Starting with selling in the 1980s
Starting with selling in the 1980s Chapter 25.2

Chapter 25 2/2

Feng Yi shared everything he had inquired about with Jiang Qiazi’s couple.

Jiang Qiazi’s couple were dumbfounded and looked at Feng Yi with admiration.

Feng Yi knows so much!

They didn’t know anything about these matters!

Jiang Qiazi’s couple are not good at handling things.

Jiang Lihai is somewhat like them, but when he came to Jiang Liping and Jiang Liyun, realising that his parents were not reliable, he changed…

After arriving in the village, despite the fact that those village cadres grew up with Jiang Qiazi and there were relatives from the Jiang family among them, Jiang Qiazi felt at a loss and didn’t know what to say.

In the end, Feng Yi stepped forward and explained the matter of wanting to allocate land for foundation work and building a house for Jiang Lihai to the village cadres.

The village cadres readily agreed, but due to some procedural steps, the land allocation didn’t happen immediately.

“Jiang Qiazi, your family should indeed build a house. The current houses are not enough!”

“Yeah, your son Lihai is not young anymore; it’s time to build a house!”

“Now is a good time for you to build a house. Our village is getting water pipes; by then, new houses will have direct access to tap water.”

These people talked with Jiang Qiazi, laughing and encouraging.

Jiang Qiazi also smiled but felt a bit bewildered inside.

Do they really need to build a house?

The news about the Jiang family planning to build a house quickly spread in the village.

Upon hearing this, the villagers didn’t find it strange. Although the Jiang family used to be very poor, in recent years, all three children have been working, and the villagers assumed they had money.

Moreover, Jiang Liping married into the town…

Since Jiang Liping was afraid that her in-laws might look down on her, she didn’t let Jiang Qiazi’s couple ask for a dowry. Jiang Qiazi’s couple complied without asking for one.

However, the villagers were unaware of this fact.

They thought that the Jiang family must have made a lot of money, and they didn’t lack funds.

So, some well-informed people directly came to the Jiang family.

“No wonder Feng Yi was asking about building houses everywhere a few days ago. So, it turns out your family is planning to build a house.”

“It’s about time to build a house. Your current house is a bit old.”

“Your family’s days are getting better and better.”

Jiang Qiazi’s couple had no idea how, in just an afternoon, things had turned out this way.

But Feng Yi was very happy and chatted with these people, discussing the best ways to build a house and even how to arrange the kitchen.

When Jiang Liyun and Jiang Lihai returned from the town, they saw Feng Yi chatting happily with a group of village women.

Wu Xiaochun followed behind Feng Yi with a smile, while Jiang Qiazi sat on the side in a trance.

After listening for a while, Jiang Liyun understood what was going on. She smiled, walked into the house, and thought it would be better to visit Uncle Jiang Four’s house in the evening since he would be working at the factory during the day.

As for visiting the He family… It was a bit late today, so it would be better to go tomorrow afternoon.

On the way, Jiang Liyun had already discussed this matter with Jiang Lihai, so upon arriving home, she immediately busied herself with her own affairs.

Jiang Lihai followed her into the house and couldn’t resist asking, “Are we really going to build a house?”

“Yes,” Jiang Liyun affirmed. Jiang Lihai seemed visibly anxious.

Jiang Liyun understood his anxiety. Jiang Lihai was twenty-five this year, not long after graduating from university. For someone his age, building a house was indeed a significant matter.

Moreover, Jiang Lihai had always lived in the countryside and hadn’t even been to the county town, lacking exposure. That’s why she felt compelled to worry a bit about him.

However, she only offered some suggestions. Ultimately, Jiang Lihai would have to handle the matter himself. She had to focus on setting up her stall and didn’t have time to deal with these things.

She couldn’t contribute financially, either. She didn’t even have her own house, so she couldn’t help Jiang Lihai with money.

However, she would repay the 200 yuan she borrowed from Jiang Lamei and her husband as soon as she had the money.

“Li Yun, Linlin’s brother speaks of me with such disdain. Should I still apologise to their family?” Jiang Lihai began to agonise again.

His personality was really different from Jiang Liping’s. Remembering how Jiang Liping’s ex-boyfriend’s family looked down on her, Jiang Liyun asked, “Brother, if I dated someone for two years, even mentioned marriage, and got no response from them or their family, how would you feel?”

Jiang Lihai, quite clever, immediately understood. He looked at Jiang Liyun awkwardly, trying to justify himself: “I told Linlin about my family’s financial situation and asked her to wait for me.”

“You never know how long she’ll have to wait! Can you blame her for getting angry when you keep dragging her along? Consider yourself lucky she didn’t scold you, just a few words of criticism,” Jiang Liyun said.

Hearing Jiang Liyun’s words, Jiang Lihai felt much better and didn’t feel his pride hurt. He asked Jiang Liyun, who was cooking tea eggs, “Li Yun, can I have a boiled egg? I didn’t have lunch.”

“I’m selling these tea eggs for money. Go eat leftovers,” Jiang Liyun replied.

Once again, Jiang Lihai felt like his sister didn’t treat him as a brother, but he didn’t say anything and obediently went to eat leftovers.

While they were having lunch, suddenly something happened. Jiang Liyun and Feng Yi weren’t affected much; they ate their fill. However, Jiang Lamei and Wu Xiaochun ate less than usual.

As a result, there were some leftovers. Jiang Lihai finished all the leftovers.

There was still some crispy rice left in the pot, which they usually soaked in water and fed to the chickens. However, Jiang Lihai wasn’t full, so he ate that too.

After hastily finishing his meal, Jiang Lihai asked Jiang Liyun, “Li Yun, can you make money by setting up a stall in town?”

Jiang Liyun replied, “You can earn some, around ten or so yuan a day.”

“So much?” Jiang Lihai was surprised. He wanted to say, “Then I’ll go too,” but ended up holding back.

During middle school, he had been bullied when he went to town for school. Some of those bullies might now be doing well, and for him to set up a stall in town would be an invitation to mockery, he thought. Although working at the brick factory was exhausting, at least he was a laborer. Setting up a stall was different.

Like many at this time, Jiang Lihai looked down on those doing small business.

Jiang Liyun glanced at Jiang Lihai and understood his thoughts. Her brother really cared about his reputation. However, she didn’t want to take him to set up a stall. It might not make money, and she could end up doing all the hard work for nothing. Moreover, Jiang Lihai’s personality wasn’t suited for business. It would be better for him to join the transport team.

That evening, there was a dish of stir-fried pig liver on their table. After scolding Jiang Lamei and her husband at noon, Jiang Lihai felt embarrassed and didn’t dare look at his parents or take any pig liver for himself.

Jiang Liyun didn’t mind if he didn’t eat. She served some pig liver to Jiang Lamei and Wu Xiaochun, then happily ate the leftovers with Feng Yi.

“Feng Yi, eat more. It’s good for your health,” Jiang Liyun said as she served Feng Yi another piece of liver.

Feng Yi ate the pig liver contentedly, casting a smug glance at Jiang Lihai. In Jiang Liyun’s eyes, he was more important than Jiang Lihai!

How wonderful!

Jiang Lihai didn’t see Feng Yi’s expression. Feeling guilty, he kept his head down and quietly ate his plain rice.

After dinner, Feng Yi went to buy pork while Jiang Liyun took Jiang Lihai and, carrying the gifts, knocked on Uncle Jiang’s door.

Jiang Lihai didn’t usually go home, but Uncle Jiang, who lived nearby, returned home every day, as he had a bicycle. Although it took a forty-five-minute walk, it only took him fifteen minutes by bike, so going home was quick for him.

“Ah, Lihai, Liyun, what brings you here?” Uncle Jiang smiled upon seeing them.

While Jiang Lihai was unsure of what to say, Jiang Liyun smiled and spoke up, “Good evening, Uncle Jiang!”

Placing the gifts on the table, she continued, “Uncle Jiang, my brother has been working at the brick factory for nearly ten years and hasn’t done anything dangerous, thanks to your care. We’ve come to thank you.”

“I haven’t done much,” Uncle Jiang said, eyeing the gifts.

Jiang Liyun continued, “Uncle Jiang, you know, recently Xie Zugen has been causing trouble for my brother. Can you give my brother a different job so they don’t cross paths?”

Earlier, Jiang Liyun had mentioned that Jiang Lihai had been working at the brick factory for nearly ten years. Uncle Jiang said, “It’s not good for Xie Zugen to let personal emotions affect work. I’ll arrange for your brother to join the transport team. He’s been at the brick factory for ten years already; he should have joined the transport team long ago.”

Uncle Jiang had a good impression of Jiang Liyun; he thought she was capable and would surely be successful in the future.

Considering Jiang Lihai’s qualifications, he could have joined the transport team anyway. The factory was making good profits now, and adding a person to the transport team was a trivial matter; he was willing to help.

“Thank you, Uncle. I’m already selling pan-fried dumplings at my stall. Tomorrow, I’ll bring some for you to try,” Jiang Liyun said.

“Great, your dumplings are delicious.” Uncle Jiang smiled and asked about some details regarding the stall.

Jiang Liyun answered each question and shared some interesting stories from her experience at the stall.

Jiang Lihai sat besides them, feeling a bit overwhelmed to see Jiang Liyun chatting happily with Uncle Jiang. Did his transfer to the transport team really get arranged just like that?

  1. Dovahkin has spoken 3 months ago

    After reading about so many failed marriages & their resulting jerk kids, I’m glad mc can help her bro’s marriage go smoother in this life. Being blocks of wood must b in their family genes…no wonder mc’s older sis was trying so desperately to get a better life. I hope she’ll leave her jerk in-laws & useless husband soon. She deserves a better life too

  2. Bookwormdee has spoken 6 months ago

    Omg, her brother is such a bump on a log


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