Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 53

During Lin Jianshen’s stay in the hospital, there was an endless stream of people who came to visit him—— stars, directors, producers he had worked with, as well as various friends he had met over the years, employees in his company, and the like.

Because Yu Mian often stayed at his place, she also had indirect contact with his social circle.

She remembered when Lin Jianshen had just woken up, Yu Mian once saw him changing bandages and his whole body was covered in injuries. She was so distressed that she burst into tears. She was also bumped into by a female celebrity who came to visit. At that time, Yu Mian was both ashamed and angry. The shame was naturally due to her thin skin, and the anger was due to the female star’s frequent flirtatious actions towards Lin Jianshen. She was so angry that she immediately left the ward and ran away.

And so later on, Yu Mian would wait for the others to leave before going to accompany him. Lin Jianshen declined many people’s visit for this reason, expressing that he needed to rest and couldn’t see guests. No need to come in person as long as they had the intention, and so on.

On this day, she finally finished the last subject of the final exam. Yu Mian suddenly felt that the pressure on her was gone. Thinking of the upcoming winter vacation, her mood was simply wonderful.

Such happiness needed to be shared, thus Yu Mian asked the driver to take her to the hospital, ready to visit her boyfriend who looked forward to see her every day like a loyal husband.

That description wasn’t said by Lin Jianshen, but by the netizens online.

After Yu Mian returned home, the time for the two of them to see each other was greatly reduced, especially since she had recently started her final exams and could basically only communicate through phone. Lin Jianshen deeply resented the fact that he couldn’t get out of bed and move around. He stayed alone in the hospital and was so bored that he posted on Weibo much more frequently than before.

Not long after waking up, he made an official announcement on his verified account.

He squeezed Yu Mian’s hand and took a photo of the two with their fingers clasped together, indicating that they were engaged, which received a lot of blessings.

Yu Mian found that this person seemed to like reading fancy blessings from netizens. He hadn’t posted any updates in the past half a year, but now he would post on Weibo every now and then.

There were photos of her falling asleep on the side of his bed, or little fun moments between the two of them. Such blatant displays of affection made netizens both envious and jealous. Privately, fans unanimously agreed that Lin Jianshen had turned into a love brain[1]someone who had a mindset that is fixated on romance.

But Yu Mian could clearly see things as she was beside him. Lin Jianshen’s mind was still very clear and he wasn’t crazy about her as others said.

To her, he was like a child with a lack of sense of security who had just obtained a precious treasure and couldn’t help but be overjoyed and wanted to let the whole world know that this treasure was his.

Unexpectedly discovering that her idol was also a bit childish, Yu Mian felt that he was more real.

When she left the hospital and returned home, Lin Jianshen’s posts on Weibo were no longer showing affection, but filled with aggrieved words that exuded loneliness and longing for his wife.

For example, one day, he took a picture of his hand. Although covered with some small wounds, it was slender and beautiful. The accompanying text was just one sentence, 【I always feel like something is missing.】

At first, there were guesses as to what was missing. However, they still had no clue. Until a melon-eater replied, 【See the hand? It’s empty and lonely, no longer having the wife’s hand to hold.】

Lin Jianshen gave him a thumbs up seemingly unintentionally, and everyone immediately grasped the meaning behind his words.

It turned out that he misses his wife!

A reporter was lurking around the hospital and found out that Yu Mian had gone home to recuperate. Only then did it dawned on everyone.

Later, Lin Jianshen would always made some ambiguous and meaningful posts, such as a photo of a gloomy gray sky, the now empty bedside where Yu Mian used to lie down, the place where Yu Mian stay at the ward, or the coloful hair tie she left that he now wore on his wrist.

All of this was seen by netizens. At first, they suspected that Lin Jianshen’s account had been hacked. Now almost everyone on the Internet knows that Lin Jianshen likes to madly show affection and was always looking for his wife.

His consistent aloof image was broken and the cold immortal fell into the mortal world, unexpectedly attracting a large number of passersby fans. Netizens turned into sour lemon juice while masochistically begging Lin Jianshen to show more affection.

Yu Mian had also become half a celebrity. Her real identity had never been revealed, probably due to her brother calling the media.

However, her Red Cotton Tree account had gained millions of followers and people often tag or send her private messages asking her to go see her boyfriend who was in the hospital.

Lin Jianshen was very scheming. He misses her but doesn’t tell her. On the surface, he appeared calm and indifferent. He rarely takes the initiative to contact her and disturb her on weekdays, which made Yu Mian feel a bit puzzled and uneasy when she first returned home.

He’s like a cat that expects to be pampered by its owner. He would subtly make small movements to attract her, but wouldn’t tell her directly what he wanted.

Lin Jianshen’s posts were also very cryptic, however, it couldn’t stand the netizens ability to brainstorm and guess their idol’s thoughts.

He encouraged the netizens to be his lobbyists while he stayed behind the scenes. Yu Mian looked at the group of people who persuaded her to visit him in the hospital and couldn’t help but wonder if she had really neglected him for a long time? In reality, however, she basically visits him every one or two days.

So this person also had his own tricks and knows how to utilize fans.

One midnight, Yu Mian was sleeping when she suddenly received a call from him. She was dazed from sleep at that time and when she picked up, she heard him say, “Sleeping?”

The man’s voice was deep and magnetic, and Yu Mian woke up with a start.

Lin Jianshen shushed softly. “Don’t speak, listen carefully.”

Then Yu Mian heard a melodious piano melody, a soft and soothing tune that made people feel a gentle warmth. She listened for five or six minutes, and her whole body seemed to be immersed in warm water, simply soothing her body and mind.

He stopped and asked her softly, “Does it sound good?”

Yu Mian was lying on the bed and replied in a velvety voice, “It sounds good~”

Lin Jianshen gave a low chuckle, the sound better than the one produced by the piano. He lowered his voice and said, “I’ll play it for you again next time, go back to sleep.”

Then he hung up the phone decisively.

Yu Mian was completely awake by then. It wasn’t even time for her to wake up as it was still dark outside. She wondered why he’s up in the middle of the night. Moreover, where did he get the piano in a hospital? So the next day, Yu Mian went to the hospital again.

Lin Jianshen was an expert at using these kinds of little tricks and he could always lure his fiancée to his side. Yu Mian had already seen through him. This man seemed to be noble and benevolent, disdaining using any kinds of tricks, but in fact, when he really wanted to use one, he’s more skilled than anyone else.

Later, Yu Mian became resolute. During the week of the final exam, she was busy so didn’t go to the hospital to see him. Lin Jianshen didn’t say anything, but the content of his post became increasingly pitiful.

He posted a screenshot of the clock at two in the morning, accompanied with a moon emoji.

Some night owls came over and laughed in the comment section, asking if the movie king missed his wife so much that he can’t sleep? In the past, few people dared to poke fun of Lin Jianshen, but his ‘wife slave’ image was now almost deeply rooted in people’s mind.

He seemed to have been sleeping quite late during this period of time and Yu Mian was also a little worried, so she went straight to the hospital as soon as she finished the exam.

The nurses in the hospital had also become familiar with the two of them. Yu Mian pushed the wheelchair upstairs by herself, and would greet the nurses she met along the way.

Arriving outside Lin Jianshen’s ward, Yu Mian heard voices talking inside so she turned around to go find the doctor first.

At the doctor’s office, Yu Mian routinely inquired about Lin Jianshen’s condition.

“There’s nothing abnormal at present. His injuries are improving quickly and his mental condition is also very good. There’s basically no problem. He’ll recover as long as he recuperates.”

“But he’s been sleeping very late for the past few days and I’m a little worried.”

The doctor said, “He stopped taking analgesics a few days ago so it’s normal to feel some pain.”

Yu Mian was startled. “Stopped? How can it stop? He’s badly injured!” She herself had a fracture in the calf. The injury wasn’t serious but it hurt for several days.

The doctor answered, “Taking too much will lead to dependence and drug resistance. Even if he takes more analgesics, it won’t be able to resist much pain. Lin Jianshen’s prognosis is good and he can stop with them altogether.”

Yu Mian calmed down. Since it was Lin Jianshen’s own choice she just let it be.

“Okay, thank you, Doctor. Sorry for troubling you.” After thanking the doctor, she left the office and came to the ward.

It was quiet inside and the previous person seemed to have left. She was about to open the door when she suddenly heard a cold voice, “I will investigate this matter to the end.”

It was Lin Jianshen’s voice, but it no longer had its familiar gentleness. He sounded extremely indifferent as if enveloped with eternal ice and snow, chilling people to the bone.

An elderly voice said angrily, “You’re also a member of my Lin family!”

“I would rather I wasn’t.”

After a period of suffocating silence, the door of the ward was opened violently. Yu Mian was still at the door and directly met face to face with the other person inside.

She knew the man. It was Lin Jianshen’s father, Lin Jiahua.

The old man’s face was dark. When he saw her, suspicion flashed in his eyes, and then he gave her a hard look before leaving angrily.

Yu Mian was confused and controlled the wheelchair to enter the ward.

The surrounding air was still quite condensed. The man who was half sitting on the bed was facing the wall with his eyes close. When he heard the sound, he opened his eyes and looked over, his gaze cold and emotionless.

Yu Mian paused, and the next second, she saw his expression change instantly, as if the ice and snow had melted. The cold and hard lines on his face softened and a warm smile appeared in his indifferent eyes.

Lin Jianshen held out his hand towards her, and when Yu Mian slowly pushed the wheelchair closer to him and put her hand into his palm, he sighed with satisfaction, clasped her hand tightly, and slowly said, “I’ve been waiting for you.”

His tone was pitiful, as if she was a heartless man and he was her wife who was left alone at home.

Yu Mian’s heart softened. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She leaned closer to him and reached out to touch his pale face.

“Does it hurt?”

Lin Jianshen didn’t ask her how she knew. He held her hand and played with it while squinting his eyes and smiling lightly. “It doesn’t hurt.”

Yu Mian struggled a little and immediately felt his hand tightened.

She straightened her expression and told him seriously, “You said you want me to treat you as my boyfriend. Then you should also treat me as your girlfriend, right?”

Lin Jianshen’s eyebrows rose up and he quietly waited for her next words.

“So you can’t hide things from your girlfriend. When I ask you, you have to answer truthfully.” Yu Mian was serious. “If it hurts in the future, you’re not allowed to endure it yourself. You have to tell me. And if it hurts so much at night that you can’t sleep, you have to call me and let me know.”

At the end, she added a question, “Is that okay?”

Although it sounded like she was asking for his opinion, the two of them knew very well that there could only be one answer.

Lin Jianshen couldn’t stop smiling and even his dark eyes were filled with a faint smile. He rubbed his girlfriend’s soft little paws and said good-naturedly, “Okay, I don’t dare to disobey my girlfriend’s orders.”

Yu Mian thought about establishing her authority as a girlfriend. “You have to listen.”

Lin Jianshen said, “Yes, I’ll do as I’m told.”

Yu Mian asked again, “So do you feel any pain now?”

Lin Jianshen shook his head. “No. It really doesn’t hurt. The worst pain was when I just stopped taking the analgesics. After that, it got much better.”

Yu Mian tilted her head, dubious. “Really? You’re not lying to me?” After know that Lin Jianshen was Deer, Yu Mian’s trust in him plummeted. This man wasn’t as honest as he looks and he could also deceive people!

Lin Jianshen wanted to laugh and only manage to hold back after a while. He didn’t dare to laugh too blatantly.

He explained, “Didn’t I call you in the middle of the night before? It hurt a little then, that’s why I disturbed you.”

Thinking of the man’s tolerant character, she’s afraid it really hurt to make him call her in the middle of the night.

Yu Mian felt extremely distressed and began to educate her boyfriend, “What do you mean disturb? Can you call it that with our relationship? You can call me anytime, got it?”

She was actually a bit commanding, otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to lead the other fans back then and become a head fan.

Lin Jianshen was always very cooperative when receiving instructions from his girlfriend.

The weather outside the window finally cleared up and the thin sunset softly shone in. The orange light fell on the two people, coating them with a gentle golden edge and painting them into beautiful silhouettes.


1 someone who had a mindset that is fixated on romance


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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