Transmigrated into a Wealthy Family, Acting as Sickly Stepmother
Transmigrated into a Wealthy Family, Acting as Sickly Stepmother Chapter 25.2

“Hey, which way should we go first—”

Feng Jingxu took a deep breath, his eyes shining as he was about to turn around to ask, but then, amidst screams, Sheng Xia’s wheelchair suddenly surged forward, even faster than the people running around them!

Before Feng Jingxu could react, he was left behind, puzzled: ??

No, did she activate a cheat code?

Feng Jingxu’s face was suddenly full of speechlessness, belatedly realizing that even if she couldn’t run, she still had two wheels, which should make her faster than running on two legs!

This ridiculous scene was naturally captured by the camera, and everyone burst into laughter.

[Feng Jingxu was planning to run with Sheng Xia, but she ended up flying with her two wheels! Feng Jingxu’s expression is priceless, I could laugh for a year!!]

[I just sprayed the water I was drinking everywhere. Where did Sheng Xia get her wheelchair? I strangely feel like I’ve been recommended something, it can actually run so fast, my sense of security is overflowing haha!]

[I get it now, there’s no need to worry about anyone else, just worry about the eldest son getting eliminated as soon as he enters!]

[I’m dying of laughter, weren’t they playing up her weak and sickly character? The Feng family is so worried that Sheng Xia’s delicate health will be affected, should they say it or not, this is quite stimulating.]

[Their previous conversation was about a paralyzed old mother worried that her unfilial son would push her into the zombies to save himself. Now—well, at least the old mother’s escape speed is definitely faster than the eldest son’s, clever.]

[Alright, on the first day of the variety show, Sheng Xia’s persona has collapsed haha]

Sheng Xia entered the mall to gather supplies, skillfully rummaging through unexpected corners to find flashlights, biscuits, milk, and some inexplicable parts. The audience couldn’t understand what she was collecting this junk for, and began to discuss it with interest.

When Feng Jingxu caught up, he saw Sheng Xia in the corner, looking down as she assembled the parts.

In the dim light, her slender, fair fingers fluttered up and down like butterflies, exceptionally agile, almost mesmerizing.

In the blink of an eye, a homemade alarm clock was assembled. She handed it to Feng Jingxu without looking up, lazily saying, “After we set off, throw it at the mall’s entrance, and don’t look back, just run.”

According to the rules, the zombies initially move slowly, but their speed gradually increases with each passing hour, and their hearing becomes more sensitive. Therefore, as long as there is a sound, even if they see someone being chased ahead, they must follow the rule and surround the area where the sound is loudest.

At this time, using the alarm clock to create a diversion is the best escape method.

Feng Jingxu stared at her blankly, almost dumbfounded. Was this really Sheng Xia? The one who always pretended and acted so meticulously?

He hesitated slightly, about to say something, but when Sheng Xia suddenly looked up, he subconsciously took the alarm clock from her hand, “…Oh.”

Why does it feel like… Sheng Xia is acting a bit strange?

Is it the first time he’s seen her so serious, or is it because… her demeanor suddenly changed? Clearly, she still spoke in the same tone, but inexplicably, she seemed somewhat solemn.

Feng Jingxu’s expression was strange, unable to figure it out. He couldn’t help but keep stealing glances at her expression, completely discarding his previous idea of waiting for her to ask for help.

The barrage was also shocked like him.

[She’s… no, Sheng Xia looks really cool when she’s serious! When she gave the order just now, I couldn’t help but respond, is this really the same person who used to talk nonsense?]

[Ah ah ah, just now, when the lazy beauty suddenly lifted her eyelids to look, it was like a bullet directly hitting my heart!]

[I’m really dumbfounded, she actually knows how to assemble an alarm clock. Even if those are pre-assembled parts, I wouldn’t be able to assemble it even if you asked me to! She didn’t even have a design drawing, but she just assembled it directly?]

[Not only that, she also followed the design of the flashlight and made a homemade flashlight separately, so now the two of them can search for supplies together… damn, she even got hold of a walkie-talkie! What a proficient speed, how did she manage to find all these???]

[Wait a minute, is that a gun? Where did she find that from??]

Even when driving the wheelchair, Sheng Xia was almost silent. She skillfully avoided the still slow-moving zombies, thoroughly searching the entire mall for anything that could be used, and then handed everything over to Feng Jingxu.

Feng Jingxu, laden with a pile of stuff, ran around behind her, panting heavily, his face turning green.

Wasn’t this his original plan?

Shouldn’t he be the cool one, hmph, coldly appearing in front of the lonely and helpless Sheng Xia, taking advantage of her panic to make a request, and then pushing her to escape quickly through the encirclement of zombies?

But now, why did he feel like he was being led by Sheng Xia to surround the zombies?

The young top star suddenly doubted life a bit.

And as the first hour arrived, with the loudspeaker announcing the time, Feng Jingxu followed Sheng Xia’s instructions and threw the alarm clock, set with the right time, at the entrance of the mall, and then ran quickly with Sheng Xia.

In no time, the piercing sound of the alarm clock came from behind.

The zombie NPCs, who were originally excitedly howling and preparing to chase the humans running on the road, suddenly stiffened, forced to turn their bodies and could only stupidly circle around the alarm clock.

Crossing this street, with Sheng Xia occasionally dropping a few obstacles, causing the zombies to fall behind, the two of them smoothly passed the broken bridge and arrived at the base.

Once inside the base, she was even more in her element, leading Feng Jingxu. The two of them actually played hide-and-seek with the zombies, whose speed was getting faster and faster.

Every time they were about to be caught up, Sheng Xia could always pull out some strange parts similar to screws, successfully locking the door and causing the zombies to be trapped outside, banging on the door.

A few times, she even directed Feng Jingxu to use the sleeping bag she found to wrap themselves up and pretend to be corpses, hiding among the zombies.

In the closed warehouse, they found paintball guns. According to the rules, as long as humans hit the zombies with paintballs and leave three or more marks on them, it counts as a successful counter-kill.

While others were struggling to survive, they were happily counter-killing the zombies, a stark contrast that made the audience exclaim in excitement, unable to help but imagine themselves in their shoes. It felt incredibly exhilarating!

Some people quickly edited together several highlights and posted them online. The news of the opening of the post-apocalyptic theme park was already being promoted online, and this video quickly made it to the top of the trending searches.

Even those who originally didn’t pay attention to variety shows involving childcare couldn’t help but shout “Awesome!” and excitedly enter the live stream room.

Feeling the same as them, after several counter-kills on the zombies, Feng Jingxu, who was originally not very skilled and liked to play, went crazy with the gun.

He was so excited, his black eyes shining brightly. He had long forgotten his original purpose and was now following Sheng Xia exceptionally loyal. Whatever she said, he did, completely abandoning his previous rebellious image.

[Tsk tsk, the 18th-tier scheming persona has collapsed, but how can even the top star collapse? Sisters, the house has collapsed, hahaha.]

[Feng Jingxu! Look at your worthless appearance, I really can’t bear to watch! Weren’t you looking down on Sheng Xia? Hurry up and go, let me take over, I’m willing to call you mom, as long as I can have such a blast, I’m willing!!!]

[It’s really awesome, it’s like watching them play a video game. Sheng Xia’s sniper skills are simply amazing! Especially since she’s sitting in a wheelchair, my goodness, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it.]

As the final hour of the battlefield approached, the zombies in this base had been blocked by them, almost all of them were circling around the two of them.

It’s possible that the supervisor in charge of this area felt it was not enough and released the final boss, the Zombie Emperor, early.

Feng Jingxu, who had already counter-killed many zombies, suddenly felt inflated. He was sweating profusely, and eagerly put down everything he had looted from the zombie nest, turning to ask Sheng Xia, “Should we go deal with the boss?”

Sheng Xia: ?

In this somewhat familiar environment, Sheng Xia was actually feeling a bit melancholic.

Perhaps the system also sensed this, so even though the host was acting in a way that didn’t fit her original self, it didn’t speak up to remind her, just letting her vent her frustration in the live-action game.

However, seeing the excited look on the silly eldest son’s face, Sheng Xia flashed back to the faces of the children, once full of numb vigilance. She suddenly realized that she had indeed moved away from the apocalypse.

This was just a game after all.

She suddenly felt relieved, couldn’t help but pat his head with a smile, but accidentally touched his sweaty hand. After a few seconds of silence, she suddenly looked disgusted and wiped his clothes a few times.

Feng Jingxu: …He endured it!

In the expression of the eldest son, who dared to be angry but dared not speak, Sheng Xia smiled and said slowly, “No rush, taking you along, Mom will teach you one last lesson.”

Feng Jingxu looked at her suspiciously, feeling that she seemed to have returned to her previous self at this moment, and he became wary. However, thinking of the experience of being taken along all the way, he hesitated for a moment, struggled for a while, and tentatively replied, “Learn to be patient?”

“No.” Sheng Xia shook her head, then suddenly looked behind him.

The large and tall Zombie Emperor, with its crimson eyes, appeared in front of them. When it noticed them looking at it, it opened its rotten and foul mouth, emitting a terrifying “hehe” sound.

Just as Feng Jingxu’s face turned serious, he suddenly felt someone pushing him forward, and he fell towards the Zombie Emperor!

He couldn’t believe it, he turned his head and saw that Sheng Xia, who had just looked mysterious and profound, had already disappeared, leaving only her smiling voice lingering in the air—

“I wanted to teach you to be self-aware. When playing against others, you need to first recognize your own strength, and figure out if you can really take on the boss~”

Feng Jingxu: ?!?

At the moment of being outplayed, his face twisted in an instant, and he couldn’t hold back anymore, gritting his teeth and shouting, “Sheng Xia, you’re finished—! I swear, I will never forgive you—!!”

Amidst the unexpected burst of laughter from everyone, Sheng Xia, who had managed to dodge and find cover thanks to the delay caused by the eldest son, touched her face in front of the camera, and softly sighed, “Indeed, the only one who can stand at the top is me.”

Then she made a heart gesture towards the camera, “Xiao Xu, don’t blame Mommy, Mommy just wants you to know, the prettier a woman is, the more likely she is to deceive. When walking in the world, you must be cautious and not easily trust people who look good.”

She propped up her face, her delicate eyebrows and eyes looking pitiful, “Alas, I am indeed a beautiful and sinful woman.”

Bullet screen: […Help, I’ve laughed so much my stomach hurts.]

——The scheming was definitely because she still remembered when Feng Jingxu said “When you encounter zombies, just push her out first,” so she deliberately eliminated him!

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