Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 29

At night, after a day of filming, Lin Jianshen took a bath. He walked out of the bathroom and picked up his phone, then clicked on Weibo, and scrolled through Red Cotton Tree’s homepage.

He had done this so many times that it had become a habit of his.

Dai Zhong always said that Lin Jianshen was unusually fond of Red Cotton Tree. In fact, he himself couldn’t tell clearly how he felt about this loyal fan.

He definitely values her. Lin Jianshen remembered that when he first entered the entertainment industry and was still unknown, he played a role as a passerby. He took a photo and posted it on Weibo, but of course no one paid it any attention.

The first person to give him a comment was Red Cotton Tree.

She said, 【Are you an actor? Wow, I want to be your fan. You’re so good-looking so you’ll definitely become popular. Then I’ll be your first fan!】

One must know that at that time, he was playing a soldier and his entire person was dishevelled and covered with dust. He didn’t look good at all.

He thought she was just talking casually, but found out that she really followed him and even wrote in her profile introduction: Lin Jianshen’s little fan.

After that, every time he made a post, she would definitely leave him a comment without missing a single one. Even when he was in a state of embarrassment, even when he had no reputation, even when he’s buried by the company or even when he’s ostracized and reviled by other actors’ fans.

She never flinched and remained steadfast in her choice of him.

Having been in the entertainment industry for many years, how could Lin Jianshen not understand the fickleness of fans?

But she was able to watch over him for years, encourage him when he fell into a slump, protect him through thick and thin when he was being smeared, never abandon him when he’s down, and never asked for anything after his success.

When Dai Zhong first learned about the existence of Red Cotton Tree and the importance Lin Jianshen attached to her, he was very worried for a while. He worried that she would change and that after Lin Jianshen became more and more dazzling, she might not be satisfied with just protecting him, or she might not be happy to see Lin Jianshen being liked by more and more people.

A lot of obsessive fans were like that. They think their idols were theirs, and that’s why celebrities generally wouldn’t reveal their romantic relationships, otherwise they would lose fans on a large scale.

Especially for Red Cotton Tree, who watched Lin Jianshen’s career grow. She probably regarded Lin Jianshen as her own treasure and was possessive of him. Once one’s treasure was discovered, there would be an illusion that it no longer belonged to oneself.

But none of that happened.

When Lin Jianshen was unknown, Red Cotton Tree was an active fan leader. She went around trying to help Lin Jianshen, fighting with his anti-fans and leading his fan group to promote his activities.

When Lin Jianshen became so popular that he no longer needed her help, she quietly fell silent but still remembered to clock-in every day. She didn’t cause any trouble and was extremely peaceful.

Lin Jianshen had a lot of girlfriend fans. Outside, they always refer to themselves as his wife and call him husband, but Red Cotton Tree wasn’t like that.

She’s well-behaved and sensible, so much so that even Dai Zhong was full of goodwill for Red Cotton Tree. Even if he found out that Lin Jianshen had a special affection for her, he would only tease rather than stop it.

Because both Lin Jianshen and Dai Zhong knew that if something really happened between the two, it would definitely not be with Red Cotton Tree’s initiative. That girl firmly cemented herself as a fan and never took a step beyond that.

If one ask Lin Jianshen what his thoughts were, he was naturally indifferent to people. It would be wrong to say that he likes her romantically. After all, they were separated through the screen. What’s more, the other party strictly adheres to her identity and had no evil thoughts towards him, so it was impossible for him to develop unnecessary feelings.

Actually…… it’s just a habit. He’s used to reading her comments, to her daily clock-in and to her silent companionship and protection.

In his heart, she was like an old friend who understands him.

So after her daily clocking-in was broken, he hastily contacted her. He was worried when he learned that she was sick and was hospitalized.

His slender fingers slid across the screen and tapped on the dialog box between Deer and Red Cotton Tree.

Their previous conversations were displayed. The two of them didn’t communicate much, but it was more frequent than before.

Lin Jianshen could feel the changes in Red Cotton Tree. She always seemed quiet and silent in the past, but recently, she seemed to have become cheerful. Sometimes she would take the initiative to send him messages, treating him as a friend with whom she could share her life experiences with.

She even sent him a photo. Red Cotton Tree had always been very careful in protecting her privacy and had never posted real-life information on Weibo, but this time she actually sent him one. Although she didn’t reveal herself, many times, if one really wanted to look for any clues, any photo could help one find out something.

For example, in this photo, at first glance, it looks like a road with two rows of lush osmanthus trees standing on either side of it.

It seemed like nothing, but Lin Jianshen saw a very unique building from a corner. He recognized it as the teaching building at Shengming University, a well-known art school. He had seen it in person once when they used the grounds of Shengming University to film a movie, and had always remembered it due to its unique shape.

Judging from the angle, Red Cotton Tree must be sitting on the second floor of a building. And if he remembered correctly, there’s a cafeteria there.

Therefore, it was likely that Red Cotton Tree was a student or a teacher at Shengming University.

If he really wanted to, he could definitely find the person who took the photo from this image and uncover her identity.

However, Lin Jianshen had no such intention. He just happened to remember this place and guessed all of this at a glance. He had no plan to disturb the other person’s life or break the balance between them. It was enough to continue their relationship as a celebrity and a fan.


Yu Mian went back to school the next day and suddenly found that the eyes of the students around her had changed again.

The day before was full of strangeness, but today it became fervent. Especially among the students in her class where several girls came up and wanted to make friends with her, and from time to time while walking along the road, people would stop her to ask for her contact information.

Yu Mian was dumbfounded. No matter how slow she was, she could still detect the abnormality of these people.

After a day, she figured out why.

It turned out that it was because when her brother asked his driver to pick her up yesterday, someone found out her family background. The temptation of the Yu family was perhaps too great so these students wanted to get close to her and made connection.

Originally, Yu Mian was thinking about making some friends in school, but now she no longer plan to do so. Who knew whether people wanted to genuinely become friends with her or the Yu family behind her?

But even if she didn’t have friends, Yu Mian didn’t care much.

She now has parents, a brother, and a teacher, and she could also learn painting. After getting so much, she had long been satisfied beyond her wildest dreams.

It’s safe to say that there’s absolutely nothing else she could ask for.


A week of study soon ended. Yu Mian learned a lot and she eagerly absorbed the knowledge taught by the teachers in class. Although some teachers had a bad impression of her, during this week, they all gradually changed their views on her.

The love and affection of her parents at home, as well as their gradual pampering, and the occasional tutoring lessons by Shen Shang, made Yu Mian’s life full and happy.

So much so that when she heard her parents say that Lin Jianshen was coming to pick her up to attend a banquet over the weekend, Yu Mian couldn’t react for a while.

Right, she seemed to be…… Lin Jianshen’s fiancée.

Yu Mian: >﹏<  Not good. She completely forgot about her idol!

She had been clocking-in with Lin Jianshen every day, but perhaps because she had only met him once and there was no further contact ever since, Yu Mian never dared to let herself get carried away. Plus her new life was too colorful so she forgot that she was Lin Jianshen’s fiancée.

Even though it’s only on paper, she still had to fulfill her obligations.

Mother Yu tentatively talked about the matter. Seeing that Yu Mian was still in a daze, she changed her words and said, “If Mianmian doesn’t want to go, you don’t have to. Mom will call Jianshen back and tell her that you’re not feeling well.”

Even though Mother Yu thinks highly of Lin Jianshen and believed that he’s outstanding in both character and ability, a mother still cares about her child most. Compared to her beloved daughter, Lin Jianshen wasn’t as good as Yu Mian.

Yu Mian returned to her senses and hurriedly shook her head, saying, “I want to go. Mom, tell him I’ll go.”

Seeing that there was indeed no reluctance on her face, Mother Yu was about to call back, but then she thought about it and didn’t move. Instead, she smiled at Yu Mian. “Don’t you have Jianshen’s contact information? You should tell him yourself.”


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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