Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 35

Deer was a very mature person. The other party was taciturn and rarely takes the initiative to chat. Deer was also busy with work every day and was slow to respond to new things on the Internet. The other party doesn’t understand the trends being a serious person, and although Deer uses Weibo, Deer never made posts or mixed in with other fans.

Yu Mian had known Deer for so long and always thought that the other party should be the kind of middle-aged person with a serious face in reality.

She had previously doubted whether Deer was really a fan of Lin Jianshen. The other party didn’t seem like someone who would follow a star nor did the other party show any sign of doing so.

Later, during their contact, she discovered that the other party had a deep understanding of Lin Jianshen.

Moreover, Deer speaks insightfully. Sometimes when Yu Mian had any troubles, she would always get a good answer when she asks the other party. Deer never took the initiative to pry into her privacy. When the two of them talked, they seemed to be in perfect harmony, just like two individuals that had been friends for generations.

Yu Mian regarded Deer as a trustworthy friend and elder. Facing Deer’s inquiry, Yu Mian pursed her lips and slowly typed out a reply.

【Red Cotton Tree: The…… literal meaning. [Blush]】

【Deer: You like Lin Jianshen?】

【Red Cotton Tree: I’ve always liked him.】

【Deer: Then before……?】

Her fingertips paused and the young woman’s eyes drooped, covering the slight loneliness in her pupils.

【Red Cotton Tree: I suddenly figured out that since I can’t be with him in reality, I’ll just indulge on the Internet! Anyway, he has so many girlfriend fans. One more person isn’t too much and one less person isn’t too little.】

After sending this message, there was no reply from the other party for a long time. She wondered if Deer was shocked.

Yu Mian lay back on the bed, her phone thrown aside.

Was she really that much of a straight-arrow in the eyes of others? Did they actually think that she could hold back and guard Lin Jianshen for ten years without being attracted to him?

How could that be possible?!

Without him, she didn’t know how she would have survived all these years. A person living in this world with no one to care about, no one to turn to, and no idea of ​​the meaning of their own existence, the loneliness and despair pouring out from the depths of their soul could overwhelm anyone.

Not to mention for someone who had lost their parents at a young age like Yu Mian.

Lin Jianshen was the one who pushed Yu Mian to persevere and not sink into the darkness. Instead, she worked hard and believed that there’s beauty in the world, maintaining the kindness and goodness in her heart.

What he gave her wasn’t only material satisfaction, but also an invisible hand that reached out to help her up. To her, he was like the sunshine shining in the darkness, her lifeline, and her motivation and hope for so many years.

Many people didn’t like star-chasing girls, thinking they were crazy, stubborn, and exaggerated. However, Yu Mian could understand their feelings. Although their starting points were different, essentially they were all the same.

She didn’t dare to love Lin Jianshen before. To her, he was a sacred existence akin to faith.

She still didn’t dare to love him now, for fear that one day she would see annoyance and dislike in his eyes.

But their close contact and unique relationship made her unable to suppress her heartbeat. It came so rapidly, like magma that had accumulated underneath the mountain for many years, burning her whole person once it erupted.

Yu Mian thought that if she wasn’t allowed to speak out, she would definitely suffocate.


He had to rush back to the set this afternoon so Lin Jianshen came to the Yu family’s house very early in the morning.

When he arrived, Father Yu had already gone out fishing at the lake in the villa area while Mother Yu had just finished watering the plants and was watching a TV series in the living room.

Seeing him arrive, a satisfied smile immediately appeared on Mother Yu’s face. She greeted him and said, “Jianshen, you’re here to see Mianmian, right? She just went upstairs and hasn’t come down yet. Why don’t you go up and find her?”

Hearing that, Lin Jianshen said, “No need, Aunt Yu, I’ll just wait here.”

Mother Yu’s intention to bring them closer was so obvious that Lin Jianshen could see it.

A large part of the reason why he didn’t refuse the engagement was that his expectations for marriage were very low, and it made no difference to whoever he married.

However, since he later discovered that Yu Mian hated him very much, Lin Jianshen could only inwardly apologize to Mother Yu and signed a contract with Yu Mian in secret.

He had no objection to the engagement, but he didn’t want to force it either.

Undeterred, Mother Yu continued to encourage, “What if she didn’t come down? Won’t it delay you? You’re filming so your schedule must be tight. If you want to say something, just go up and tell her. We don’t mind.”

She pushed him to the stairs and said with a smile, “Mianmian’s room is the innermost one on the left side of the second floor. The little girl cried for half the night yesterday. Go and talk to her.”

Lin Jianshen was still hesitant at first, but when he heard that Yu Mian had been crying for a long time, those pair of hazy tearful eyes immediately appeared in front of him. The footsteps that were originally hesitant landed on the stairs.

He walked up. The floor was carpeted and not a sound could be heard.

When he arrived at the door of the room, he paused, then raised his hand and knocked lightly.

The young woman’s indistinct voice sounded inside, delicate and soft, “Coming!”

It had a sweet taste and one could feel the youthful energy as soon as they hear it.

The white door panel opened and the young woman had on an unguarded smile on her face. She was wearing fluffy rabbit pajamas and her fair face was lightly tinged with pink.

Lin Jianshen instinctively looked at her eyes. The circles underneath were slightly red, but not too obvious. Her pupils were bright and moist, like two black pearls soaked in water.

The other party must have been frightened as her eyes widened, a bit like a petrified animal.

“L-Lin Jianshen!”

Yu Mian’s head went blank as she looked at the man standing outside the door.

What he was wearing that day wasn’t as formal as yesterday. The temperature was already very low in late autumn so he had on a long, straight black coat. Underneath it was a gray plaid knitted vest and a tightly buttoned white shirt could be seen through the collar. Below were black trousers and casual white trainers.

This outfit fits his style very well. There was a hint of leisure in the coldness, giving people a sense of calmness and elegance.

Yu Mian looked at him blankly, her cheeks instantly reddening.

Lin Jianshen moved his eyes away from her without any trace and went straight to the topic, “What happened last night was my—”

Yu Mian didn’t want to hear about last night at all so she interrupted him right away. She said in a panic, “W-why don’t you come in and talk. Don’t stand at the door.”

Just as he was about to politely refuse, he looked up and saw the other party’s expectant look. Lin Jianshen paused before walking slowly into the pink room.

“Would you like something to drink? Tea or coffee?” Yu Mian was extremely nervous. The young woman who was usually quiet and reserved was now chattering away and couldn’t calm down.

Her room was very large, with a small living room inside. The bed was in the most inner part and wasn’t visible, which was why she was at ease to let Lin Jianshen in.

Now the two of them were sitting on the sofa in the small living room. Lin Jianshen shook his head and said, “No need to trouble, I’ll be quick—”

Suddenly, something flashed through Yu Mian’s confused head, and she stood up. “I almost forgot, you like honey citron tea!”

She pattered out the door, her two straight and slender legs bouncing like that of a deer as she raced to the kitchen downstairs.

Lin Jianshen was left sitting alone. He didn’t look around, but lowered his eyes quietly. His gaze fell on a mug with a round belly on the small table in front of the sofa.

It was light green and shaped like a little monster. The monster’s big belly was the mug and its curved tail was the handle. It was a cute and unique one.

There was a mobile phone lying next to it. The screen lit up quietly and a new message popped up.

【Send Me Flowers: How about we go visit the crew together in a few days? Let’s meet up in person.】

His eyes stayed on the screen for a moment until it darkened again, before Lin Jianshen slowly withdrew his gaze.

Yu Mian came back quickly. She didn’t dare to run again while holding the tea so she walked over slowly and carefully placed the cup in front of Lin Jianshen.

He took a look at the tea cup. It was a simple white ceramic cup without any patterns or decorations, looking very clean and pure.

Yu Mian sat across from him. Her head was down and her shoulders shrunk. She placed her hands on her abdomen while intertwining her fingers. Her heart was beating loudly in her chest, so loud that she could hear it in her ears.

“Last night—” Lin Jianshen spoke again.

This time Yu Mian was prepared and immediately stopped him, “It’s has nothing to do with you. It was me who clearly drink too much last night, so why will I blame you? I also want to thank you for taking care of me and sending me home.”

“What I’m trying to say is,” Lin Jianshen stared at the other party with her head buried and touching the tips of her red ears, and a faint smile suddenly flashed across his black eyes. He said lightly, “The osmanthus cakes, I ate them last night.”

The young woman who was too shy to look at him snapped her head up, her beautiful eyes bursting with astonishing brightness.

Yu Mian didn’t know how to describe her mood at this moment. Huge joy and satisfaction exploded in her chest. She felt like she was going to be filled with happiness and explode into a firework.

When she was in her teens, he told her, who was on the verge of despair, that he would definitely eat the cake she made when they meet in the future.

It was then that she told herself that she must live well and live long until she could make a cake for him.

Now, he finally gets to eat the cake she made for him, which was great.

Yu Mian’s eyes burned that her vision was blurry for a while. She tried her best not to cry and quietly blinked away the moisture in them. She asked him with red eyes, “D-does it taste good?”

Lin Jianshen locked eyes with her. He didn’t know what she was thinking nor did he know the significance of that box of osmanthus cakes, but he could keenly feel that the person in front of him, who had tears hanging in her eyelashes, was looking at him with extremely heavy emotions, so heavy that he had to cautiously think about whether his judgment of her was too one-sided.

He had always thought that she hated him, but at this moment, he disproved that guess.

Lin Jianshen was silent for a long time. It was so long that Yu Mian felt jittery and began to feel apprehensive but still unable to avoid his probing gaze.

“It’s delicious, I like it.” He said.


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

1 comment
  1. SeventhSister has spoken 3 months ago

    Why are my eyes burning as well? 🥹


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