Reborn with the Ultimate Genius System
Reborn with the Ultimate Genius System Chapter 59

Chapter 59: Finding Ways to Contribute Money

For Tang Feng, this mission was simply too easy.

He had already planned to let his parents open a restaurant, which meant he wouldn’t even need to spend his own money to start the business!

At this moment, his feeling could be summed up in one word: thrilled!

However, exchanging one percent of the revenue for points seemed a bit low.

If the daily revenue was one thousand yuan, it could be exchanged for ten points.

In a week, that would only amount to seventy points.

For him, these points were a drop in the bucket and not very useful.

Of course, if the daily revenue reached ten thousand yuan, it could be exchanged for one hundred points.

Over a week, the amount of points would become quite significant.

With an extra five hundred thousand in his account, he couldn’t sleep at all.

He was calculating how to maximize the restaurant’s revenue.

Holding promotions was a must.

As the saying goes, even the finest wine needs no bush, but a newly opened restaurant without any promotion would hardly attract any customers.

After all, customers, having never tried the food, would not want to risk their money.

If the prices of the dishes were low, the attractiveness to customers would significantly increase.

Tang Feng thought of several promotional plans.

Perhaps due to overthinking, he couldn’t help but yawn.

Eventually, filled with excitement and anticipation, he fell into a satisfied sleep.

When he woke up in the morning, sunlight was already streaming into the room, falling on him.

He dressed and stretched as he walked out of his room.

“Little Feng, what time did you go to bed last night?” Tang Feng’s Mother asked with a smile.

“I don’t know!” Tang Feng shook his head and said, “Anyway, it was quite late.”

“Eat first. After eating, continue teaching us how to cook,” Tang Feng’s Mother instructed.

“Cooking can wait for now! Shouldn’t you be hurrying to secure a location for the restaurant?” Tang Feng discussed.

“The location is not in a hurry. Once we have learned all eight dishes, it won’t be too late to look for a location,” Tang Feng’s Mother responded.

“Mom, securing a location is not the end of it. There are many preparations to be made. Even if it’s fast, it will take at least a week. I think you should start looking for a location first, then decorate and learn to cook at the same time,” Tang Feng advised.

“Wife, I think Little Feng makes sense. It’s quite boring to stay at home learning to cook all day. Why don’t we go out and look for a location later?” Tang Long suggested.

“Okay!” Tang Feng’s Mother nodded in agreement.

“By the way, Mom and Dad, I’ll pay for the opening of the restaurant,” Tang Feng offered.

“You’re going to pay? Where did you get so much money?” Both parents’ eyes fell on their son.

“I sold a few more snack recipes,” Tang Feng made up a reason.

“My goodness! Son, you’re really something! How much did you sell them for?” Tang Long’s eyes lit up.

“Two hundred thousand,” Tang Feng reported a figure.

He didn’t dare to say five hundred thousand, worried his parents couldn’t handle the truth.

“Was it the same person who bought the recipes before?” Tang Feng’s Mother guessed.

“Yes!” Tang Feng nodded and said, “This person is very savvy. Buying my recipes will definitely make him a lot more money.”

Tang Long looked at his cherished son and said, “Little Feng, earning so much money at such a young age, we as parents feel very relieved. The money for opening the restaurant, we have it. You should keep your money.”

“No way! Mom and Dad, the money for opening the restaurant must come from me!” Tang Feng became anxious.

The mission assigned by the system was for him to open a restaurant, and it had even provided the startup capital.

If he didn’t use this capital, and the system deemed the mission a failure, he wouldn’t receive the points reward, and he would regret it immensely!

“You child, why are you so stubborn?” Tang Long and his wife looked at him, almost not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

“Mom and Dad, this is my intention! Besides, being so young with so much money, I might not resist the temptations outside,” Tang Feng said, pausing there.

Hearing this, Tang Long and his wife immediately became anxious.

Two hundred thousand was not a small amount, and if Tang Feng really squandered this money, they would be heartbroken.

“Husband, since our son has this intention, let’s listen to him,” Tang Feng’s Mother quickly made a decision.

Tang Long didn’t say anything, just nodded.

“That’s right! I’ll go to the bank to withdraw the money and then hand it over to you to arrange,” Tang Feng smiled happily.

Tang Long and his wife also smiled at each other, everything was understood without words.

Before Tang Feng had finished his breakfast, Su Xiaoli had already arrived.

“Xiaoli is here! I’m going out with your Uncle Tang for a bit, you two chat!” Tang Feng’s Mother said and then left the house, dragging Tang Long with her.

“What are they doing?” Su Xiaoli asked as she sat down on the sofa.

“They’re going to find a location for opening the restaurant,” Tang Feng answered.

“So, the restaurant will open soon?” Su Xiaoli followed up.

“Yes,” Tang Feng nodded, “We aim to open within a week.”

“Do you need any help?” Su Xiaoli offered.

“Not for now. After I finish eating, accompany me to the bank,” Tang Feng responded.

“What for?”

“To withdraw money! I’ve already discussed it with my parents; I’ll pay for opening the restaurant.”

“Ah? Where did you get so much money?” Su Xiaoli was quite surprised.

“Secret.” Tang Feng winked at her.

“Let me guess! Did you sell a few more snack recipes?”

“How did you know?” Tang Feng exaggerated his expression.

“Ha ha! I guessed it, right!” Su Xiaoli laughed proudly.

“You’re really clever! I did sell a few snack recipes and made some money,” Tang Feng also laughed.

“How much did you make?” Su Xiaoli was curious.

Tang Feng held up two fingers.

“Twenty thousand? No, that can’t be right! The last time you sold the grilled gluten recipe, it was for twenty thousand. You sold several recipes this time, could it be two hundred thousand?” Su Xiaoli’s eyes shone when she reached this conclusion.

“Exactly!” Tang Feng nodded, “It’s indeed two hundred thousand.”

Su Xiaoli was so shocked she couldn’t speak!

After a while, she looked at Tang Feng and asked weakly, “Are you planning to withdraw all this money from the bank?”

“I plan to withdraw one hundred thousand first. If it’s not enough, I’ll withdraw more,” Tang Feng answered.

“That much money, you might have to go to a branch office. Other outlets might not have that much cash on hand,” Su Xiaoli advised.

“Really? How can such a big bank not have one hundred thousand?” Tang Feng was somewhat incredulous.

“Maybe I wasn’t clear. The outlets have that much cash, but they might not give it to you. You know, my family runs a company. When my dad goes to the bank to withdraw large sums of cash, he has to make an appointment,” Su Xiaoli explained.

“So, I need to make an appointment to withdraw money?” Tang Feng was somewhat amused.

“Yes,” Su Xiaoli nodded, “But we can try our luck at the branch office! Maybe they happen to have enough cash.”

“Let’s not delay then, let’s go right away,” Tang Feng said.

The two of them left the house together.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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