Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 51

【Entertainment Girl Qianqiao: To be honest, after watching this video, my first reaction was that it’s fake. I thought it was deliberately filmed as a gimmick. In today’s time where everyone is focused on egoism, I really didn’t know that there are still people who can be…… so foolish as to dedicate their lives to another person. If Yu Mian is young, immature and prone to sacrifice for love, then Lin Jianshen is already twenty-seven years old. For an adult man like him to do this, I can’t think of any other reason other than believing that they are truly in love.】

【Kiki Xixi: I’ve even thought of their CP name. How about ShenMian[1]deep sleep Couple? Do Sisters want to ship them together with me?】

【Greedy Ghost: Have you notice that in the video, Lin Jianshen was supposed to be in a slight coma from the impact on his head so his eyes were closed the whole time. But while Yu Mian was talking to him, his hands were moving! Paying close attention to Yu Mian’s expression at five minutes and thirty-eight seconds mark, she lowered her head and glanced at their clasped hands. At that time, Lin Jianshen’s fingers slightly slid on the back of her hand a few times. He didn’t stop responding to her until the two of them were rescued! When I discovered this, I almost burst into tears. In order to appease her emotions, he persisted in responding to her. Whenever I think about it, I feel deeply moved, as if I have witnessed an unforgettable love.】

【Babe Fanfan: I ship it! I ship it! OMG, I ship it to death. I burst into tears when I watched the whole video and it’s so sweet that I cried. Be sure to add me to ShenMian Couple support group!】

The wave that was set off by Lin Jianshen’s car accident not only didn’t subside with the official statement, but instead erupted into another wave of heat. Countless people were touched by the love between the two people shown in that video, and no one could criticize Lin Jianshen’s relationship anymore. The majority of forest fans collectively transformed into ShenMian fans and vowed to protect their idol’s love.

At this time, someone suddenly exposed that the main character, Yu Mian, in the video was actually Lin Jianshen’s long-time fan, Red Cotton Tree!

This news spread quickly and the informant was someone from the fan group managed by Red Cotton Tree. They also took out a group photo from the last meet up, confirming that it was true.

The melon-eating crowd ate countless large melons that day and were extremely satisfied. Everyone flocked to Red Cotton Tree’s account, scrolled through her Weibo, and saw that she had been watching after Lin Jianshen for several years.

Red Cotton Tree’s deeds have been revealed by more and more insiders. She was Lin Jianshen’s first fan who overcame all obstacles with him. She organized a fan support group when he first became famous and led a group of fans to protect him. Many older generation forest fans still remembered her to this day.

【Mumu Only Loves Shenshen: Red Cotton Tree is quite famous among us long-time fans. She’s an amazing person. Back when Shenshen first entered the industry and before he became famous, she’s already been a fan of him and it hasn’t changed over the years. I remember that Shenshen’s first fan group was created by Red Cotton Tree. Now all the people who stayed in that group are all long-time fans.】

【Have A Good Night: What impressed me the most about Red Cotton Tree was when she led Lin Jianshen’s fans to counterattack against his antis. At that time, I was a fan of another celebrity. The two sides got into a fight for some unknown reason. The fans led by Red Cotton Tree were organized and disciplined, and they very calmly defeated the opponent. I’ve always remember her and think that she’s remarkable, hahaha.】

【Absentminded: Sister Cotton has put in a lot of effort for Shenshen and the long-time fans can see it. Shenshen had been buried for a few years by his agency and most of his fans have gone away. However, she still sticks to him and made videos to disprove the haters online. Later, she gradually became silent as Shenshen’s popularity rise and he had more fans. I was quite astonished at that time, thinking that the way she pursue star was too genuine. Now that I see the two of them coming together, I actually feel a sense of relief. It’s as if I’m seeing a perfect love story play out in front of my eyes, the real kind.】

【A Youth’s Fantasy Adventure: Looking at it all the way, I just want to say, what kind of divine love is this? Tears of envy flowed on my face and I’m so sour that I turned into lemon juice.】

【A Little Rabbit: Long-time fan who’s been guarding her idol for many years x Top-stream cold movie king in the entertainment industry. The idol she’s been looking up to for many years has become her lover. What kind of peerless love is this? I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead, aahhhh! Mom, from now on, the male and female protagonists of novels I read have faces!】

【An Ran From Wuling: I’m incredibly envious. I want them to get better soon and send me some sugar! This child is about to die from the hardships of life, I just want to eat candy now, wuuwuuwuu!】


The public opinion on the Internet finally reached reality. When a hospital nurse came to change Yu Mian’s bandage, the other party looked at her with curious eyes. When Yu Mian first woke up, she thought her face had been disfigured, which was why she was being looked at in such a way.

She sat in a wheelchair placed next to Lin Jianshen’s bed, and told him her guess.

Lin Jianshen had also woken up. He was half lying at the head of the bed, his face and lips were still pale, his legs were covered with plaster, and his whole body couldn’t move. Due to the mild concussion, he couldn’t look at his phone either as a slight shake of his head would make him dizzy and nauseous.

Listening to Yu Mian’s words, a smile appeared on his lips. He fixed his dark eyes on her and he slowly said, “It must be because news about us had spread online, that’s why they’re looking at you. Don’t worry, you’re still as beautiful as ever.”

Yu Mian blushed, not because he praised her for being beautiful, but because Lin Jianshen’s gaze was so deep that when he looked at her, it was as if they were going to suck her whole.

She felt that there was something different between the two of them. Previously, in the car wreck, she wasn’t sure whether he had heard what she said, but now it seemed that Lin Jianshen did.

In the past, although they were close to each other, there was always a subtle barrier between them. This kind of disconnection couldn’t be explained clearly. Perhaps it’s because Yu Mian didn’t dare to let go of herself, so Lin Jianshen also kept a distance. The two of them get along lukewarmly and there wasn’t much passionate affection.

It was different now. Lin Jianshen was just looking at her but Yu Mian felt like she had nowhere to hide, as if she was being targeted by something.

The man on the hospital bed had snow-white skin and extremely dark eyebrows. His clear face looked like a painting made of splashes of ink. He spoke in a slow and soft voice, “Mianmian, can you hold my hand for a while?”

His tone carried a hint of plea and when he spoke like this, who could refuse him?

In any case, Yu Mian couldn’t. It’s just that the blush on her face spread to her ears.

She slid the wheelchair closer to him and reached out her hand, which he immediately grasped.

Yu Mian still got nervous subconsciously. He had always been sacred in her heart. Even if he belonged to her now, she didn’t dare to covet him.

It couldn’t be helped, she had put him in a pedestal for too long and he was now stuck there.

Lin Jianshen knew this very well. At first, he was a bit puzzled. If most fans hear that their idol had fallen in love with them, wouldn’t they be ecstatic and openly accept it? Why was it different when it comes to Yu Mian?

He began to think that she was shy by nature, so he wanted to take his time and not rush. But the car accident let him learn her secret. It turned out that he wasn’t only an idol to her, but the financial support back then made the young woman regard him as a life-saving benefactor. She placed him in a too high of a position and she had been feeling worried and inferior in her heart, thinking that she wasn’t worthy of him.

Seeing Yu Mian fall into habitual silence, Lin Jianshen suddenly said, “I’m a bit bored, I want to check Weibo.”

In terms of matters related to his health, Yu Mian was unexpectedly bold and refused without mercy, “No. You can’t look at your phone right now, you’ll feel dizzy.”

Lin Jianshen wasn’t surprised, he smiled again, his thick eyelashes spread like a small fan as he slowly said, “Then Mianmian, can you read it for me?”

He called her Mianmian, his voice was slightly nasal and low, as if it had rolled between his lips and tongue a few times before saying it out loud, and his tone was affectionate and lingering.

Yu Mian wanted to stay with him for a while. The two of them wasn’t staying in the same ward, after all, they still weren’t married and it was necessary for their injuries to be re-dressed. Yu Xing arranged single wards and Yu Mian’s room was next door, however, she spent most of her time in Lin Jianshen’s room after she woke up.

As she was about to take out her mobile phone, Lin Jianshen gently scratched her palm. “Use mine?”

The palm of her hand seemed to be lightly brushed by a feather, and a slight itch penetrated into her heart. Yu Mian’s neck also turned red. She pursed her lips and reached out her other hand to pick up Lin Jianshen’s phone on the bedside table.

“Um, the password?”


Yu Mian gave him a surprised look. So simple?

Lin Jianshen just looked at her with a smile without saying anything.

Yu Mian entered the password to unlock it. Lin Jianshen’s phone was unexpectedly clean, with almost no software. The theme was also the simple black one that came with the system, giving off a cold vibe.

“You want to look at Weibo?” Yu Mian asked again.

Before Lin Jianshen woke up, Yu Mian had already seen Weibo, and she already know most about the excitement on the Internet. Seeing so many people saying they were envious of their love, Yu Mian was surprised and shy at the same time.

If she really had to read those comments from netizens to him, she would definitely die of shame!

En, click in.” His slender fingertips gently rubbed between her fingers, smiling meaningfully.

After the car accident, Lin Jianshen seemed to like such small gestures. Every time Yu Mian came to see him, he would take her hand and rub it gently, rub it slowly, and scratch it tenderly, making her blush with his teasing.

As a result, whenever Yu Mian went out, people often misunderstood what they were doing inside. So as soon as Yu Mian came to Lin Jianshen’s ward, the others wouldn’t stay there, consciously leaving them space to spend time alone and even showing a look of understanding.

Who would have thought that he’s just holding her hand?!

Yu Mian complained in her heart, but on the surface, she didn’t dare to say a word or move her hand. It was obediently placed in his palm like a squishy toy as she silently opened Weibo with her eyes lowered.

Before clicking on it, she thought she would see 99+ messages and receive countless private messages and @. However, the page was completely clean. It wasn’t as lively as when she first went online and there was absolutely nothing going on in his account.

??? How come???

Yu Mian couldn’t help showing a surprised expression and looked up at Lin Jianshen. “Is this your sockpuppet?”

Lin Jianshen said slowly while playing with her hands and rubbing her soft palms, “See for yourself.”

The corners of his mouth rose up in a small arc and his dark eyes revealed a layer of a faint smile. He had a calm and leisurely look on his face.

Yu Mian looked at him suspiciously. He appeared like he was watching a good show.

It was common for celebrities to have their own personal account. Was there any shady secret in his?

She lowered her head again and tapped on his profile. An incredibly familiar username and profile picture came into view.

Yu Mian’s eyes widened in disbelief. She lifted her head to look at the man who had on a composed appearance.


1 deep sleep


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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