Doomsday Camp [Base Construction]
Doomsday Camp [Base Construction] Chapter 28

Chapter 28:

The two of them bickered back and forth for quite a while.

Yun Shan firmly refused to give anyone a handle, only saying that if she couldn’t get it done, she would contact them later.

In order to be contacted, she leaked quite a bit of information with great courage. Summing it up, the essence was – knowing full well that the gaming company had issues, but not being able to do anything about it. Not only could she not deal with it, she also needed to rely on its power.

Yun Shan was not surprised.

Because it was just like that in the previous life, an unspoken understanding, enjoying the game happily, pretending that nothing had happened.

After shutting off the communication signal, Yun Shan had a good night’s rest. The next morning, she was full of energy and leisurely logged into the game.

As soon as she appeared in the manor, You Yi grabbed her, “Something’s wrong! The Lord has lost control again!”

Yun Shan: ???

For various reasons, Lu Ming’s condition in this life wasn’t as severe as it was in the previous one. Plus, with Yun Shan making herbal meals every day and forcing him to carry a bag of medicine with him, theoretically, he shouldn’t lose control.

\”What happened?” Yun Shan frowned.

“Before dawn, someone broke into the manor,” You Yi explained the situation briefly, “The intruder is experienced, successfully avoiding the battle pets groups. Three of them fought me, while others took the opportunity to sneak into the Lord’s room. The Lord was provoked, gone berserk, and now can’t stop!”

“Where’s Lu Ming? Take me there quickly,” Yun Shan immediately demanded.

“This way.”

The two hurried there. When they arrived, they happened to see Lu Ming on a rampage.

Two-star and three-star players were turning into white light one after another, roughly estimating about seven or eight people.

Yun Shan walked up quickly, cupping Lu Ming’s cheeks in her hands, trying to calm him down. With the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar face not far away and asked sternly, “Why is it you?”

The person in front of her was a member of the pay-to-win gaming group.

They had met in other holographic online games before, she recognized his face.

The three-star player being questioned was feeling quite flustered, “I just wanted to come to your territory to see if you’ve had any recent adventures, who knew this NPC would kill on sight!!”

At this moment, the black text above Lu Ming’s head read “Lu Ming,” not “Lord,” so the other party was unaware of his identity.

“Coming to someone’s place in the middle of the night and then blaming others for mistaking you for a thief?” If it weren’t for her awakened support talent, Yun Shan would probably have kicked him and dealt with him personally.

“I just wanted to gather information, not hurt anyone!” the other person shouted.

Before the words had even settled, another player discreetly approached Yun Shan and swung a knife at her.

Lu Ming gently pulled Yun Shan into his embrace, and with just one strike, he killed the attacker.

Three-star player, “…”

If he had known there was such a formidable force in the manor, he wouldn’t have come even if he was begged.

The three-star player was about to say something, like trying to mend relationships and seeking forgiveness. However, before he could speak, a vine shot out, coiled around his neck, and instantly strangled him.

Lu Liu walked over, coldly stating, “The intruders have all been eliminated, the danger has been cleared.”

Lu Ming and Yun Shan were extremely close. His eyes held a smile as he leaned in for a deep breath.

As if taking in a breath of fresh air, one breath made him feel refreshed, two breaths made him feel a hundred times more spirited (not really).

Yun Shan: “Let’s go back inside.”

She grabbed Lu Ming’s wrist, applied a bit of force, and then led the way. Lu Ming was quite cooperative, following her wherever she went.

Back inside and settling Lu Ming, Yun Shan remained calm for a moment and quickly organized her thoughts, “That group of people came for me.”

In the eyes of others, she had abandoned the game for over a year, her support abilities stood out, her combat abilities were average, making her an easy target for bullying.

Especially recently, she had obtained registration codes, something others had never obtained, making her even more desirable.

“Don’t worry, Divine Doctor,” Lu Liu said calmly, “The Lord has a special status, assassination attempts are common, once you defeat them, they’ll know to fear you.”

You Yi also added, “Divine Doctor, you’ve put in a lot of effort to treat the Lord, if there’s trouble, we will definitely help.”

Yun Shan felt a lingering frustration.

She had always played the game by dominating others, being bullied was a first for her.

She couldn’t tolerate it.

Yun Shan looked at the large group of wolfhound puppies outside and was determined to train them as quickly as possible.


There were a total of 50 wolfhound puppies in the manor. Yun Shan divided them into groups of 5 and then introduced a one-star tiger-striped rabbit to each group to train their hunting ability.

The wolfhound puppies, despite their baby teeth, were fierce and aggressive.

Upon seeing the one-star tiger-striped rabbit, some of them couldn’t even muster up the enthusiasm and continued to frolic with their little companions.

Seeing this, Yun Shan did not intervene.

However, after a day of training, the most diligent group received treats and grooming, the second most diligent group received grooming, and the third most diligent group received treats.

Their previously messy fur became fluffy and beautiful after grooming, looking handsome and impressive.

The other puppies were stunned, staring at Yun Shan dumbfoundedly, taking a while to regain their composure.

Yun Shan said, “Train well, good performance earns rewards.”

So the next day, the wolf puppies looked at the one-star tiger-striped rabbit, their eyes glowing with anticipation.

Tiger-striped rabbit, “…” Shaking in fear.

Newly born wolfhound puppies could be one-star, or maybe even two-star.

Generally, the higher the level at birth, the better the aptitude, and the more likely for future breakthroughs.

The wolfhound puppies raised in the manor were all two-star, inherently possessing a certain potential. With Yun Shan using treats and grooming to entice them, their potential immediately surfaced, and they rapidly grew.

As the training intensified, Yun Shan instructed Qin Wan and Chef Meng to prepare more food and ensure they were well-fed. If the prey caught by the falcon was not enough, they would use points to buy from outside.

Qin Wan and Chef Meng nodded in agreement.

“Oh, by the way, the probation period is over, it’s time to make it official,” Yun Shan praised, “Both of you have performed well, from now on, you can receive 3 Concentration Incense Sticks every week, keep up the good work.”

Qin Wan and Chef Meng were overjoyed, expressing their gratitude continuously.

Just as they left the kitchen, the white tiger cub was waiting outside.

It first pounced on a one-star tiger-striped rabbit, pretending to bite.

Then it let go of the rabbit, picked up a small wooden comb, and with short legs, ran up to Yun Shan, its eyes sparkling.

– It was amazing, its performance was exceptional, truly deserving of a grooming reward.

Yun Shan couldn’t help but smile. She took the comb and as she groomed, she said, “You’re a four-star, I can’t let you pass too easily.”

The white tiger cub closed its eyes comfortably, completely unaware of what was waiting for it later.

Half an hour later.

The white tiger, with its fluffy coat, looked somewhat dazed. Before it, Dahei stood proudly, its massive figure almost towering.

“From now on, Dahei will train with you. If you perform well, there will be treats and grooming rewards,” Yun Shan announced with a smile.

The white tiger cub, “…”

This isn’t fair!

It demanded to be treated the same as the other cubs!

Yun Shan ruthlessly suppressed its protest and pondered about buying more beast cubs.


A few days later.

The number of two-star wolfhound puppies grew rapidly, reaching 100. They gathered together, receiving training in an orderly manner.

Yun Shan cleared a room, made nests with fabric, and let them rest.

Seeing the continuously expanding group of beast, You Yi was very concerned. He instructed Lu Liu to closely monitor the Divine Doctor, making sure she didn’t have any accidents.

Lu Liu looked at him wordlessly, “The falcon cubs have been adults for nearly a year, have you ever seen them go crazy?”

You Yi was left speechless by her response.

During their infancy, beast are defenseless and can easily become close to humans after spending some time with them. If they fail to form a bond during this period, as they age, their temper will become more irritable, and their aggression will increase.

Beasts raised on farms are typically slaughtered before reaching adulthood.

The falcon has been an adult for a long time and has never lost control.

“Could it be because their mother formed a bond with a human?” You Yi pondered.

“Because the owner is Yun Shan,” Lu Liu said seriously, “The Divine Doctor can calm the Lord even in a state of madness, let alone a few low-level beasts?”

After saying this, she glanced at You Yi, shook her head, and left.

You Yi, “…”

I get excluded by my peers every day because of my low IQ.

What can I do? I’m in despair too!


“After a year, Yun Shan has once again intervened, selling the formula for Healing potion and Revitalizing elixer to the Red Maple Pharmacy!”

Before long, the news swept through the entire camp.

Countless residents flocked to the Red Maple Pharmacy to frantically make purchases.

Many new players were bewildered, “Why is it that as long as it’s associated with the name ‘Yun Shan’, the goods are exceptionally popular, almost as if they’re coated in gold? What kind of sorcery is this?”

“It’s not sorcery, it’s competence,” veteran players who obtained the Healing potion and Revitalizing elixer beamed, “What Yun Shan creates is effective, it’s a worthwhile purchase.”

New players exchanged glances and joined the queue to make their purchases.

Some people had a sudden brainwave and came up with a “brilliant idea”.

“Yun Shan’s personally made Heart-Protecting Pills have excellent results, come and buy them!”

Initially, there were NPCs who were unaware and came to inquire and buy. Players happily collected points, unable to contain their smiles.

However, after a while, several three-star guard NPCs stood in front of the players, surrounding them, “You have falsely advertised under someone else’s name and must pay ten times the selling price as compensation. If you can’t pay, you will be forced into labor in the mines until your debt is repaid.”

Players, “…”

Paying ten times the amount, this is a disaster.


Early September.

On this day, as soon as she logged in, Yun Shan received a substantial payment of 9420 points.

This is the income split: 10% from the pure profit of the premium purple grass ointment, plus 30% from the pure profit of the Healing Potion, and an additional 30% from the pure profit of the Revitalizing Elixer.

To prevent the forgetting of dividend collection from happening again, during negotiations, Yun Shan specifically requested that Manager Meng make the payment at the beginning of each month.

Manager Meng agreed, and as a result, the points were automatically credited at the beginning of each month.

With tens of millions in savings in her bank account and tens of thousands of points in her black wristwatch, Yun Shan had become quite wealthy.

“Let me see, what should I eat today?” she muttered to herself as she strolled around.

Cuttlefish balls, beef balls, shrimp balls, egg dumplings, fish tofu… a wide variety of ingredients for mixing and matching. After making her selection, she put them into paper cups, added a couple of ladles of broth, resulting in an incredibly fresh and delicious taste.

Grilled rice cakes, grilled gluten, grilled chicken wings, grilled lamb skewers, grilled beef skewers, and grilled pork belly all lined up, sprinkled with cumin and seasonings while grilling, creating a fragrance that could be smelled from afar.

Someone had opened a shop specifically selling grilled chicken and duck. Yun Shan glanced over and saw the plump and oily chicken and duck dripping with fragrance.

There were also milk tea shops, dessert shops, pastry shops, and fast food restaurants along the way, the variety almost rivaling that of the late game in the previous life’s game.

“Want some milk tea?” Yun Shan turned to ask Lu Liu.

“No, thanks,” Liu Liu coolly declined.

Yun Shan didn’t insist. With a milk tea in her left hand and a large portion of fries in her right, she also bought mashed potatoes, red bean pie, and crispy chicken legs, enjoying them with great satisfaction.

Dahei was happily munching on a pork cutlet burger.

Lu Liu stood guard by Yun Shan’s side, remaining vigilant at all times.

At this moment, a hunting team carrying three and a half feet tall gray rats walked by. They were going door to door, seemingly inquiring if any shop owners were willing to take them in.

Yun Shan glanced inadvertently and her eyes instantly lit up.

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