The Daily Life of Farming and Raising Children in Ancient Mountain Residences
The Daily Life of Farming and Raising Children in Ancient Mountain Residences Chapter 31

Chapter 31

On the side of the mulberry vine, Shen An sent Brother Shen Jin away with a single sweep, then turned around to help his sister-in-law carry things into the house.

When they found out that the two new barrels were bought by their sister-in-law today, and upon lifting the small woven basket on top of one of the barrels, they discovered several liters of grains and some bone sticks inside, the siblings were overjoyed.

Seeing the two kids busy pouring grains into the house, Sang Luo hadn’t found the flatbread stuffed on the side all day. She took out the oiled paper bag herself, saying, “Come and see what this is.”

The siblings turned their heads simultaneously and saw their sister-in-law holding an oiled paper package with some oil marks on it. She unfolded the package, revealing a delicious-looking flatbread inside!

“Flatbread?” Shen An asked, not entirely sure.

Sang Luo was surprised. “Have you ever eaten it?”

She remembered that they didn’t sell these in the market.

Both siblings nodded simultaneously, then their eyes dimmed slightly. “Big brother bought it for us.”

Great, now they reminded themselves of their big brother again.

Sang Luo quickly diverted their attention, “Go wash your hands and come eat the bread. It’s best when it’s warm. In the future, if there’s a chance, your sister-in-law will take you to the county to eat freshly baked ones.”

Shen An nodded and pulled Shen Ning out to wash their hands.

When they returned to the room, Shen An divided the bread, which was slightly over half, into three portions. He handed the largest piece to Sang Luo, but she refused. “You guys eat. I’ve had it in the county before.”

Then she went to bed without caring that she had been walking outside all day and that her clothes were definitely not very clean.

She was just too tired. Carrying the load back and forth for twenty miles, Sang Luo felt exhausted, even down to her fingertips. Unfortunately, apart from a bed, there wasn’t even a stool to sit on in the room.

Sang Luo didn’t even want to move her fingers anymore. She just wanted to collapse onto the bed like a limp noodle.

And so she did.

Seeing her like this, the siblings stopped eating too. They approached her together, and Shen Ning climbed onto the bed and asked, “Sister-in-law, are your feet hurting?”

Seeing that, he was ready to help massage her legs.

Sang Luo was ticklish, so she quickly dodged, “It’s just tiredness; don’t worry about me. You and Xiao An eat the bread.”

But neither of the siblings listened to her. After Shen Ning confirmed twice that his sister-in-law really didn’t want him to massage her legs, he jumped off the bed and went to prepare to light the fire and cook the soup.

The radish had been left at home for a few days. Sang Luo had already mentioned stewing it with the bone sticks. Now that the bone sticks were bought, Shen Ning didn’t need to ask. It was time for lunch, so he prepared the soup as his sister-in-law suggested.

His sister-in-law was not well, and she was so tired recently. What if she fell ill again?

They had to take care of her.

The siblings were very cooperative. While Shen Ning lit the fire, Shen An went to fetch clean bamboo tubes to pour some cold water for Sang Luo. “Sister-in-law, have some water first.”

Then he took the pot used for cooking and went outside to fetch water, also bringing the chopped bone sticks to wash.

When Shen An came back in, Shen Ning had already lit the fire. He put the pot on and turned to ask Sang Luo, “Sister-in-law, do we put the radish in now?”

The radish, also known as white radish in future times,.

Sang Luo was happy to take a break from cooking lunch. Leaning back, she took small sips of water and replied, “Wait until the water for boiling the bone sticks starts boiling. Skim off the foam on top with a wooden spoon, then simmer over low heat for a while before adding the radish. Don’t throw away the radish peel; slice it slightly thicker, cut it into small pieces, add a little salt, and marinate it with soy sauce. We’ll have it with white porridge tonight.”

Marinated radish peel, a dish Sang Luo particularly liked. It was delicious and nutritious, but unfortunately, there were no chili peppers here, and their family didn’t grow garlic either.

But Shen An and Shen Ning had never heard of this way to eat radish peel before. They remembered it, and with one watching the fire and the other going out to wash the radish, they busied themselves peeling and cutting.

It was quite a hassle, considering they only had sickles, bamboo knives, and stone knives at home. They didn’t even have a proper kitchen knife. However, the two children seemed to be quite adept at it already. They did these chores skillfully, without Sang Luo having to worry too much.

While stewing the bone soup, although the siblings were a bit tempted, they didn’t touch the flatbread.

The soup and bread were meant to be eaten together, so they naturally had to wait for the soup to be ready. Eating together with their sister-in-law made it more enjoyable.

As they sat there, Shen An took the time to explain to Sang Luo why he had hired Shen Jin and others to clear the land with the pig grease. Ultimately, he was still nervous, afraid that his sister-in-law would mind.

All the money in the house was earned by his sister-in-law. When his sister-in-law was sick and hungry before because of the indifference of their third uncle and aunt, she almost died. Now, he was using the money earned by his sister-in-law to buy meat for a few younger cousins. He was actually very afraid that his sister-in-law would be angry.

He explained all the causes and consequences, as well as his concerns, one by one.

Shen An lowered his head and said, “Xiao Yin and Xiao Tie can indeed not do much work. It’s just for a couple of days. Later, I’ll let them know that there’s no more pig grease, and they won’t come anymore.”

Shen An’s voice was somewhat weak. He actually felt a bit soft-hearted towards his two younger cousins, whom he had raised.

Sang Luo didn’t worry too much about it. One was five years old, and the other was six. Five-year-old Shen Tie was still considered two years younger by the custom of the time. This would be equivalent to a kindergarten junior class and a kindergarten senior class in modern terms. A few pieces of pig grease wouldn’t make Sang Luo feel too heartbroken or calculate too much.

It was Shen An who had concerns. He was worried that Shen Jin might be really eager and come to their house. Sang Luo started to pay more attention to it.

Indeed, making fairy tofu every day would inevitably leave traces. Sang Luo buried the residue in the soil every time, but the filter cloth used for a long time had some discoloration. Observant people could still guess the trick.

Moreover, she was planning to buy a millstone to make tofu, which would require more tools… Sang Luo looked around the grass hut. It was too cramped, and there wasn’t even a proper stove.

Making tofu required boiling soy milk. It was possible to do it with the temporary stove made of stones and a small pot, but it would be limited in quantity. It would take much more effort.

It seemed they needed a kitchen, a courtyard wall, and a lock; otherwise, they would have no privacy in the future, no matter what they did.

“Your concerns are valid. Recently, you and An Ning still need to be more cautious. Guard the home well. If Shen Jin is really serious about opening up the land, you don’t need to feel sorry for a few pieces of pig grease. Just give them.”

Cooperating with the Chen family to sell fairy tofu in the county was indeed draining Sang Luo’s energy. Firstly, the journey was longer, and secondly, they needed to make more fairy tofu. Also, vegetable cultivation was seasonal. If they missed the planting season, some crops wouldn’t yield.

To be honest, Sang Luo felt a bit guilty for a moment when she thought about exchanging a piece of pig grease for Shen Jin to dig soil for half a day here. She was exploiting this little laborer quite a bit. But when she thought about Shen Jin’s appetite, that moment of guilt vanished instantly.

Kids were kids. It was a give-and-take situation. She wouldn’t interfere.

With his sister-in-law’s full affirmation, Shen An’s heart finally settled down. He felt both relieved and delighted. His sister-in-law not only affirmed him but also praised him, right? She even eased his worries, right?

A smile spread across his face as he turned around to stoke the fire, silently reveling in his joy.

Standing nearby, Shen Ning saw it and chuckled softly, not revealing his brother’s silly happiness.

On the other side, at the Chen family, as soon as Qin Fangniang returned home, she proudly presented the money pouch she had earned, excitedly exclaiming that she had made eighteen wen.

Moreover, she unwrapped the carefully wrapped small piece of flatbread and divided it into five very small pieces. Apart from herself, everyone in the family got one piece, and they all took a bite to taste it.

She watched them eat, unable to contain her excitement.

At noon, when it was too hot, both Old Man Chen and his son Chen Youtian were at home. The whole family sat together, and Qin Fangniang recounted her trip to the county in great detail. She talked about how they entered the city, heard the gongs, entered the eastern market, how big and bustling it was, and how well immortal tofu sold, getting increasingly excited.

She especially praised Sang Luo for how she had given up the extra portion of fairy tofu for her to sell; how Sang Luo had offered to help pay the first market tax when she hesitated, setting a good example and boosting her confidence; and how Sang Luo had thoughtfully brought flatbread for Shen An and Shen Ning, even giving her a piece.

In summary, two words: generous!

In the end, she even praised her own mother-in-law, saying that she had extended a helping hand during the difficult days, which is why they had gained Sang Luo’s friendship and now had a business selling fairy tofu.

So, good deeds bring good rewards. Her mother-in-law was indeed a very good person, and now they were reaping the rewards of her good deeds.

Mrs. Chen:…

For the first time, she realized how eloquent her daughter-in-law could be.

This was really learning to hawk in the market, gaining courage, and shining her tongue, right?

Qin Fangniang didn’t notice the look her mother-in-law gave her. She was just too excited. On the way back, being with Sang Luo was fine and somewhat normal. But now, being at home with her own family, she couldn’t contain her excitement and just let it all out.

Even the one brought home with them was counted several times, totaling nineteen copper coins.

Changing the subject, she said, “Mother, Alie’s wife allowed me to gather some wild vegetables this evening. I’ll tie them with straw, and we can take them to the eastern market to sell together tomorrow, two bundles for one wen. She brought some today, and they all sold out.”

Mrs. Chen nodded. “Then go out for a walk in the evening.”

Qin Fangniang hesitated. “Mother, I was thinking, if we sell some wild vegetables and make a few more coins in a day, I could buy a piece of bone tomorrow, and we could stew bone soup with radish. Alie’s wife said it’s nutritious. Children who drink it will grow taller, and you and your father won’t have leg pain after drinking it. Just think about it; selling two handfuls of vegetables would be enough to buy one. It’s not expensive.”

Mrs. Chen:…

It seemed like she had fallen under Sang Luo’s spell.

In the short time since they came back, she kept mentioning Alie’s wife, causing Mrs. Chen to feel a bit overwhelmed.

But it was a good kind of overwhelmed; people seemed more lively.

“Alright, if wild vegetables can make money, then do as you said. Let’s buy a bone tomorrow to stew soup.” Then she asked, “Did Alie’s wife mention how much fairy tofu she’ll make and sell tomorrow?”

Mrs. Chen was more concerned about this.

Qin Fangniang slapped her forehead. “I almost forgot. This thing is considered fresh food in the county and sells quite well. Alie’s wife and I discussed it in the county. We decided she should make more tonight, and tomorrow we’ll take the cart and set up stalls in both markets.”

Paying one wen in market tax and selling out before noon would be profitable.

She also mentioned buying two more wooden barrels for Sang Luo’s side, along with their two pottery ones, which would increase the amount of goods they could carry.

Mrs. Chen had no objections. The cart at home was empty anyway. Selling more goods meant making more money, which was a good thing.

However, Old Man Chen suddenly spoke up after silently listening for a while and puffing on his tobacco pipe: “With so much stuff, can her little grass hut handle it?”

With several barrels and four more pottery pots added, there wouldn’t be much room left even if another person entered the hut, right?

Mrs. Chen looked over at her old partner, and the couple exchanged a glance. “What do you mean?” she asked.

Old Man Chen tapped his pipe, took out some tobacco from the pouch, and filled the pipe while saying, “I’m thinking that with her involving our family in this livelihood, there will be more things to do every day. Do we need to build another kitchen hut?”

Pausing for a moment, he continued, “You can ask her this afternoon. If she has this plan, let’s gather some familiar people from the village to help before the busy farming season starts. With a few days’ work, we can set it up for her. This season is the best for building with earth walls as they will be the most solid.”

Old Man Chen couldn’t read, but he understood the principle of reciprocity. Since their household was gaining another source of income, he did this not only to ensure that Sang Luo wouldn’t struggle too much with supplying them but also as a form of manageable repayment.

  1. M&M's has spoken 3 days ago

    The power of money can even change the quiet Qin Fangniang, lol. Also, I like that Old Man Chen is considerate of Sang Luo’s needs and how to ensure a stable relationship with give-and-take reciprocity.

    Thanks for the chapter! 😀

  2. TJadakaa has spoken 3 months ago

    I love genuine reciprocity


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