Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée
Reincarnated as the Movie King’s Fiancée Chapter 55

After submitting her entry, it was all a matter of waiting.

Yu Mian spent more time in the hostipal. Lin Jianshen’s injuries were slowly improving and he had to deal with more and more work. Musen Technology was about to go public, which was really no small matter.

Lin Jianshen was a bit of a workaholic just like Yu Xing. If no one was watching him, he could stare at the computer all day without knowing how to balance work and rest.

Yu Mian had no choice but to personally supervise him every day and she learned something that greatly surprised her.

That day, Lin Jianshen’s father, Lin Jiahua, visited again. This time he also brought his second wife with him. The two of them seemed to be in poor condition, with exhaustion showing on their faces.

Seeing Yu Mian present, Lin Jiahua seemed to be worried about something and wanted her to leave.

Yu Mian noticed his expression and thought that they were father and son after all. They might have something to discuss in private, so she instinctively looked at Lin Jianshen. “Then shall I go out first?”

He was sitting in a wheelchair, and he held Yu Mian’s hand before turning at the older couple with cold eyes.

“No need. Mianmian is my fiancée and will be my wife in the future. There’s nothing she can’t hear. Besides, Mianmian is also a victim. She’s fully qualified to stay here.”

Yu Mian still understood the previous sentence, but the last one was a little confusing. However, she soon learned the reason.

It turned out that the car accident they were in wasn’t an accident as she thought, but a man-made one!

Yu Mian had never been clear about this matter. After the car accident, she had final exams and a painting competition, so she was very busy. Therefore, no one told her about the whole matter. She only asked about the driver who caused the accident and her brother told her that it was already taken care of, so she didn’t think much of it.

Looking back now, Lin Jianshen and her brother must have figured everything out without telling her.

This time, Lin Jiahua came over to plead for his son Lin Yueming, the culprit who bribed the driver to cause the accident.

Yu Xing found the driver and he revealed everything. Lin Jianshen said that he would pursue the matter to the end because the evidence was conclusive. Lin Yueming had been arrested and would definitely receive jail time.

Yu Mian was dumbfounded by what she heard. She couldn’t believe how shameless Lin Jiahua was. He still dared to come to Lin Jianshen?!

Discovering that Lin Jianshen was being stubborn, Xu Manyuan cried and played the family card. “Jianshen, Yueming is your younger brother, can you please spare him? I know that we’ve wronged you in the past. Everything is my fault. Yueming was just momentarily confused. He has always loved you as his brother.”

Before Lin Jianshen could speak, Yu Mian, who was on his side, was already furious.

She didn’t know the truth before, but now that she did, how could she allow the person she had protected for so many years be bullied?

As a long-time fan of Lin Jianshen, Yu Mian started firing with her mouth, “Auntie, is your face thicker than the city wall? Or are you getting hard of hearing because of your age? Do you suffer from Alzheimer’s disease due to brain atrophy? Lin Yueming is the younger brother, but isn’t Lin Jianshen his older brother? You’re asking us to let Lin Yueming go, but did Lin Yueming let his older brother go? He wanted to kill Lin Jianshen and you want us to forgive him? Do we have the word gullible written in our forehead? Auntie, don’t think that if your own brain has a problem, everyone in the world is the same.”

These series of words were thrown out like a machine gun, and Lin Jiahua and Xu Manyuan were both stricken dumb.

Lin Jiahua’s face turned red with anger, he stared and gasped, clutching his chest as if he was about to have a heart attack. Xu Manyuan forgotten to fake cry and her face turned pale with fright. She helped Lin Jiahua take out the fast-acting pill for him to take.

Yu Mian took a deep breath and much of her rationality returned. She was also startled by this scene.

No way, was her mouth that powerful? How could she make people angry to this point?

She turned her head towards Lin Jianshen in panic. Lin Jiahua was his father after all. He wouldn’t blame her, would he?

But what met her was a pair of gentle and smiling black eyes. Lin Jianshen was gazing at her tenderly and asked softly, “Did you got scared?”

Yu Mian pursed her lips and whispered in a low voice, “They’re bullying people too much so I got upset.”

He rubbed her soft hand and whispered in her ear, “It’s okay, I’m happy.”

Yu Mian carefully examined him to make sure that Lin Jianshen really didn’t mind, before the stone in her heart was gone. She felt relieved knowing that he didn’t blame her.

“I will never allow that woman to marry into the Lin family!” This was the first sentence Lin Jiahua said after he had calmed down.

Lin Jianshen hadn’t made a comment since they arrived. It wasn’t until he heard those words that his face suddenly darkened and he said in a cold voice, “Do you think you have the right to dictate my affairs?”

Lin Jianshen didn’t like to argue with others as there was little point in using words to show one’s anger. The only way to truly win was to defeat the opponent in actions. But at this moment, he couldn’t help but argue with his nominal father.

Yu Mian suddenly said, “Who said I’m going to marry into your Lin family?”

Lin Jianshen sharply turned to face her and saw the young woman’s bright eyes. She said with a proud expression on her face, “If we’re getting married, Lin Jianshen can marry into our Yu family, okay?! Do you think everyone cares about your Lin family?”

After saying that, she turned her face and signalled Lin Jianshen with her eyes.

Lin Jianshen burst out laughing, his heart and eyes were filled with the young woman. He cooperatively said, “Yes, I’m the one joining the Yu family.” As for the marriage, it’s still her marrying him.

Under Yu Mian’s strict defense, Lin Jiahua and Xu Manyuan lose ground. In order not to be really angry to the point of getting sick, the two left quickly.

After they left, Yu Mian felt a little uneasy. She had always been a well-behaved person. She would give up her seat to an elderly person on the bus, and would lead an unknown elderly person through traffic lights when walking on the road. But just now, when facing those two older people, although she really didn’t say anything extremely malicious, it was really rude.

“Aren’t I being weird and impolite just now?”

Lin Jianshen looked at her and said, “You don’t need to think about politeness when dealing with impolite people. If you dislike something, just say it directly. Don’t force yourself.”

Yu Mian was still conflicted, worried that he was purposely saying so just to comfort her. “Really?”

Lin Jianshen turned the wheelchair and gently took her hand, pulling her closer to him. He slowly encircled her shoulders and wrapped her in his arms, letting her lie on his chest.

Yu Mian could hear his heartbeat, as well as the warmth coming from his body and his faint fragrance. This made her face get hot involuntarily, and the uneasiness in her heart gradually dissipated.

“A long time ago, when I still haven’t met you, I’ve tried guessing about what you looked like.” Lin Jianshen suddenly spoke up and said this. His voice was light, soft and hoarse, with a magnetic sex appeal.

His chest where the side of her face was leaning on vibrated slightly and the part that touched him seemed to be electrocuted, making her feel soft and weak. Yu Mian’s tone unconsciously became gentle, as if acting spoiled, “What do you think I look like?”

“At that time, not long after I became famous, many people were jealous of me. I have a lot of anti-fans and there were unfounded rumors about me everywhere.” Lin Jianshen paused before he continued with a chuckle, “You organized my fan support group and led everyone to fight with those antis. I also saw it. At that time, Dai Zhong said that you must be a tigress in reality based on the way you quarrel with people.”

Yu Mian straightened up instantly, her eyes wide, and her face that was as big as a palm turned red.

Lin Jianshen looked at her and smiled. He raised his hand to rub her cheek and said jokingly, “Now you know to be embarrassed?”

Yu Mian puffed up her face and said angrily, “Who am I quarrelling for?”

Lin Jianshen said, “I know. That’s why when I found out you’re Red Cotton Tree, I couldn’t believe it at first. The Red Cotton Tree who’s fierce when fighting online is actually a little white rabbit who blushes at the slightest touch. I was even afraid of getting the wrong person.”

Yu Mian turned away from him. “Humph! I’m not a little white rabbit.”

Lin Jianshen continued, “Today, you showed me the appearance of Red Cotton Tree again.”

He held her shoulders and turned her around to face him. He looked deeply in her eyes, not allowing her to hide in the slightest.

Yu Mian locked eyes with him. The man’s dark eyes were too deep and complex, she couldn’t discern all of his emotions at that moment but she felt as if her whole body was being sucked in by his eyes, and her soul and heart were trembling.

Then, he said slowly, “Thank you for guarding me all these years.”

Yu Mian’s eyes instantly reddened and her heart felt sour.

He saw all of her actions. She thought she was unattached, but in fact the person she looked up to was also watching her from afar.

“There, there, don’t cry.” Soft and cool lips gently fell on her eyes, kissing away the tears on her face.

Yu Mian sniffed and choked up. “I-I didn’t want to cry, it’s the tears themselves that want to fall……”

The man smiled softly with the tip of his tall nose touching hers, his narrow eyes filled with emotion. “Mm, I know.”


Yu Mian didn’t know much about Lin Yueming’s ending. Neither Lin Jianshen nor Yu Xing told her. She wasn’t needed anyway since if something happened, her brother would solve it.

About half a month after Lin Jiahua’s visit, he heard Lin Jianshen say that Lin Yueming was found guilty of hiring someone to commit murder. She didn’t know what the Lin family did but Lin Yueming was only sentenced to three years in prison.

Yu Mian was furious, but Lin Jianshen said that with the Lin family’s background and ability, he could have escaped unscathed. But under the double pressure from him and the Yu family, being sentenced to three years was already a good result.

The heir to the Lin family was imprisoned, and Lin Jianshen’s company, Musen Technology, was listed on the market. Lin Jianshen still didn’t show up, but handed everything over to the representative he chose. However, the fact that he’s the boss of Musen Technology still became known.

Only then did Lin Jiahua realize that his eldest son, who had been abandoned by him and who he thought was unproductive and unmotivated, was the truly capable person.

Unfortunately, he realized it too late. The gap between Lin Jianshen and him was like a huge chasm and there was no way to bridge it.

He tried to see Lin Jianshen after that but was turned away and couldn’t even enter the ward.

People in the upper class circle weren’t clear about the inside story, but they knew Lin Jiahua’s attitude toward Lin Jianshen over the years. It was obvious to all that Lin Jiahua didn’t like his eldest son and preferred his younger son.

Lin Jianshen left home at a young age, and when he grew up, he entered the entertainment industry, which was looked down upon by their circle. He had been the butt of the joke all these years, but there was suddenly a shocking turn of events. While everyone was watching the fun, they became amazed. Lin Jianshen was patient and knows how to lie dormant. He wasn’t a simple character.

Yu Mian, who didn’t pay attention to these turmoils behind the scenes, was completely unaware. Near the end of the year, Lin Jianshen’s injuries were almost healed and he was currently undergoing rehabilitation training. Her painting had also successfully entered the second round of evaluation.


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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