Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Journey to Paradise

The transition of time allowed Adam to continue refining Great Arts and to stabilize his slightly turbulent emotions. It wasn’t about becoming heartless; rather, the journey ahead was long, and there was no time to dwell on sentimentality.

“They truly have embarked on a different path. At least in this aspect, you didn’t deceive me, Adam,” Jeanne d’Arc Alter commented, unusually addressing Adam by his name, seemingly offering him consolation from behind.

“There’s a sense of excitement, like discovering a new land and civilization for the first time,” added Drake, sharing her feelings.

The scene before them revealed a radically transformed Eden settlement. The previously obvious man-made wooden houses and bridges were gone, replaced by trees naturally intertwined, with spacious hollows and stair-like structures within their trunks. Thanks to their exploration of the Great Arts, the Eden people achieved their own unique practice: they merged the concept of ‘house’ with ‘tree’ and coupled it with the law of ‘growth’ to develop tree species that grew into specific shapes.

The Eden people living in these wide tree trunks hadn’t forgotten their old friends. Various dinosaurs still roamed freely among the trees, now painted with meaningful designs. Some had undergone bizarre transformations: a Tyrannosaurus with red scales and fiery breath; a Pteranodon with lightning-shaped stripes and a curved horn; a Triceratops entwined with fruit-bearing vines as if they were extensions of its flesh. These were all manifestations of the Great Arts.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

The repeated use and deepening impression of the laws by the tribe had integrated them into their lives like ‘technology’, a direct reflection of the Eden people’s collective thoughts manifested in reality.

“Ah, finally, I can wholeheartedly embrace the sense of accomplishment I feel,” said Adam, observing the enchanting and beautiful sight, speaking to himself as well as to Jeanne d’Arc Alter and Drake. For the first time, he had shared his creations and established techniques with the Eden people, significantly improving their lives. What he had done was substantial, even affecting the planet beneath his feet. Adam could sense it, albeit slightly, that the total life force of the planet had indeed increased.

If the Eden people continued to develop, perhaps one day they could elevate Earth to a “Ranking Planet.” But for Adam, who knew of the impending catastrophe, this was a distant and unattainable fantasy.

Even with miraculous powers, the current level of the Eden people was far from enough to counteract the meteorite, tens of kilometers in diameter, plummeting from the sky. According to modern calculations, a meteorite only a kilometer in diameter held more destructive power than the world’s nuclear arsenal. The dust it created would hover for six years before settling to the ground. The “Biosphere Killer,” responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs, could potentially set the Earth’s surface ablaze for tens of thousands of years.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

“If only we had thousands, no, tens of thousands of years more, I could find a way to deal with that meteorite using the Earth’s power,” Adam lamented as he looked at the thriving settlement.

“There’s something strange about you, Adam. You feel like a dragon kind, but there’s a significant difference,” Jeanne d’Arc Alter commented, partly out of genuine curiosity and partly to distract Adam from his sorrow.

Adam understood her intent and didn’t indulge in self-pity. “It might be similar to the heart of a dragon. My breath and heartbeat now produce a massive amount of magical energy. The Earth is aiding me, and as time progresses, as the civilization of Eden develops, and as I adapt and further study the Great Arts, you might see me exhale a stream of pure, materialized magical energy from my mouth.”

“I’d like to see if my abilities could affect you. Then I could finally ride on your head.”

“Hey, you’re quite forward, French girl. Even for someone like me who’s been at sea all the time, that’s quite a novel idea,” teased Drake.

“You, you, you! Dairy cow pirate! Don’t twist my words. We’re not on your ship, nor are we sailors. Keep your crude jokes to yourself, or I’ll burn you.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

“Your threat is as ‘powerful’ as ever. I guess I’d have to reconsider if the boss hadn’t tamed you.”

“Who did you say was tamed?!”

As Adam listened to the “English-French” conflict behind him, he felt reassured. The Hero System had unexpected benefits. The summoned beings, likely Heroic Spirits, could spend long periods with him, companions for every era. Otherwise, even Adam might become numb over time and start treating the Eden people as tools rather than living beings.

But despite this, Adam would continue moving forward. There was no other way; it was in his nature. He had always dreamed of creating an interesting and ideal world from scratch. That’s why he chose to become a director, using films to come as close as possible to his dream. Now, the opportunity he had always dreamed of was right before him. How could his body obey reason and stop?

Liberating his somewhat rusty instincts, Adam headed towards that world. He turned and looked at the cave he had taught the Great Arts, leading into the heart of the hope for life. The refuge pointed out by Dragon of Albion, the passage between the two sides of the planet.

“Jeanne, please use your abilities to gather the Eden people through the dinosaurs. Captain Drake, prepare for exploration and mapping.”

Adam took a deep breath.

“It’s time to head to the Lost Paradise.”

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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