Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Misunderstood”

On the path, Qin Muxue watched Lin Beixiu tilt his head back to drink and couldn’t help but say, “You should drink less.”

Lin Beixiu glanced at her, “this is the first time I drink in front of you, and you’re telling me to drink less?”

“Drinking is ultimately harmful to the body.”

“Just easing a craving,” Lin Beixiu said indifferently.

Qin Muxue said no more, taking it as him being in a bad mood. The two continued walking in silence.

Back home, Qin Muxue went to take a shower, while Lin Beixiu sat on the sofa. Soon, one can of beer was finished. Lin Beixiu looked at the other can on the table, shook his head, and placed it in the fridge before going to his room.

He took off his clothes and lay on the bed. The comfort washed over him instantly. He closed his eyes, turned off the light subconsciously, and fell asleep.

When Qin Muxue came out, she saw no one in the living room but noticed the can on the table. She looked towards Lin Beixiu’s room, seeing darkness under the door crack.

Qin Muxue wondered if he had gotten drunk from just one can.

Shaking her head, she turned and entered her own bedroom.


The next day, because of the early night, Lin Beixiu woke up early. Feeling the stench of sweat on his body, he frowned and went to take a shower.

When he came out, he saw Qin Muxue standing at the door in her pink pajamas, her long white legs exposed to the air. She looked at Lin Beixiu with a resentful gaze.

Lin Beixiu was startled, instinctively checking his clothing, but this time he was dressed.

“What’s up?”

“Bathing in broad daylight, got drunk on one can yesterday?”

Qin Muxue entered, not forgetting to mock, “If you can’t drink, don’t.”

Damn, mocked by this girl.

He was just too tired and fell asleep, not drunk after one drink. That would be too lame.

Qin Muxue came out to see Lin Beixiu sitting on the sofa, looking at her as if she were an enemy.

Qin Muxue’s mouth curved playfully, “What’s up, daydreaming?”

“I was just too tired yesterday, fell asleep is all,” Lin Beixiu tried to explain.


Qin Muxue was indifferent and turned back to her room. It was the weekend, and she had gotten up to use the restroom, only to find Lin Beixiu showering, which almost drove her mad.

But seeing Lin Beixiu’s disgruntled look, she decided to tease him.

Indeed, Lin Beixiu was frustrated.

He felt underestimated.

He couldn’t say much since she had already closed her door.

Lin Beixiu gave up, showing a resigned expression, and knocked on the door.

“What is it?”

“Can I borrow your hairdryer?”

There was silence from the room. Lin Beixiu thought she didn’t want to lend it.

He usually let his hair dry naturally, especially after daytime showers, but being slightly sleepy on the weekend, he decided to go back to bed.

“Ah, Lin Beixiu you jerk, waking me up.”

As Lin Beixiu was about to leave, Qin Muxue’s scolding came from the room, and then the door opened. Lin Beixiu was startled, ready to run.

Qin Muxue looked annoyed, handed him the hairdryer, then slammed the door shut.

“Cough, thanks. Call me later, and I’ll make breakfast.”

After drying his hair, Lin Beixiu didn’t dare to annoy her further. He left the hairdryer in the living room and went back to his room to sleep.


“Lin Beixiu, come out and make breakfast.”

Hearing the voice outside, Lin Beixiu opened his eyes on the bed and yawned.


After washing up, Qin Muxue asked, “Can I order?”


Qin Muxue pouted but had no choice. She couldn’t cook, but she enjoyed whatever Lin Beixiu made.

Then Lin Beixiu brought out three boiled eggs, two glasses of milk, and a bag of toast bought from the supermarket.

They sat down together for breakfast, but soon Lin Beixiu noticed an extra egg yolk in his bowl, seeing Qin Muxue giving him the yolk from her egg.

“What’s this?”

“I don’t eat egg yolks.”

Qin Muxue, eating her egg white, said with her head down.

Lin Beixiu was surprised but then understood. Many girls didn’t like egg yolks, but he wasn’t picky.

“Being picky isn’t a good habit.”

Qin Muxue hummed, then challenged, “I don’t believe you don’t have any food you dislike.”

Lin Beixiu shook his head, silent. He did have foods he disliked.

“See, we shouldn’t criticize each other.” Qin Muxue saw through him and retorted triumphantly.

Lin Beixiu: ……

She was too clever. Lin Beixiu couldn’t outtalk her and just quietly ate.

Both eggs were left for Qin Muxue, but Lin Beixiu ate all the yolks.

After breakfast, Qin Muxue went out, invited by Zhang Tingting to practice taekwondo.

Lin Beixiu returned to his room, turned on music, opened a book, and began to study.

With work starting at two in the afternoon on weekends, he spent the morning reinforcing his professional knowledge, aiming for a scholarship.

Tianxing University was a top institution in the city, and the scholarship amounts were significant. This was why Lin Beixiu didn’t seek more part-time jobs. Compared to working, studying and earning money was more appealing to him.

He was intelligent but had focused on fighting instead of studying in high school. However, he paid a price for that and chose to retake a year upon his grandfather’s insistence.

After a year of hard study, Lin Beixiu achieved excellent results and chose to attend university in Tianxing City, closer to home.

Seeing his grandfather’s joy at his scores, even though his eyes were filled with reluctance and hope when sending him off, was more about… heartache.

Due to family circumstances, Lin Beixiu had to work during summer vacations to earn money…

Lin Beixiu silently vowed not to let his grandfather down again. He was his grandfather’s only support; if he fell, what would become of his grandfather?


After studying all morning, Lin Beixiu massaged his temples, relaxed for a moment, then got up to cook.

After washing the rice and setting it to cook, he opened the fridge and realized they were out of vegetables.

Lin Beixiu sighed deeply, about to go out, then suddenly remembered something and picked up his phone to dial a number.

On the other side, Qin Muxue, having finished training with Zhang Tingting, was leaving school. Since Zhang Tingting had learned about Lin Beixiu from the forum, she had been incessantly questioning Qin Muxue, annoying her.

“Sister, I have proof, you don’t have to admit it.”

Zhang Tingting waved her phone in front of Qin Muxue, displaying Tianxing University’s forum with photos of Qin Muxue and Lin Beixiu walking together, taken by someone.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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