Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Kabbalah Seed

The Kabbalah fruit, named after something truly marvelous, indeed lives up to its name. At first glance, it resembles an apple but possesses a perfectly spherical structure, with the only indentation being at the top center where the stem connects to the tree. About the size of a fist, it smells like blooming flowers.

“You should try it too.”

With a slight pressure of his fingertips, Adam splits the Kabbalah fruit neatly into four sections. He notices the fruit lacks a core, filled instead with white flesh.

Taking a bite, he remarks, “Hmm, that’s unexpected. I thought it would be sweet or sour.”

Jeanne d’Arc Alter gives a straightforward assessment. To her, despite the fruit’s faint aroma, it’s less delicious than the apples she occasionally ate in her village in Orléans.

Drake, who has experienced many exotic fruits in different places, nods in agreement, “Indeed, it almost has no taste.”

“Um, I think it might not have been cultivated for its taste. It feels quite filling after eating it,” muses little Da Vinci, eyeing the fruit as if wishing for a magnifying glass to inspect it closer.

Adam gleans more information from the perspective of the Great Art. The Kabbalah fruit is intentionally modified, akin to pet cat food in later times, prioritizing nutrition and satiety over flavor.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Known as Kabbalah seeds, they resemble inorganic materials more than organic ones, ensuring long-term preservation. With specific spells and rituals, they can be awakened for growth, even if planted directly.

Their purpose is clear as “basic units.” By blending the concepts of “building” and “manufacturing” with “growth,” Edenites can manipulate the Great Art to develop Kabbalah seeds into desired forms, such as houses, or to bear predetermined fruits.

Naturally, not just any seed will do. Jacob mentions the Tree of Life, the hundred-meter giant tree at the center of El Neim, rooted in the pathway to “Fatima Neim” (the old refuge). It draws physical life force from Gaia, with the output being Kabbalah seeds.

Moreover, Adam deduces that current Edenites likely possess the ability to replicate smaller, portable versions of the Tree of Life, allowing “branch mines” elsewhere. However, due to the large Tree of Life’s surplus production and environmental requirements, this has yet to be necessary, though planting Kabbalah seeds could gradually modify surroundings.

“Speaking of which, Jacob, how are carnivorous dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor currently fed?”

“Eh, I’ve never really paid attention… they eat Kabbalah fruits too, right?”

Jacob scratches his head. Though born in the Ceratopsidae clan responsible for production, he was groomed for management roles from a young age. He can instantly detail the needs of his people but lacks knowledge on dinosaur rearing, except for his personal experience with his Triceratops companion.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Rachel is more familiar with this area. “Like Edenites, they eat Kabbalah fruits. But they’re quite pitiful, as we and other herbivorous dinosaurs have other food options, while carnivorous ones do not. We can’t use our hatched dinosaurs as feed, as they’re considered family members, and there aren’t many wild animals or dinosaurs roaming around like in ancient times.”

After long cohabitation, especially in the refuge, Edenite dinosaurs have also gained intelligence, making even less useful species regarded not as food but as family. The most severe punishment might be throwing criminals into a Tyrannosaurus pit, but they avoid using dinosaurs as livestock.

“So, there’s still a need for external trade and expansion.”

After addressing basic needs, it’s time to consider higher aspirations. Clearly, the forest city isn’t suited for large-scale mammal farming, and normal animals entering without adaptation might die within minutes due to severe reactions, more acute than altitude sickness or allergies.

“What do you think, Captain Drake?” Adam asks, seeking insight from Drake, who has circumnavigated the world twice during the Age of Exploration. Even if she’s more versed in military matters, her long sea voyages necessitated land visits for trade or, darker, plunder.

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

“Enslaving the Sumerians for forced labor would be efficient but goes against our style. Indeed, there’s a significant trading opportunity. Edenites’ dinosaurs and individual strength allow them to roam freely. The problem is, Edenites have never shown interest in precious metals, and large-scale trade needs a currency recognized by both parties. Bartering isn’t suitable for the current era.”

Drake quickly provides her expertise. “Mesopotamia lacks wood, forcing their buildings to be made of clay. Salt and alkali issues also trouble them. Thus, Kabbalah seeds, which can grow almost anywhere and improve the environment, are a suitable collateral—they have intrinsic value and are acceptable to Edenites.”

Gold and silver are no different from ordinary stones to Edenites. Adam, through the Great Art, can easily produce large quantities of precious metals, though their properties might slightly differ from natural ones to ancient eyes.

Using Kabbalah seeds as currency, with their long shelf life and practical value, could gradually change the world’s environment to favor Edenites. The seeds, tied to the Tree of Life, the Great Art, and planetary life force, adjust their quantity based on the tribe’s size, allowing some self-regulation.

In short, Adam believes Kabbalah seeds could serve as the Edenites’ currency.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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