My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 28
My Fiancée is a Cultivator Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Taking advantage of the battle between Sin and the sabertooth tiger, the four immediately fled.

Lin Feng’s abilities were not restricted, and he wielded his firewood-cutting knife to clear the way. Murong Mengxi and her companions had their cultivations suppressed, making them only slightly faster than ordinary people.

On the other side, Sin was completely unaware that Lin Feng and the others had escaped. He focused all his attention on dealing with the sabertooth tiger.


The sabertooth tiger opened its blood-filled mouth, its sharp fangs resembling deadly swords, pouncing towards Sin.

 Sin faced it head-on with his spirit weapon.

A fierce battle erupted.

At the same time, Lin Feng, relying on his memories from six months ago, cleared a path in the front direction leading to the three corpses.

The three corpses were also located on the outskirts of Death Valley. In no time, the four arrived.

“They are right here. These are the three bodies of the Special Warfare Bureau.” Lin Feng, after listening to Lin Feng, Zhao Jing directly ran over and anxiously cleared away the grass.

In the midst of the grass, she indeed found three sets of white bones.

The three sets of white bones were leaning against each other. They were dressed in tattered Special Warfare Bureau uniforms. Murong Mengxi gave a signal to the short-haired girl, Yi Yi, who took out three bags from her backpack.

The three carefully placed the three corpses into the bags.

Lin Feng remained vigilant about the surroundings. He could clearly hear the distant sounds of Sin and the Sabertooth tiger battling. Judging from the intermittent roars, it seemed like the sabertooth tiger had the upper hand.

The three women quickly finished collecting the bones.

“What should we do now? Go back the same way or find another way out?” Lin Feng anxiously inquired.

“Going back the same way is not an option; we are no match for that saber-toothed tiger. Unless you go and kill it,” Zhao Jing replied coldly.

Lin Feng raised an eyebrow, “Come on, can you stop kidding? How am I supposed to beat that thing? You all said that old man’s cultivation is above yours, and now he’s still getting beaten by the saber-toothed tiger.”

“Then let’s find another way,” Meng Xi said with a serious tone.

Lin Feng nodded, taking his woodcutter’s knife and heading in a particular direction.

The three women followed behind Lin Feng.

After walking for a short distance, they suddenly saw a layer of white mist rising around them. Lin Feng’s expression changed, and he spoke in a low voice, “This white mist is poisonous. Everyone, hold your breath.”

Saying that, Lin Feng quickly searched the surroundings. Soon, he skillfully plucked several herbs, divided them into four portions, and tossed one portion into his mouth, chewing it. Obviously, he had encountered this poisonous miasma before.

He handed the remaining three portions to the three women, who also directly tossed them into their mouths and began chewing.

Seeing the women finish the herbs, Lin Feng, not being a cultivator who could use telepathy, gestured to them, indicating they should try not to breathe and avoid speaking.

The women nodded in understanding.

Lin Feng picked up his woodcutter’s knife and continued to forge ahead.

As night fell, the entire Death Valley was shrouded in toxic miasma. Lin Feng, leading the way silently, was astonished to find that he couldn’t release his abilities.

He turned to look at the three women.

He gestured at them, indicating something silently.

Unfortunately, Lin Feng’s sign language was not professional, and three large question marks appeared above the heads of the three women. Zhao Jing transmitted, “Lin Feng, what are you saying? Did you get lost or something?”

Lin Feng shook his head.

“Are you tired and want to rest?” Yi Yi asked.

Lin Feng shook his head again, his face looking pale.

Murong Mengxi had a bad feeling and made a guess towards the worst scenario, “Lin Feng, your ability has also been suppressed, hasn’t it?”

Lin Feng nodded repeatedly.

The three women’s expressions changed slightly, and Murong Mengxi then looked at Yi Yi and transmitted, “Yi Yi, how many bullets do you have left?”

“Twenty bullets, five of them are tranquilizers.”

“Be careful; we might encounter other dangers,” Mu Rong Meng Xi said in a low voice.

At the same time, the battle between Sin and the Sabertooth tiger was coming to an end. As the poisonous mist spread to the battlefield, Sin, starting off unbothered by it, thought it was just the evening fog.

Soon, the poison invaded his body.

His internal organs were corroded, and his body instantly collapsed to the ground. On the other hand, the Sabertooth tiger was unaffected and directly stepped on the assassin’s head.

The head exploded.

Having dealt with the assassin, the Sabertooth tiger detected a familiar scent in the air, which was Lin Feng.


The Sabertooth tiger roared and headed towards the direction where Lin Feng and the others had fled.

“Yi Yi, prepare for battle. The Sabertooth tiger is approaching us,” Murong Mengxi, at the early stage of the Core Formation Realm not only had a strong cultivation but also better hearing than the other three.

She could hear the approaching footsteps of the Sabertooth tiger.

Yi Yi readied her sniper rifle; the bullets were already loaded. Although she had more than twenty bullets, she was well aware that she only had one chance.

The Sabertooth tiger’s speed was fast, and she wouldn’t have time to switch to a second bullet.


The roar of the Sabertooth tiger grew louder, and the four of them prepared for the imminent battle. Lin Feng wielded his wooden sword, ready to face the formidable opponent.

Suddenly, the Sabertooth tiger’s roar abruptly stopped.

The group exchanged glances.

Murong Mengxi transmitted to the other three, “It seems like the Sabertooth tiger is hesitating, afraid to approach for the moment.”

A wave of surprise washed over them.

What could make the sabertooth tiger hesitate?

“That must be a terrifying existence surpassing the Sabertooth tiger. But a tiger is already the king of beasts; could there be something even more frightening?” Lin Feng whispered.

Soon, he got his answer.

Under the hazy night, a faint light flickered at the center of the Death Valley, and the surrounding white mist dispersed.

“Light! It’s that luminous tree!” Murong Mengxi and Zhao Jing’s eyes lit up.

The initial mission of the Long Pavilion’s Special Operations Bureau in the Death Valley was triggered by the discovery of a luminous tree at the center on satellite maps. Due to local legends declaring Death Valley as a forbidden place, Murong Mengxi dispatched three special operations members to investigate, only to lose contact with them later.

“The Sabertooth tiger fears that tree. Now is our chance. Should we escape, or should we go check the tree?” Murong Mengxi looked at the others.

Zhao Jing gazed at Murong Mengxi with determination, saying, “Leader, I want to check that tree. I don’t want them to have died in vain.” She referred to the three corpses they were carrying.

“Alright, I respect your decision,” Murong Mengxi nodded, and the short-haired girl Yi Yi also agreed.

Lin Feng’s expression was grim; in this situation, he had no choice but to follow along.

“Seeing a luminous tree before dying, that’s something,” Lin Feng mumbled sarcastically.

Having made their decision, the four of them headed towards the center of Death Valley.

For some reason, as they approached the central area, Lin Feng felt a mysterious and unsettling sensation, as if something within him had been awakened.

This feeling was similar to six months ago.

Half a year ago, when he and his grandfather escaped from Death Valley, he had the same sensation. Later, after leaving Death Valley, Lin Feng awakened his extraordinary abilities.

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