Voyeurism chapter 31

Blood type…?

Yu Guang closed his eyes in contemplation, and his heart, which had been beating violently just now, gradually calmed down.

He impatiently adjusted his sleeve, shook his head, and honestly replied, “I’m not sure.”

Since birth, he hadn’t had any major illnesses, nor had he undergone any specific medical examinations at the hospital. Even the school-arranged physical examinations didn’t include a blood type test.

So until today, if it weren’t for Ye Si asking, he wouldn’t have paid special attention to his blood type, let alone know what his blood type was.

But when it came to blood, he always became more silent than usual.

This silence had been suppressed until he parted ways with Ye Si at the intersection and suddenly burst out.

Turning the key to the dormitory door, the other three hadn’t returned yet.

There was a faint dust floating in the air, peaceful and quiet.

Yu Guang exhaled a breath, placed the packed meal on the table, steaming hot, but he didn’t have much appetite.

However, remembering Ye Si’s special reminder to “eat well,” he reluctantly opened the lid and forced himself to take a few bites.

Although the delicious meal entered his mouth, he inexplicably felt nauseous. Yu Guang bent over, retching, breaking out in a cold sweat.

He stared fixedly at the food in the lunchbox for several moments, then gave up.

His mind was in turmoil, as if someone had scribbled randomly, blurring the images in his memory strangely.

He took a quick shower, pulled the curtains on the balcony shut, turned off the incandescent light, and climbed into bed in the dim light.

At certain moments, the square space covered by the blackout curtains seemed more like a posthumous dwelling than a place for rest at night—a coffin.

There wasn’t much difference, equally cramped and narrow, equally damp and dark.

He gathered his treasures to his chest, embracing them. It was the handkerchief stolen from Ye Si, the most precious treasure to accompany him.

Smelling the faint scent on it, Yu Guang smoothed the stray bangs on his forehead and pushed them to the sides.

His eyelashes were not disturbed by the sparse strands of hair, without the tingling sensation, it felt both long-lost and comfortable.

Sighing, he touched his eyes and then reached out to touch the position of his belly button.

The place where he had been connected to the umbilical cord of his mother when he was still an embryo.

Even when he was just a tiny embryo, he had already carried another person’s life.

He heard that the older generation in the countryside would give their children cheap names to make them easier to raise.

But his parents didn’t give him a name when he was still an embryo, and they placed too many hopes on him—using the words of the Taoist priest, it was like being unable to resist the inexorable hooks of life and death, and the damned would still die.

Yu Guang later found this statement to be quite accurate, but unfortunately, his parents from over a decade ago were not superstitious about such ghostly things, ending up with a complete loss.

So when he was five years old, when he was pushed down by other children and fell into a pool, struggling to breathe until darkness descended and he didn’t see his parents who should have brought him out—he knew that his parents didn’t love him.

Even though he didn’t quite understand what love was at that time.

But he wasn’t afraid of water, but instead became fascinated by the ethereal feeling of suffocation before death.

It was as if he was forever left in that not-so-deep pool, coexisting with water molecules.

When the tide came, the waves didn’t cover his head, and the suffocation allowed him to see many people clearly, allowing him to truly experience reincarnation.

These old and moldy memories suddenly resurfaced, still clear as yesterday.

Only the face of the brother he had only seen in black and white photos remained blurry.

Self-deprecatingly chuckling, Yu Guang smoothed his parted bangs back to cover his eyes.

Like this… it should still resemble somewhat?

The bedside suddenly vibrated, and the screen of the phone lit up, illuminating the inside of the coffin-like square bed curtain.

Yu Guang’s heart skipped a beat, furrowing his brows and closing his eyes, waiting until he somewhat adjusted to this brightness before picking up the phone.

Top message [unknown]: Little guy, have you had lunch?

Sure enough, it was that guy again.

Yu Guang was almost developing PTSD from the vibration of his phone.

Almost every time he opened it, it was a message from [unknown], and each time it accurately caused his heart to skip a beat… while also reminding him of the bizarre experiences of those two nights.

With his temples throbbing, Yu Guang replied with a perfunctory “Yeah” and then set his phone to “Do Not Disturb.”

He wanted to sleep well.

But someone didn’t want him to sleep peacefully.

As drowsiness gradually set in, there was suddenly a creepy scratching sound at the dormitory door.

With a start, Yu Guang woke up instantly.

Annoyed, he rolled over, grabbed the thin blanket to cover his ears, but the sharp scratching sound penetrated through, and burying his head in the blanket was of no use.

“Tsk.” He cursed impatiently, suddenly throwing off the thin blanket, and with a thud, got out of bed.

Opening the door with a ‘swish,’ sure enough, it was the familiar black cat.

Seeing Yu Guang come out, the black cat meowed twice, swaying its long tail, tentatively hooking onto his thin ankles exposed outside his sleeping shorts.

It tickled, the fluffy touch made Yu Guang instantly break out in goosebumps.

“Get lost, stinky cat.” He didn’t want to shoo away the cat in a situation where there was no barrier, where he would definitely touch its fur, so he stiffened his body and growled at it.

But this black cat was smarter than a human. It seemed to sense Yu Guang’s hesitation. It slowly loosened its tail, took advantage of his stiff body, and swaggered into the open door of Room 407.

Whether it was through scent or something else, the black cat jumped directly onto Yu Guang’s desk, which belonged to him.

In the amber-colored cat’s eyes, the black vertical pupil narrowed to a fine line, staring fixedly at the leftovers on the table.

The long black tail swayed leisurely.

Yu Guang silently swallowed, suddenly feeling guilty and nervous when he accidentally made eye contact with the cat.

His heart pounded, the sound beating against his eardrums like a drum.

Although he had set his phone to “Do Not Disturb,” it suddenly rang—

It was the default ringtone when he received a call on his phone, a tranquil and melodious piano piece.

But it still made his shoulders tremble.

He glanced at the black cat on the desk, which seemed to be acting like the master, sighed, and climbed the stairs back to bed to grab his phone.

He thought it was [unknown] finally dissatisfied with just text messages and decided to call, but he didn’t expect…

Yu Guang absentmindedly answered the phone and put it to his ear, ready to say something sarcastic, but unexpectedly, a familiar voice came from the other end.

“Yu Guang, did you have a good lunch today?”

Even though the voice was slightly distorted due to the phone line, Yu Guang instantly recognized it as Ye Si’s.

The long-awaited phone call that only existed in his dreams.

Suppressing his breath, which had become rapid due to excitement, Yu Guang cautiously crawled into bed, trying not to make any suspicious noises to avoid questions from the other side.

“Senior Ye Si… How did you get my phone number?” His voice trembled imperceptibly.

Yu Guang carefully took out the unopened bottle of perfume, the Road to Hades, and pressed down the nozzle as if cherishing it.

The thin mist sprayed into the coffin-like space, completely masking the damp and rotten smell with the woody scent.

Beside his ear was Ye Si’s breath, and in his nostrils was the rich scent as if they were embracing tightly.

Yu Guang closed his eyes in ecstasy, his mind opening up to a silent but grand ball.

“Yu Guang?” Ye Si called his name repeatedly through the receiver, finally bringing him back to reality.

“Ah? Senior, sorry, I seemed to have zoned out, what did you just ask?” He tried to sound obedient.

“Did you have a good meal?”

Lost in the euphoria, Yu Guang didn’t immediately notice the danger in Ye Si’s tone. Like usual, he obediently lied, “Yes, I had a good meal. The food today was delicious.”



After a short, mocking laugh, Ye Si hung up the phone.

The enchanting breath disappeared, but the heat from the phone due to the call still lingered against his ear like a kiss.

Yu Guang squinted his eyes, took a deep breath, and buried his head in the thin blanket, holding his breath.

The bottle of perfume, hesitated over and over again but still unopened, finally released its first mist today.

Like the first lightning before a thunderstorm, Yu Guang could already glimpse every depraved moment of the future from it.

He felt the extreme thrill of the woody fragrance dissipating in his body.

Until he was on the verge of suffocation and lack of oxygen in his lungs, he suddenly threw off the blanket and gasped for breath.

With a flushed face, he looked up suddenly and met the gaze of the black cat squatting on the stairs, which he didn’t know when it had climbed up.

Stunned for a moment, most of the desire faded away in an instant.

He seemed to see a strong interest flashing in those vertical pupils of the cat.

But when he looked again, it had disappeared without a trace.

The black cat tilted its head coquettishly and meowed at him.

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