Fallen Into A Warm Bed
Fallen Into A Warm Bed chapter 2

Yu Zi racked his brains before remembering that he did indeed have a driver surnamed Xie.

But he often sat in the back of the car, and he didn’t know how many drivers there had been. His impression of this person was that he had driven for him for a couple of months, and then he left for some reason.

The only detail Yu Zi could recall about this person was that he seemed to have a very short crew cut.

But even if this text message was real, how did he know about Yu Zi’s current situation? And how did he manage to contact him at this precise moment?

Yu Zi was pondering over this, when another message arrived.

He opened it and saw that the other party had sent him an address directly.

“Fangjiayuan District, Building 7, Unit 506.”

What a strange person. Yu Zi thought so but still copied the address, pasting it into his phone’s notes.

In the end, he didn’t reply to the message. Staying alone in a subordinate’s home was not a rational choice no matter how you looked at it.

The next morning, Yu Zi was awakened by the sound of renovation upstairs. The loud drilling sound came from above, as if they were going to saw open his skull.

He didn’t understand why this rundown motel needed renovations. It would be quicker to just demolish it and rebuild it from scratch.

Yu Zi opened the tattered curtains and looked outside. The sky was overcast. Naturally, there was no self-service breakfast at the motel, so he had to go out to find something to eat.

Before leaving, he put on a long windbreaker. When he opened the door to step into the grayish-white sky, the front desk called out to him.

“Hey, young man.”

Yu Zi was annoyed by being addressed like this and turned to look: “What’s up?”

“Are you staying again today?”

Yu Zi paused for two seconds before replying, “Yes.”

“The room rate has increased by a hundred today. If you want to stay, do it quickly.”

“Why has it increased by a hundred?!” Yu Zi was angry. “Are you robbing people?”

Even though this place was in the suburbs, shouldn’t there be some kind of pricing regulation?

“It’s the weekend today, so the price goes up. Check it online if you don’t believe me. If you don’t want to stay, remember to check out by 12 o’clock!” The front desk didn’t bother with him anymore and went back to the office, munching on sunflower seeds.

The convenience store was bustling with people coming and going, and the sky hadn’t cleared up yet. The road was still damp, and every passerby’s shoes left behind a few mud stains.

Tasteless. Yu Zi thought as he ate the industrialized prefab breakfast from the convenience store. He felt like even the grass-fed sheep in New Zealand would find the grass they chewed more flavorful than what he was eating.

Continuing to stay in this motel was not a good idea. No one could predict if the prices here would increase even more tomorrow.

After hastily finishing breakfast, he had to return to the motel room to pack his things again, then he opened his phone to search for nearby short-term rentals.

But even in the suburbs, the rent was not cheap.

He huddled up, squatting on the damp floor, his fingers hovering at the edge of the suitcase’s inner pocket. After a while, he took out a hard little box from inside.

With a click, the box opened, revealing a Swiss watch lying inside.

This was the most valuable thing in his suitcase.

Yu Zi gently touched the dial of the watch with his hand, and finally carefully wrapped it up again and put it into the soft inner compartment.

He held his breath for a moment before exhaling.

At exactly eight o’clock, his phone app pushed the weather forecast for today. Cloudy turning to overcast, with light rain in the evening.

Yu Zi closed the app, and his fingers instinctively opened the text message he received last night.

Fangjiayuan, Building 7, Unit 506. He had passed by there before. When his family was wealthy, Yu Qing wanted to invest in a piece of land there with his friends, but after investigating, they gave up. It was too desolate and dilapidated there, with no potential for consumption.

It’s no use. Since he had lost all his dignity now, having a place offered to him was better than having no place to go.

He had nothing left now, so even if the other party was really a scammer, they couldn’t cheat him out of a single penny.

Yu Zi glanced at the time, thought for a moment, and instead of calling, he chose to send another text message.

“If I come over today, is it convenient?”

Yu Zi didn’t expect the other side to immediately call him back.

After three seconds of calm, he answered the phone, “Hello?”

The other side seemed to hesitate for a moment and didn’t speak for a long time.

Yu Zi could only ask, “Is this Xie Dongcheng?”

After a moment, a somewhat deep male voice came from the other side, “Yes. Is this Boss Yu?”

Yu Zi hadn’t heard this title in a long time; his family used to call him Xiao Zi or Young Master. This suddenly triggered some memories about this person.

Among his former drivers, it seemed there was indeed one who persistently called him boss. Yu Zi had corrected him several times, but the other party still called him that without fail. A real blockhead.

This time he was too lazy to correct him again and simply answered, “Yes.”

“Um, I’ve already sent the address to your phone. Did you receive it? Do you want me to come pick you up?”

Yu Zi quickly declined, “No need, I know where it is. I’ll go by myself.”

“Ah, alright then. I’ll be waiting for you at home.”

The polite tone from the other side made Yu Zi start to wonder who was actually helping whom.

Half an hour later, Yu Zi embarked on his third moving journey. He dragged his suitcase to the front desk and checked out.

The dark clouds were getting thicker, and rain seemed imminent. Yu Zi quickly hailed a taxi using a mobile app and headed to Fangjiayuan.

The taxi bumped along, traversing most of the northern city, and finally arrived at the entrance of Fangjiayuan community after more than forty minutes.

After paying the fare, Yu Zi just opened the back door when he saw a tall man standing not far away.

The man happened to look up and saw him, then walked straight towards him.

Although his face was not very familiar, Yu Zi could still recognize the hedgehog-like crew cut.

The temperature that day was only around ten degrees Celsius, yet this man was wearing just a black T-shirt, exposing most of his sturdy arms.

Xie Dongcheng. Yu Zi silently repeated the name in his mind, thinking that the family was hasty in naming him after the east side of the city.

Soon, Xie Dongcheng reached Yu Zi’s side and pointed to the luggage in the trunk, “Boss Yu, is this your luggage?”

“Yes.” Yu Zi reached out to move it himself.

But Xie Dongcheng beat him to it, effortlessly lifting the suitcase and then dragging it towards the community.

Although Fangjiayuan community was old, it was relatively clean. From the entrance to the unit door, there was a stone path. Yu Zi followed behind him, walking quickly.

There were two stray cats lying by the road. After seeing Yu Zi, they looked at him alertly for a moment, then lazily lay down again, motionless on the stone.

There was no elevator in the old community, and Xie Dongcheng’s home was on the fifth floor, so they had to walk up.

Yu Zi’s suitcase was 28 inches, and it was heavy, but Xie Dongcheng effortlessly lifted it with one hand and climbed up the stairs without stopping.

Yu Zi followed behind him, watching the man effortlessly carry the suitcase and climb up, realizing for the first time that he was not as strong as this person.

As he exerted force, the muscles of Xie Dongcheng’s biceps and triceps intertwined beautifully under the dim natural light of the corridor. Yu Zi couldn’t help but glance at them.

Why didn’t he notice before that this driver had a good physique?

Two minutes later, they stood at the door of 506.

Xie Dongcheng walked ahead, took out a key, and opened the security door.

“Come in.” Xie Dongcheng stepped aside to make way for him.

Yu Zi cleared his throat and took a half step forward, entering the house. Xie Dongcheng’s home was obviously deliberately tidy, with everything neatly stowed away in drawers, and the floor was clean. However, it was a bit smaller than he had imagined; he could see the entire layout of the living room at a glance.

On the right side of the entrance was a shoe cabinet, with a brand new pair of slippers underneath. After changing his shoes, Yu Zi entered the living room with his bag.

The living room seemed to be only about a dozen square meters, with only a small sofa and not even a coffee table. There was a small TV on the low cabinet opposite. Next to the TV was an aquarium.

However, as he walked further in, he discovered a big problem with this house.

The north side of the living room was a small kitchen, but there was only one room on the south side. The door to the room was half open, and Yu Zi glanced inside.

Yu Zi turned to see Xie Dongcheng carrying the luggage into the room. He was sweating lightly, and his tall figure blocked the doorway.

Yu Zi coughed and called his name, “Xie Dongcheng.”

Xie Dongcheng looked up at him and his dark eyes said, “What’s wrong, Boss Yu?”

“It’s just… There’s only one bed in here. How are we going to sleep tonight?”

1 comment
  1. Cocole has spoken 6 months ago

    Sleep together no ?


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