Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Journey to the East

In the history of civilizations that began with the use of fire, humans did not truly reach the skies until the 18th century AD. However, the Eden people were different. The existence of Pterosaurs allowed them to achieve flight much earlier. Even in a world without “magic” before the transmigration, many estimated that the Pterosaurs could fly at speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour and sustain long durations of flight. Considering the famous Zeppelin airship could reach speeds close to 200 kilometers per hour and complete a global journey in a matter of months, Pterosaurs in the Type-Moon world, which are somewhat closer to disaster sci-fi movie creatures, could likely do the same. Though there might be significant gaps in stamina, Adam didn’t need to rush as much.

Thus, Jeanne d’Arc Alter was asked to recruit more Pterosaurs that could be used for transportation while she stayed behind, despite her verbal protests indicating she didn’t care, though she was somewhat reluctant.

On the other hand, Adam, Drake, and Zephyr formed an advance team, riding on Zephyr’s partner Pterosaur to the destination. Two years later, they returned with stone tablets that detailed the map and rest points.

【Obtained Influence Card: Great Migration – Aerial Route】

“Hey, French girl, don’t sulk by yourself.”

At nightfall, Drake found Jeanne d’Arc Alter alone, observing Adam instructing Zephyr. Drake, ever so sociable, attempted to buddy up with her but was swiftly avoided.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

“Who’s sulking? I’m very happy. It’s your eyes that have a problem, Brit!”

“Ha, your personality is quite different from the French women I’ve met. Well, I can somewhat understand why you’d feel this way, having heard a bit about your story.”

As a person from a later era, Drake naturally knew the story of Jeanne d’Arc and luckily missed Shakespeare’s biased and defamatory works.

“Nothing happened between me and the boss, so don’t worry. The conditions of the journey weren’t exactly luxurious, and any dalliances would only occur once ashore. Also, leaving someone alone in the base camp is a decision even the most trusted first mate must weigh carefully. It’s a rare kind of trust.”

She spoke to Jeanne d’Arc Alter in a big-sisterly manner, though her blunt way of bringing up such matters made Jeanne d’Arc Alter visibly uncomfortable—if not for the latter half of her speech.

“Whether he trusts me or not doesn’t matter.”

Jeanne d’Arc Alter twirled a strand of hair by her cheek.

“Sometimes, it’s better to be straightforward. Admitting you enjoy being treated kindly and trusted.”

Drake leaned against a tree, gazing at the floating fireflies.

“I’m not in a position to tell you to let go of the past, being just colleagues for now. But, French girl, this is a whole new world. Everything starts from zero again. Why not let go of the past and focus on the present and future?”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

“…It’s easy to say…”

The girl, not entirely swallowed by darkness, murmured softly.

On the other side of her gaze, Adam was explaining something to Zephyr with a stone tablet in hand.

“I haven’t known you for long, Zephyr. But I’ve truly seen how much you love exploring the unknown. Keep it up, for it’s only by doing so that the Eden people can proudly claim their place in the world.”

The young man seemed a bit confused but nodded in agreement.

Adam smiled, patted him on the head, and then introduced him to portrait painting as a parting gift. The stone tablet in his hand depicted an image of the young man and his Pterosaur partner. Zephyr appeared very pleased with it.

“Take care of what’s next. Farewell, Zephyr.”

Saying this, Adam confirmed the use of the Influence Card.

Round Complete.

【Influence Card: Great Migration – Aerial Route.】

【Although the Eden people lived relatively concentratedly, gathering the entire tribe for migration was still challenging because all of them cooperated with each other, with each clan living independently, lacking sufficient unity.】

【Led by Zephyr from the Pterosaur clan, the expanded Pterosaur clan took on the task of assisting other clans in the migration plan. Being able to move quickly back and forth, they soon became the leading communicators and leaders in such a coordinated large action.】

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

【In this process, the Eden people began to evolve a leadership structure, eventually forming a ruling group called the Three-Headed Clans, consisting of the Pterosaur, Tyrannosaur, and Triceratops clans, with Zephyr becoming the first great chieftain.】

【Despite his high position, he continued to lead by example, transporting clan members to their destination on his Pterosaur partner, never forgetting Adam’s teachings, and often exploring unknown worlds.】

【Perhaps it was luck or something else, but he discovered several medicinal herbs and new foods for the Eden people in his later years.】

【Eventually, he died from consuming a highly poisonous plant without finding an antidote in time. His last words were a question he hoped future generations could answer.】

【Thus, almost the entire Eden people completed their migration, further increasing their population through expanded diets and rudimentary medical knowledge, solidifying the Three-Head Clans as the unified governing body of the Eden people.】

【Due to the stone tablet with his portrait and his deeds, Zephyr became the starting point for ancestor and hero worship among the Eden people.】

【Over time, Adam was officially regarded as the “Progenitor,” “The First of the Eden People,” to explain his role in Eden society.】

【Era objectives updated: Population growth (40%), Expansion of living areas (100%)】

【Based on civilization progress, you have earned 100 Brilliance Points.】

【Round three, begins.】

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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