Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 15

After an introduction, Yu Mian chatted with her former classmates briefly, and then nothing more was said afterwards.

Some of them were curious about Yu Mian’s background. However, they were there to express condolences and everyone’s emotions were quite heavy so no one came to tactlessly chat with her.

Yu Mian stayed at the Wen family’s house all morning, during which she mostly sat quietly on the side, watching her classmates reminisce about her and the past.

After graduating from high school, they all went their separate ways and didn’t have a lot of gatherings. This time, almost half the class came, and each one said some sappy words towards Yu Mian’s portrait. When it was almost noon, they simply decided to have a meal together.

They eventually bid farewell to Wen Quyi.

Yu Mian went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and when she came out, she saw everyone lining up to leave.

Seeing her, Wu Xinyang waved his hand towards her. “Beauty Mu, we’re leaving first. See you next time if we have the chance.”

Yu Mian had a blank expression on her face. She turned to Wen Quyi and asked, “Why did they leave?”

She felt weird being in the living room and listening to them reminisced about her, so she found a place to avoid it. Who knew it would be over in a blink of an eye and they would all be going back together? Thus she couldn’t help but feel a little confused.

Wen Quyi glanced at her in surprise. “It’s noon, they’re going to eat.”

“Oh……” Yu Mian suddenly realized that it was almost noon. Thinking that she told Auntie Chen she was going home for lunch, she quickly stood up and bid goodbye to Wen Quyi. “That-, I must also go home…… Thank you for your hospitality.”

Nodding, Wen Quyi Yi stood by the door, his body leaning against the door frame. He was silent for a moment before saying, “Thank you for coming to see her.”

The young man had soft black hair, a clean and handsome face, and his eyes that quietly gaze at her were gentle and misty, resembling a quicksand-like moonlight that contained an emotion that was difficult to distinguish.

He watched her silently, his eyes deep, as if he was looking at another person through her.

Yu Mian was a little flustered by his look. She lowered her head to avoid his sight, took her umbrella from the shelf by the door, turned around and walked out.

Just as she stepped out of the Wen family’s house, the young man’s clear voice came from behind, “Mu Mian.”

After taking two steps forward, Yu Mian realized that he was calling her, so she stopped and turned back in confusion.

“Is there anything else?”

Generally, people would subconsciously respond whenever their name was called. However, Yu Mian didn’t give him her real name, but her username on Weibo, so she didn’t react right away.

Taking in her slightly delayed reaction, Wen Quyi’s eyes deepened. He put his hands in his pockets and walked slowly to Yu Mian step by step, before looking down at her.

“Your name isn’t Mu Mian, right?” He said.

Yu Mian’s eyes widened. She felt nervous inside and her eyes flickered a few times.

She wasn’t the type to lie so when someone exposed her on the spot, Yu Mian instantly panicked.

She stepped back, not daring to look up at him. “I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

“I’ve long noticed that every time someone calls you Mu Mian, your reaction is very slow, as if the person being called isn’t you.” Wen Quyi said right on, his eyes fixed on Yu Mian’s face.

Due to his height, he could clearly see the girl’s trembling eyelashes and the panic permeating her eyes.

She was like a little deer in the forest, innocently unaware that it had been caught in a trap, looking helpless and bewildered.

“No, I-I’m just a little slow to react, it’s inborn.” Yu Mian tugged at the corners of her lips and tried to smile. She pretended to be calm. “And why will I use a fake name? There’s no reason at all, right?”

There was a trace of coldness in Wen Quyi’s tone, “I need to ask you this, you said you came to visit Yu Mian but I didn’t see much sadness in your part. May I ask what’s the purpose of your visit?”

Yu Mian didn’t expect that he would observe her so carefully that he even noticed her expression.

The living person was standing there and her classmates were offering incense and burning paper in front of her. It was good enough that she could hold back her laughter. Did she have to pretend to cry?

She didn’t die but her soul transferred to another body. This matter would definitely rot in her stomach and there was no way she would tell others about it.

Yu Mian racked her brain to think of an excuse. She sputtered, “I’m just Yu Mian’s online friend…… I am not her classmate and we have no memories of physically spending time together, so my feelings may not be as deep as them. But you said I’m not sad. You’re insulting our friendship……”

At the end of her sentence, she suddenly felt a little aggrieved. She was already regretful that she couldn’t acknowledge her classmates.

Now this person was still questioning her, as if she had done something heinous.

Wen Quyi had never spoken to her like this before. He always had the image of a gentle neighbor brother in front of her. On summer, he would tutor her on the homework she missed due to her part-time job, and on winter, he would create a cute little snow man on her window sill and play the song 《A Maiden’s Prayer》 every day during practice because she likes it.

He gave too much tenderness and she’d been engulfed in it.

It wasn’t until the summer two years ago when he moved out of this old community that she woke up from that girlish fantasy.

Suddenly seeing his aggressive side, coupled with the accumulation of secrets in her heart that she could never tell, Yu Mian only felt a sense of desolation as things were now different, and her eyes couldn’t help but reddened.

She raised her head and looked up. There’s a touch of crystal clear water in the corners of her eyes as she said in a choked voice, “And besides, I’m a lone girl who came here so I dare not reveal my real name. What’s the problem with giving a pseudonym?”

Yu Mian thought she was very imposing when speaking, after all, she felt angry in her heart. But she didn’t know that her appearance as she was holding back tears and putting on a brave face, along with her feathery voice as she spoke, looked like a girl acting coquettishly, both pitiful and cute.

Her eyes were as red as a rabbit and the tip of her nose was also stained with pink. The young woman had a palm-sized face, and her eyebrow-length bangs and shoulder-length hair that was soft, smooth and straight, were covering her forehead and framing her snow-white cheeks. It gave off a soft and cute feeling of a well-behaved girl, pouncing on people’s face.

The young man’s eyes suddenly fell into a trance. In his eyes, the other person’s face unknowingly changed into a slightly different one. He looked steadily into her clear eyes, and through the dark, moist and clear pupils, he saw the once very familiar and unforgettable expression.

It was a pair of eyes that he only dared to recall in his dreams, the eyes he had missed for a long time.

Some people say that a person’s eyes were the most difficult thing to disguise and imitate.

“You—” He was greatly shaken. His throat was dry and hoarse, and he struggled to utter a word.

Yu Mian didn’t want to continue standing in a stalemate with him. Wen Quyi’s senses were too sharp. She was really afraid of being discovered by him if she stayed a little longer.

Without waiting for him to finish, she quickly turned around and ran down the stairs.

Wen Quyi was so shocked that he had no time to react. It wasn’t until Yu Mian’s figure disappeared around the corner of the stairs that he suddenly regained his senses and chased after her with an anxious expression.

“Wait! Mu Mian!”

Yu Mian heard the shouts coming from behind and was so scared that she immediately ran faster.

As soon as she ran out of the community and reached the roadside, a taxi happened to be passing by. She flagged it down, opened the car door and quickly got in.

“Sir, hurry up, hurry up, go to Yunhu Hill.” She panted while looking out the window.

The driver stepped on the accelerator. Looking at the boy chasing her, he said with a smile, “Alright. What happened? Are you having a lover’s quarrel?”

Yu Mian peeked out of the car window and saw the young man standing on the side of the road. He was looking this way for a long time but the expression on his face couldn’t be clearly seen. The slender figure stood in the bleak autumn wind, surrounded with a deep sense of loneliness and gloom.

Slightly pursing the corner of her lips, Yu Mian turned her head back and sat properly in her seat. She let out a light sigh. “No.”

This was something more terrifying than a quarrel.


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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