Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 30

When she heard what Mother Yu said, Yu Mian’s first reaction was, since he had her contact information, why didn’t Lin Jianshen tell her about the banquet instead of going around in circle and telling Mother Yu?

But soon, Yu Mian realized why.

She flipped through her WeChat contact list and felt like crying.

Among the long list of friends, Lin Jianshen’s name didn’t exist at all. Because the other Yu Mian never chatted with him or put a note in his number, she couldn’t even find him now.

Yu Mian hesitated for a moment between asking her mother and going through the list one by one. Suddenly, an idea flashed in her mind, followed by a fragmented memory.

About two months ago, when the other Yu Mian had just fallen in love with Chu Yan, she got mixed in with the fandom and learned about the grudges between Chu Yan and Lin Jianshen. She just happened to add Lin Jianshen’s WeChat account after being introduced by her family and so she angrily dragged him into the blacklist……

Recalling this, Yu Mian wanted to die!

Goodness, the other Yu Mian got her idol’s private WeChat account but she actually blocked him!!!

No wonder Lin Jianshen was so cold to her when they met before. This time when he was looking for her to attend the banquet, he went directly to Mother Yu instead of her. Thinking again about the other Yu Mian’s bad attitude towards Lin Jianshen because of Chu Yan, she felt guilty and distressed.

She remembered that when she first became the other Yu Mian, she scrolled through her Weibo and saw a large amount of content dissing Lin Jianshen.

Although she wasn’t really the one who posted those things, she was now the other Yu Mian, so this was a responsibility she couldn’t shirk. Thus she felt extremely guilty and scrolled through Weibo for a long time that day to hide them all.

She wouldn’t erase the traces of the other Yu Mian’s existence, but she also didn’t want to let her previous comments to continue to hurt her idol. She had been guarding her idol for so many years and feels hurt whenever others disdained him.

Yu Mian hurriedly clicked on the blacklist, and sure enough she saw an account lying inside. The profile picture was a blue sky with white clouds and the username was simply ‘Lin Jianshen’.

Perhaps because she likes him, when she looked at this WeChat ID, she felt that it was extremely clean, just like his person.

She dragged the account out of the blacklist and thought about how to send a greeting that would sound cute but respectful.

Facing the idol they’d been looking up to for years, no fan would be able to stay calm. Yu Mian was no exception. She struggled for a long time, typing in the dialog box and then deleting it after feeling that it wasn’t good, still unable to send a message.

Suddenly, the three words ‘Lin Jianshen’ at the top of the page changed to 【Typing……】

Yu Mian: !!!

The beautiful eyes of the young woman sitting cross-legged on the sofa suddenly widened, her fair face turned red, and she almost dropped the phone in her hand.

Yu Mian stroked her chest, her heart was beating fast and her expression was full of disbelief. When she fixed her gaze at the screen again, she saw that the prompt indicating that the other was typing had disappeared.

She breathed a sigh of relief, thinking she had been mistaken.

Before she could calm down, the phone vibrated slightly with a ding sound as a white speech bubble popped out.

【Lin Jianshen: Auntie said you agreed. Thank you. I’ll pick you up at five o’clock in the afternoon.】

Yu Mian stared blankly at the line of words, her mind a mess. The fact that her idol sent her a WeChat message blew her mind. She was thinking wildly if Lin Jianshen realized that she had blocked him before. Had he ever messaged her? Does he have a bad impression of her?

When she finally calmed down, a few minutes had already passed, and Yu Mian belatedly replied.

【Yu Mian: It’s what I should do, so there’s no need to thank me.】

【Yu Mian: By the way, do I need to prepare anything? I heard that the banquet is for the birthday of one of your elders. Should I bring a gift?】

【Lin Jianshen: No need.】

Perhaps thinking that his tone was too cold, another message popped out after a while.

【Lin Jianshen: You don’t have to do anything. Just wait for me at home.】

Yu Mian’s cheeks got even hotter and she felt like she could steam eggs on them. Wait for me at home or something…… Fortunately, she wasn’t a girlfriend fan and could still restrain herself. Otherwise, if it had been someone else, they would have probably fainted from excitement by now.

【Yu Mian: Okay ~(≧▽≦)/~】

Words could no longer express her mood. Only this expression could convey 0.01% of her happiness.

Yu Mian excitedly talked with Shen Shang. Originally, the tutoring class was from 2 to 5 pm on weekends, but it ended early at 4 pm that day because she wanted to make dessert.

Yu Mian was very good at making them, which seemed to be an innate talent. Anyway, the desserts she made according to online tutorials were delicious even if it was her first time doing them.

It must be inherited from her real mother who died early. She was a pastry chef and was working at a dessert shop when she was alive. Yu Mian remembered that when she was a child, her home was always filled with a strong aroma of milk and cake. Her mother often made small cakes for her to eat as snacks.

Then the accident happened, her mom and dad were gone, and the sweet smell in the house slowly dissipated.

Her mother used to say that sweetness was the warmest flavor, and eating sweets could make people feel happy. Occasionally, when Yu Mian missed her parents, she would make some small desserts to eat, and she wouldn’t feel so sad anymore after tasting them.

She was very happy that day, so much so that she had the idea of ​​making dessert.

Father and Mother Yu weren’t always at home. They had worked hard for half their lives and were now in their old age, so they prefer to relax and enjoy life. Right now, they had made an appointment with an old friend and Yu Mian had no idea where they went.

Yu Mian was alone with Shen Shang who came to tutor her.

She ran to the kitchen. The Yu family’s kitchen was huge and the large four-door refrigerator was filled with plenty of ingredients.

The auntie was very anxious on the side. “What do you want to do, Miss? The kitchen is dirty. I’ll make you whatever you want. How about you go to the living room to rest?”

Yu Mian shook her head as she found glutinous rice flour from the cupboard. She then took out the small bag of osmanthus petals that she and Mother Yu had picked and dried from the osmanthus forest behind the community a few days ago.

“No need, let me do it myself. I can do it!”

Yu Mian firmly drove the auntie out of the kitchen. She was still not used to being served by others, leaving only Shen Shang who insisted on coming to ‘spectate’.

Shen Shang saw her bustle about like a little ant, rummaging around the kitchen for utensils and ingredients. He stood aside with his arms folded and said in a cool tone, “Is this what you said you had to do?”

Yu Mian poured glutinous rice flour into a bowl, smiled sheepishly, and said softly, “Teacher, I promise it’s just this once. I’m going to a banquet tonight and I can’t casually eat anything there so I’ll make some desserts to fill my stomach first~”

The other Yu Mian had attended several banquets before. It’s not that one couldn’t eat at banquets, it’s just that most people pride themselves on being rich and few would gorge themselves for the sake of status and style. Moreover, in such an occasion where upper class people gather, most were expanding their connections and not many actually come to the banquet to eat.

Yu Mian would be attending one for the first time and didn’t want to embarrass her family and her idol.

Shen Shang made a noncommittal sound and glanced at her without saying anything. However, he didn’t leave the kitchen either. He had never heard that Yu Mian could make desserts. He was worried that something might happen if she was left alone in the kitchen, so he simply watched from the side.

Yu Mian was fired up. This time she’s going to make Thousand Layer Osmanthus Cake. She skillfully did it step by step. The final products were small crystal clear square cakes. It was light yellow and transparent. Tiny osmanthus flowers were solidified inside the cake, exuding a strong aroma of flowers and desserts.

It looked particularly delicious.

Shen Shang glanced at the girl who was lowering her head and plating up osmanthus cakes, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He thought she was just fooling around, but he didn’t expect her to actually make something. Although he didn’t know how it tasted, it looked really good.

“Teacher, would you like to try some?” Yu Mian walked over with a plate.

Shen Shang lowered his eyes and gazed at the girl in front of him. There was a streak of white flour on her face, her eyebrows were curved in a smile, and the pupils of her beautiful eyes were clear, as if they were twinkling with stars.

She was very happy. This was the first time he had seen her smile so brightly, like a pure child unaware of the dangers of the world.

Shen Shang stared at her eyes for a while, then picked up the small silver fork on the plate, carved a section of osmanthus cake and put it in his mouth. The soft cake melted instantly. It wasn’t as sweet as he thought it would be and gives off a light osmanthus fragrance, surprisingly delicious.

Yu Mian looked at him expectantly. “How does it taste?”

Shen Shang nodded. “Not bad.”

He didn’t like sweets much and this evaluation was already very high. He put the fork down and glanced at Yu Mian again. In the end, he couldn’t help himself and reached out his hand towards the girl’s face. His fingertips slightly brushed across her soft cheeks, wiping away the unsightly white spot.

Yu Mian looked up at him, dumbfounded.

Shen Shang succinctly said, “You have powder on your face.”

Those who learn painting always have some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, especially for the girl’s picturesque little face, which was particularly conspicuous when stained.

Yu Mian reacted and her face couldn’t help but blush slightly from embarrassment. It’s like going outside and suddenly being reminded by a passerby that one’s clothes was inside out, embarrassment arises spontaneously.

The osmanthus cake was ready and Shen Shang ate one piece. He noticed that Yu Mian also only ate one piece, before putting the rest into a small paper bag.

When everything was over, it was almost five o’clock. Shen Shang excused himself and left.

Driving out of the yard of the Yu family’s villa, another car came head on. This road only led to the Yu family’s house. Shen Shang subconsciously looked inside the car. The person in the driver’s seat had a fairly familiar face.

Lin Jianshen?

While thinking about why Lin Jianshen was coming to the Yu family’s house, Shen Shang suddenly remembered something that Yu Xing disclosed to him some time ago.

It seemed that…… Lin Jianshen and Yu Mian were engaged?

This news hadn’t spread and only the two parties involved knew about it. Yu Mian said something about attending a banquet and today, only the head of the Lin family was holding a birthday celebration in the upper circle. Lin Jianshen was bringing Yu Mian to attend so he must be planning on making the news public.


It was very close to five o’clock and Yu Mian couldn’t sit still. Even though she was sitting in a soft sofa, she still felt uncomfortable, as if she was sitting on pins and needles.

There was a small paper bag resting on the low table, containing osmanthus cakes. She told Shen Shang that she would eat them herself, but she was actually planning to give them to Lin Jianshen.

Few people know that Lin Jianshen likes to eat sweets, and neither do his fans. He was well-known, but rarely reveals anything about his private life. Even today, when he was so popular, people still didn’t know about his family and his preferences.

Only Yu Mian, who had accompanied him for eight years, learned of this unknown little thing by accident.

It was probably around the year they got acquainted while Lin Jianshen was just an unknown actor and when Yu Mian became his first fan.

As she mentioned, Yu Mian loved making desserts whenever she missed her parents. At that time, she was lonely and desperate, living alone in this world with no relatives, friends, and no one who needed her.

She fell ill one day and had no one to take care of her. She was dizzy due to fever and the tiny girl thought she was a goner. She curled up in bed crying after making one piece of cupcake.

Before she died, she wanted to take another look at the kind person who helped her and say goodbye to him. She would no longer be able to protect and repay him.

She took a picture of the cupcake and sent it to him along with a message. Yu Mian still remembered her childish words at that time. She said she was sick and that it would be the last cake she’s making. She could no longer stay as his fan anymore.

Lin Jianshen was cold and distant, and even though she’s his only true fan, he never replied to her messages.

That time, however, he sent her a message back, saying that the cake looked delicious. That he had a sweet tooth and would love to have a bite if he could.

Little Yu Mian had tears in her eyes and foolishly said that they were so far away to each other so he couldn’t eat it, what should she do?

Lin Jianshen asked her to taste it for him. When they had the chance to meet in the future, he would definitely eat the cake she made.

Yu Mian remembered that sentence for many years. In other words, Yu Mian remembered everything related to him very clearly. That was the only private communication they had.

Although when she grew older she realized it was probably just a white lie from his part. At that time, Lin Jianshen probably said those words out of kindness, wanting to save a little girl who was in despair.

But there’s no denying that he did save her, so Yu Mian persisted on taking it seriously.

Now…… she could finally give him the dessert she made. Although it wasn’t a cupcake, and she couldn’t tell him that she’s Red Cotton Tree, just thinking about it makes Yu Mian feel immensely satisfied from the bottom of her heart.

Lin Jianshen arrived exactly on time.

The last time they saw each other was more than half a month ago. When she saw him again, Yu Mian found that his attire was much more formal than last time.

The tailored suit outlined the man’s tall figure, his wide shoulders, narrow waist, and long legs. Paired with a clean and crisp white shirt and a face that looks like a work of art, he was simply too handsome that people couldn’t close their legs.

Of course, as a mother fan, Yu Mian controlled herself well.

But when he slowly raised his eyes and looked over with a hint of puzzlement in his deep black eyes, her face turned red.

Aaaahhh, who can withstand this?!!!

Previously, she was able to stay rational and recognize her identity as a fan. After all, she’s just an ordinary fan. But right now her identity was Lin Jianshen’s fiancée! How could she restrain herself from having evil thoughts?

No, she should think about their contract. She must hold herself together.

So Lin Jianshen saw the young woman locked eyes with him and then shrank her head back like a little quail, as if she had been scalded.

He was baffled and asked, “……What’s wrong?”

The man’s light voice resounded in her ears as he walked towards her. Yu Mian became more nervous and she stood up violently. Shaking her head vigorously, she said, “N-nothing……”

She couldn’t tell him that he’s so handsome that the mother fan wall in her heart was crumbling and she almost turned into his girlfriend fan, right?

Lin Jianshen: “Are you alright? If you don’t want to go—”

Yu Mian quickly answered, “No, I want to. Let’s go!”

Lin Jianshen was silent for a moment. He had no intention of exploring the meaning of her behaviour, or rather, he had no interest in this series of changes in her. Although they were engage, they had no feelings for each other. He was even well aware of her dislike of him. That fact that he was blocked by her on WeChat until that day spoke volume.

He wouldn’t force her. He only treated her with tolerance like she was his junior.

This engagement had wronged her.

Sensing the tension coming from the young woman, Lin Jianshen stopped moving forward and said faintly, “Let’s go.”

Yu Mian kept her head buried, not daring to let him notice her face that was about to emit smoke. She grabbed the paper bag and followed Lin Jianshen out, carefully getting into the car.


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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