Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 21

Chapter 21: The Diplomatic Genius Edenites

It’s apparent that the internal culture of the Edenites, especially their naming system, has evolved further. But…

“Where did you learn to use Hebrew for naming?”

Adam’s expression was subtly complex.

Isaac and Jacob are names that appear in the Old Testament. This question made the father and son in front of him exchange puzzled looks, seemingly a bit confused. Eventually, the young Jacob answered him.

“After you, our Ancestor, taught us writing and made every Edenite aware of your name, everyone wanted to give their children a name ‘in the style of the Ancestor.'”


Watching Jeanne d’Arc Alter’s schadenfreude smile and Jacob’s serious expression, Adam couldn’t bring himself to correct the significant misunderstanding they had. Although it might sound similar in the Edenic accent, he was Yā-Dāng (In Chinese Characters), not Adam And how did they come up with this exactly? Could it be that the Edenites somehow replaced the later Hebrews?.

“Let me make sure, you haven’t turned around and started worshipping some monotheistic god, have you?”

“How could we? Instead of worshipping so-called deities, we’d rather prepare hospitality for you, our Ancestor, and get closer to Lady Gaia. Just the other day, we went and taught those Sumerians a lesson, demolishing that temple of theirs dedicated to whatever ‘El’ deity.”

“That’s good to hear—wait, what did you say you did the other day?!”

Isaac, who broached the topic, appeared entirely nonchalant, causing Adam to almost miss the past statement.

“You seem surprised. Ah, I understand. Rest assured, Ancestor, we were very careful and considerate. After all, we don’t engage in meaningless slaughter, and our goal was to allow the Sumerians, who are our juniors, to grow. So, I ensured there were no casualties, even their high priest was merely knocked unconscious.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

“While that’s commendable, the point isn’t about how well you executed the plan, but why you felt the need to demolish their temple in the first place.”

“Because it was infuriating to look at? The Edenites will never forget the great deeds of our ancestors, and every Speaker must recite our history flawlessly before reaching the age of 100. When the white giant sought to sweep the life from the earth, it was our Ancestor, your apostles, friends from the stars, and the heroes of the Edenites who fought her to the death.”

Isaac had little respect for so-called deities, especially in the Mesopotamian region. As he mentioned, Edenites highly value commemorating history through epic tales, treating even long-past events (and considering the different flow of time in the refuge) as if they happened recently.

To the Edenites, even if early development was aided, those who then demand everything from humanity based on that must at least have the resolve to stand firm in times of crisis.

“Rather than the ‘gifts’ proclaimed by those deities, it’s the land they live on that nourishes them. Those Sumerians were amazed we could establish El-Neim in what they considered barren land. We don’t expect our juniors to achieve the same, but we also can’t stand them sacrificing their scarce resources to gods who care little for their ‘backwater’ existence.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Isaac, with his stance clear, became increasingly indignant, viewing those gods as pretenders to Gaia’s benevolence and the Sumerians as disappointingly submissive, choosing to plea rather than strive to overcome adversity together.

Initially, the Wind remembered Dragon of Albion’s critique of their low survivability, prompting the first-generation leader, that young boy, to ensure the Edenites could live securely even in the Ancestor’s absence. This became somewhat of a national spirit for the Edenites.

Though Jacob seemed to have something to say, he ultimately held back due to the Edenic value system.

Adam rubbed his temples. From a divine perspective and personal feeling, the Edenites possess an incredibly high standard of morality. Proud without arrogance, gentle without timidity.

Yet, no existence is perfect. Not only because of their days in the refuge but even considering their time in the Cretaceous, the Edenites lacked any experience with “foreign kin” and could sustain themselves internally without external interaction.

Thus, Edenites are exceptionally naive in “diplomacy,” to the extent they seem to lack common sense in dealing with non-hostile external matters.

Adam understood their perspective and agreed with their correctness. He had lamented that a group of aliens did more to protect humanity than the local so-called gods. However, the world is not merely black and white.

“Jacob, speak your mind.”

It’s best for the Edenites to realize the issue themselves. Thus, Adam turned to Jacob, the young man with golden eyes and a closer connection to the planet, who, upon receiving the Ancestor’s nod, didn’t hesitate to speak.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

“Those Sumerians are different from us Edenites; we are fortunate. Our Ancestor walks among us, guiding without demanding recompense, teaching us to coexist with Lady Gaia as a natural way of life. But they have never learned this, even being deliberately suppressed by those gods, probably to ensure they can’t survive without them.”

The “mere” 53-year-old Jacob expressed his thoughts. As a mutant, he not only lives 200-300 years, thrice to four times the lifespan of an ordinary Edenite but also possesses sufficient wisdom.

“We use the Great Arts. We find ways to utilize nature, but the Sumerians don’t. If we just demolish their temples, they probably won’t be able to survive on their own. I shouldn’t just provide directional guidance like the Ancestor did for us; I should teach them survival skills in detail, like training young dinosaurs.”

“Well said, Jacob. As elders, we can’t just tell them what’s wrong; we must also show them what’s right. It’s still timely to make amends. My visit is to point out how to deal with humans outside Eden, that is, the affairs known as diplomacy.”

Adam nodded in satisfaction. Assistance should be considered carefully. The difference between Edenites and other humans is vast, especially after the time spent in the refuge.

“Let’s start by taking a look at your city and daily life.”

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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