Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 46

There were too many messages in the group chat which made people dizzy, so Yu Mian exited to poke Flower.

【Red Cotton Tree: Flower, what’s going on?】

Send Me Flowers replied in an instant, 【Shenshen’s in a relationship!!! I’ve long suspected it! That last post of his was strange! Aaaahhh, I’m heartbroken, wuuwuuwuuwuuu!!!】

【Red Cotton Tree: Where did you read that he’s dating?】

【Send Me Flowers: Go check it out on Weibo. The Internet is in a commotion, everyone is trying to guess who won Shenshen’s heart, and all the women in the support group are going crazy.】

【Red Cotton Tree: ……I’ll go take a look.】

【Send Me Flowers: Dang! I forgot that you’re also a girlfriend fan. You have to calm down and don’t get worked up when you see it!】

【Red Cotton Tree: ……I won’t, don’t worry.】

After reading Flower’s words, Yu Mian breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought she’d been exposed, but now it seemed that it was just some random news.

Yu Mian opened Weibo and indeed found the hot search on the homepage with the words #LinJianshenDating#. When she clicked on it, she could see the top post with hundreds of thousands of likes and tens of thousands of comments.

【Orange ovo: I went to a friend’s house today and saw a young couple in the community. I didn’t pay much attention to them at first, but the man was really handsome!!! Because he looked so pleasing to the eye, I took a few photos from a distance. Later on, the more I looked at him, the more I felt that this man looked like Lin Jianshen?! What do you guys think? [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]】

The photo wasn’t very clear because it was taken a distance away and the people appear small. However, these days, the pixels of mobile phones weren’t bad and one could still distinguish faces when one zoomed in.

The blogger posted a total of three photos. One was of a man and a woman walking out of the door holding hands, one was of the man looking down at the woman, and the other was of the man smiling and rubbing the woman’s head.

In the three photos, due to the angle, the woman’s face was turned away from the camera, but the man’s face was clearly photographed. Basically, anyone who was familiar with Lin Jianshen could recognize that the man’s face was identical to his.

The comment section exploded.

【There’s Fish In The Northern Sea: Ahhhhh, Sister, this is Lin Jianshen, ahhhhh!!!】

【One Persistent Thought: I looked at it and the man really looked like Lin Jianshen. Holy crap! It’s absolutely him! Sister, you saw him in the flesh!!!】

【Weiwei Sending Shenshen A Kiss: Aaaahhh, Shenshen! In a relationship?!!! I don’t believe it!!! Who’s that woman?!!!】

【‘98 Wangzai Milk: After examining, it should be Lin Jianshen himself, and him being in a relationship is real. Look at him holding the woman’s hand in his pocket, smiling and touching her head. He looks deeply in love at first glance and all his coldness has melted.】

Netizens determined that there was no trace of photoshop in the picture and the person in it was also confirmed to be Lin Jianshen. With such conclusive evidence, the news about the movie king’s relationship quickly flew to the top of the hot search.

Forest fans quickly assembled, wailing like ghosts and howling like wolves, their mournful sound spreading everywhere.

This time they weren’t as calm as they had been when they faced Lu Yinyin some time ago. Most of the rumors about Lin Jianshen’s scandals weren’t substantiated. Some intimate photos just cleverly used angles to their advantage, but people could see Lin Jianshen’s detachment.

However, not only were there no signs of fraud in these photos, Lin Jianshen held the woman’s hand and even touched her head while smiling so gently!!!

One must know that Lin Jianshen was most famous for his coldness. In the photo, he was smiling with no trace coldness at all. Countless fans cried, wanting to be that woman and be patted by Shenshen on the head.

The grievance of girlfriend fans broke through the sky and the keyword ‘pat on the head’ also climbed the hot search. The entire Internet was discussing this matter.

Anyone who had seen the photos could realize that Lin Jianshen was truly in love and his attitude was very serious.

【Daisy’s Daisy: I’m so sour, so sour, so sour, so sour, wuuwuuwuu. My whole person has turned into lemon essence. I also want to date Shenshen, wuuwuuwuuwuu. [Crying on the ground.jpg]】

【Young Master Mingtai: Who exactly is the woman? Has anyone found out? To be able to date Shenshen, did she save the galaxy in her past life?】

【Hugo Drinks Tea: I’m so envious. Tears of envy overwhelmed me. Looking at Shenshen’s gentle expression while patting her head, he must really like her, right? Just thinking about it like this is so painful. I feel heartbroken, wuuwuuwuu.】

While reading the comments, Yu Mian raised her hand to cover half of her face to cool down her burning cheeks.

As the saying goes, a bystander sees through everything. Looking at the photo, she realized that his expression was like so at that time.

Gentle as water, tolerant and pampering.

Everyone could see that he really likes her.

The sense of unreality in Yu Mian’s heart gradually disappeared while reading other people’s words.

So…… he really likes her, right?

Everyone was saying so. It surely wasn’t fake and not just her imagination, right?

The corners of her mouth hidden underneath her palms gradually rose up, the young woman’s face turned pink, and her big and bright eyes seemed to be filled with stars.

She continued to scroll down. Since their idol’s ‘true love’ appeared, fans were naturally cautious. Yu Mian’s face couldn’t be seen in the photo, but Lin Jianshen’s girlfriend fans wouldn’t let her go just like that.

Star-chasing girls had microscope-like eyes and it didn’t take long for them to figure out where the photo was taken.

Yunhu Villa Community in X City was a well-known wealthy area, inhabited by either rich or influential families, as well as celebrities who pursue privacy. From this, it could be determined that the true love has a good family background, either a daughter of a wealthy family, or another female star in the industry.

That’s right, the woman in the photo was referred to on the Internet as simply ‘True Love’.

Almost the vast majority of people believed that the woman was an actress.

This was a very common thing. Most people interact with those in the same circle. Lin Jianshen was in the entertainment industry and had an aloof personality. It was unlikely that he would mingle with people outside. Moreover, it seemed that the two had been getting along for a long time, how come there weren’t any clues?

The biggest possibility was that they fell in love with each other while filming and both sides were so good at hiding, which was why the news had been kept hidden.

This statement was accepted by everyone and they began to cast a wide net, pulling out the names of female celebrities in the circle one by one for comparison, and guessing who the true love was.

There’s uproar on the Internet about this matter. All the female stars who had worked with Lin Jianshen were scrutinized. Forest fans had been devastated by their idol’s romance and to them everyone looked suspicious. Their behavior was like that of a wife who discovered their husband’s infidelity and were looking for evidence everywhere to catch the mistress.

Yu Mian watched these people making speculations and matching actresses with Lin Jianshen. The smile on her face disappeared and her mouth unconsciously pouted.

She really wanted to tell them right now that the woman their idol patted on the head was her! The person Lin Jianshen’s seeing was her, not someone else!

But she knew it was best for her not to do anything at this time and to wait for Lin Jianshen’s PR team to handle the matter, after all, she wasn’t a member of the circle.

She could think logically, but emotions couldn’t be controlled. Yu Mian closed Weibo in depression and simply turned a blind eye.

A WeChat prompt popped up as Mu Lan sent her a message.

【Mu Lan: Have you seen the hot search? Don’t talk nonsense and cause Lin Jianshen trouble.】

【Yu Mian: ==  Can I not know that?】

【Mu Lan: OK, you know about the fandom anyway, just wait until they calm down and recognize reality.】

【Yu Mian: (__)ノ|】

【Mu Lan: Dang! It suddenly occurred to me that Lin Jianshen is having an affair with a fan!】

……Yu Mian’s face instantly burned and her hand shook that she dropped the phone.


After lunch, Shen Shang arrived at the Yu family’s house and continued to pay special attention to Yu Mian.

“The painting competition is less than a month away. Do you have any inspiration for your entry?”

Yu Mian was holding the brush and when she heard the teacher ask that, she thought about it before shaking her head.

“Not yet.”

Shen Shang looked at the work she had painted. Rich gray tones and a dark fog shrouded a small cabin that was lit by a single lamp. Thin warm light spilled out through the window like fireflies in the night.

“Unhappy?” Shen Shang asked.

Paintings, to a certain extent, carry the mood of the painter. Shen Shang had also discovered that when Yu Mian was in a calm mood, the things she painted exude a gentle and soothing atmosphere. If she was in an emotional state, it would also be reflected in her painting.

It would seem that she wasn’t in a good mood.

Yu Mian: “No, I’m not.”

After finishing the painting, she had put down all the depression in her heart and she now felt much better.

Besides, if she said she’s jealous, it would make her appear childish and petty.

Shen Shang seemed to have seen through her thoughts but didn’t delve into it. He just said, “If you’re unhappy, don’t keep it in your heart and just speak up.”


After dinner and bathing in the evening, Yu Mian curled up under the covers. She held the phone in both hands and unconsciously refreshed Weibo.

On this day, Lin Jianshen didn’t send her any message, nor did he make any response on Weibo, seeming to have disappeared.

The public opinion was getting more and more intense. Currently, the two most popular candidates suspected as Lin Jianshen’s true love were Zhao Xiaotan, the nation’s daughter who’s into the cute route, and the other was Shen Mengjia, a financial tycoon’s daughter who had been linked with Lin Jianshen before. It was rumored that she’s been in love with Lin Jianshen for a long time and had given him expensive gifts many times to express her love.

Yu Mian looked at the lively discussion on the screen and was stunned.

The palm of her hand suddenly trembled as a phone call came in. The big letter ‘A’ entered her sight.

Yu Mian’s heart skipped a beat and she almost pressed reject. She took two deep breaths before answering.

The man’s husky voice rang out. It penetrated into her ears, making her heart felt itchy, “Still awake?”

Yu Mian pursed her lips and responded softly, “Hmm……”

There was silence on the other side, and then he asked, “Did you like the painting?”

Yu Mian lowered her eyes. She felt that she was being irrational. It was obviously just random speculation by people on the Internet and had nothing to do with him, but she just couldn’t cheer up.

She didn’t even know that she could be so possessive of him. She cared so much when she saw his name being placed next to other women and getting involved with them, even if it was something unwarranted.

“I like it. I’ve been looking at it all morning.”

She heard him explain after her slow reply, “I’ve been busy all day and didn’t look at my phone. I didn’t mean to ignore you.”

Yu Mian blinked, her eyes quietly curved into a smile and the depression in her heart was swept away.

“It’s okay, I didn’t notice.” She said so, but her tone rose, changing from low to soft.

Lin Jianshen laughed. He seemed a little tired and his voice has a slight huskiness to it, particularly heart stirring.

Yu Mian’s face couldn’t help but burn again. She felt a little hot so she raised her hand to fan herself, saying in a faint voice, “That-, how about you check Weibo? Something unexpected happened today.”

“Huh?” The man gave a confused sound and then a rustling could be heard from the other side.

He was on the phone with her so he turned to the computer on the side.

The tapping sound of the keyboard came to her ears. Yu Mian felt slightly apprehensive and couldn’t help but speculate his reaction.

“I’ve seen it.” After a while, he spoke again, still with a calm and indifferent tone, as if everything was under control. However, his words were completely different. He sighed and said, “Fortunately, they didn’t get a picture of you.”

Yu Mian was stunned. She didn’t expect…… that he would say that.

It was a short sentence but it gave her great happiness. How could she not hear that he wanted to protect her?

Her eyes were hot and she could no longer care about the rumors on the Internet. Her voice took on a tremor as she said, “I-I don’t mind it……”

Lin Jianshen said calmly, “I know, but I mind.” He didn’t want her to experience how terrifying those obsessive fans could be.

Yu Mian was afraid that if they continued talking, she wouldn’t be able to keep herself from crying. Thinking of the other party’s hoarse voice, she said, “You’ve been busy for a long time and it’s now very late, you should go and have a rest.”

She hung up in a hurry and held the phone to her chest. Her heart was beating loudly as if it was right beside her ears.

It took Yu Mian several minutes to calm down. She opened her phone and the screen was still on the same Weibo page.

Just then, the prompt sounded and a new post was automatically refreshed.

【Lin Jianshen v: Stop making random guesses, she’ll get jealous.】


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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