Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Ereshkigal

Ereshkigal did not respond directly, but Adam forcefully pushing forward, as if passing through the seven gates without any cost, indirectly proved the goddess’s will.

The first thing that caught his eye was the metal structures resembling large bird cages scattered across the black-grey barren ground, containing blue orbs of light like flames.

Both the gods above and humans below would say this is the Underworld Queen’s morbid taste, where she selects souls she fancies to torment at her leisure.

The truth has never mattered; even the goddess herself believes if this helps fulfill her dreaded and loathed duties, there’s no need to refute it.

“You have tacitly allowed me to reach the end of this place, so stop hiding, Ereshkigal.”

Adam looked towards an open area formed by countless hexagonal pillars sunk into the rocks, speaking in a calm yet slightly stern tone.

The moment his words fell.

Pale frost mist blew out of nowhere, and blood-red liquid gushed from the gaps in the floor, eventually forming a sphere in mid-air. From this, a giant skeletal ghost with the upper body of a human and the lower half entwined like ropes, wearing a pure white veil, appeared.

The temperature around almost instantly dropped below zero, enough to start forming frost on Adam’s clothes.

“Foolish one, I have already given you the choice. I am the sovereign of the Underworld, the deity of embrace and spirit, even you, appearing before me in the flesh, cannot leave unscathed. Moreover, the aura of decay surrounding you is thriving. If you are so arrogantly confident, then I am willing to make your soul my most cherished collection.”

A voice filled with malice.

The darkness permeating her words would disgust the strong and terrify the weak.

But Adam would not comply with the manifested will of Ereshkigal.

Thus, after taking a deep breath, he revealed a somewhat frivolous smile.

“Eresh-chan, spontaneously coming up with so many lines, even by my standards, is commendable. You’ve really put in a lot of effort to play your role.”

The blatantly informal nickname was meant to pierce through the facade the other had meticulously crafted, yet the latter half of his statement didn’t seem like something a transmigrator who knew the “plot” would say.

Because the original work explicitly stated one should not validate the pain harbored by others, meaning not to approve or praise Ereshkigal’s actions.


Adam had his own thoughts.

He wasn’t a player suddenly appearing to conquer a game with a guide in hand.

Before arriving in this world, he had his own life, his own experiences.

Ereshkigal reminded Adam of an actor he once knew, who was destined for greatness.

The first impression his appearance gave was vastly different from his true nature, yet he was always cast in roles others thought suitable for him, which he detested.

But he had to do it, for his sick mother, his debt-ridden father, and his three young siblings, he had no choice.

He endured and shone in that aspect alone.

In truth, he didn’t enjoy acting.

Why could Adam remember this after so long post-transmigration?

Because he always regretted it.

Adam was a genius. So he became famous at a young age, and for a time, he was exceedingly arrogant, or thought he understood a lot.

The actor had once performed under him and regarded him as a respected figure, seeking his counsel.

He expressed how painful his life had become, from the increasingly severe typecasting to playing roles he detested, making him feel suffocated.

At that time, Adam’s mentality was exactly “not to validate the pain of those suffering.”

Because he was full of ostensibly correct principles, thinking the other was merely complaining and believing, no matter the difficulty, this was the path he had to tread.


One day, he saw news of the actor’s suicide due to severe depression.

So Adam regretted.

If he had validated him, if he hadn’t spoken those damn righteous words, but instead offered emotional consolation, a momentary “numbing,” “drinking poison to quench thirst,” to “insult” the strength he had shown till now, perhaps the other could have found temporary solace, perhaps he would have had more time until things improved.

Perhaps Ereshkigal’s situation wasn’t exactly the same, but Adam wanted to implement what he had realized since then.

Humans (intelligent life forms) need both correctness (truth) and incorrectness (lies).


Perhaps even he hadn’t expected, this concept would apply here as well.

“You, show some respect. I am the dread mother symbolizing death, how can you use such a cute… no, frivolous nickname to describe me.”

“Please accept it frankly. Everything you’ve done up till today has been sufficient, enduring loneliness, abuse, misunderstandings, and fear till now, you also wish someone would praise you, right? Hoping someone would see that what you’ve done is actually ‘good’.”

“…Although this is our first meeting, you seem to understand me quite well. So, are you prepared to take responsibility?”

A golden lance materialized in the giant ghost’s right hand, embodied by Ereshkigal, as the ground began to tremble as if a volcano were about to erupt.

“I thank you. You’re the first one willing to speak to me like this. But you must understand, because of this, I must kill you.”

“Ah, I understand. Since then, every word from my mouth has been considered. Yes, Ereshkigal, I acknowledge you, I accept you, I believe your sacrifices are indeed noble acts.”

Adam took out a Kabbalah tree seed from his pocket.

Before entering the underworld, he had Jacob create a body from a tree seed, and at that moment, he had a vague new idea about combat.

“’Evil’ is the extreme opposite scorned by people. If there’s still someone willing to affirm me, it means I still have righteousness to speak of. That won’t do. To continue being feared by humans, I must kill you.”

“Including the thought of killing something you don’t want to lose before it’s taken away, you’ve formed such twisted thoughts, so it’s better to accept more goodwill for purification.”

The stone pillars forming the floor rose as attacks towards Adam under the dominion of the underworld’s ruler.

Yet, the latter clenched the tree seed in his right fist and struck out at the approaching pillars.

“Secondly, my body is one with nature, thus the flourishing tree can also be my body.”

Vines rapidly spread from that center.

Until enveloping Adam, forming a giant tree warrior over ten meters tall, matching Ereshkigal’s spectral form.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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