completely in the dark about what they were talking about.

“It’s someone who was particularly prominent in the early stages of the game. Later on, I don’t know where she went, and it’s been a long time since we’ve heard any news about her,” Song Xingyun explained briefly. “When we first entered the game, the premium purple grass ointment was out of stock every few days. If you got bitten by a mosquito, you had to endure it. Can you believe it?”

The latecomer was left dumbfounded, unable to imagine such a scenario. With such a high level of realism, not getting rid of a mosquito bite for three days, wouldn’t that be unbearable?

“Since she sold the formula to the Red Maple Pharmacy, the camp has never been short of the premium purple grass ointment,” Yan Zhiguo added with a sudden smile. “Didn’t we undertake the large-scale cultivation of medicinal herbs in the herb garden because of her influence?”

“It’s been a year, and she’s still only at the White-listed level (two stars). It seems she’s not doing so well,” Song Xingyun whistled. “Meeting her must be fate. How about we take care of her business?”

Yan Zhiguo didn’t refuse, “You handle it.”

As Song Xingyun placed an order for 5 sticks of Concentration Incense, he muttered to himself, “The premium purple grass ointment is really effective. I wonder where she gets her formula from. Do you think this Concentration Incense has any special effects?”

Yan Zhiguo scoffed, “Do you think top-notch formulas are just some junk you can pick up anywhere on the street?”

Song Xingyun remained silent and remarked, “I’ll go get the incense.”

After receiving the item, he glanced at it with a peculiar expression. “If it weren’t for the fact that the game ID doesn’t allow duplicate names, I would have almost thought someone was using Yun Shan’s name to deceive people. One stick of this thing is worth 10 points? Isn’t that just daylight robbery?”

Although the interface indicated “1 stick,” Song Xingyun thought that for 10 points, it should at least be a candle’s worth.

But in reality?

The Concentration Incense was an incense stick, very thin, and not particularly long.

In Song Xingyun’s understanding, incense sticks shouldn’t be sold individually, they should be sold in bundles or bunches.

“I think I might have been ripped off,” Song Xingyun muttered.

“This is the trade market, substandard or counterfeit goods are not allowed on the shelves,” Yan Zhiguo stated.

Song Xingyun was taken aback. “But…”

“Whether the incense is good or not, you’ll know once you try it,” Yan Zhiguo said, striding away.

“Hey, where are you going?” Song Xingyun and the other team members quickly followed.

“To the training ground.”


At the same time.

Yun Shan privately messaged Han Jiaqing, “I’ve made a new batch of Concentration Incense. Interested?”

Han Jiaqing was puzzled, “What’s that?”

“Concentration Incense, it’s an incense stick. Effect: Enhances focus and concentration,” Yun Shan replied, “It also has an alias—’2x Skill Experience Card.'”

Han Jiaqing, “!!!”

If you’re going to talk about this, I won’t be sleepy anymore.

“What do you mean? Tell me more.”

“Which experience bonuses does it include? Combat skills? Support skills? Life skills?”

“Does it only boost skill experience? Can it accelerate leveling up?”

Han Jiaqing bombarded her with several messages, launching a barrage of questions.

Yun Shan informed him, “It includes, but is not limited to, combat skills, support skills, life skills, martial arts techniques, and there’s also a very small chance of an epiphany.”

“It only enhances focus, strengthening perception, but doesn’t increase leveling speed.”

“At the price of 10 points for 1 stick, it lasts for 30 minutes.”

“It’s most effective when used by a single person, the effects are slightly reduced when used by multiple people.”

Han Jiaqing looked at the conversation box, momentarily speechless.

Could it be said that Yun Shan was truly remarkable?

She was always in the limelight, making headlines whenever she made a move.

“Let’s start with 30 sticks,” Han Jiaqing said.



In fact, the Concentration Incense was an unexpected creation.

Yun Shan’s original intention was to create an incense that would calm Lu Ming and help him sleep. However, by accident, she ended up creating the Concentration Incense, which enhanced attention and strengthened cognitive abilities.

Because of its powerful and effective properties, Yun Shan occasionally made some to sell.

After making 300 sticks of Concentration Incense recently, she tossed them into the trade market and then turned her attention to studying Lu Ming’s illness.

In the kitchen:

You Yi curiously peeked in, “I heard that Calming Grass can only be used to make Tranquility Soup. Apart from that, it has no other uses. Divine Doctor, what are you doing?”

“Pastries,” Yun Shan replied casually as she worked. “I’m incorporating herbs into them to make them both delicious and beneficial for health.”

As she spoke, Zuo Xin observed Yun Shan boiling and extracting the essence from the herbs, then mixing it into glutinous rice flour to make dough with red bean paste filling.

Soon, a light, pleasant herbal fragrance filled the kitchen, bringing a serene and calm atmosphere.

Once the pastries were steamed and cooled, Yun Shan calculated, “In total, there are twenty pastries, with six beasts and four people, that’s a fair share for everyone.”

You Yi, indignant, exclaimed, “How can our Lord receive the same treatment as the beasts?”

“Huh?” Yun Shan was taken aback.

“At the very least, he should get a double portion!” You Yi insisted.

Lu Liu sighed.

“If the Lord makes the pastries, of course the master can distribute them as he wishes,” Lu Liu said, glancing at You Yi with a hint of warning in his eyes. “Our share and the Lord’s should be kept together.”

This way, the distribution remained the same, but the Lord would receive six pastries.

You Yi quickly understood, acknowledging his mistake, “Lu Liu is right. I didn’t consider it properly.”

Yun Shan placed Dahei and the falcons’ rations to the side and then prepared an additional portion. “This is for Lu Ming.”

Upon closer inspection, You Yi realized it wasn’t two or six, but eight pastries.

He fell silent.

He had overthought that the Divine Doctor was biased, and the Lord shouldn’t receive the same treatment as the beasts.

Upon receiving 30 Concentration Incense sticks, Han Jiaqing, as if distributing bonuses, gave each member of the guild a stick, saying, “Light it during skill training, it has miraculous effects.”

“A tiny stick like this has miraculous effects?” Vice President Kang Zeyang was particularly speechless. “Where did you get it?”

Han Jiaqing: “Made by Yun Shan.”

Kang Zeyang was even more surprised. “Yun Shan? She’s still active? Faking her death?”

With no news for over a year, Kang Zeyang had assumed she had retired from the game.

“It’s said she had some trouble before,” Han Jiaqing redirected the conversation. “Remember to use the Concentration Incense and give feedback after using it.”

Made by Yun Shan?

Feng Yao looked at the short Concentration Incense stick, and a vague idea formed in his mind.

Training Room 401.

Feng Yao hired a private coach for one-on-one instruction. As it was a basic level coach, the price was reasonable: a 30-minute session for only 50 points.

“When throwing a punch, make the movement fast, hit hard, and it’s best to instantly knock down the opponent,” the coach, surnamed Hu, a well-known NPC, demonstrated while speaking, unexpectedly ambushing Feng Yao.

Having spent quite some time in the training ground, Feng Yao was quite familiar with the coaching style of the NPC, always staying alert. Almost as soon as the opponent moved, he blocked and counterattacked.

However, experience counts, and Coach Hu swiftly countered, hitting Feng Yao on the joint, instantly subduing him.

Feng Yao: “…”

Fortunately, he didn’t use full force.

Otherwise, he might have dislocated something.

“With such rich combat experience, how long have you been training?” Feng Yao was curious.

“Before becoming a coach, I often roamed outside, a full four years, didn’t die, made it through,” Coach Hu said.

Combat skills honed between life and death, seeking only the most concise, practical techniques, no frills.

Feng Yao felt that just based on Coach Hu’s resume, his points were well spent.

“Are the intermediate and advanced coaches even more formidable?” Feng Yao asked.

Coach Hu easily flipped Feng Yao over and coldly scoffed, “Three-star, four-star coaches can crush opponents with just their strength. No matter how superb the opponent’s fighting skills, they’re like paper in front of them.”

Feng Yao: “…”

This statement made sense.

Coach Hu stretched his muscles, feeling unusually quick and agile today. He frowned and sniffed, “What’s that smell?”

“Concentration Incense,” Feng Yao replied, then launched a surprise attack, kicking Coach Hu’s ankle.

Coach Hu pressed his knee, catching Feng Yao’s lower leg.

Feng Yao: luckily the wild beasts outdoors aren’t as troublesome.

After a 30-minute practical combat session, Feng Yao clearly realized how effective the Concentration Incense was.

Usually, when Coach Hu taught combat skills, he had to practice 8-10 times to grasp them initially. But today, after practicing 5 times, he vaguely grasped the knack and even caused Coach Hu a bit of trouble with a surprise attack.

If this wasn’t just a coincidence, it meant that lighting the incense could enhance learning progress, akin to a double skill experience card.

As the training ended, Coach Hu stared at the ash of the burnt Concentration Incense in a daze, “This incense smells quite nice. Where did you get it?”

“The guild leader gave it to me,” Feng Yao casually replied.

Considering Yun Shan’s consistent style, he added, “Maybe it’ll be available in the future trade market.”

—He was unaware that the Concentration Incense was already on sale, and Yun Shan had provided the finished product for trial to familiar faces.

“The trade market…” Coach Hu’s eyes flashed with a hint of doubt, then he nodded at Feng Yao, “Thanks.”

Feng Yao bid farewell and left.

Coach Hu sat down on the spot, cross-legged, seizing the fleeting inspiration that came during the training, pondering deeply.


Guild Farm.

Kang Zeyang, dressed in coarse clothes and trousers, with a towel over his shoulder, toiled and sweated profusely, looking nothing like a rich second-generation or a guild vice president, but rather like a weather-beaten, hardworking peasant.


Kang Zeyang panted heavily. As he raised his arm, he noticed three mosquito bites on his elbow, incredibly itchy.

“What am I doing…”

He sighed repeatedly, sat down in a corner, and took out a high-quality purple grass ointment to apply.

Back when he first started playing the game, Kang Zeyang was quite naive, thinking that staying in the game would gradually improve his physical condition. Things like receding hairline were no longer relevant to him.

However, the harsh reality told him that “sitting still for four hours” and “working hard for four hours” had vastly different effects on his health. Only through physical labor could his mental strength be exercised, and his physical well-being improved.

What counted as physical labor?

Hunting, logging, mining, farming, breeding, cooking, tailoring… all of these.


Hunting beasts in the wild was too dangerous. It was fine to tag along with a team, but going solo meant offering oneself as an easy target and risking the waste of hard-earned registration codes.

He couldn’t raise pigs, cook, or sew, he didn’t have those skills.

After eliminating options, only three choices remained, either go logging, mining, or farming. Pure physical labor, no need for technical expertise.

Kang Zeyang was distressed.

As a rich second-generation, what was he doing engaging in manual labor in a full-immersion online game?

But for the sake of lush locks, he had to tough it out.

You see, there was a young talent in the circle who, in his early thirties, managed his company impeccably. Unfortunately, he went bald prematurely.

So, this young and successful man dared not step out without wearing a wig. Occasionally, when encountered by acquaintances in the know, he’d be ridiculed.

So what if he had thinning hair! What’s wrong with feeling cool! What a joke!

Yet the reality was that having thinning hair would be treated as a laughing matter, regardless of one’s capabilities.

Kang Zeyang sympathized with the guy on one hand but, on the other, he secretly cautioned himself, vowing not to end up in the same predicament.

Therefore, even if it was tough and tiring, he gritted his teeth and persisted, refusing to give up.

“Oh, right, the guild leader gave me one stick of incense and asked for feedback after using it,” Kang Zeyang rarely visited the training ground, so he decided to light the incense while farming.

Whether it was an illusion or not, suddenly he seemed to have an epiphany, understanding how to exert force and finesse. He was doing the same chores, but it felt different, as if it was much easier.

Half an hour later, the incense burned out.

Kang Zeyang looked astonished, “Already half an hour? I didn’t even notice.”

After pondering, he suddenly realized, “The incense enhances concentration, making time fly by without feeling it.”

Kang Zeyang thought to himself, solely for the effect of improving focus, this incense had to become a daily essential.


The next day.

Feng Yao headed to the training ground, intending to ask Coach Hu for a practice session as usual. But—

“Coach Hu? He had an epiphany yesterday, applied for an upgrade challenge overnight, and has successfully passed, promoting to ‘Intermediate Coach.’ Now it’s 100 points per session. If you need, I can book a session for you.”

Feng Yao: ???

For a moment, he almost thought the staff was joking with him.

He had known Coach Hu for over a year, so how did he suddenly have an epiphany, upgrade, and double the price?

When they met yesterday, he seemed perfectly normal, just like before…

Thinking back to the lit Concentration Incense and his unusually strong learning ability, Feng Yao’s expression suddenly stiffened.

1 comment
  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    New pot of gold incoming


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