Transmigrated into a Wealthy Family, Acting as Sickly Stepmother
Transmigrated into a Wealthy Family, Acting as Sickly Stepmother Chapter 19.2

Sheng Xia V: About your questions, I’ll explain briefly. Just understand it. Anyway, this hot topic, the situation is like this now… I just want to say, those who understand, understand. I won’t explain much to those who don’t, because it’s clear to me. Think about it carefully, you should understand what I mean, right?

Oh, have you reached this point? If you’re willing to spend a little more time reading, you’ll find that you’ve spent a little more time.

Congratulations, you’ve wasted a minute of your life^_^//@九日的小宝贝:Honestly, if…

The onlookers who came after hearing the news: ???

  • Wow, what kind of nonsense post is this?

Especially for those who actually read it all the way to the end, looking at that glaring smiley face, it vividly and satirically mocks the boredom of those people.

Everyone: “… Darn it! We’ve been played!!”

[Shocked, as I wasted a minute of my life, my life also passed by 60 seconds because of this!]

[I vividly remember the last time I saw a bunch of nonsense was probably the last time, and the last time I saw such a bizarre explanation was probably before that.]

[Explained quite]

“Okay, next time I won’t explain, save me.】

[Indeed, when people can’t hold it in, they really can’t hold it. I really want to chop Sheng Xia now. Does anyone know where her address is? Knife/knife/knife】

As the onlookers who realized they had been played attacked Sheng Xia frantically, there were also some sober individuals who analyzed the situation seriously.

[So, when Sheng Xia reposted that comment, was she actually hinting at something?】

[Could it really be about Feng Jingxu’s rival family? So, is it SY or KLX?】

[Taking away our brother, don’t just randomly criticize. Sheng Xia is clearly just teasing you all, she’s the one stirring up trouble, right?】

[But if Sheng Xia and Feng Jingxu really are relatives, what’s the deal with those negative rumors? And the company has clarified everything, yet there are still many comments attacking them. Could it be someone buying fake accounts?】

[To be honest, I never believed it from the beginning. Feng Jingxu is only 17 years old, how could he have two children already? And Sheng Lanqiu and her stepson are sitting opposite them, obviously together. Isn’t this too blatant?】

[Indeed, I also remember some comments being very hostile, almost wanting to confirm their relationship. Unfortunately, they were all suppressed later on and can’t be found now.】

As the curious onlookers started analyzing eagerly, trying to figure out who was most likely to frame Feng Jingxu, some people who had been monitoring online trends all along suddenly felt a pang of anxiety and quickly tried to cover their tracks.

Sheng Lanqiu was no exception.

Seeing everyone starting to dig deep into the truth and the hot topic being suppressed, she bit her lip tightly, threw everything on hand, and was furious to the point of death.

This part seems to continue the story:

She went in circles and ended up with nothing, as if all her efforts were in vain. Well, at least she had wasted all the money she had thrown out before, which made Sheng Lanqiu even more frustrated and her heart ache.

But fortunately, she had only hired some internet trolls, and they had all been banned now, so there was no trace of her involvement.

—But things shouldn’t have turned out like this at all, it was all because Sheng Xia insisted on causing trouble, it was simply more than enough!

Sheng Lanqiu cursed angrily until she saw the hot topic she had bought before, still hanging on, with all the comments harmonious. Her face then slightly eased.

Forget it, at least now things were back on track. Even if she wasn’t noticed by the director, she could still use this to recommend herself. She would just treat that money as charity.

She was trying hard to comfort herself when she suddenly heard a gentle knock on the door, and the polite voice of Shi Yue came from outside: “Mom, can I come in?”

Glancing at the messy floor, Sheng Lanqiu couldn’t help but frown. Thinking that Shi Yue would be back soon, she absolutely couldn’t let him see this scene. She couldn’t help but regret her impulsive behavior just now.

She took a deep breath and forced down her impatience: “Mom has something to do, can you wait a bit, Yue Yue?”

Shi Yue obediently didn’t push the door open: “Okay, Mom.”

After hurriedly tidying up, she opened the door and looked down at her stepson, who was already in his pajamas: “What’s wrong, Yue Yue?”

Shi Yue shook his head, a little shyly: “I just happened to pass by and heard some noise in Mom’s room. I was worried that something might have happened to Mom, but now everything seems fine.”

Sheng Lanqiu paused, thinking about how she had just struggled to clean up the mess because of his sudden concern, and couldn’t help but tiredly rub her temples.

But the child was just worried about her after all, so she gently explained: “Mom is fine, I just accidentally knocked over things. I was afraid you might get hurt if you came in, so I had to clean up for a long time.”

Shi Yue blinked, instantly showing a guilty expression: “I’m sorry, Mom, it’s all because of me that you’re so tired. Are you hurt, Mom?”

“No problem, even though I almost cut my hand, Mom doesn’t mind, all for Yueyue.” Sheng Lanqiu rubbed his head, smiling, “Does Yueyue have anything else to do?”

Shi Yue looked more guilty and sensible, shaking his head, “Then I won’t bother Mom.”

Calculating the time, Shi Yulin should be home soon. Sheng Lanqiu suddenly coaxed, “It’s late, Mom will tell Yueyue a story to help you sleep, okay?”

Shi Yue’s eyes lit up, showing a delighted expression, nodding vigorously.

So she had Shi Yue get into bed and sat by the bedside, speaking gently about bedtime stories, and showing a perfect profile towards the door.

However, unexpectedly, Shi Yulin did return at this time, but he did not show any emotion when he saw this scene, even asking in a embarrassed tone, “Lan Lan, did you do something today?”

Sheng Lanqiu’s hand trembled, and the storybook in her hand fell to the bedside, fortunately not waking Shi Yue. She turned her head to look at her husband inexplicably uneasy, hesitating, “I made an appointment with my sister today and took Yueyue to the children’s amusement park, what’s wrong?”

Shi Yulin looked at her scrutinizingly, “Did you do anything else?”

When she chose to marry Shi Yulin, it was because of his family background and appearance. But because of the gap between the two families, Sheng Lanqiu always felt cautious in front of him, afraid of making him angry.

However, thinking of the ending in her dream where she was domineeringly loved by Shi Yulin, Sheng Lanqiu became a bit bolder.

“What else could I do?” She suppressed her anxiety and scolded softly, “You’re so fierce right from the start. It’s a good thing Yueyue is already asleep, otherwise, he would have been scared by you. What’s wrong, Ayu?”

  1. Chie has spoken 6 months ago

    I don’t like her, I mean she’s not written to be liked but the way she treats her stepson annoys me. It’s like how someone who doesn’t like animals would take care of a pet. They feed and walk them dutifully, maybe send a proof-of-life pic to the owner but ultimately don’t give a sheit. Difference is they only take care of your pet till you’re back in town while becoming a stepmom is signing up for life. She treats the poor kid like a tool, even if she didn’t dream of the storyline she only takes care of him to look good in front of her husband. Find a nanny that likes kids instead.

    • nopenopenope.wnc has spoken 4 days ago

      It’s actually more malicious than that, she’s training him to be incompetent.


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