Doomsday Camp [Base Construction]
Doomsday Camp [Base Construction] Chapter 21

Chapter 21:

“It’s time for a simple, straightforward financial transaction! I have money, do you have Concentration Incense?”

The direct question prompted a straightforward response from Yun Shan, “No.”

Han Jiaqing: “…”

As a professional player, telling the boss there’s none available was just too headstrong!

“You’re going to lose a big client like this, you know?”

After silently cursing, the big client Han Jiaqing continued, “When will you have some?”

Yun Shan: “In about half a month, or you could try visiting the trading market when you have time.”

Han Jiaqing: “We’re already swamped with orders in the group; why are you still focused on the trading market?”

Yun Shan: “Group transactions usually involve cash payments. I want money and points, both at the same time.”

Han Jiaqing: “…”

Damn, wanting it both ways.

But it was hard to accumulate points, even for personal use, it felt insufficient, with no surplus to spend.

“Last time, you announced a private chat transaction to everyone, but I was in the game and missed it,” Han Jiaqing persisted, “Can’t you make an exception?”

“You missed it, but Kang Zeyang didn’t. He ordered 100 sticks of Concentration Incense,” Yun Shan remarked, “Aren’t you both leaders in the same guild?”

Han Jiaqing: “!!!”

He felt like he was back in the game.


“1, 2, 3, 4… 99, 100.”

Kang Zeyang gazed at the pile of Concentration Incense, a happy smile on his face.

These days, who doesn’t stay up late or work overtime? Who doesn’t have a little ailment or pain?

There’s one with rheumatism, joints swelling and aching on rainy days.

Another one, young but with a stomach condition from frequent drinking and socializing, ending up in the hospital every few days.

Then there are those with stress-related sleep disorders. Early to bed, but unable to sleep until the wee hours, despite medication and hospital stays providing little relief.

To alleviate their suffering, many in the social circle were like bloodhounds, waiting for months on end, attempting to grab registration codes – with only 3,000 spots available per week, it was all about speed.

Lucky winners were few, some waiting for half a year without success.

Those who managed to enter the game with a registration code complained every day. Playing a game meant farming, logging, and mining – they had never endured such suffering in their lives.

Even Kang Zeyang, who had been obsessively protecting his hairline, occasionally found it hard to cope.

But now, with the Concentration Incense in hand, life was no longer as arduous as before.

Kang Zeyang, ambitious and determined, pondered on “how to allocate the 100 sticks of Concentration Incense” reasonably.

After finalizing his plan, he overturned it. He kept mulling it over, never quite satisfied.

During his contemplation, Han Jiaqing paid him a visit.

Han Jiaqing, with an intense gaze, asked, “Are we brothers?”

Kang Zeyang: “?”

Puzzled, he still replied, “Yes.”

“Who initially brought you into the game?” Han Jiaqing inquired again.

“You did.”

“If it had been a few months later, you might not have been able to grab a registration code,” Han Jiaqing insinuated, “Wouldn’t you say I helped you?”

Kang Zeyang’s alarm bells rang loudly. “What are you trying to do? Just say it.”

The conversation made him feel extremely uneasy.

“Good brother! Share blessings, share hardships!” Han Jiaqing righteously declared, “Could you give me half of the 100 sticks of Concentration Incense you bought?”

Kang Zeyang: “…”

“Who are you? Do I know you? Get out of here!”

Half an hour later, Han Jiaqing left, holding a box with 50 sticks of Concentration Incense, happily setting out for NPC diplomacy.

Inside, Kang Zeyang felt remorseful, lamenting his misjudgment in making friends.


Yun Shan had intended to conduct a comprehensive examination of Lu Ming, but after waking up from a nap, he became disoriented again. He was uncooperative and dazed, making it impossible for Yun Shan to proceed.

With Chef Meng and Qin Wan in charge of her pets’s daily meals, Yun Shan felt considerably more relaxed, using her free time to work on medicine-making, incense production, and settling debts in her room.

After a few days, Yun Shan, with 300 sticks of incense freshly made, prepared to head out.

Upon seeing this, Dahei rushed over, sticking close by. Lu Liu, feeling responsible, followed, providing protection along the way.

With her bodyguards in tow, Yun Shan set off for the trading market.

On the way, they passed a large expanse of dilapidated buildings, some already reduced to ruins. Over twenty NPCs were earnestly repairing and transporting lumber.

Yun Shan couldn’t help but stop in her tracks.

“At the end of June, when the beast wave broke out, a large number of beast invaded the camp. Not only were buildings destroyed, but there were also numerous casualties. If it weren’t for the lord’s breakthrough to reach five stars…” Lu Liu’s eyes dimmed, and she didn’t continue.

Yun Shan averted her gaze. “Let’s go.”


Entering the trading market, Yun Shan, as usual, informed the staff, “I want to place an order.”

“Please wait.”

After a while, a staff member hurriedly arrived with someone in tow. However, it wasn’t an expert to inspect the goods’ quality, it was a certain NPC named “Manager Zhou.”

“Hello, I am the person in charge of the trading market. There are some matters I need to confirm with you,” Manager Zhou beamed with enthusiasm. “Could you confirm if the Concentration Incense can be supplied long-term? How long does it take to produce the next batch?”

Yun Shan answered each question, “We use common materials, so it can be supplied long-term, with a production cycle of 3-7 days.”

“3-7 days?” Manager Zhou was puzzled. “Is the production process very complicated?”

“No,” Yun Shan shook her head, “There are patients at home, and I have other tasks, so I may not always have the time to make incense.”

She made it when she could and took a break when she couldn’t, managing it flexibly.

Manager Zhou fell silent.

Since the Concentration Incense was sold out, countless residents and travelers from other realms had been inquiring at the counter every day.

When will it be available, will it be sold in the future, can they be notified privately before the sale… similar questions were asked repeatedly.

The staff found it unbearable. Some couldn’t endure it and even considered resigning.

It’s worth noting that working at the trading market was a secure job. The pay was high, the benefits were good, and the job security was strong, with reasonable working hours. Many people were vying for these positions.

But no matter how good the treatment, answering the same question eight hundred times a day was taxing.

Each one was forced to act as an emotionless answering machine, and the staff found it distressing.

To rescue his subordinates, Manager Zhou decided to address the problem at its root.

However, the principal party showed no reaction and even considered it a waste of time.

“After the questions, can we proceed with the process to list the Concentration Incense? I’m pressed for time,” Yun Shan negotiated with the NPC.

“In fact, if there’s early promotion, sales will significantly increase…”

Just as Manager Zhou was about to make a point, Yun Shan interrupted, “It’s fine, anyway, it’s all sold out, so let’s do it as convenient.”

Pausing briefly, she added, “Moreover, the incense must be made by me personally, and the production volume is stable (but low), without significant fluctuations.”

To put it bluntly, if the customer has money, but she has no stock.

All the prepared arguments were of no use; Manager Zhou had to admit defeat.

On the way back, Yun Shan strolled through the commercial street.

“1-star Crimson-bellied Pheasant, exclusively raised at Haiyu Breeding Farm, 10 points per pound.”

“2-star Tiger-Striped Rabbit Cubs, 50 points each.”

“1-star Wild Heron Duck, 10 points per pound, hurry while stocks last.”

Yun Shan stopped in front of a shop.

A wooden board at the entrance read, “Large quantities of 1-star and 2-star Wolfhounds for sale. 1-star: 30 points each, 2-star: 100 points each, no bargaining.”

Yun Shan walked in.

“The wolfhounds are in the cages, feel free to take a look,” said the shop owner as customers entered, not overly warm in his welcome.

Yun Shan approached for a closer look.

The wolfhound cubs had either yellow-black or pure black fur, bright eyes, and clean coats. They moved about their cages energetically, displaying a lot of vitality.

“Where did they come from?” Yun Shan inquired.

“They were born from our home-raised wolfhounds. We had ten in a litter, but we couldn’t afford to keep them all, so we had to find them good homes elsewhere,” the shop owner explained with a touch of helplessness. “Anyone who buys a wolfhound from us must agree to follow-up visits – they must not be mistreated.”


After making a round, Yun Shan made up her mind. “I’ll take all six of the 2-star wolfhound cubs.”

The shop owner couldn’t hide his surprise and couldn’t help but caution, “Battle pets grow extremely fast. Although they’re young now, in two months, they’ll be fully grown, and their appetites will be enormous.”

Six fully grown 2-star wolves could overwhelm an ordinary household.

“No problem, I can handle it,” Yun Shan smiled. “I can manage follow-up visits as well.”

With a slightly relieved expression, the shop owner said, “I’ll make sure to visit them regularly from now on.”

After signing the contract and exchanging points, the shop owner said, “Leave your address, I’ll tidy up and personally deliver the six 2-star cubs to you later.”


As they left the shop, Lu Liu remarked, “A person can only bond with one battle pet. We already have a 4-star white tiger cub in the estate, so there’s no need to buy 2-star wolfhounds.”

“Typically, that’s true. However, my situation is unique, and I have the ability to tame multiple Battle pets,” Yun Shan confessed, a rare moment of honesty.

Hearing this, Lu Liu remained silent and followed quietly.

Back at the estate, it didn’t take long for the shop owner to deliver the six 2-star wolfhound cubs. Along with them, he brought their favorite toys and snacks.

Observing this, Yun Shan reciprocated with some sauce bones as a gesture of gratitude.

All these sauce bones were made by her personally. Originally, they were treats for Dahei, but now she had taken some out to give as gifts.

“I’ll make you a new one when I have time,” Yun Shan reassured.

Dahei howled, seemingly unconcerned.

The shop owner gazed at the vast expanse of farmland and was stunned. “All of this land is yours?”

“Yep,” Yun Shan nodded.

With 50 plots of land, 5 tenants, 2 chefs, a 3-star wolfhound, 5 3-star white falcons, and a 4-star white tiger cub, she could be considered a small landowner.

The shop owner looked at Dahei closely, carefully assessing him.

He was sleek and well-groomed, with strong and muscular limbs, bright, clear eyes, full of trust and affection for his owner.

The shop owner felt more at ease. “I’ll leave the cubs to you. Here’s my contact information. If you encounter any trouble during the rearing process, feel free to contact me.”

Yun Shan added him as a friend and inquired, “Do you have any other 2-star wolfhound cubs for sale?”

The shop owner was taken aback. “Aren’t six enough?”

“Not for me,” Yun Shan replied.

Was she planning to start a business selling battle pets? The shop owner began to wonder.

It had been discovered long ago that raising a Battle pet cub from a young age significantly increased the likelihood of bonding. However, even with the increased chance, successful bonding remained relatively rare, and there were still few people who owned battle pets.

It wasn’t until a year ago, when influential people began acquiring 2-star wolfhound battle pets, that the battle strength increased significantly. People then realized that the wolfhounds retained some traits of domestic dogs. Compared to other Battle pets, they were easier to tame.

For instance, the probability of a normal adult Battle pets bonding was 1%, while for a regular cub, it was 10-20%. However, for a wolfhound cub, the bonding probability was 35-50%.

Since then, wolfhound breeding farms had been springing up like mushrooms after the rain, but the quality varied.

The shop owner had a male and a female 2-star wolfhound, and they had given birth to too many cubs to manage, prompting him to sell them.

“I don’t have any spare 2-star wolfhound cubs at my place, but I know someone who does. If you’re interested, I can help you get in touch,” the shop owner offered.

“In that case, I’ll leave it to you,” Yun Shan paused, then added, “Pick out the ones with good features for me.”

“Alright,” the shop owner readily agreed. “How many would you like?”

Yun Shan calculated her current points and then the feeding costs for raising the cubs. “I’ll take 44 for now.”

Adding the previous purchase of 6 cubs, that would make it 50.

The shop owner: “…”

Indeed, quite a generous move from a businessperson.

“After it’s done, I’ll pay an additional 300 points as a thank you,” Yun Shan added.

“Alright, I’ll go contact them right away,” the shop owner said, energized upon hearing about the 300 points.

As Yun Shan looked back at the entire estate, a hint of a smile formed at the corner of her mouth. “Finally, it’s starting to resemble what I remember.”

1 comment
  1. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    Let’s goooo


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