Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 5

Chapter 5: A Civilization Without Fire

The process of ending his tturn was not merely a simple text description.

Adam, and even Jeanne d’Arc Alter, were in a peculiar state, witnessing the evolution of the Eden people on a millennial scale from a God’s-eye view.

As if waking from another life, the two finally came back to their senses.

Everything around them had undergone earth-shattering changes.

The forest, which had been empty except for trees, was now filled with various dinosaurs. Many of the large four-legged species even had simple houses on their backs, mainly constructed from wooden planks and secured and connected with ropes woven from plants. It seemed to accommodate the carrying creatures, all the buildings were made as light as possible.

Even more, larger houses were densely packed on the tops of the giant trees of the Cretaceous period in the Type-Moon world. The Eden people, possessing enough intelligence, even learned to make suspension bridges to move between trees through their research.

“It’s truly breathtaking. It feels like watching the results of the butterfly effect.”

Adam looked around.

He had seen more magical sceneries in the movies he shot, but those were built with props and special effects, lacking a certain sense of awe compared to the real thing.

“I’ve never seen people living in trees before… ah, I mean, it seems they can’t get rid of their monkey habits.”

Even Jeanne d’Arc Alter was initially caught in wonder, but she quickly recovered and used an easily seen-through attitude to mask her real thoughts.

They were soon noticed by others.

In about ten minutes, a large group of Eden people came from all directions.

“Great. Human. We. Respect. We. Obey. Lead. Us.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

The Eden people, who had incredibly quickly evolved beyond their simian remnants, now looked no different from Adam and his companions, except perhaps for paler skin and somewhat pointed ears, for some reason.

There was no guard or doubt towards the newly appeared beings, because Adam’s role in the civilization of the Eden people was not as a prophet or leader but on a higher level of racial consciousness, like in some strategy games produced by Swedish studios.

No matter the ideology or political system that developed, it wouldn’t affect his intervention, at most making some tasks more difficult.

Watching the Eden people prostrate before him, Adam was somewhat at a loss. He touched his nose and then coughed.

“Stand up, everyone. Anyway, I’m back to help you again. Tell me about your current situation.”

“Don’t you feel like enjoying it?”

Jeanne d’Arc Alter, with her arms crossed, though her attitude seemed challenging, was actually becoming curious about Adam.

He shrugged.

“That’s not my style. And I don’t think I deserve it. I rely on your abilities and the system. Just making decisions here isn’t something to be proud of.”

Although he indeed enjoyed it, Adam had a clear self-awareness.

As said before, he was not humble, but he was never arrogant.

“Here. Largest. Home. Three fingers. Pterosaur Clan. Tyrannosaurus Clan. Triceratops Clan. Other. Smaller. Homes. We. Protect.”

Even with the system’s translation, the Eden people’s current language was still too rudimentary, lacking anything that could be called grammar, merely a stacking of vocabulary.

But Adam could roughly understand the speaker’s meaning.

This was the largest settlement, home to the Pterosaur, Tyrannosaurus, and Triceratops clans, with other smaller clans living under their protection.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

As they spoke, the sun, already setting in the west, officially sank below the horizon, and darkness gradually enveloped the area.

But the Eden people were not afraid of the night.

Before Adam could say anything, he saw countless points of light rising from the ground.

It’s said that creatures similar to fireflies existed a hundred million years ago.

Clearly, the Eden people had learned to breed and use them over time.

These insects were exceptionally large, the smallest being the size of a fist, the largest comparable to a human head.

Whether it was their natural behavior or the result of training, these glowing insects rose straight and uniformly between the tree canopies, quickly forming a dazzling “starry sky.”

“Night. Home. Light Dragons. Illuminate.”

Adam could feel the pride in the Eden person speaking to him, like a child seeking praise from their parents after solving a problem they hadn’t learned yet.

“You guys are truly breathtaking. I never imagined you could achieve this.”

The Eden people were a civilization without fire.

Their starting point was leveraging the power of other beings, so in facing the darkness, they chose to solve it with the successful approach they had already mastered.

Also, Adam now thought, their choice to build homes in trees was probably to avoid being trampled by dinosaurs and also to facilitate reaching high places after domesticating them.

“Would you let me see what you all eat now?”

Adam was deeply interested.

After all, this was a human civilization born under his influence, one that did not use fire.

As for how to avoid the meteor arriving in the fifth turn, he had already had some ideas.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

There was a powerful creature he knew of that existed in the current era.

The Dragon of Albion.

A dragon of the highest order.

According to the setting, it was as old as the Earth itself, meaning even now, in the vastly different Cretaceous period, it was still active somewhere.

It undoubtedly possessed great wisdom and power.

If there was any way out, it might be to seek its help.


On one hand, even Adam could not arrogantly assume he could reach an agreement with such a being different from humans.

On the other hand, there was the problem of finding it.

These were issues to be resolved.

But worrying was useless.

What to do, what impact to make, and what “cheats” could be utilized all required consideration, and perhaps even a more reliable method could be thought of.

For now, he would thoroughly understand the changes that had occurred in the Eden people.

“Come along, Jeanne.”

“Huh? Why. I have no interest in the disgusting food of these creatures, and besides, my body can maintain operation even without eating.”

“But you still want to eat something, right? Maybe it will be surprisingly tasty.”

“If I don’t find something satisfactory, I’ll burn this forest down. Are you willing to take that responsibility?”

“Of course.”

Adam laughed.

“If all else fails, I’ve handled the crew of a culinary variety show and even directed a live-action movie of ‘Little Chef.'”

“……Are you going to cook something yourself?”

He Alter nodded slightly.

After some seemingly reluctant contemplation, she eventually posed as if unwilling.

“I just want to see your embarrassment when the bet fails, not because I want to taste your cooking. Remember that.”

TL: Novel Translation Complete~-I will upload chapters at 3-5 a day, the rest is TBD 🙁

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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