Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 9

As soon as Yu Mian’s words came out, Father and Mother Yu’s movements paused, and Yu Xing’s brows rose up slightly in obvious surprise.

“You want a tutor?”

Yu Mian gently pursed her lips and her fair cheeks flushed, feeling a little embarrassed. “I missed a lot of classes before…… so I want to make up for the lessons I fell behind.”

Indeed, she had missed too many classes and the school even called him about it. Yu Xing quickly gathered his emotions and was about to nod in agreement when Mother Yu put down her chopsticks and spoke.

Throwing a grudging look at her son, she asked her daughter with a concerned look on her face, “Mianmian, why didn’t you tell Mom that you want to find a tutor to make up lessons? If there’s anything else in the future, just tell Mom and Dad. Don’t keep it inside.”

Listening to Mother Yu’s obviously concerned but actually jealous tone, Yu Mian’s eyebrows couldn’t help but bend in a smile. She said softly, “I was planning to tell you, but Brother asked me first so I told him.”

“Alright, let your brother handle it for you.” Father Yu gave the final word. He then turned to Yu Xing and instructed, “Did you hear your sister’s words clearly? It just so happen that Mianmian has asked for leave these days, so you can find someone with the same major in her school to teach her.”

Yu Xing nodded, his voice was still cold and his expression was indifferent, “I got it.”

“I’m done eating.” After saying that, he stood up and walked out of the dining room without looking back. The man’s tall figure, exuding an aura of indifference that prohibited strangers from coming near, disappeared around the corner behind the door.

Yu Mian watched him walk away. Her gaze unconsciously followed his back, somewhat dazed. After really getting along with him, she realized that Yu Xing wasn’t as scary as in the other Yu Mian’s memory, though he was indeed very cold and difficult to approach. Based on the current situation, her wish of having a brother who doted on her was shattered.

Mother Yu thought she was disappointed with Yu Xing’s cold attitude, so she leaned forward to comfort her, “Mianmian, your brother is such a taciturn person. Don’t look at how he looks like an ice cube every day, in fact, your brother love you very much. Don’t think too much of it, Darling.”

Hearing this, Yu Mian shook her head and smiled with curved eyes. “It’s okay, Mom, I know.”

Saying that Yu Xing loves her, Yu Mian really couldn’t see it. At most, he’s just feeling responsible for her as an older brother.

Moreover, the other Yu Mian’s personality was indeed a bit bad before. Yu Mian only recalled it briefly and felt that sometimes her actions were too much, so she could understand this older brother’s attitude very well.

If it was her, she wouldn’t really like such a selfish sister.

The main reason why the other Yu Mian resented her family was because she thought her parents and brother were living prosperous life in the city while leaving her alone in their hometown to suffer.

Later, when the Yu family picked her up and she saw her parents and brother who had accumulated a lot of wealth and became rich, she became more convinced of her ideas and became extremely mentally unbalanced.

But anyone with a normal mindset could more or less understand the difficulties of starting a business. Yu Mian looked at these memories from another angle and felt that what Father and Mother Yu did back then was actually a form of protection for the other Yu Mian.

After dinner, Yu Mian accompanied Mother Yu to watch some TV for a while, and when it was almost time for bed, she prepared to return to her room and rest.

Mother Yu told her to go to the kitchen and drink a glass of milk before leaving. Yu Mian drank it obediently, then poured another glass and carried it up the stairs.

“Are you going to bring that to your brother?” Mother Yu saw her intention at a glance and smiled. “Your brother never drinks milk at night, but you can bring him a cup of coffee.”

Yu Mian was embarrassed when her little idea was revealed. She blushed slightly and said, “Drinking milk at night can help you sleep, but drinking coffee will keep you awake.”

She slowly walked outside Yu Xing’s room with the cup in hand, raised one hand and knocked on the door. It was quiet. After three seconds of no response, she raised her hand and knocked again.

The sound of light footsteps gradually approached and the door opened the next second. Yu Xing seemed to have just taken a shower. His suit was changed into gray silk pajamas, and his dark hair was wet and dripping with water.

The door was half-open and he stood on the doorway with no intention of letting her in. He swept her a glance, his gaze remaining cold.

“What is it?”

Yu Mian didn’t mind his distant attitude. Carefully holding up the warm glass, she smiled softly. “Brother, drinking a glass of milk before going to bed can help with sleep.”

“I don’t drink milk.”

“Ah…… T-then I……”

Even though she had expected it, Yu Mian was still a little at a loss. She stuttered, unsure of what to say.

Yu Xing’s voice was as cold as his person, without any warmth. “You can take it away.”

“Y-yeah…… Good night, Brother, sweet dreams.”

The girl’s hand holding the glass of milk gently dropped and her little head also lowered. Yu Xing was much taller than her, so he could clearly see her small lips, which were as red and delicate as two rose petals, curving down into a tiny arc of grievance.

Yu Xing didn’t say anything else. Yu Mian was silent for a moment, and as if she had thought of something, she raised the glass to her mouth and drank the milk in one gulp.

Even as calm and rational as Yu Xing was, he was still confused by her unexpected behavior and couldn’t help but ask, “What are you doing?”

The girl raised her small face with a white milk stain on her lips. She blinked twice and her long eyelashes fluttered as she said in a matter-of-fact tone, “Brother won’t drink it but it can’t go to waste, so I’ll drink it for you.”

What she said was quite reasonable, he actually had nothing to say. Seeing Yu Mian turning around to leave, Yu Xing suddenly called out to her, “Wait a minute.”

Yu Mian stopped in her tracks and looked at him with a pair of bright eyes as clear as water, a hint of question in them.

The man’s figure disappeared behind the door and returned again in no time. There was a bank card in his hand. “This is one of my secondary cards. Take it for pocket money and tell me if you need anything.”

Feeling the coolness, Yu Mian lowered her head and looked at the card in her palm. Then she looked up at her calm brother, her eyes slowly turning glassy.

Was this what wealthy families were like? Giving away bank cards at the drop of a hat?

“……Why are you giving me a card?”

“You’re my little sister.”

Yu Xing looked calm and it didn’t look like he was acting on a whim.

In fact, he had prepared this card a long time ago. However, Yu Mian had no restraint in spending money and she liked to expend it all on a small star in the entertainment industry. He didn’t like those actions so Yu Xing had never given it to her.

Now that Yu Mian had changed and finally resembled a younger sister, Yu Xing remembered it.

Yu Mian held the card and returned to her room as if sleepwalking. She threw herself on the bed and rolled for a while before finally regaining her composure.

In essence, Yu Mian only had the mentality of an average citizen. Her first reaction when she came back to her senses was to take out her phone and use the bank app to check the credit limit of this card. The result showed that its usage limit was 10 million.

In other words, it was equivalent to her gaining 10 million at once!?

Commoner Yu Mian was flabbergasted. She originally thought that a family like the Yu family, which had started its own business and made its fortune less than ten years ago, wouldn’t have much money no matter how rich they were. Now it seemed that she was wrong. Look at Brother Yu Xing’s generosity. He was able to give her 10 million yuan in pocket money, which was so outrageous.

Thinking of this, a thought suddenly popped into Yu Mian’s mind. Since Yu Xing was so generous and considering Mother Yu boldly telling her to throw away all her clothes and to just buy them again, the other Yu Mian herself should have a small treasury.

After all, her parents would transfer money to her account every month and it didn’t seem to run out.

Thinking of this, she immediately checked the other Yu Mian’s bank account and saw a long list of zeros that dazzled her eyes.

Yu Mian’s white fingertips poked at the screen and counted, “One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million… Eleven and a half million…….”

At the end of the count, the petite girl lying on the bed opened her eyes wider and wider, the light in her eyes became brighter and brighter, and a glittering radiance suddenly erupted on her palm-sized face.

She couldn’t help but mumble, “I have so much money…… Does that mean I can spend money on Shenshen?”

Due to poverty, Yu Mian had always regretted that she couldn’t spend money on her idol.

For example, if Lin Jianshen starred in a new movie, she usually wouldn’t buy a ticket to see it on the big scene. Instead, she would only watch the VIP video on streaming apps. For example, during Lin Jianshen’s only fan meeting, because the ticket was too expensive, she couldn’t afford to attend……

There were many things like this that made her feel extremely disappointed. Unable to provide financial support to her idol, she could only send encouraging messages every day or organize a fan group, but these were nothing more than expressions of good will and weren’t of any substantial help at all.

Now that she suddenly transformed into a little rich lady, she could finally spend money on her idol and make up for all her previous regrets. Yu Mian rolled around on the bed several times in excitement.

If Yu Xing were to know that although his sister had changed core, she had not stopped being a fan of a celebrities and would continue to spend money on idols in the future, would he regret it?


On the other hand, in a certain film studio, the lights dispersed the shadows of the night and there was a cacophony of voices as people come and goes.

The man was still in costume, wearing a black robe embroidered with golden cloud pattern, his long black hair draped over his shoulders, looking chilly and unconcerned.

He walked away from the set with his makeup-covered face that was as sharp as a knife. His facial features were three-dimensional and profound, and his elegant eyebrows seemed to be painted in ink, capturing the distant mountains and stars.

He stretched out his hand towards his manager, his fingers as slender as jade. “Give me the phone.”

Dai Zhong took out the mobile phone and handed over a water bottle at the same time, joking, “Why are you in such a hurry to get your phone? Whose message are you waiting for?”

Lin Jianshen didn’t answer. He held the phone with one hand and swiped the screen, then picked up the water bottle and took a sip. The Adam’s apple on his well-defined neck rolled slightly.

He tapped on Weibo with a clear purpose. A red dot representing unread messages appeared and when he clicked in, the other party’s reply was displayed. It was short and polite.

【Red Cotton Tree: There’s a slight issue, but it’s fine now. Thank you for your concern.】

The corners of his lips were slightly pursed and had a hint of glistening water. Lin Jianshen’s eyes stared at that sentence for a long time. When he was finally about to exit the app, a new red dot suddenly appeared in the notification bar.

It was a reminder when someone posted an update and he only had one person he was following.

【Red Cotton Tree: To celebrate Lin Jianshen’s participation in 《Long Ting》, I’m holding a lottery. Fifty people who forward this Weibo post will receive a red envelope of 1,000 yuan each, @Lin Jianshen Fan Club】

Lin Jianshen: “……”

Was her account hacked?


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

1 comment
  1. sonbaragi has spoken 3 weeks ago

    I feel bad for the original Yu Mian and I don’t really like how the author painted her. At least just from what’s been unraveled, I think it’s reasonable that she had resentment for her family, she was so young too when they left her behind. Having a hard life or not, for children, being with your family is the best thing.


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