After Being Marked By A Powerful Love Rival
After Being Marked By A Powerful Love Rival Chapter 22 part 2

Gu Xingchuan knows about Song Yi’s home and has read all the information about artists from Star Entertainment Company. Song Yi’s community was newly built a few years ago, and the environment was good. The owner’s privacy was very good, so many second and third-tier artists in the entertainment industry live there.

“My mom’s asleep, keep your voice down.” Song Yi closed the door lightly.

Gu Xingchuan sat on the soft fabric sofa, grabbing a pillow casually and propping his chin on it. The scent of Song Yi was all over it, making it very pleasant to smell.

Song Yi’s home was very clean, with a two medium-sized bedroom apartment and a minimalist decoration style. The scattered and messy things in the living room have a strong sense of life.

Gu Xingchuan glanced around and suddenly remembered that when he was in school, Song Yi work part-time at a hamburger restaurant every weekend. At that time, he was young and had very good conditions since childhood so, he didn’t understand any human suffering and thought that Song Yi was working at a hamburger restaurant for fun.

Several times, he ordered a lot of things at a hamburger restaurant and asked for Song Yi’s service by name. Song Yi, who was eighteen or nineteen years old, remained stern and coldly told him not to come again in the future.

At that time, he felt that Song Yi had a bad temper and was being angry for no reason. It wasn’t until many years later that he realized he had crushed the self-esteem of a proud young man.

Thinking of this, Gu Xingchuan felt uncomfortable in his heart. Song Yi must have been very tired these years, right?

Song Yi washed his face and came out of the bathroom, looking at Gu Xingchuan’s clothes intact. He lowered his voice and asked, “You still haven’t taken them off?”

Gu Xingchuan let out a slow “hmm” response, his knuckled fingers unbuttoned his pants, and he slowly kicked them, revealing a pair of straight and long legs with well-proportioned and perfect muscles, which looked particularly well-toned. The t-shirt on his upper body was loose, making his waistline appear more solid, like a masterpiece of beauty.

Everyone has a heart for beauty and Song Yi was no different, glancing at it again, his heart beating a few beats faster, and let out a soft click inwardly.

When he withdrew his gaze, he accidentally caught a glimpse of Gu Xingchuan’s tattoo on his waist. He had seen a row of black Greek letters in the photo of Long-Legged Senior Brother last time, which looked quite cool.

The few times he had glanced at him casually, he had wondered whether a wealthy family like Gu Xingchuan’s family would allow him to get a tattoo?


Hi nueng here~ ^.<= Comments and suggestions are welcome! Hope you enjoy reading my translations!~

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