Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 2

Chapter 2: An Easy Woman to Deal With

Isn’t this the easiest woman to deal with?

No, that’s not right!

What he should be concerned about is not this.

The girl in front of him is Jeanne d’Arc Alter from the Type-Moon world.

And the description of the great person recruitment seemed to rule out the possibility of coming from another world.

Is transcending eras done like this?!

If that’s really the case, it means he might now be in the ancient Earth of the Type-Moon world.

The magic was undone.

No wonder no sparks could be drilled out, because the physical laws here are just a thin membrane, changing with the dominant life forms

According to the system, it’s now the Cretaceous period.

Besides the group he brought from underground, the closest species to humans are only the early mammalian species resembling mice.

The laws of later ages would be useless.

But back to the point.

If it’s really the Type-Moon world, humans as defined by modern standards shouldn’t be able to survive in the ancient past, with the true ether (the planet’s life force) pervasive in the atmosphere being harmful to them, not to mention it’s an era dominated by dinosaurs.

However, on the other hand, does this mean that the civilization named Eden people by the system, as an initial benefit, is naturally able to adapt to the current environment?

That would mean thinking of a truly suitable development route rather than just transplanting modern technology.

“Hey, suddenly silent for so long, you must be regretting it. Then choose to cancel your summoning of me earlier. Helping civilization develop, this kind of imposed task, I don’t want to do it for a second.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Jeanne d’Arc Alter, in black, arms crossed, her face full of impatience.

If it weren’t for the system limiting her from attacking Adam, she probably would have set fire to him already.

Getting such a difficult and malevolent existence as an initial great person is indeed drawing a bad lot.

But how to put it.

Adam is the director who can make even the biggest stars obediently work.

Moreover, he can understand the other’s personality from a god’s-eye view.

“You only give an oppressive feeling and although it might seem hypocritical to say this, if there’s really something you don’t want to do, I won’t force you. Also, although there might be some problems, if you want, we can sign a contract, on the premise that you understand certain things.”

A director’s talent is not only in controlling the camera and script but more in coordinating and controlling the crew.

Even with a great script and actors, if the shooting process can’t be smoothly executed, the final product will inevitably look like a money-laundering flop.

“You know it’s hypocritical yourself, anyway, you can enforce commands, and frankly, I don’t care about your attitude. I’m a tool, you’re the user, this relationship is actually more straightforward and worry-free.”

Jeanne d’Arc Alter turned her head away, her tone not much changed from before, still very unpleasant, but actually, there was a slight easing.

Although the hatred in her heart is genuine, her base is still that of the saint of France, so in many situations, she appears to say one thing but feel another.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

If Adam had drawn someone like a demonic Bodhisattva, he would have returned her immediately.

He wouldn’t be confident in negotiating and managing the possibility, and might even suffer indirect attacks or brainwashing.

So, the girl in front of him, being unable to harm him, can be dealt with by building a good relationship.

In a sense, easy to deal with.

“At least about not forcing you, I’m sincere. There’s a big difference between a positive and a negative attitude.”

While they were talking, the Eden people, noticing the presence of a very threatening existence suddenly appearing, overcame their initial fear and realized that their leader, Adam, seemed to be calming the other party.

Though not yet fully evolved from animals, these primitives undoubtedly possess the intelligence to develop complex emotions, so one of the braver ones cautiously approached and offered Adam a handful of Cretaceous period plant fruits like a tribute.

These fruits looked somewhat like winter jujubes but were smaller, only slightly larger than the nail cap of a finger, and just looking at their rough and spotted skin could make one’s mouth pucker.

However, this was undoubtedly something that required effort to collect.

Even for the Eden people, who arrived in a new world with a blank slate, they were thrilled to prioritize offering edible discoveries to their leader.

Although they didn’t understand what Adam was just busy with, they could sense he was doing it for their good.

Accepting the fruits, a somewhat relieved Adam looked at Jeanne d’Arc Alter.

“Please allow me to assume I understand what happened to you. But Miss Jeanne, don’t you find destruction and devastation empty? There’s no direct object of your hatred here, and even if there were, your killings wouldn’t make them truly realize their mistakes and sincerely repent. Chances are they would curse you in their hearts, then be even more convinced of their righteousness, carrying that thought into their reincarnation. Even if you eliminated all humanity, another intelligent life civilization would rise and repeat the same cycle.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

“You’ve babbled a bunch of useless nonsense, what exactly are you trying to say?”

Jeanne d’Arc Alter frowned.

But she looked as though she was actually listening to Adam, not just dismissing his words because a few simple sentences couldn’t make her abandon her purpose.

So Adam needed to continue on this point.

“Now is the opportunity to create an ideal world, we can guide and create these people’s development by hand. We can create a world without the worship of gods, a world that doesn’t persecute others, a world that isn’t betrayed by those it protects. Then, it will replace the country you hate in your memory, in every aspect, don’t you think this is a higher form of revenge?”

“Do you think I’m the kind of woman who can be easily deceived?”

“No, I’m seriously saying this.”

Adam also has his cynical side.

So, the opportunity in front of him indeed excites him to try making a change.

“Hmph. How do I know what you’re really thinking inside. Anyone can talk.”

Although she appears unmoved, Jeanne d’Arc Alter’s real meaning is to urge Adam to proceed to the next step.

Deciding what influence to exert on civilization.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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