Doomsday Camp [Base Construction]
Doomsday Camp [Base Construction] Chapter 24

Chapter 24:

Before long, someone private message Yun Shan, “The Doomsday Camp’ is too realistic, causing deviations in the cognition of teenagers. There might be rectification later, or even a crackdown. What’s your take?”

Yun Shan replied, “I think we should enhance safety education for teenagers.”

At the very least, when she was young, she never took what happened in games seriously, let alone imitated them.

The person, “…”

The person continued, “If the authorities order the game company to cease operations, spending money to acquire points is like throwing money into the river.”

Yun Shan replied, “If they don’t, then it’s a windfall.”

“Are you that confident?” the person wondered.

“Gambling has always been high risk, high return,” Yun Shan said. “Look at your username, ‘Courageous to the Extreme.’ Quietly contemplate the essence of it.”

Courageous to the Extreme: “Thumbs Up.jpg”

Courageous to the Extreme: “I thought I was crazy for buying points for 10 bucks, never expected the group owner to be even bolder, bidding 20.”

Courageous to the Extreme: “You’re fierce, I’m impressed.”

After that, he never posted in the group to buy points again.

Several others approached Yun Shan, indirectly trying to find out if there was any inside information.

Yun Shan: “Don’t ask. If you ask, it means having confidence in Doomsday Camp’ and believing it won’t shut down.”

Many people left disappointed.

A few group members, perhaps fearing the game’s closure and the months of hard work going to waste, were actually willing to sell their points cheaply to her.

Yun Shan: “Fair trade, voluntary principle, absolutely no coercion.”

Group member: “It’s voluntary, just hurry up.”

They were worried that the server might suddenly become inaccessible, and each of them was very anxious.

Yun Shan was quite accommodating, accepting each of the points they didn’t want.


The situation continued to escalate, attracting significant social attention. Industry insiders expressed their opinions, leading to endless arguments.

“I said years ago that promoting holographic online games should not only consider technical issues but also the potential social problems it might cause. These things must be carefully considered in advance, it’s too late once trouble arises.”

“…I’m 11 this year, a year younger than the person in the news, but I never thought of going to fight a Tibetan mastiff!”

“Where did the dog come from? Where are the child’s parents? Aren’t there any other people nearby? Who recorded the video? I have so many questions in my head right now.”

“Some time ago, Tibetan Mastiffs were popular, and many households bought them as pets. Later, when the craze faded, they didn’t want them anymore and just abandoned them. I hope the security department can manage this. This time it’s someone else’s child, next time it could be our own.”

“Although the child in the video seems a bit silly, ‘Doomsday Camp’ is just too realistic. I won’t hide it, sometimes when I play the game for a long time, I really think I’m living in the end of the world.”

“I also… got used to battling beasts in the game, in daily life, I sometimes can’t control my arm…”

“The child was bitten by the dog, it’s quite tragic, stop scolding. Speaking of which, who hasn’t been mischievous as a child? Isn’t this how we all grew up?”

“Shut it down! This kind of crappy game should be shut down decisively!”

“‘Doomsday Camp’? Isn’t that the holographic online game that bought fake reviews and boasts endlessly? It should be shut down quickly. What kind of game claims to cure baldness, improve sleep, and whiten skin? You’re shameless to boast, and I’m embarrassed to listen.”

“Yeah, what kind of game claims to expand spiritual horizons and greatly improve physical fitness? It’s too much boasting, can’t you be more modest? The child in the video probably believed the official propaganda and really thought he was a superhero. Strictly speaking, isn’t this misleading?”

“The mischievous child played the holographic online game and actively provoked the mastiff. Regardless of who’s right or wrong in this matter, this game can indeed cure hair loss, personally tested and effective.”

After browsing through the comments section, Yun Shan, for the first time, realized how tough modern life can be.

Someone claiming to have sleep disorders is only 27 this year. It’s said that the previous job was too hard, with a completely disrupted day-night rhythm, ruining the body.

The person who posted the physical examination report recently turned 30, already suffering from high blood pressure and high blood sugar.

As for the blogger who was recommended, it was due to daily makeup at work, leading to extremely poor skin condition, which prompted the start of documenting recovery.

The arguments continued.

“Before playing the game, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, beer belly; after playing the game, blood pressure is normal, blood lipids have dropped, weight has decreased by 8 pounds, with a one-month interval. What kind of medical miracle is this? Are these examination reports faked?”

“It could also be from taking blood pressure and blood sugar-lowering medications, exercising on weekends, manually boosting results.”

“What about the blogger? At the beginning, sallow complexion, emaciated, lifeless eyes, dark circles, dry and yellowing hair; now, rosy complexion, lively eyes, no more dark circles, hair as black as ink. The change is so obvious, day by day, gradually improving.”

“Compared to playing the game, I’m more inclined to believe that she underwent cosmetic procedures and used high-end skincare products.”

“…Anyway, if you haven’t experienced it firsthand, you won’t believe what others say.”

“But you also need to say something believable! Isn’t this just blatantly fooling people? Whoever believes it is just foolish.”

The comments section was in an uproar, almost to the point of a fight.

After observing for a while and seeing no new developments, Yun Shan put on her holographic helmet and logged into the game.

Surprisingly, the game seemed somewhat deserted. There weren’t many online players; it seemed like everyone was busy commenting and watching the commotion.

Yun Shan first went to the Red Maple Pharmacy to purchase medicinal herbs, then returned to the manor and quietly stayed indoors to make Concentration Incense.


As the sky gradually darkened, the online arguments intensified.

Apart from ordinary people, even influential figures faced consequences.

“The most crucial thing now is to find the child who was bitten, not to argue about who’s right or wrong.”

“Beer belly, gastric perforation, osteoporosis, all saved by the holographic online game. I believe that if there are shortcomings, they can be rectified without the need for a shutdown. The perfection of holographic technology is undoubtedly a monumental event in human history.”

“Sleep quality analysis report. Before entering the game, sleep quality analysis report.jpg one month after entering the game, sleep quality analysis report. Two months after entering the game. I’m not a researcher, I don’t understand holographic technology, but I know how my body feels. Thanks to Doomsday Camp,’ I have good sleep every day.”

These people were either directors of XX Group, owners of XX chain stores, or the sole heirs of the XX family, all belonging to the type of people who couldn’t be swayed by money.

Even a respected actress chimed in, “As I age, high-end cosmetics can’t hide my crow’s feet and laugh lines, refusing to age is a must. However, playing games in my free time has indeed improved my skin texture.”

Below were two images.

One, despite heavy makeup, couldn’t conceal the fatigue.

The other, with minimal makeup, appeared younger and more vibrant.

Netizens were astonished.

Causing such a stir and speaking up for “Doomsday Camp,” were these people in their right minds?

As public figures, they should be responsible for the consequences of their words without inciting public opinion so carelessly.

What benefits did the game company promise them that they would fight so hard?

Opinions were divided.

At this point, a comment exposed the truth, “I think they are not advocating for the game company but speaking up for themselves. We are all mortal, who doesn’t get sick? Who doesn’t suffer when they’re sick? It’s chaotic now, but if there’s no cure when they fall ill, there will be no place to cry.”

Seeing the public opinion gradually leaning towards the game company, the person who recorded the video stepped forward to speak out.

“My name is Luo Qiong, I’m a college student and a live streamer. I usually go to local tourist attractions to live stream on weekends.”

“That day, I happened to be live streaming, and unexpectedly, a huge mastiff appeared on camera. I was completely shocked at the time.”

“Later, that child actively provoked the dog and even got into a fight with it. I was at a loss and didn’t know what to do. Thankfully, the viewers watching the live stream acted quickly and helped report to the police…”

“After being bitten, the boy quickly disappeared; we have no idea where he went. I hope he’s okay.”

After watching past videos, it was clear that the streamer was a young girl, around eighteen or nineteen, petite and frail. If she were to intervene, it would be like putting herself in harm’s way.

Many netizens expressed their understanding and then spontaneously began searching for the injured child, hoping for his safety.

While Yun Shan was checking the latest news, a chat box suddenly popped up.

“Courageous to the Extreme: I have spare points, selling you 1 point for 20 bucks, interested?”

Yun Shan was astonished, “The victim is missing, and you still have the mind to talk business?”

“Courageous to the Extreme: I’ve been in the game for over a year, seen everything, just never seen underage players.”

“Courageous to the Extreme: There’s definitely a problem with this. They’ll handle their issues, and we’ll deal with ours. So, do you want the points or not? If not, I’ll find someone else.”

“Accept,” Yun Shan replied without hesitation.

Money changed hands, and points were transferred.

After the deal was done, Yun Shan asked, “Where did these points come from? I assume you didn’t earn them yourself?”

“Courageous to the Extreme: Where could I?!”

“Courageous to the Extreme: Many players are panicking, as if the game company will shut down tomorrow. Some are voluntarily selling items and points at low prices, and I thought the price was right, so I bought them.”

“Courageous to the Extreme: It’s almost like the game is about to shut down. After playing for so long, I can’t come away with nothing. If there’s something that can be sold, I’ll sell it, as I figure I won’t need it in the future.”

Yun Shan realized, “You buy low and sell high, making a profit?”

“Courageous to the Extreme: Hehe, I thought about it. There’s a certain risk in acquiring points yourself. Isn’t being a middleman better? Buy low, sell high, and have stable earnings.”

“Courageous to the Extreme: If the holographic online game is banned, I’ll transfer the points I bought to you and make one last profit. If the game isn’t shut down, I’ll just consider these past few days as a part-time job and continue playing with the account without any loss.”

Yun Shan sighed, “You’re truly talented. Serves you right for making money.”

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