Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 27

Chapter 27: The First Woman

“With a look that seems to lean towards solving problems with violence, this isn’t like you.”

Seemingly having finished her chat with little Da Vinci, Jeanne d’Arc Alter gazes at Adam. She uses a tone deliberately made to sound harsh, yet her words reveal genuine concern.

The reversed saint slowly approaches him, whispering softly in his ear.

“The scars left from dealing with the Star Harbinger haven’t fully healed yet, have they? It would be quite difficult for you to exert the same level of power now.”

“…What are you trying to say?”

Adam, having spent a significant amount of time with her, can tell Jeanne d’Arc Alter has more to say than just a repeat of his physical condition.

“Hmph. Just a heads-up, I’ve been feeling rather itchy for action lately. I was just discussing the changes happening to me with that little tomato over there—my strength has significantly increased compared to when I first arrived.”

“Indeed. If we were to use a certain system to describe it, though she lacks Divinity, Miss Jeanne’s spiritual foundation has expanded to a divine level,”

Little Da Vinci seamlessly joins the conversation, explaining as if she were a museum guide or a scholar invited to a TV show.

“It’s likely due to the faith and legends of the Edenites. I spent an hour fully grasping Edenite culture and history. They refer to you as the Progenitor, the First Man, and correspondingly, the First Mother, the First Woman, is played by Miss Jeanne. Moreover, her actions have further solidified such narratives. For instance, her entrance on the back of the Dragon of Albion during the battle against the white giant has been perceived as an entity capable of controlling even such a majestic creature, thereby adding a ‘Noble Phantasm’ to her arsenal.”

While similar, the “Great Personages” summoned here are not Servants, so Adam can’t conveniently check their status changes as Masters do in the Holy Grail War.

Nevertheless, Jeanne d’Arc Alter is more than willing to showcase, or rather, boast about her newfound abilities.

Summoning the phantom of the Dragon of Albion and transforming into it, and even directly summoning it to the battlefield under certain conditions, her “Noble Phantasm.”

She names it “La Sorcière Qui Prend le Champ de Bataille (Dragon et Eve Qui tuent des Géants).”

From all angles, there’s much to critique, yet she believes her ideas are undiscovered.

Mimicking Adam’s shout of the spear technique, the True Name’s French translation is “The Dragon and Eve Who Kill Giants.”

Clearly, she could have chosen different words to represent herself but deliberately opted for Eve.

Setting that aside for now, Jeanne d’Arc Alter has also seen substantial upgrades in her basic parameters. The skill of the Dragon Witch is enhanced, and she can influence even divine-level entities, provided they possess dragon traits.

Her original Noble Phantasm, “La Grondement Du Haine,” has been elevated to EX rank due to the Edenites worshiping her as the first to wield fire (even before thunder), adding electrical properties through association.

Her achievement in creating writing is reflected in the Dragon Witch’s skill, allowing her to elevate the status of dragons through named commands.

Edenite dinosaurs, already evolved into phantasmal species with many reaching the level of Phantasmal Beasts, can receive divine powers akin to innate Divinity from Gaia (since they are primarily vessels of the Great Art) if Jeanne d’Arc Alter bestows names upon them.

This ability isn’t without cost, as it diverts much of Jeanne d’Arc Alter’s power. However, she essentially possesses a “spiritual foundation,” and the Edenites’ faith in her, while partly materialized into concrete effects, is wasted. Hence, diverting power equal to the unutilized portion is manageable.

“Thinking you need to protect me, you’re quite far off.”

Despite her apparent pride, Jeanne d’Arc Alter’s lengthy explanation essentially conveys her ability to assist Adam, who needn’t push himself too hard before fully recovering.

“Indeed, so. And now, I suppose my credibility in your eyes should have risen a level, right? After all, I did say no one would be left behind.”

Adam, whenever he notices her insincerity, can’t help but tease.

This directly catches the previously confident and high-and-mighty Jeanne d’Arc Alter off guard.

“Don’t be too pleased with yourself; it’s only slightly above zero!”

To emphasize her point, the maiden deliberately gestures with her hands.

But precisely this act of protest reveals her true feelings.

Perhaps even Adam himself hasn’t realized that the current Jeanne d’Arc Alter would believe him if he suddenly claimed the Earth was actually flat, simultaneously cursing him as a lunatic while secretly pondering the possibility.

“I was just thinking about something. You’re not one of those people, are you?”

Teasingly approaching Adam, Drake giggles.

“Be clear about what kind of person you’re referring to.”

“Since you’re a recognized employer, it’s not nice to speak ill. But holding back isn’t my style either. So here goes. I’ve met a few captains who possess a certain charm that attracts talented individuals of the opposite sex, including noble investors. Naturally, they’re not oblivious fools but would deliberately exploit others’ feelings for them for the success of their ventures.”

The atmosphere remains unchanged.

Jeanne d’Arc Alter is as tsundere as ever, while Drake, beneath her carefree exterior, keenly grasps the essence of issues.

“How to put it? I consider myself somewhat non-conformist, but ultimately, I’m part of that (entertainment) circle, and seeing too much has made me wary of making any guarantees. Ah, in the end, it’s the various experiences I’ve had that made me realize my shortcomings as a person.”

Adam, shaking his head, ensures Jeanne d’Arc Alter, who’s now playfully bickering with the gleeful little Da Vinci, hasn’t overheard their conversation.

“It might sound funny, but I indeed ‘like girls who fall for me.’ Once, an actress and a director’s assistant expressed their feelings for me around the same time, and that’s when I recognized my flaws as a human being. I actually wanted to accept both.”

“…Boss, you’re quite the character. But in the end, you properly turned them down, right? If we’re strictly talking about inner thoughts, most people in the world would be considered bad. But then again, as someone who’s seen a lot, from married individuals leading separate lives, polygamy, to even the polyandry and communal marriages of primitive tribes, I’ve witnessed it all firsthand.”

“I think it’s best if you keep the rest to yourself, or I might actually start considering it. Let’s focus back on the task at hand; Jacob, who went to gather personnel and prepare goods, should be returning soon.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, https://shanghaifantasy.com/novel/type-moons-civilization-game-at-the-start-of-the-cretaceous-period/. If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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