Voyeurism chapter 25

The expected sound of the porcelain vase shattering against the skull did not occur.

Yu Guang didn’t even see how the other party dodged.

When he snapped back to reality, the man had already caught the vase, which was almost as long as his forearm, in mid-air – steadily.

On the other hand, he himself felt like a weakling, falling straight to the ground.

He had hurried just now, and the drug hadn’t worn off yet. His body was even weaker than he had expected.

At this moment, Yu Guang felt dizzy and stumbled several steps.

He fell to the ground.

Falling into the fluffy blanket spread all over the floor of the hotel.

Not painful, but very dazed.

The carpet was covered with dense fluff, like lying on the soft belly of some large feline.

Yu Guang, who was tired of plush animals, felt his hairs stand on end all over his body. He wanted to get up but found himself too weak to move.

Countless colorful dots appeared in front of his eyes, flashing crazily.

“What… what did you do to me?”

He lay on the soft carpet, struggling to move but gave up when he couldn’t. His mind could still think calmly.

He speculated whether he had been injected with a muscle relaxant.

The man ignored him, carefully placed the vase back, and even took a few seconds to adjust the pattern on the vase before turning around.

He walked slowly to the armchair by the bed, casually sat down, and crossed his long legs.

During this time, Yu Guang’s gaze had been following the man’s movements. After the man sat down, his gaze involuntarily moved from the man’s leather shoes upward.

The impeccably tailored suit exuded an inexplicable elegance because of the man’s posture. Due to the man’s sitting posture, the suit on his chest was slightly wrinkled, revealing the powerful muscles underneath.

Yu Guang’s gaze flickered from there, continued upwards, crossed the clearly defined throat, and finally stopped at the obstructive gold-plated mask on the man’s face.

The other party was also looking at him, his eyes under his eyelids were lowered, overlooking from a high position.

Just looking at him lying on the carpet.

To be honest, Yu Guang didn’t like the look in the man’s eyes.

He could see the indifference deep into his bones from the calm and waveless depths of his eyes, as if he was overlooking the world from the perspective of a god.

It was strange.

The only other person who made him feel this way, the last, the only other one –

was Ye Si.

But Yu Guang didn’t dislike Ye Si.

Ye Si’s eyes were like this too, deep as if spanning endless years, cold as if nothing in the world mattered to him…

Most of the time, he was gentle, but also proud, distant, and infinitely distant.

But Yu Guang loved Ye Si’s appearance.

The scent of perfume on the man wearing the mask raised waves again.

The woody scent, reminiscent of the pine wood fragrance beside the temple’s long steps.

Most likely due to his heavy-headedness, his thoughts were all out of order.

Yu Guang, curled up on the carpet, raised his eyes and looked up, and an earth-shattering thought burst into his mind –

Is there a possibility that the face under the mask was the one he has been longing for…

The moment this thought arose, Yu Guang’s blood seemed to boil all over his body.

Thump thump thump, his heartbeat sounded like drums.

Suddenly, something cold and hard pressed against his neck.

Like a bucket of cold water poured over his head, extinguishing all the hot thoughts.

How could that be possible?

How could Senior Ye Si pay attention to him, who was inconspicuous? Even if he did, he wouldn’t be so passionate.

Senior Ye Si wasn’t his kind, that’s why he was so longing for him.

The hard object against his neck slowly moved.

Coincidentally, it reached the position of his carotid artery.

The gushing fresh blood bumped against the hard object pressing against the blood vessel wall through the skin, gradually warming up that cold object.

Yu Guang narrowed his eyes and saw that it was the tip of a black umbrella.

The man controlled the umbrella tip to slowly swim from the carotid artery to the Adam’s apple, and then to the chin.

This was a sensitive and private area, which couldn’t withstand such subtle teasing at all.

Yu Guang, lying on the carpet, curled his body tighter, and rolled his Adam’s apple uncomfortably.

Gulp –

In the quiet night, the sound of swallowing was particularly clear, exposing his nervousness completely.

The man chuckled, his voice deep and magnetic, sending a tingling sensation into Yu Guang’s ears.

But Yu Guang didn’t have time to think about it. The other party had already controlled the umbrella tip and lifted his chin up.

This action could be described as flirtatious, or it could be considered humiliating.

Yu Guang couldn’t escape the umbrella tip pressed against his chin, and his hateful glare was ineffective.

Just as he was about to curse out loud.

He heard the man’s inexplicable words, “Only puppies like to sleep on the ground. Are you a puppy?”

With his energy depleted, Yu Guang’s chest heaved for a while before he raised his arm and forcefully pushed away the umbrella tip pressed against his chin.

Turning his head to the other side in annoyance, he retorted, “You’re the…” dog.

Before the word “dog” could be uttered, Yu Guang’s vision suddenly spun.

His fellow canine-like counterpart from the gutter grabbed him and tossed him onto the bed.

Yu Guang buried his face in the soft blanket, feeling dazed from the fall.

Before he could regain his senses, a weighty body pressed down behind him –

Moist and soft lips pressed against the nape of his neck, accompanied by something hard and sharp.

Yu Guang belatedly realized that it was teeth.

The man removed his mask,

And was kissing him.

Strictly speaking, this couldn’t be called a kiss at all.

Describing it as the gnawing of wild animals in nature would be more appropriate –

The soft, thin skin of the nape was nibbled on, like some adult beasts carrying their cubs back to the den.

Yu Guang wanted to turn his head to steal a glance at the other’s face, feeling a vague sense of familiarity all along.

But as soon as his intention was noticed, the man exerted more pressure to suppress him.

“Don’t play tricks in front of me.” His lips moved as he spoke, grazing against the skin of the nape.

The sharp teeth seemed about to pierce through.

Yu Guang didn’t know where the other’s strange penchant for neck biting came from, but his keen sixth sense had already begun to warn of danger.

It wasn’t fear of being violated that made him feel this way, but rather an instinctive reaction akin to that of an animal facing a natural enemy.

Yu Guang’s body stiffened like a rock, unable to utter a word stuck in his throat.

He trembled uncontrollably, feeling utterly out of control.

At that moment, he even felt that he might die.

Being bitten by the man like this, bleeding to death.

The room fell into silence, with the man’s lips still on the back of his neck, neither too tight nor too loose, playing teasingly.

Yu Guang’s breathing gradually became rapid, particularly evident in the chilly air.

After a while, the nape was bitten lightly.

After a deep sigh, the weight behind Yu Guang completely receded.

Without reason, the sense of impending danger behind him suddenly disappeared.

The man stopped biting him.

As his brain grasped this realization, Yu Guang’s strength dissipated, a bodily reaction after extreme tension.

His mind went blank, unable to think at all.

After a daze for a long while, he slowly came back to his senses.

He immediately wanted to turn his head to look at the other’s face, completely ignoring the man’s previous warning as if it were a passing breeze.

But the man was faster.

Yu Guang’s vision suddenly returned to absolute darkness, a deep blackness devoid of any light.

The man neatly tightened his tie, covering Yu Guang’s vision and tying a knot behind his head.

The man coldly looked at the ignorant and unconscious little creature struggling frantically in front of him, a hint of an almost imperceptible dark color flashing in his eyes.

His Adam’s apple rolled, but he restrained himself in the end.

The little guy had already lost as much blood tonight as an adult man’s maximum blood loss. Any more and there might be trouble.

He lifted the thin blanket beside him to cover him and held down Yu Guang’s hand trying to remove the obstructing tie.

“Close your eyes and sleep.” He said indifferently, “I advise you to behave this time.” His tone deliberately lowered, exuding the authority of a dominant.

Yu Guang’s wrist, which had been quietly resisting him, stiffened for a moment before relenting, hammering the bed unwillingly.

“I want to see your face!” Yu Guang said indignantly.

At the words, the man chuckled, sat back in the chair by the bed, and glanced casually at the small figure wrapped in a pure white blanket.

“There will be opportunities to see it.”

What did that mean? Yu Guang stopped struggling, and his previous speculations began to surge in his mind again.

He swallowed, trying to keep his voice normal, and tentatively asked, “Really? Are you also a student at Nan University?”

Unfortunately, the man did not answer the question, just repeated, “Not dizzy anymore? Close your eyes and sleep.”

“I can’t sleep.”

Actually, he could. He was so tired that he could fall asleep as soon as he touched the pillow, drowsy and heavy, but he stubbornly kept his eyes open.

Being suppressed by the man like this all night, he couldn’t struggle free no matter what, which made him really annoyed.

And his overly long eyelashes rubbed against the tie fabric, making him itch.

“My eyelashes are uncomfortable being pressed. Can you help loosen them for me?” His voice was muffled.

The man didn’t move. “Is that how you ask for help?”

Damn it. Yu Guang cursed inwardly.

Just as he was about to raise his hand to remove the tie covering his eyes, he compromised after some thought.

“Could you please help me loosen it?” His voice was dry and tight, and his ears turned red.

After a while, Yu Guang heard the faint sound of fabric rubbing against fabric by the bed.

The tie in front of his eyes was slightly loosened.

As the man withdrew his hand, his fingertip brushed against Yu Guang’s earlobe.

Perhaps because of visual deprivation, his sensitivity elsewhere increased significantly.

Yu Guang shrank his shoulders and then caught a whiff of a very distinct cold and clean pine fragrance.

As if encountering an ancient temple in a heavy snowfall, with incense burning vigorously, the gray-white ashes mixed in the mist drifting onto the snowy branches of the pine trees.

His nostrils flared, Yu Guang repeatedly confirmed –

It was indeed the scent of Ye Si’s perfume.

The breath left lingering on the stolen handkerchief, which had comforted his nose countless times in the night.

Feeling as peaceful as returning to his hometown.

Yu Guang suddenly felt even more tired, his eyelids becoming heavy.

Just before drowsiness engulfed him.

“What perfume are you wearing?”

In moments of fatigue, speech becomes unclear, and Yu Guang’s words sounded like murmurs, with only some syllables discernible.

He hadn’t expected an answer, but he did hear a response.

“Road to Hades.”

The man’s tone was slow and lazy, granular, like a rainy night listening to a radio host fall asleep, soothing and sleep-inducing.

The rustling of fabric seemed to come from a distant place, and Yu Guang felt another layer settle over him in a daze.

It seemed like the man had taken off his coat and draped it over him.

In the increasingly rich woody scent, Yu Guang let himself sink into a deep sleep.

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