Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 28

As an art school teacher, Shen Shang had his own office on campus. Yu Mian came there with him, where Shen Shang found her a set of painting tools needed for the gouache class.

The office wasn’t big. There was only a large desk, a bookcase on the side, and a small single sofa inside.

The overall decoration was extremely simple. The only thing that attracts attention was the unoccupied side of the office, where there were many easels and art boards, as well as some plaster cast and painting tools.

What attracted Yu Mian the most was a set of brushes, inks, papers and inkstones for traditional Chinese painting. Every type of brush and various inks were prepared. She couldn’t move her eyes away from it.

Unfortunately, Shen Shang ignored her and only gave her a set of gouache painting tools.

However, it was quite complete. Yu Mian accepted the things, filled with gratitude to the teacher.

Shen Shang had a class in the afternoon so he started preparing the lesson plan during lunch break.

Yu Mian didn’t know where to go, so she simply stayed there and read for a while. There were many art books in Shen Shang’s bookcase. The hours passed and soon it was almost time to go to class.

This time she had a class schedule and knew how to find the classrooms according to it. She would never be unable to find a classroom again.

Still walking alone on campus, Yu Mian didn’t feel lonely when seeing the students shuttling together. She could feel that she was settling into a new life, one with a family, teachers, and friends.

Her classmates were all surprised when they saw her sitting in the classroom with an art board in front of her, obediently waiting for class.

The students who originally thought she had just showed up on a whim like in the past couldn’t help but wonder if Yu Mian had really changed her ways?

Seeing her completely new way of dressing, as well as her behavior, which was completely different from before, the students in the class who were just observing became a little unsure.

However, even if they sensed the changes in Yu Mian, most people still maintained a detach attitude. The negative impression she left on her classmates was too deep, so even if they see her completely different side, everyone wouldn’t suddenly change their view of her.

The teacher for this class was gouache master Liang Yu, who was famous for his rigorous way of teaching.

Liang Yu walked into the classroom. His eyes looked around and landed on the girl not far below the podium. He usually doesn’t call names in class, but he had an excellent memory. He knew exactly how many students were in his class and would grade them accordingly at the end of every semester.

Therefore, no one would think of skipping Liang Yu’s classes.

But in his memory, he had never seen this girl before? Could it be that she’s there to sit in?

Seeing that she was dressed well and looked very serious with her little face raised, Liang Yu had a good impression of the girl.

She knew how to be assiduous. Such a good student!

With this in mind, after giving a small lecture on the theory for half of the class and the students started practicing, Liang Yu slowly paced around the classroom before walking behind the girl.

Yu Mian held the palette and carefully adjusted the color of the paints. She didn’t know much about gouache. The only thing she knew was some basic skills for beginners which were taught to her by Shen Shang at noon.

But the process of painting, no matter what kind of method, was still about the depiction of things. So even if she wasn’t good at gouache, she could still use the brush to paint the picture she wanted to present.

What Yu Mian was painting was a small potted plant. In a small round white porcelain pot on a clean windowsill, a round and fluffy little cactus was planted, which also had a white flower growing on its top.

It was so simple that it could be called monotonous, but in this extremely simple picture, it conveys a soft, warm and cozy feeling.

The gauze curtains floated on the window sill, lifted by the wind. It was raised into a small and graceful arc. The slanted sunlight shining in from the window gently spread in a small corner, and the light color was hard to spot without looking closely. There’s also the cactus plant, which was round and a lovely light green, covered with a hazy layer of soft white thorns. The small white flower on top was so cute that it makes people want to touch it.

Paintings have souls and emotions, Liang Yu had always believed so.

But too many people make painting that were empty and boring, with no emotion to speak of.

This small, simple painting made Liang Yu feel the emotions expressed in it.

Just by looking at it, his heart couldn’t help but soften, as if he had seen something extremely beautiful. A gentle warmth came over him, making him smile unconsciously. He even wanted to reach out and touch the round cactus to feel if whether it was really as soft as in the painting.

It wasn’t until Yu Mian finished the last stroke that Liang Yu bent down slightly and gently asked the unfamiliar student.

“You paint very well. What’s your name? Which class are you in?”

Yu Mian froze. She always became engrossed whenever she’s painting. It was only then that she realized that the teacher was standing right next to her.

“Hello, Teacher, my name is Yu Mian. I’m from this class……”

When she said so, Yu Mian’s face burned. It had been two months since school started but the teacher had no idea who she was. Liang Yu remembered the names of all the students in the class, this she was clear about. As for why he doesn’t remember her, it’s probably that she never came to class at all!

Liang Yu didn’t react when he heard the name. He just felt it was familiar and that he must have seen it somewhere. He frowned and pondered. Where on earth had he heard of this name?

At this time, other students in class were also secretly paying attention to Yu Mian’s side.

Liang Yu always treated his students seriously and he had never spoken to anyone so gently before. He stood behind Yu Mian for so long, clearly admiring Yu Mian’s work. There were people who were feeling sour at first, but when he asked about Yu Mian, everyone in the class laughed secretly. She hadn’t come to class even once in two months so of course Old Liang wouldn’t remember her.

It would be amusing once Old Liang found that the student he was appreciating was Yu Mian, who was addicted to skipping classes.

As Liang Yu was trying to recall where he heard the name, a girl next to him reminded, “Teacher Liang, Yu Mian has always been in our class. She rarely comes to class that’s why you probably don’t remember.”

With this nudge, Liang Yu instantly recalled who she was. He had taken a roll call in the first class of the school year and there was only one student who hadn’t showed up, which was Yu Mian. At that time, he reported it to the school, but received a message saying that he should leave that particular student alone.

Liang Yu understood that this kind of thing was actually quite common in schools. After some aristocratic children enter school, they couldn’t regulate or punish them, so most of the teachers would just let it go. After that, he forgot about the student named Yu Mian and never paid attention to her again.

He didn’t expect to be this surprised the first time he saw Yu Mian.

She doesn’t appear like a good-for-nothing. She’s well-behaved and listens carefully in class with a great attitude. Her painting skills were indeed lacking, but this does not prevent her from painting well.

Some people say that seeing ones handwriting was like seeing their face, but Liang Yu believes that looking at ones painting could also tell a lot about a person. From Yu Mian’s painting, he couldn’t tell at all that she’s a bad student. He had no doubt about the character of the person who could paint such a gentle work.

He trusted his own judgement of people.

Noticing the embarrassment in the girl’s expression, Liang Yu smiled slightly and said, “I remember. You didn’t come to class before, why is it so?”

Although he asked this question, there seemed to be no reproach at all, which disappointed the students who wanted to watch a good show, especially the girl on the side who reminded him, as she quietly pouted.

Yu Mian also noticed that the teacher had an amiable attitude and didn’t blame her. But it wasn’t right for her to skip classes before. Although it was the other Yu Mian’s fault, she was now her so she couldn’t shirk this responsibility.

She answered truthfully, “Teacher, I’m sorry. I did something wrong before and never came to class. Now that I know what I did wrong, I won’t skip classes again and will study hard.”

Liang Yu was an old man and had a ten-year-old granddaughter. Every time she made a mistake, their family would give her a lesson. She would blink her big eyes at them seriously, her little face full of sincere remorse as she apologizes just like the girl in front of her.

Even though he heard that Yu Mian had been skipping classes, Liang Yu wasn’t angry. Maybe she reminded him of his little granddaughter at home, or maybe it was because of his love for talents. Looking at the gentle painting drawn by the girl, Liang Yu didn’t have the heart to chastise her.

They have all been children once. Who haven’t made mistakes? Knowing how to repent was a good thing.

So a group of students who were watching the excitement saw Teacher Liang Yu, who was known as ‘old-fashioned’, smiling kindly at Yu Mian while saying, “Knowing your mistakes and being able to correct them is a good thing.” and “It’s fine, I don’t blame you. Just study well in the future.”

Everyone felt sorrowful and indignant. This was such a differential treatment!

After class, the students couldn’t help but look at Yu Mian. By the end, Liang Yu seemed to have become Yu Mian’s personal teacher. He stayed by Yu Mian’s side and told her about her painting. He would also occasionally go to see how the other students were doing and criticize their works.

Were they really much worse than Yumian?! Many people were unconvinced. Yu Mian had never come to class since the beginning of the school year. What could she paint?

Everyone was packing up their things. There were too many painting tools so most of the students were still in their place.

At this time, a girl said, “Yu Mian, can you let me see your painting?”

Yu Mian turned her head to look at the other party. She didn’t recognize her and had no impression of her in her mind. However, they were in the same class and she wanted to get along with everyone, so she took down the paper from the easel and handed it over.

“Sure, here you go.”

Yu Mian even gave the other party a friendly smile, making the girl stunned. She had no hope at all when she asked that question. Yu Mian’s reputation in class was too great. With her temper, most people wouldn’t dare approach her, but she actually handed her the painting.

As soon as the girl took it, all the students gathered around her.

“Let me see, let me see.”

Everyone crowded together to see how good the painting treated so favorably by the old-fashioned teacher was. The paper passed through many hands and those who had seen it fell silent.

The skills couldn’t said to be very good, but these students still have an eye for whether a painting was good or not.

Finally, the painting was passed back. Yu Mian had already packed up her things. When the girl handed the painting over, she looked at Yu Mian with complicated eyes, as if she was reacquainting herself with her, and she sincerely said, “Your painting is really good.”

It was the first time someone complimented her and Yu Mian was a little embarrassed because she really didn’t think she was that good of a painter. She was also completely unfamiliar with gouache techniques. She pursed her lips and smiled. “I still have a lot to learn. If we study together, we will only get better and better.”

Coming out of the classroom, Yu Mian headed for the school gate and found that people often looked at her as she walked along the road.

Due to her outstanding appearance, Yu Mian had the experience of being looked at by others before, but this time the way people looked at her wasn’t just admiring, but also carried other meaning.

Yu Mian felt a little strange but was too embarrassed to walk up and ask.

Thinking of what Yu Xing said about picking her up in the afternoon, she took out her phone and sent a message to her brother.

【Mianmian: Brother, class is now finished. Are you still at work?】

She thought the other party wouldn’t reply, but unexpectedly a message came right away.

【Brother Daren: En. I asked someone to pick you up. The car is at the school gate.】

Only then did Yu Mian understand that her brother wasn’t coming to pick her up in person. However, considering that her brother had to go to work and manage the family company, as well as his particularly strict and serious personality, it was impossible for him to do such a thing as leaving work early, so it made sense that he would ask someone to pick her up.

【Mianmian: Okay o(>ω<)o】

【Mianmian: Brother, is something going on?】

On the other side, Yu Xing looked at his phone and guessed that Yu Mian hadn’t discovered what happened online yet. Those posts had been deleted by him, so after thinking about it, he decided not to tell her.

【Brother Daren: Nothing. I’m bringing you to the company to have some fun.】

Yu Mian was really interested now. She knew that the Yu family had a company and it had grown quite big. However, the other Yu Mian hated her family very much and had never visited the company, so she had never been clear what her family does.

Unlike her, Yu Mian felt that she must know more about her family. After all, home was the only harbor in a person’s life.

The campus of Shengming University was very large and it takes twenty minutes to walk from the teaching building to the school gate. Yu Mian didn’t want to be looked at with strange eyes, so she spent the whole time looking at her phone to avoid other people’s sight.

Opening Weibo, she saw her online friend Deer reply to her earlier message. The other party also sent her a picture. It was also an osmanthus tree with lush blooming flowers, which were bright yellow. Just looking at it made people feel as if they could smell the fragrance of the flowers.

【Deer: Do you like osmanthus?】

Yu Mian replied, 【Yes. I think that the scent of osmanthus is like the taste of sugar. It feels so sweet when I smell it.】

【Deer: Do you have a sweet tooth?】

【Red Cotton Tree: Huh, you’re not busy?】

After a while, Deer replied, 【I’m still busy. I’m just taking a short break.】

【Red Cotton Tree: You’re working hard! I really like sweets and I make delicious deserts~ If we have the chance to meet, I will definitely let you try them.】

The man looked down at his phone and a light flashed in his eyes as the corners of his lips rose up slightly. He kept holding his phone during the short break. The director called him not far away and he quickly replied with one word.


Yu Mian walked to the school gate where people were coming and going. She raised her head and looked around, trying to find the car that her brother said would pick her up.

A luxurious black car slowly slid in front of her and stopped. The car had a very peculiar logo that stood on the hood at the front. Yu Mian didn’t recognize it, but she could tell that it must be worth a lot of money.

A middle-aged man in a suit came out of the driver’s seat, pulled open the door of the back seat, bent down towards her, and said respectfully, “Miss, Sir asked me to pick you up.”

Yu Mian’s face turned slightly red. She hadn’t converted from the mentality of an average citizen yet and had never experienced such a situation. It was like a noble lady traveling and it felt super strange. Moreover, a lot of people were looking over, making Yu Mian uncomfortable as everyone’s eyes were focused on her.

The middle-aged man should be her brother’s driver. Does his brother always show off like this whenever he goes out?

Since it was her brother’s arrangement, although Yu Mian was a little uncomfortable, she still cooperated and got into the car. She thanked the other party, “Thank you for your trouble.”

She was unaware that this was deliberately arranged by Yu Xing after seeing that post about her.

Didn’t those people dare to talk about Yu Mian because they think that she’s easy to bully? He knew that this younger sister hated her family and never talked about her family background outside. Now he’s making a splash for her and letting those people know her identity. Who would dare to bully her without considering the Yu family’s face?

Although the Yu family made its fortune not long ago, it happened to catch up with the trend and seized some opportunities. It could be regarded as an Internet giant. Not everyone could look down on the current Yu family.

Even if Yu Xing used to dislike his younger sister and didn’t really treat her well, he would follow her to clean up her mess. Not to mention that his younger sister had become more lovable now. Who wouldn’t know that he, Yu Xing, was recognized as someone who protects his own?

The vehicle slid slowly, merged into the nearby road, and was soon out of sight.

When the car had gone, the people at the school gate who had witnessed all of it started talking in low voices.

“That’s Yu Mian, right? The car she just took is worth tens of millions! Is her family that rich?”

A girl muttered, “Which family is she from? I’ve never heard her talk about it. She isn’t being taken care of by someone, right……?”

The other boy had a strange look in his eyes. “Don’t you know? That car belongs to President Yu of Yuxue Company. There’s only one limited edition car of that brand in X city. One is named Yu Mian and the other Yu Xing. Isn’t it obvious whose family she belongs to?”

Someone suddenly said, “So it’s that Yu family! No wonder she’s so arrogant.”

Tang Yao’s face turned pale as she listened to all these words on the side. She didn’t know Yu Mian’s family background. She had inquired several times before but Yu Mian never said anything, so she thought her family background wasn’t outstanding. But who knew she’s actually from the Yu family?!

Thinking of those posts that were deleted for no reason at noon, Tang Yao panicked a little. If she had known that Yu Mian belonged to the Yu family, she wouldn’t have provoked her. She couldn’t afford to offend the Yu family.

But come to think of it, she hadn’t done anything to Yu Mian. It was Yu Mian’s own stupidity that made her believe those words, so she didn’t have to be afraid.

Just as she was comforting herself, Tang Yao’s mobile phone rang, displaying an incoming call from the counselor.

Tang Yao’s hand shook and she picked it up uneasily.

“Tang Yao, please come to my office.”


Yu Mian sat in the car for half an hour before reaching the Yuxue Company building. She got off and looked up at the skyscraper glittering in the sun. When the uncle driver said that this building belonged to Yuxue Company, she couldn’t help but refresh her perception of money once again.

She walked into the revolving door and was immediately greeted by the receptionist.

“Excuse me, are you Miss Yu?”

Yu Mian had never been in such a formal place, so she tried her best to restrain her nervousness by nodding.

The pretty receptionist led her to the elevator and told her to take it to the thirty-ninth floor.

Yu Mian stood alone in the elevator as it rose up. Through the glass window on one side, she could see the ground that was rapidly getting further away. This elevator must be a special one as it didn’t stop in the middle. When it reached the thirty-ninth floor, the flow of people and vehicles on the road below were as small as ants.

After getting out of the elevator, another assistant led her to a lounge, telling her that President Yu was in the middle of the meeting and asked her to rest there first.

Yu Mian wasn’t unhappy when she heard that her brother had something to do. She was quite curious about the place and she wasn’t a willful person who needed company. She walked around the lounge and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows to look at the scenery.

It’s hard to see the sunset in the city because the horizon was blocked by buildings, but standing at this height, one could see the vast blue sky in the distance, the horizon, and the slowly setting sun. It was a beautiful sight.

As Yu Mian looked on, she couldn’t help but take out her phone to capture the moment. She’s studying painting so she wanted to record all the beautiful scenery and things she sees.

After watching for a while, she felt a little sleepy. She was used to taking a short nap at noon, but she hadn’t done so today because she was in Shen Shang’s office. Thus this was when the sleepiness hit her.

Her brother wasn’t there so Yu Mian didn’t dare to walk around for fear of getting into trouble. There were several fabric sofas in the lounge, which looked very soft at first glance. Yu Mian sat on one and holding a square pillow, she planned to close her eyes for a while.


When Yu Xing finished the meeting and opened the door to the lounge, this was the scene he saw.

The petite girl was curled up on the sofa, her arms tightly wrapped around a small pillow, quietly sleeping. The girl’s fair cheeks were buried in the pillow and without the baby fat, it looked smaller and more delicate. Her eyelashes were long and thick, and her bright and beautiful eyes were closed, making her look even more well-behaved, as clean and pure as an infant who didn’t know anything about the world.

The sunlight poured in obliquely and fell on her, gilding her with a golden rim of light.

Perhaps feeling cold, she unconsciously curled up into a small ball.

Yu Xing looked at her quietly and the man’s cold and sharp eyes were unknowingly tinged with warmth. He walked to the bedroom in the lounge, took out a thin blanket and gently covered the girl.


When Yu Mian woke up, the sky was already dark. The sunlight had long since slipped away and exchanged with lit up neon lights outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. She didn’t expect to sleep for so long and she sat up from the sofa in a moment of shock.

A voice suddenly sounded in the room, “You’re awake?”

Yu Mian turned her head and the room suddenly brightened up, causing her to subconsciously close her eyes.

She had been sleeping before so Yu Xing didn’t turn on the lights until she was awake.

“Brother, why didn’t you wake me……” Yu Mian whispered in embarrassment while putting on her shoes.

Yu Xing glanced at her but didn’t say anything. He didn’t know why he didn’t do so. He just saw that his sister was sleeping so soundly and couldn’t bear to wake her up.

When he was young, he had also fantasized that his younger sister would be soft and cute, and would sweetly call him brother. He would love his sister, protect her well, and give her the all best things in the world.

But when Yu Mian was brought back, his illusions were shattered.

His sharp and rebellious sister annoyed him immensely that all he could offer was the responsibility of being an elder brother. It wasn’t until Yu Mian came out of the hospital and changed her ways, becoming what he had hoped for, that the suppressed love had also been revived.

Yu Mian put on her shoes and ran over. Carefully grabbing Yu Xing’s sleeve, she said with a blushing face, “Brother, let’s go home?”

Yu Xing’s arms stiffened and he said, “Mm.”

“Let’s go home.”

They’re a family, and he’s her brother.


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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