Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 20

Chapter 20: The Little Universal Genius

【After defeating the Star Harbinger, the surviving Edenites who returned to the refuge recorded this event as a great myth. Proud of their participation in the defense of civilization, this act revitalized the entire group, which had gradually become somewhat detached from reality due to their long stay in the refuge.】

【Another ten thousand years have passed in the outside world, and while the ravaged surface of the Earth has regained its vitality, the refuge has reached its limit. Fortunately, having prepared for a great migration and memorializing it, the Edenites orderly left the refuge for the outside world before its complete collapse.】

【Centering around the refuge’s passage, they established a new settlement. After a thousand years of development and revival, they finally moved beyond their primitive tribal society, formally declared themselves a city-state, and established a council for governance. The settlement, sharing the name with the city itself, is called El-Neim, meaning “New Paradise” in the Edenic language.】

【Round five begins.】

“Still a long way from becoming a Type: Earth,” Adam sighed, checking his recovery.

Although all visible physical injuries had healed, a deep sense of weakness in his body and spirit lingered. Indeed, he needed time to adapt and grow. After all, even Ultimate ONEs, not the strongest celestial beings, and True Ancestors, mere imitations, could rapidly reconstitute their bodies and maintain their condition with the planet’s power.

“At least you can stand here and talk with all limbs intact,” Jeanne d’Arc Alter glanced at him, seemingly still blaming him for his recklessness.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Unlike them, Drake immediately focused on the relevant issues.

“If I’m not mistaken, the geographical location of the ‘refuge,’ after some changes, should be the Mesopotamian plain, right? Then, what I’m seeing in front of me must be the work of the Edenites, quite exaggerated.”

What Drake referred to was a city made of a vast sea of trees, its lushness and density surpassing even tropical rainforests. If most trees represent this civilization’s unique architecture not originating from fire, then the central tree, hundreds of meters tall and dozens wide, around which many pterosaurs circle, must be the castle or tower at the city’s heart.

This is New Paradise, El-Neim, a miracle almost unique even in a world of gods. Drake’s surprise stems from her understanding that the Mesopotamian plain severely lacks wood and stone, so much so that their dwellings and walls were made of clay.

Ultimately, the saline-alkali soil here naturally wouldn’t support forests, let alone artificially planted ones, without significant effort and resources.

“Hmm, indeed a fascinating phenomenon. What technology could create such a vast, lush forest? And after all, those trees themselves are peculiar, unimaginable to grow into tower-like structures without human intervention,” a fresh and youthful voice sounded next to Drake.

The trio turned their gaze to the source.

A petite young girl with brown hair that framed her forehead, dressed in a vibrant outfit with blue leggings and student-like shoes, exuding a cute and youthful aura. However, her unusual features included a complex mechanical golden left arm brace and a circular scepter topped with a blue polyhedron.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

As an entity never friendly towards strangers, Jeanne d’Arc Alter, regardless of appearance, immediately went on guard, even resting her hand on her sword’s hilt as dark magic began to gather.

Adam, however, signaled no need for alarm, recognizing her as the special great person awarded by the system. But special meant…

“Though it might be impolite, I have a question: Are you Leonardo da Vinci in her youth, or are you Gran Cavallo (the Unfinished Horse)?”

“Ah, what an odd question. But I feel inclined to answer. I am Leonardo da Vinci, the universal genius—though I must admit, I’m not entirely clear on my current state. It seems I can’t recall much of my knowledge, and my thoughts aren’t as sharp as they used to be.”

“In other words, you’re in a ‘lily’ state rather than a secondary form… I’m pleased to welcome you. Your talents and wisdom are much needed now.”

Adam didn’t dwell too much on this issue, not bothering to ponder how the theoretically nonexistent counter-version of the saint was summoned by him.

“Da Vinci, the one who painted ‘Mona Lisa’ and then ‘The Last Supper’? Even someone like me, not particularly interested in art, has heard of him. And to think, she’s a woman?”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Drake, from the Renaissance period, showed a surprising reaction, despite being a gender anomaly herself.

“Look closely, doesn’t she resemble the woman in that painting you mentioned?”

“…Indeed… wait a minute… I never thought that was a self-portrait… so…”

“So obviously, I believe this is the incarnation of beauty, and I’ve modified my body accordingly when I had the chance. Speaking of which, it’s true the body influences the spirit, but it seems the non-physical soul can also retain consciousness, or rather, the essence of self…”

As she delved into her inquiries, the little genius became engrossed in her research and contemplation. At this moment, Jeanne d’Arc Alter, unable to join the conversation due to her era, finally found an opening. She tapped Adam’s back forcefully and pointed in another direction.

A large red Triceratops with a vast head shield and long horns was slowly emerging from the city of trees, clearly heading towards Adam and the others. Through their superior vision, they could see an older, robust man with neatly arranged silver hair and a younger black-haired man in his early twenties with golden eyes, carrying a juvenile Triceratops, riding on its back.

“What an honor. Lady Gaia (the Edenites view the planet as a mother) has informed us of your arrival, ancestor. Allow me to introduce myself; I am Isaac, the current Speaker of the Tri-Head Council, and this is my son and successor, Jacob, my assistant.”

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