Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Speaking of Which, Paradiso Island is Also a Paradise

Opposite the giant ghost stood a form created by Adam, which could be described not so much as a tree person but rather as a giant organic structure woven from wooden strips.

Its entirety was brown, with its chest and legs irregularly covered in vine-like tendrils resembling blood vessels, while its head, devoid of facial features, was replaced by an oval shape shrouded in shadow.

Despite the “material” being close to plants and nature, because its body structure leaned too heavily on the human-based golden ratio, it appeared more slender than the imposing image of a large tree, creating a special aura that drew attention.

“No problem, it’s just gotten a bit bigger, right? Underworld’s crimson lightning, heed my command, I declare this man before me sentenced to death—my judgment shall not be defied.”

Accompanied by Ereshkigal’s voice, the previously empty dark world suddenly burst forth with sky-obscuring crimson lightning. Simultaneously, the trembling ground launched countless stone pillars, enough to cover the floor with honeycomb-like depressions.

As the sovereign of the Underworld, Ereshkigal was the only entity capable of decreeing the outcome of this event, with even the supreme god Enlil having no authority to interfere. It could even be said that stepping into Kur would strip even Enlil of his divine status.

Being of pure divinity, she, unlike her portrayal in the original work influenced by human possession, her character, darkened and twisted by experiences and encounters, was undeniably evident.

Her merciless attack instantly engulfed Adam, transformed into the giant of trees.

When the dust settled, his constructed body was battered and torn; he was on one knee to avoid losing balance, his wooden arms protecting his neck, even if his arms were blasted off, his torso punctured with several large holes, and his head blown away, he did not lower his hands.

“The outcome is decided. Ah, let me acknowledge it, I am fond of you, the only human in the world willing to acknowledge me. Thus, I will spend thousands of years crafting the perfect cage for your soul, then you will forever stay by my side.”

“…Living is not only about suffering. Whether it’s the expressions of parents at birth, the friends encountered during growth, or the people gathered to bid farewell at death, all become the joy of wanting to continue living.”

Adam’s voice was somewhat ethereal, more like the vibration of the surrounding air than coming from an organ of speech.

Ereshkigal was stunned.

She realized something.

“How is this possible? In my attack, I utilized the power of the Underworld. Even if you are a living being beyond my control, you shouldn’t still possess such extraordinary vitality!”

The tree-made body, like a fast-forwarded video, sprouted buds at the wounds and rapidly grew, shedding unnecessary branches and leaves along the way.

In just the three to four seconds of speaking, Adam’s constructed body had fully recovered.

“Indeed, you only consider the Great Art as a technique different from the mystical system. You can think of this body as something akin to an autonomous closed-field reality marble, also sustained for a longer duration with the planet’s permission.”

“Which means, starting from just below the surface, it’s considered a completely different world… I am supposed to be the dread mother goddess of despair, ruler of the ghouls, if that’s the case—”

“—If that’s the case, of course, I can’t defeat you. I understand, which is why I specifically made my body into its current form.”

Similar to a reality marble, this ability to transform into a giant body is not merely about becoming larger but also involves a certain rule unique to the individual.

If it were another Edenite, like the reality marble itself, they couldn’t control what kind of rule might emerge, leaving it up to the planet to interpret their spirit.

But Adam is the progenitor.

He specifically adjusted it to emphasize a “foundation” form.

“Death is not just despair. Even gods will one day face their end. If one truly seeks eternity, then eternity itself is already an end.”

Adam, speaking words he wished Ereshkigal to understand, leaned his gigantic body forward, assuming a sprinting posture with his “half-baked” knowledge of combat techniques.

“To move forward, one must fully acknowledge and accept.”

“I, of course, know that! But why must we move forward, what’s wrong with staying in place?”

“Because it’s our instinct, engraved in our blood and souls. It’s because we want to move forward that we have evolved into beings capable of speaking, communicating, and depending on each other. True despair and pain come when the desire to advance disappears, when one cares neither for life nor death, feeling indifferent towards everything.”

Ereshkigal raised her lance, concentrating all her accumulated magic into it, intending to let the complex emotions flooding her heart take over, disregarding everything, simply wishing to vent as she thrust forward.

In response was Adam, charging forward with earth-shaking steps and swinging his tensed right fist.

“Thirdly, if this place is also part of the planet, then let’s again amplify the force of its rotation.”

“Happiness, sadness, anger, peace, hatred, relief… all of it, we must taste, we must accept, and then choose to continue forward. That is the path we should take!”

The entire gigantic tree construct was designed to withstand the load of unleashing his ultimate move.

As cracks spread throughout its body, the punch, far surpassing the speed of sound, collided with Ereshkigal’s lance, creating shockwaves that nearly caused the Underworld itself to collapse.

The giant body, bearing the greater burden, crumbled first, disintegrating into pieces, while Adam, falling from behind his neck, wore a calm, almost victorious expression.

And indeed, it was so.

Almost instantly, Ereshkigal’s lance and spectral form shattered into the most fundamental ether and dissipated.

A girl in a red cape and black dress, with golden hair and red eyes, sat on the ground in tears.

Yet, Adam did not immediately offer consolation.

Because both the battle and the current moment were intended to let her vent.

“That sort of thing, of course, I know… but I can’t just watch humans suffer… I want to fulfill my disliked duty… I believe even ‘evil’ can help others…”

“Mm. So I said it’s not just about suffering, so I mentioned completeness.”

Adam slowly crouched down, looking directly at Ereshkigal’s true face.

“Humans will ultimately continue to move forward, but sometimes, people need a little escape, so they can rest and continue on, until they accept reality.”

The words he regretted not saying were finally spoken.

“Are you saying, my Underworld and I, are precisely the places where humans can escape? What I should truly do is provide them a space to relax, allowing them to gradually bear the truth at an appropriate pace.”

“It seems you’ve understood, or rather, acknowledged my words. In that case, Ereshkigal, you too should rest well and frankly, just like humans need to adjust and rest before eventually facing what comes.”

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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