Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 45

If a star one had been looking up to suddenly fell from the sky into one’s arms, what would one do?

Yu Mian was stunned for several seconds, staring at the man across from her, before realizing the implied meaning behind his words.

Was that…… what she thought it meant?

When facing Lin Jianshen, Yu Mian never dared to let herself go. She was afraid that she would be greedy and possessive.

So when she heard him explaining the scandal to her, saw him made that caring post, often receiving small gifts from him, and even chatting with him on WeChat every day, she kept warning herself not to think too wildly.

But at this moment, she couldn’t control it anymore.

Yu Mian looked at him intently and almost doggedly, discerning his expressions over and over to make sure that he wasn’t joking.

“What, do you, want that for?” She squeezed out these words from her mouth, only then did she found that her voice was trembling slightly.

It still scared her.

Noticing the young woman’s clasped fist, Lin Jianshen felt an unspeakable sourness in his heart.

Only then did he realize how much she really likes him.

She likes him so much that she didn’t dare to get close to him. She was used to watching him from a distance, but now that he had come to approach her, she was scared.

He originally planned to explain it directly, but looking at the young woman’s pale face, Lin Jianshen found a high-sounding reason instead, “There are some loopholes in that contract. I’m going to draft a new one. What do you think?”

Sure enough, she’s imagining things.

Yu Mian didn’t know whether to be happy or disappointed. After hearing his explanation, she slowly loosened her grip, lowered her fine long eyelashes, stood up and said softly, “Okay, wait a moment.”

She stopped looking at him and quickly walked into the bedroom. She pulled open the drawer next to the bed. There was a glass photo frame inside which held the contract.

Looking fixedly at the piece of paper, the expression on Yu Mian’s face was somewhat blank, as if she was lost in memories or was in a daze. In a short period of time, she blinked and the wistful expression on her face disappeared completely.

After hesitating for a moment, she opened the photo frame and took out the paper inside.

Back in the small living room, Yu Mian’s complexion was no longer unusual.

“Here you go.” She handed the paper over and averted her eyes, only staring down at her own fingers.

Lin Jianshen took the contract. The scene where he gave it to her more than a month ago was still fresh in her mind. A month later, he personally asked for it back.

Even if she tried her best to hide it, how could he not sense the she was down?


The sound of breaking paper suddenly sounded in the silence. Yu Mian looked up when she heard the sound and saw a pair of graceful hands holding the contract she once loved like a treasure, tearing it apart into broken snowflakes.

Yu Mian’s eyes widened as she looked at Lin Jianshen in disbelief. She blurted out, “Why did you tear it up?”

The man smiled lightly and the room became warm. He put the paper scraps into the nearby bin, lifted his hand to loosen two buttons on his clothes, and then said in a faint voice, “I tore it up so the contract is null and void from now on.”

Yu Mian couldn’t react for a while, then thinking of the signature on the paper, she felt distressed. “But there’s no need to tear it up!”

Lin Jianshen looked at her quietly, which made Yu Mian’s heart jump, thinking that she had said something wrong.

While she was in a state of shock, he suddenly softened his tone and asked with a smile, “Didn’t you get an autograph from me last time? If it’s not enough, I can give you a few more?”

Yu Mian: “…..”

How could he tell that she was reluctant to part with the autograph?!

Seeing the other party’s fair face instantly turned scarlet, the smile in Lin Jianshen’s eyes deepened.

Just now she looked like a flower that had been beaten by the rain, her head was drooping and even her bright eyes looked dim. Now she finally regained her vitality, and light once again surfaced in her beautiful big eyes.

There were things and emotions that didn’t need to be said out loud. With just such subtle movements, she already understood some of what he wanted to express.

Glancing at the watch on his wrist, he stood up and said, “It’s almost time, I must be going.”

Yu Mian was taken aback and a feeling of reluctance welled up from the bottom of her heart, appearing on her face.

“Why so fast……” She mumbled unconsciously and come up behind him like a little tail, following him out of the door step by step.

Lin Jianshen said, “I have something to do today. I’ll come see you again next time.”

As the company was about to go public, he had more things to do. The crew had been busy rushing his scenes and it was hard to spare even this half a day. He had to rush back in the afternoon.

The two went downstairs, and Lin Jianshen bid goodbye to Father and Mother Yu. Yu Mian stood on the side, longingly gazing at him with slightly red eyes.

She didn’t know why. She didn’t miss him too much even though she hadn’t seen him for many days before. Moreover, they didn’t have a deep relationship, so she wouldn’t have been so reluctant to part with him in the past. But in the short time they spent together today, her emotions were so exposed.

It was as if her defense line had completely shattered along with that piece of paper.

He broke it with his own hands, right in front of her eyes.

Lin Jianshen looked down at her, his dark eyes deep and reserved, and his gentle gaze serene.

“Can you send me out?”

Yu Mian nodded without hesitation and walked out of the door with him.

In the living room of the villa, seeing his daughter sending Lin Jianshen out without any hesitation, Father Yu snorted coldly with a stinky face. Mother Yu reached out and patted his hands, smiling so hard that her eyes couldn’t be seen.

There was no one else around when they got outside. Yu Mian raised her eyes and looked at the back of the person in front of her.

Lin Jianshen had a good figure, tall with long legs, broad shoulders and narrow waist. Whenever she looked at him, his back was straight, like towering pines and cypresses in the mountains and forests, and like tall and slender green bamboos.

Yu Mian looked at his back while thinking about the words he had said. The drumming in her heart became more obvious. She bit her lower lip gently and asked tentatively in a low voice, “When are you going to…… give me a new contract……?”

The person walking in front stopped suddenly. Yu Mian couldn’t react in time, and as she was too close to him, she bumped into his back and stumbled, about to fall.

A pair of arms reached out and pulled her into the man’s generous embrace.

He chuckled softly. His chest trembled slightly along with the sound while her face was pressed against it, and for a moment, it seemed like a fire was burning.

Lin Jianshen asked in a low voice beside her ear, “You want a new contract so badly?”

Warm breath fell on her ear. Yu Mian remained silent and didn’t dare to move. She buried her head like a quail as she was loosely held by him by the waist. She had stiffened into a stone sculpture in his arms.

Lin Jianshen said slowly, “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until you’re twenty[1]legal age of marriage for females in China.”

Yu Mian’s mind immediately started to spin. Why should she wait until she’s twenty? There were still two years until she turned twenty. What kind of contract takes two years to draw up?

He took away the hand around her waist and it fell down naturally to hold her hand.

Yu Mian was still thinking about the new contract, so she didn’t put up any resistance. Her hand was taken and stuffed into the pocket of his coat.

Lin Jianshen’s car was outside the community and it takes at most five minutes to walk there.

Yu Mian didn’t notice that the person in front had slowed down and the two of them were moving forward at a surprisingly slow pace.

But even the longest journey had its end.

Walking to the entrance, the electronic gate slowly opened, and the guard in the security room stuck his head out and greeted Yu Mian.

When Yu Mian returned to her senses, she realized that they had already arrived. Out on the roadside was his car, and her hand was surrounded by his, tucked in his warm pocket.

Her face burned, but she still lifted her head to meet his gaze.

“Two years later, I’m still studying.”

After saying those words, the courage Yu Mian mustered up with great difficulty disappeared in an instant like a balloon pricked by a needle.

She was sounding him out. She understood the meaning of his words correctly…… right?

The girl looked at him eagerly, her eyes hiding an expectation she hadn’t even realized herself.

On this day, Lin Jianshen had no idea how many times he had smiled, but he couldn’t restrain it, nor did he want to. He raised his hand and gently rubbed the young woman’s soft hair, saying in a low voice, “Then let’s wait until graduation.”

When he said that, his tone was full of helplessness, and he seemed particularly regretful.

At this time, Yu Mian could no longer maintain her rationality. She felt like fireworks were exploding in her head, blowing her mind into pieces.

Apart from the huge, head-smashing surprise, she was filled with inexplicable confusion and bewilderment.

She couldn’t figure out why he would…… choose her.

The cold and distant Lin Jianshen seemed to be a man not from the mundane world, an idol looked up to by countless people. How could she be special to him alone?

Yu Mian was confused. It wasn’t that she felt inferior, it’s just that everything came too suddenly.

Could it be that he fell for her just by making him cakes and chatting with him on the phone?

Based on her experience as a long-time fan, Yu Mian stated that it was simply impossible!

So what did he see in her?

She was as confused as a child who had doubts about life. Lin Jianshen’s black eyes carried an obvious smile, but he only watched from the side, not saying a word.

“This is Eller’s 《Dream Girl》 that you like. I happen to obtain it so I’m giving it to you.” Lin Jianshen took out a large cardboard box from the car and stuffed it into Yu Mian’s hand.

It wasn’t heavy, but quite big. Yu Mian was dumbfounded as she watched him get into the car. He told her, “I’m leaving. Go back quickly. It’s cold outside.”

Eller was a western painter she likes, whose paintings were famous for their dreamlike style. There weren’t many extant works and most of them were priceless things.

Yu Mian lowered her head blankly and realized what was in the box. She suddenly felt as if the box weighed a thousand kilograms.

Carefully carrying the box home, Yu Mian no longer had time to think about Lin Jianshen. She admired the beautiful painting for a long time before finally hanging it on the wall of her room.

Reason returned to her mind. Yu Mian’s thoughts were half a beat slower. How did Lin Jianshen know that she like Eller’s paintings? And that her favorite one was the painting of the dream girl?

She didn’t seem to have told him so, right?

After thinking about it for a long time and not being able to figure it out, Yu Mian put this doubt aside for the mean time.

She reached for her phone which had been neglected for a long time, and as soon as she unlocked it, countless messages popped up.

【Send Me Flowers: Aaaahhh, Shenshen is in a relationship!!!!】

【Send Me Flowers: My heart has died, my tears have dried up, and my soul has been buried……】

Yu Mian was taken aback and quickly opened the chat app.

The group was already in an uproar. The girls were all wailing and messages were brushing fast with dozens of new messages per second, no way to read them all.


1 legal age of marriage for females in China


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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