Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period
Type-Moon Civilization Game at the Start of the Cretaceous Period Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Flowers Blooming in the Underworld

It’s probably hard for any Sumerian to imagine the Underworld Goddess Ereshkigal sobbing uncontrollably.

But Adam knew very well.

The so-called gods are just beings born with great power. They might indeed be more resilient on average than humans, might indeed possess thoughts alien to humans, but he didn’t believe the differences were so vast as to be completely distinct, perhaps not even as significant as the conceptual gaps between Edenites and other civilizations.

Even if we talk about regression, despite their origins, through the process of receiving human worship and personification, they have changed.

Whether for better or worse, as a result, they have become indistinguishable from humans.

“I’m sorry. I just seriously harbored thoughts of killing you.”

“I don’t mind. But Eresh-chan, it’s not because I’m particularly kind, but because I understand it was I who first instigated trouble by forcibly stepping into the Underworld, a place not meant for the living, and I possess the power sufficient to defeat you, so I can afford not to mind.”

Adam’s words conveyed the importance of viewing things in a comprehensive and complete manner, or rather, it’s how he practiced it.

“I get it… I’ll adjust my attitude properly… So, that is…”

The golden-haired girl, slowly standing up and drying her tears with her cloak, hesitated.

Finally, as if mustering all her courage, she clasped her hands and shouted.

“Please become my Underworld.”

If someone other than him, who also constantly wrote abstract and symbolic lines as a director, were standing here, her words would likely confound them.

Adam, however, translated her meaning in his mind immediately.

He had said that people need to escape appropriately during their difficult journeys to continue to the end, and Ereshkigal and the Underworld serve as places for the not yet strong and mature Sumerian civilization to temporarily escape.

Thus, the goddess meant to ask Adam to become the entity where she could catch her breath and rest for a while.

Ereshkigal, making the request, lowered her head, her clasped hands fidgeting to express her inner nervousness.

“I can’t stay in the Underworld forever; I have companions waiting for me, and the Edenites need my guidance.”

“Um… I know it’s a lot to ask… um… it’s okay if you don’t agree…”

“However, don’t underestimate me. First, Eresh-chan, look around you.”

“What? Ah—”

Ereshkigal was momentarily stunned by the sight before her.


The fragments of the tree giant created by Adam, like seeds, took root and sprouted, then, during their conversation, drawing life from the planet, blossomed with long, slender red petals.

“I, I, I’m not hallucinating, am I? My Kur actually has such beautiful plants.”

The girl looked incredulous.

Mainly because one of her biggest regrets was being unable to find plants that could grow in the Underworld, a problem now seemingly solved.

“What’s difficult for the ‘Art of the Formless’ is effortless for the ‘Great Art,’ although currently, no other practitioner besides me can achieve the same.”

Adam, arms crossed, displayed a slightly proud smile.

He had already completed the concept of “Mesopotamian Underworld = atop the planet,” combined with the unnamed giant transformation ability’s rule erosion, and the memory of flowers in the afterlife from other mythological systems, was enough to create a blooming flower species.

“Manjushaka (Mañgûshakas), Dragon Claw Flower, Lycoris, the prototype that came to mind probably hasn’t been discovered yet, so let’s use this for naming. Eresh-chan, this is my prepayment, what do you think?”

“A prepayment?”

“Ah, I’m planning to promote something called trade on the surface, essentially about exchange and transactions. Although I haven’t planned it thoroughly, having reached an understanding with you, I hope you can appreciate this novel concept.”

“So that’s it, that’s it! Even though it’s easy for both of us, it can make both sides happy. It’s truly amazing. I never paid attention before; exchange is such a wonderful thing.”

Creating the flowers of the Underworld was simple for Adam, and for Ereshkigal, handing over the soul Adam was searching for was also simple.

Yet, they both felt immensely satisfied.

Ereshkigal nodded and stretched her hand towards a luxurious cage not far away, and its door opened, allowing a blue orb-like soul to fly into her hand.

“Since it was Ishtar who caused his death, I took special care of him. The aspects of his spirit that aged might have rejuvenated somewhat due to becoming a pure spirit.”

“That’s not entirely good. It’s just right if he’s too old, the body prepared for him might have had some problems—his thinking could have become very sluggish.”

“I heard you tore down Ishtar’s temple? Since that place is somewhat my other half, I could feel she was furious. If not for other gods holding her back, she might have smashed a projection of Venus onto your city.”

“If she dared to do so, even if it’s unreasonable, even if I had to drag along injuries, I would have smashed your heavens, and banished her and all gods daring to protect her completely from the Earth. Ah, speaking of which, Gaia wouldn’t have allowed her to succeed from the start.”

While gods are extensions of the planet, Edenites are directly increasing the total life force of the planet, similar to how one would choose to shave their head to remove hair that threatens vital cells, despite the majority preferring not to become bald.

“Sigh, although I’m not interested in these things. But it’s somewhat related to you. There seems to be a divergence in heaven about how to deal with Edenites and humans next. Tearing down the temple has become a catalyst for speeding up the outcome. Although you’re powerful, Edenites could be threatened, you should be careful.”

“I will.”

Adam nodded seriously, taking Ereshkigal’s advice to heart.

Choosing not to provoke and facing internal disagreements resulting in a temporary pause are two different situations.

If it’s the latter, one must be prepared for the worst-case scenario of an imminent fallout.

“Then it’s time to say goodbye. Don’t be so sad; I will contact you again. After all, the Underworld physically exists underground, so once I return to El-Neim, I’ll modify the Tree of Life, and then I can bring you more plants that can grow. Maybe the Edenites will even want to learn about you.”

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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