Starting with selling in the 1980s
Starting with selling in the 1980s Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Setting Up Stall

After giving all the pan-fried dumplings to the factory leader, surnamed Jiang, Jiang Liyun smiled and saw him off.

Once everyone left, she sat on the cart and didn’t move.

Busy the whole morning, she felt exhausted.

“Why did you give away all the dumplings?” Jiang Lihai seemed a bit dissatisfied. “I only had one.”

“Feng Yi didn’t eat any!” Jiang Liyun glared at him. Both she and Feng Yi had been busy, and while she tasted one, Feng Yi didn’t eat any. They were both hungry now.

Hearing this, Jiang Lihai couldn’t say anything more.

Jiang Liyun continued, “Brother, go to the cafeteria and see if there’s any food left. If there is, buy us a portion.”

“Alright…” Jiang Lihai went to the cafeteria.

The meat filling was already used up, but there was still a bit of dough left. Jiang Liyun rolled the remaining dough into two thin, large pancakes, and Feng Yi fried them on the iron pan.

Soon, two large pancake-like dishes were ready, and Jiang Lihai also brought back a basin of tofu soup.

The tofu soup had some eggs, was starch-thickened, and looked quite appetizing.

Jiang Liyun took a piece of the pancake, tore off a third for Feng Yi, and started eating with the tofu soup.

Meanwhile, more and more people learned about her plan to sell pan-fried dumplings in town tomorrow.

The brick and tile factory’s health centre not only served the workers there but also attracted people from the nearby area seeking medical treatment. Moreover, many children came to play in the factory.

Today was Saturday, with school in the morning. After school in the afternoon, some kids came to play, and some nearby residents also came to join the fun.

The brick-and-tile factory occupied a large area, including a wharf. While some places were restricted, most areas were accessible, and people could even go to the factory’s canteen to buy groceries with money.

Of course, the canteen had a limited variety of vegetables.

Around Jiang Liyun, a crowd gathered. People were inquiring about the pan-fried dumplings, and kids were pestering their elders, expressing their desire to eat them.

“I’ll set up a stall in town tomorrow, selling pan-fried dumplings for one cent each. Everyone is welcome to come and buy.” Jiang Liyun smiled as she spoke to the crowd.

She chatted with these people for a long time, while Feng Yi went back to his place to pack his things, loading them onto the cart.

After they left, Feng Yi wouldn’t be coming to work at the brick and tile factory anymore.

It wasn’t until after 2 p.m. that they left the brick and tile factory together.

On their way back, Jiang Liyun also went to the sofa factory, resigning from her job.

Initially, she intended to take a leave to set up the stall.

The sofa factory, like the brick and tile factory, paid based on the number of working days, giving two yuan and five jiao for a day’s work.

She doesn’t go to work; she has no money. The factory won’t lose out, especially since there hasn’t been much work at the sofa factory lately, so it’s easy to take leave.

At that time, she thought that if she couldn’t earn money by setting up a stall, she could always go back to work.

But upon careful consideration… After a day’s work, she only earned a little over two yuan, and the job involved close contact with formaldehyde. It seemed like there was nothing worth clinging to.

She simply resigned.

When Jiang Liyun worked at the sofa factory, she always ate at home. The only personal item she had in the factory was a glass bottle for drinking water. When Jiang Liyun walked out of the factory with the glass bottle, Zhang Xiaoxing felt reluctant to part with her, but she didn’t have much attachment.

In fact, she couldn’t remember many things about the sofa factory.

Starting her new life completely now is also good.

In this lifetime, she will embark on a completely different path from the previous one!

Jiang Liyun and Feng Yigang, who were looking forward to the future, returned to Jiang’s house. Next door, Feng’s old man came over with Zhou Qiaoxia and Feng’s eldest and second son.

They went to enquire today, and only then did they know that Feng Yi was dating Jiang Liyun and planning to set up a stall in town with her.

Certainly, Jiang Liyun must have said something to Feng Yi; that’s why he didn’t work at the brick factory anymore!

As soon as Zhou Qiaoxia saw Jiang Liyun, she said, “Jiang Liyun, what did you say to Feng Yi? Why isn’t Feng Yi working at the brick factory anymore?”

Feng’s old man followed up, “You’re a grown girl; setting up a stall is one thing, but letting a young man help you… have you no shame?”

“Jiang Liyun, just because Feng Yi is close to you, you’re coaxing him into doing unpaid labour for you.” Feng’s eldest also shouted at Jiang Liyun.

As for Feng’s second son, he aimed at Feng Yi: “Feng Yi, you little beast…”

Feng’s second son really liked Jiang Liyun and had expressed his fondness for her before.

And now Jiang Liyun is dating Feng Yi?!

He wanted to beat up Feng Yi!

Jiang Liyun couldn’t be bothered with this family drama.

But since they were all at her house…

Seeing Feng’s second son looking like he wanted to fight, Jiang Liyun pulled Feng Yi behind her and faced Feng’s family herself.

She didn’t argue with the family; quarrelling can’t solve problems. Jiang Liyun said, “Every month Feng Yi gets his salary, and you only leave him ten yuan. Why should he work to support you?”

“Every family does the same,” Feng’s father replied.

“Fine, if every family does the same, then let every family do the same. Tomorrow, I’ll go to the commune middle school, talk to Feng Wenbing’s classmates and teachers, and ask Feng Wenbing not to pressure his brother. His brother has been struggling since childhood, never had a day of education, and started doing labour at sixteen to support his studies, almost exhausted and starving,” Jiang Liyun said.

Feng Wenbing is the son of Feng’s father and Zhou Qiaoxia, six years younger than Feng Yi, who just turned thirteen and started junior high school.

He has excellent grades, and his parents have high expectations for him.

At this age, kids care a lot about their faces.

Feng’s father and Zhou Qiaoxia fell silent.

Jiang Liyun continued, “I heard Feng Er is talking about marriage. If he forces his brother to work for him, I don’t mind discussing it with others.”

“You…” Feng’s father was furious.

In the countryside, it’s already more challenging for men to find partners than women, and Feng Er’s actions don’t help.

If Jiang Liyun tarnishes Feng Er’s reputation outside… Unless Feng Er finds a girl himself and convinces her, he can forget about having a partner!

But he needs to have the ability to do so, and Feng Er is not someone with those abilities.

At this moment, Zhou Qiaoxia looked at Feng Yi and said, “If you don’t go to work, don’t consider me your mother.”

Feng Yi, protected by Jiang Liyun, felt especially good.

Jiang Liyun is standing up for him! That’s great!

Now, hearing Zhou Qiaoxia’s words, Feng Yi didn’t hesitate: “Then forget it.”

The Feng family fell silent, and Jiang Liyun couldn’t help but laugh.

Feng Yi is truly saying that with a wife, he doesn’t need a mother!

She worried for nothing before!

Indeed, Feng Yi has never cared much about his mother since he was little; it doesn’t make sense for him to suddenly care now that he’s grown up.

Jiang Liyun said, “It was my decision to not let Feng Yi work at the brick factory. I even had him do some labour for me. What’s the problem? He’s willing!”

Turning to Feng Yi, Jiang Liyun asked, “Are you willing?”

Feng Yi nodded without hesitation. “I’m willing!”

The Feng family came angrily but left dejected.

They had no other choice; they couldn’t possibly fight with the Jiang family, right?

On the right side of Jiang Lame’s house is their family, and on the left is Uncle Jiang’s house. If they fight, Uncle Jiang won’t intervene, but if it comes to a brawl, Uncle Jiang will surely bring his two sons to help Jiang Lame.

Moreover, the main factor in this matter is Feng Yi’s opinion.

If Feng Yi himself is unwilling to work at the brick factory, they can’t force him with a knife.

Jiang Liyun is well aware of these dynamics, which is why she doesn’t take the Feng family seriously.

Interestingly, Jiang Lame and Wu Xiaochun, who were quiet before, now look at Feng Yi with complex expressions.

Not for any other reason, mainly because Feng Yi’s declaration of “not wanting a mother” is quite astonishing.

Feng Yi, unaffected by his own mother and stepfather, looks at Jiang Lame and Wu Xiaochun with a smile and says, “Uncle Jiang, Aunt, if there’s any work at home, just let me know.”

Jiang Liyun hands Feng Yi a clean wooden bucket and says, “Go to my second uncle’s house and bring back some water.”

They don’t have tap water yet, and for drinking, they boil well water. Jiang’s second uncle has a well.

For watering the fields, they directly go to the river or the pond to fetch water; there’s a pond in front of her house.

Feng Yi is familiar with all this. Before working at the brick factory, he often helped the Jiang family fetch water, so he picked up the wooden bucket and left.

Watching him go, Jiang Liyun recalls things from her past life.

In her previous life, Feng Yi had already gone out to work, completely breaking away from the Feng family. Why did he still give money to the Feng family?

If it were her, she might not have come back at all.

In the vast sea of people, without him coming back, the Feng family wouldn’t find him.

Thinking about this, Jiang Liyun’s heart skips a beat.

She suddenly realises that she is still here.

Seeing Feng Yi’s attitude, he doesn’t care about the Feng family at all, but Feng Yi cares about her.

Feng Yi comes back during the holidays; perhaps to see her and enquire about her news? After her divorce, Feng Yi returned and started working in town. Every morning, he would come to her breakfast stall, packing lunch and dinner for the day.

Jiang Liyun’s hands trembled a bit as she took a deep breath and began to pack the things Feng Yi had brought back from the brick factory.

After a while, Feng Yi returned with a bucket of water, stepping lightly. “Sis Liyun, you don’t have to do this; I’ll handle it!”

Jiang Liyun stopped. “Then I’ll go write the sign.”

She laid out a piece of red paper on the table and wrote “Northeastern Pan-Fried Dumplings” in four characters. The red paper and ink were bought a few days ago, and though she bought them, she hadn’t had the chance to write the sign.

After writing the characters, she added below: “One for 0.10 yuan, six for 0.50 yuan.”

Her handwriting wasn’t beautiful, but it was clear. After finishing, her mood calmed down.

Regardless, they are living well now. In her past life, despite having money, she couldn’t enjoy life. This time, when she earns money, she plans to explore everywhere with Feng Yi, experiencing things they didn’t get to in their previous lives.

Feng Yi glanced at the red paper on the table, asking, “Six pan-fried dumplings for 0.50 yuan?”

Jiang Liyun smiled. “Yes, six for 0.50 yuan.”

In these times when everyone is struggling financially, many people might only buy one or two pan-fried dumplings. However, this doesn’t favour her business. Now, with six for 0.50 yuan, she believes people will opt for the better deal, buying more.

After finishing the sign, Jiang Liyun started counting the various things they would need for tomorrow’s stall.

After dinner, there was even more to do. Feng Yi had to go buy pork and chop it for the filling, and she had to knead the dough…

That day, they kept busy until past nine in the evening, completing all the preparations.

Feng Yi hadn’t slept much the previous night, and by now, he was yawning non-stop.

As for Jiang Lame, Wu Xiaochun, and Jiang Liyun’s sister, Jiang Liyu, they had already gone to bed.

Jiang Liyun pulled Feng Yi’s arm, gently massaging it.

She remembered her past life when she started selling pan-fried dumplings. Due to her frequent lifting of iron pots, her arms ached for many days.

Later, she gradually developed strength, and her arms finally stopped hurting.

Feng Yi is accustomed to physical work, but his arms might still ache.

When Jiang Liyun grabbed Feng Yi’s arm, he stiffened once again.

In recent days, Jiang Liyun and he have been meeting daily, spending a lot of time together, including some physical contact. But this time, the extent of their contact was larger!

Jiang Liyun had both her hands firmly gripping his arms!

Feng Yi felt like his body was under control of those hands and couldn’t move.

Since childhood, he has enjoyed it when Jiang Liyun held his hand or hugged him, and now even more so.

Before knowing Jiang Liyun, it felt like there was a layer separating him from the entire world. Jiang Liyun became the link between him and the world.

Her closeness made him extremely excited.

“Go to bed early today. Don’t worry about oversleeping; I have an alarm clock. I’ll wake you up tomorrow,” Jiang Liyun advised Feng Yi.

Feng Yi nodded repeatedly.

Jiang Liyun continued, “Let’s go. I’ll take you to Uncle You Wen’s place.” Feng Yi had quite a few things, and he couldn’t carry them all by himself.

Jiang Liyun escorted Feng Yi to Uncle You Wen’s place.

This afternoon, she also had a talk with Uncle You Wen and arranged for Feng Yi to stay there, paying Uncle You Wen five yuan a month.

Uncle You Wen agreed—tthough five yuan isn’t much, it could still buy four or five pounds of meat!

Jiang Liyun returned to her room, set the alarm clock for four o’clock, then held the clock in her arms, covered herself with a blanket, and went to sleep.

Her secret money, Feng Yi’s money, and the two hundred yuan borrowed from her parents were all spent by now. Mainly, it was because of various miscellaneous things that needed to be bought.

The alarm clock she bought these days is now her timekeeping tool.

As for why she didn’t place the alarm clock at the bedside… She shares a room with her sister, Jiang Liyu. If it were by the bedside, it might wake Jiang Liyu up in the morning.

Holding it is different. If there’s any movement, she can wake up immediately and then turn off the alarm clock.

The current alarm clock is quite interesting. It doesn’t use batteries; it relies on winding up every day. If not wound, the hands won’t move, and to set the alarm, the winding must be done properly.

When the four o’clock alarm rang, Jiang Liyun got up, turned off the alarm clock, and quietly went to the living room, starting to make dumplings.

After half an hour of wrapping dumplings, she began packing everything. By almost five o’clock, she went to Uncle You Wen’s house and woke up Feng Yi.

They were going to town to sell pan-fried dumplings!

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