Starting with selling in the 1980s
Starting with selling in the 1980s Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Proposal

The pan-fried dumpling stall had been set up in the town for over a week, and business had been consistently good.

After all, it was the only place in town selling this particular food, and they only made a little over a thousand dumplings each day, so it wasn’t difficult to sell out.

Today, with Jiang Lihai’s help, they closed the stall earlier than usual, although it was also because Jiang Liyun had saved some dumplings from being sold.

She had told Jiang Sishu yesterday that she would give him some dumplings to taste, so today she kept twenty pan-fried dumplings and thirty raw dumplings to take to Jiang Sishu’s house later.

On the way back home, Jiang Lihai was still driving the car.

Jiang Liyun and Feng Yi walked side by side in front, chatting as they walked.

Seeing Feng Yi chatting intimately with his sister, Jiang Lihai couldn’t help but feel envious.

Although he had been dating He Chunlin for two years, they hadn’t spent much time together and didn’t dare to be so intimate.

If only he could marry He Chunlin!

Thinking about going to the He family in the afternoon, Jiang Lihai became nervous again, starting to think about what to say later.

When they returned home, Jiang Liyun asked Jiang Lihai to take the dumplings to Jiang Sishu’s house, while she and Jiang Qianzi cooked together.

Jiang Qianzi was in charge of making the fire, while she handled the cooking.

Since they started making dumplings, they often ate minced meat. For lunch today, they had minced meat and steamed eggs again.

Because there were more people today, Jiang Liyun made three more dishes: scrambled eggs with chives, stir-fried vegetables, and pickled cabbage and tofu soup. Plus, the radishes were pickled yesterday; they had a total of four dishes and one soup.

While Jiang Liyun was cooking, Feng Yi went to water the vegetables in Jiang’s field, carrying a bucket of dung.

When Jiang Lihai returned after delivering the dumplings, he saw Feng Yi watering the vegetables.

Feng Yi seemed to be enjoying himself.

With nothing else to do, Jiang Lihai’s mind was filled with random thoughts. He quietly took over Feng Yi’s job.

Feng Yi was a bit dissatisfied with this—Jiang Lihai had seized his chance to showcase his abilities!

For Jiang Lihai, the lunch was quite abundant, but he ate absentmindedly and exceptionally slowly.

“Brother, hurry up and finish your meal, then take the things and go to the He family!” Jiang Liyun urged.

Jiang Lihai gritted his teeth and finished his meal. Together with Feng Yi, he went to Jiang Ershu’s house to borrow bicycles.

The He family was a bit far away; they needed to ride bicycles.

Neither Jiang Lihai nor Feng Yi owned a bicycle, but the brick and tile factory had several bikes belonging to the factory. After entering the factory, most young people would practice riding bicycles using the ones from the factory.

Since there was only one bike, Jiang Lihai carried Feng Yi over.

“Brother, be careful; don’t fall, Feng Yi,” Jiang Liyun reminded Jiang Lihai.

Just a few days, and her brother’s elbow was already sticking out!

Well, this wasn’t something that happened in the last few days; her sister had been like this since childhood.

The two of them quickly rode away. At this moment, Jiang Ershu from the next door strolled to their house and said to Jiang Qianzi, “Lihai is going to his prospective in-laws’ house? He should have gone long ago! They’ve been dating for so long, and you didn’t help with the preparations.”

Jiang Qianzi and her husband felt guilty.

Jiang Ershu continued, “The kids are still young; you need to push a bit for their marriage. It’s your responsibility to oversee and control it. It’s great that you’re building a house for Lihai. When the time comes, I’ll have my eldest and second sons come to help you.”

“When the bricklayers are working, keep a close eye on them. If you see someone not doing well, just tell them directly! If you don’t speak up, they’ll take advantage of you!”

“By the way, don’t hire Jiang Guanghai; he specifically scams acquaintances!”

“You two really can’t stand firm. Well, I’ll help go and have a look when the time comes.”

While Jiang Ershu was speaking, Jiang Qianzi nodded obediently.

Jiang Qianzi had been lame since childhood and wasn’t well-regarded at home.

Although Jiang Ershu was his younger brother, he enjoyed more favour from Grandpa and Grandma.

As they reached the age to get married, Jiang Qianzi couldn’t find a partner, but Jiang Ershu had married early.

Jiang Ershu’s two sons were older than Jiang Lihai.

In those days, Jiang Qianzi was a confirmed bachelor who couldn’t find a wife, and everyone thought he would never get married.

Later, he was fortunate to find Wu Xiaochun, and that was considered getting married.

However, by that time, Grandpa and Grandma had already given many things, including the house, to Jiang Ershu.

Jiang Qianzi’s current house was supported by Jiang Ershu, but Jiang Ershu wasn’t willing to give him the things that were already in his possession. Even if he was willing, Jiang Ershu’s wife wasn’t.

So, when Jiang Qianzi got married, he didn’t even have a wooden basin, and there were only two bowls in the house.

Initially, their family had very few possessions, and when they finally saved some money, it had to be used to buy pots, bowls, and other utensils.

Seeing Jiang Qianzi and Wu Xiaochun sitting in front of Jiang Ershu, listening attentively to him, Jiang Liyun yawned and went back to her room for an afternoon nap.

Jiang Qianzi had no authority in front of his younger siblings and was even less respected after having children. 

The He family.

The He family lived near the commune. Because Mrs. He was skilled in raising silkworms and Mr. He was good at making bamboo chairs and baskets, their family was relatively well-off, living in a spacious brick-and-tile house.

The two sons of the He family worked well—one raised white-feathered chickens, and the other worked in the commune’s grass paper factory. Both were doing well, and the two daughters also had good marriages.

But Mr. and Mrs. He were still unhappy—their youngest daughter fell in love with a poor young man.

Initially, the He family was somewhat satisfied with Jiang Lihai. Although the Jiang family was a bit poor, all three siblings had jobs, and they thought it wouldn’t take long for the Jiang family to build a house.

With this mindset, they didn’t object when He Chunlin started dating Jiang Lihai. However, after a period of time, they had He Chunlin reveal their family’s conditions to Jiang Lihai.

According to their plan, after He Chunlin did this, the Jiang family should have started building the house. Once the house was completed, He Chunlin and Jiang Lihai could smoothly get married.

However, as they waited anxiously, half a year passed, and there was no progress from the Jiang family.

Just when they couldn’t wait any longer, Jiang Lihai’s sister got married and moved to the town.

Was the Jiang family planning to arrange Jiang Lihai’s marriage after Jiang Liping’s wedding?

It made sense; managing two weddings simultaneously would be too much, and they could also receive dowry from Jiang Liping’s marriage.

They continued to wait, but there was still no movement from the Jiang family.

It was around this time that they heard about the Jiang family’s second daughter not only choosing a penniless young man but also quitting her job.

What was the Jiang family thinking? Would Jiang Lihai have to support his younger sister in the future?

Frustrated, Mr. and Mrs. He came to Qiaotou Village, carefully inquired about the Jiang family’s situation, and even went to see their house.

Both Mrs. Jiang and the youngest daughter in the Jiang family were in poor health, and their house was particularly run-down. Additionally, Jiang Qianzi was disabled.

Were the Jiangs not making any progress because they lacked money?

Given this situation, would their daughter marrying into the Jiang family mean serving a large household?

Mr. and Mrs. He were not pleased. They directly instructed their son to tell Jiang Lihai not to pursue their daughter anymore.

Of course, they didn’t inform He Chunlin about this decision.

At that moment, the He family was having dinner, and Mrs. He kept urging He Chunlin to go on blind dates, saying, “That Jiang Lihai has nothing except for his face! Zhou Jinfu is much better; his family’s house is beautifully built, and he’s a skilled bricklayer.”

“I don’t like Zhou Jinfu,” He Chunlin replied. Zhou Jinfu wasn’t attractive, and his yellow teeth made her feel disgusted.

“Then what about Xie Zugen? The Xie family used to be picky, but now they’re not picky anymore, and they’re actively looking for someone everywhere.”

He Chunlin was startled. “Xie Zugen is short and ugly; I don’t want him!”

“Marrying a man is about clothing and meals. What’s the matter with you? Why do you only care about looks?” Mrs. He was displeased.

Xie Zugen had such good conditions; if her daughter married him, she wouldn’t have to worry about food and clothing!

“Mum, stop introducing me. I already have someone,”  Chunlin said.

Jiang Lihai was the best; not only was he good-looking, but he could also write poetry.

During the Qixi Festival, Jiang Lihai wrote a poem for her, and she could now recite it by heart.

Meeting at the Magpie Bridge, tears form a river, and long-separated lovers share many sorrows. Weaver Girl and Cowherd meet from afar, exchanging tender glances. Jiang Lihai said he wrote this when he missed her.

In addition to poetry, Jiang Lihai also wrote letters to her. Could Zhou Jinfu and Xie Zugen do that? They couldn’t do anything!

“But Jiang Lihai is really not good! I can’t even imagine living in his family’s house. I told your big brother to talk to him, but he was unresponsive like a block of wood.” Mrs. He became more and more upset.

“Mum, did you tell big brother to talk to him?” He Chunlin got anxious and looked at her older brother. “Big brother, what did you say to him?”

Of course, Mr. and Mrs. He wouldn’t tell the truth. They told He Chunlin that they had asked her older brother to talk to Jiang Lihai about proposing.

“Just wait at home; if he truly likes you, he will definitely come to propose.”

“Yes, you’ve been dating for so long; it’s time to get married! If he doesn’t come to propose, it means he doesn’t value you!”

“A man who only speaks sweet words is unreliable; he needs to take some practical action!”

The He family members exchanged words.

“But his family has no money,”  Chunlin said.

“Not having money doesn’t mean they can’t get married. Besides, he should at least show some attitude,” Mr. He said.

What frustrated them the most was that, for so long, there had been no response from the Jiang family.

What did they consider their daughter to be?

Unfortunately, their daughter was infatuated with Jiang Lihai.

After listening, He Chunlin also felt that it made sense.

“People in rural areas marry early. Some of my friends have already gotten married.” As she was thinking, He Chunlin glanced at the door and saw Jiang Lihai.

In rural areas, people usually ate in the main hall, and during meals, the door was always open to keep the room bright.

At this moment, Jiang Lihai arrived at their door on a bicycle, and the handlebars of the bicycle were adorned with many gifts.

He Chunlin suddenly became happy and, without thinking, said to her parents, “Dad, Mum, he’s here to propose!”

Mr. and Mrs. He’s faces turned dark.

Jiang Lihai had been nervous all the way, nearly dropping Feng Yi from his bicycle. Before arriving at the He family, he thought he might be at a loss for words, unsure if he could handle the situation. He was afraid that the He family would look down on him and worried that He Chunlin might be getting married to someone else.

However, the moment he arrived at the He family, he saw He Chunlin’s joyful face, and suddenly, he wasn’t as afraid.

Then he thought of Jiang Liyun.

On this day, he followed Jiang Liyun and saw her managing everything so efficiently. He couldn’t help but feel envious.

Jiang Lihai himself didn’t know how he managed it. He entered the He family’s home with gifts, saying, “Uncle He, Aunt He, I’ve known Chunlin for so long, and I’ve never visited you. I’m truly sorry.”

Jiang Lihai was actually quite clever; he remembered everything Jiang Liyun had taught him.

Before coming, he was anxious and almost turned back halfway. But when he finally arrived at the He family’s home, he handled everything properly.

His situation was somewhat similar to that of a student who frets about running an 800-metre race, thinking they can’t do it. But when they are dragged onto the field and start running, they manage to finish it somehow.

“I talked to my parents about Chunlin and me. I thought they would take care of it, but it turns out they’ve been saving money and haven’t done anything.”

“It’s also my fault for working in the factory and not coming home often. I had no idea about the situation at home.”

“Yesterday, Big Brother came to see me, and I immediately took a leave and came back home. Yesterday afternoon, I went to the village to check the foundation. Tomorrow, I’ll buy bricks and start preparing to build the house!”

“I’ve already confirmed that I can join the transportation team, and my monthly salary will be two hundred yuan.”

“Building the house will take time, but we’ll definitely have the wedding next year.”

“If you’re worried, we can get engaged at the end of the year.”

Feng Yi chimed in, “Brother Lihai hurriedly came back home yesterday and has been busy with house construction since then.”

“This issue is also partly Uncle Jiang’s fault. He’s never done anything like this, and he doesn’t even know how to dig the foundation.”

“Of course, Brother Lihai also has some responsibility. He didn’t urge it earlier because Uncle Jiang was busy with organising Liyun’s wedding.”

“Brother Lihai has been thinking about building the house for a while. He’s already figured out how to do it, who to hire, and where to build it.”

If Jiang Lihai had come alone to the He family, and if He Chunlin wasn’t present, the He family might have mocked him. But this time, Jiang Lihai brought an outsider, and He Chunlin was watching.

They had just lied to He Chunlin a short while ago!

Jiang Lihai, carrying gifts, was seen by neighbors as he entered the He family’s home.

Mr. and Mrs. He’s attitude, while not overly warm, softened after hearing Jiang Lihai’s words. It seemed that Jiang Lihai was sincere.

In the end, the He family discussed the dowry with Jiang Lihai. They didn’t ask for much but requested that he buy a bicycle, a sewing machine, and a radio for He Chunlin.

These items were for He Chunlin, not for them.

These things weren’t cheap!

However, when getting married, many people buy such items.

Jiang Lihai was a bit worried, but Feng Yi said, “Uncle He, to be honest, because we couldn’t afford everything at once, my uncle was busy saving money and didn’t take care of this matter. But don’t worry, Brother Lihai has joined the transportation team in the brick and tile factory now. He’ll definitely have enough money by next year.”

Feng Yi had some private instructions from Jiang Liyun and was now conveying them.

In the end, the He family accepted Jiang Lihai’s proposal: “Let’s have the engagement at the end of the year and get married next year. It works well for us, and we’ll have time to find someone to make some cabinets for Chunlin.”

According to their customs, the bride has to bring cabinets, boxes, quilts, and other items.

So, the two families settled on this plan.

Jiang Lihai bid farewell to the He family with a smile, pushing the bicycle and leaving with He Chunlin’s sparkling eyes watching him.

After walking for a while and turning a corner, Jiang Lihai said to Feng Yi, “Feng Yi, my legs are a bit weak. I can’t ride the bike anymore. Can you ride and take me home?”

He had been tense the whole time, sweating, and now that he had left the He family, he felt like he had finally come alive.

“Sure!” Feng Yi eagerly got on the bike, ready to ride Jiang Lihai home.

Besides wanting to use a bike to pull Jiang Liyun, he also wanted to ride a bike with Jiang Liyun.

However, he had never carried a person before, and his biking skills weren’t great, so he didn’t dare to try.

It was a good opportunity to practice with Jiang Lihai.

Jiang Lihai sat on the back seat of the bike, feeling the delayed excitement.

He didn’t expect that he could actually get engaged!

After the engagement, he was worried for a moment that he might not be able to afford to buy a bicycle, a radio, and other things. But now that he was on the transportation team, his salary had increased significantly. He could save over two thousand yuan a year.

He could always save enough in two years!

Just as he was feeling happy, a gust of wind blew. Jiang Lihai, who had sweated a lot earlier, shivered and tightened his clothes.

On the other side, the neighbours of the He family had gathered to see the gifts brought by Jiang Lihai.

“Is he the one Chunlin’s marrying? Handsome!”

“Works on the transportation team of the brick and tile factory? That must pay well!”

“The gifts he brought aren’t cheap. They must be over a hundred yuan in total! So generous!”

“It’s evident that he has a soft spot for your Chunlin.”

The He family hadn’t looked at what Jiang Lihai brought earlier, but now they took a closer look. After discovering that what Jiang Lihai brought was not only abundant but also valuable, their impression of him improved a bit.

The things he brought could easily cost at least a hundred yuan, which was a month’s salary for an ordinary worker in the brick and tile factory!

This guy seems decent; once they finish building the house, it wouldn’t be a bad idea for Chunlin to marry him.

When Jiang Lihai and Feng Yi returned to the Jiang family, Jiang Liyun was already preparing dinner. Upon seeing the two, she inquired about the situation.

Jiang Lihai couldn’t quite remember what he had said back then, but Feng Yi remembered everything clearly and recounted the details.

Jiang Liyun knew the He family’s attitude had improved, probably because of outsiders and He Chunlin. She didn’t mention this to Jiang Lihai but instead said, “Brother, you’ve seen it yourself. They aren’t actually dissatisfied with you. They just thought you were reluctant to marry He Chunlin, got anxious, and said a few harsh words. You also said some in anger yesterday.”

Chunlin’s brother’s words had wounded Jiang Lihai’s pride to some extent, but Jiang Liyun’s explanation made him less angry.

Jiang Liyun continued, “Speaking of this, when I was selling goods in town before, Jiang Liping also came to my stall and criticised Feng Yi, saying a bunch of negative things about him.”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Lihai completely dismissed He Chunlin’s brother’s previous comments about him not being worthy of He Chunlin. He hadn’t been fond of Feng Yi for a while, but he just hadn’t expressed it harshly.

“Alright, now that the matter is resolved, brother, you should start working at the brick and tile factory tomorrow. Remember to come back in the evening,” Jiang Liyun said. “Since you joined the transport team, you can go to the city. I’ll write a list, and you can help me buy some things.”

“Sure,” Jiang Lihai agreed readily.

Jiang Liyun added, “Brother, once you’ve sorted out your situation, you can earn money yourself. Maybe you can save up the things the He family needs earlier. Look at Sun Jinshan; he’s not short of money.”

Jiang Lihai joining the transport team was beneficial to her. If things went well, she could also make money from it.

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