The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring
The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Coexisting with Wolves

Not far ahead beneath the trees, Su Zhi spotted a massive wolf with fur as white as premium silk, gleaming even without sunlight. It stood larger than typical wolves, almost matching the length of the tiger she encountered earlier but leaner, exuding remarkable agility. Its eyes, resembling those of a small white dog, shone with a green tint, sending shivers down Su Zhi’s spine. She couldn’t shake the feeling that this wolf might be even more formidable than the two tigers she had encountered earlier, as they hadn’t instilled the same freeze-inducing fear.


At that moment, the black puppy had already reached the feet of the large white wolf, circling its front legs, even attempting to nip at its neck and belly fur while joyfully barking. Unfortunately, the white wolf paid no attention to it.

Initially worried for the black puppy, Su Zhi soon realized something was amiss. Typically, a dog would cower in fear upon encountering a wolf, tail tucked between its legs, and flee. Yet, the black puppy, despite its foolishness, displayed no instinctual fear. Observing their interactions, Su Zhi deduced that the trio—black puppy, white puppy, and the white wolf—were actually a group.

Sighing in relief but still on edge, Su Zhi watched as the white puppy slowly approached the white wolf, feeling a bit embarrassed for mistaking them initially. They weren’t dogs at all but wolves. She couldn’t fathom considering the white wolf as a mere dog—such a creature didn’t exist in this world!

The black puppy—no, now appropriately termed the black wolf—played with the white wolf for a while before returning to the spring to drink, occasionally whimpering towards the white wolf and the white puppy, as if inviting them to join in.

Su Zhi watched as the white wolf glanced at her before slowly approaching. Feeling nervous, she had the instinct to flee but realized running was futile—the wolf’s strides would easily outpace her. With a mere twenty steps between them and her uncertainty about where to escape, she stood still, hoping the white wolf would show mercy considering the presence of the little black and white wolves.

As the white wolf reached the spring, it cast another glance at Su Zhi before lowering its head to drink, seemingly insatiable.

Observing the wolf’s unending thirst, Su Zhi’s fear dissipated significantly. It seemed the spring had a magnetic pull on animals; even this formidable creature was drawn to it. Considering her amicable relationship with the two wolf pups, she hoped the white wolf wouldn’t harm her. Recognizing the wolves’ intelligence and understanding, she presumed the white wolf to be even more astute, given its expressive eyes brimming with wisdom.

“This spring water is only available to me. If you want to drink, you can come to me,” Su Zhi spoke, hoping her words conveyed goodwill, regardless of whether the wolf comprehended. She then retracted and then summoned the spring water again, emphasizing that only she controlled its access.

The white wolf glanced at the water and then back at Su Zhi with a calm gaze that impressed her, leading her to believe it was of royal lineage—a leader of wolves. Disregarding Su Zhi, the wolf whimpered twice and soon a black shadow emerged from nearby. Initially mistaken for another wolf, upon closer inspection, Su Zhi realized it was more canine than wolf—perhaps just a dog.

This canine was undeniably a dog, of regular size, appearing petite next to the white wolf. Despite its black color, it sported a gentle shade, with slightly long, fluffy fur, large watery eyes, and droopy ears, radiating undeniable cuteness despite its larger size.

The black wolf playfully leaped towards the newcomer, and the white wolf approached as well. The large black dog lowered its head to lick them affectionately, embodying a harmonious family unit.

Su Zhi speculated that the white wolf and the black dog might be a couple, with the two smaller creatures likely their offspring. Her thoughts were confirmed when the white wolf affectionately licked the black dog’s head, solidifying their bond as a couple.

While aware of wolves and dogs coexisting, given dogs’ domestication from wolves, it still surprised Su Zhi to witness such a majestic wolf paired with what seemed to be a docile dog. It made her realize that even wolves had their unique sense of aesthetics.

“Su Zhi—”


The voices of Shen Zi’an and Li Shi rang out successively, lifting Su Zhi’s spirits. However, upon remembering the three wolves, and one dog, she felt a sense of unease. While the white wolf showed no hostility towards her, she couldn’t help but wonder if it would become alert in the presence of Shen Zi’an and Li Shi. Would they react aggressively? Uncertain of the potential outcome if a conflict arose, Su Zhi felt a pang of anxiety, realizing she might be in the most perilous position.

As the large black dog drank from the spring, it raised its head upon hearing the voices nearby.

Su Zhi sensed fear in the dog’s eyes, realizing it was likely afraid of humans. Weren’t dogs typically unafraid of people? This might explain why it hesitated to approach earlier but followed the white wolf’s lead to the spring. Perhaps the white wolf intended for the dog to drink from the spring.

As Shen Zi’an and Li Shi’s voices drew closer, Su Zhi decided to address the animals.

“Somebody is coming to see me. You should leave. I really like Black and White, and we can be friends. Maybe we’ll meet again in the future. If you want to drink from the spring, you can come find me,” Su Zhi spoke, believing they could understand her words.

The white wolf glanced at her, picked up the black wolf, and ran off, followed by the black dog and the white wolf.

Relieved as they departed, Su Zhi realized they meant her no harm, acknowledging the creatures’ intelligence and likely their fondness for her spring.


Shen Zi’an’s voice sounded closer. Su Zhi advanced a few steps, maneuvering through dense wild grass to reunite with Shen Zi’an and Li Shi emerging from the bushes and trees on the slope. Shen Zi’an embraced her, then released her to check for injuries. Reassured by her minor scratches, he expressed his concern for her well-being.

Shen Zi’an embraced Su Zhi once more, filled with fear. He recounted how he chased after Su Zhi when she was pursued by a tiger, fought and killed one tiger, only to face another attacking Li Shi. After defeating the second tiger and ensuring Su Zhi was safe, he felt immense relief, grateful that she had come out unscathed.

Li Shi, reassured by Su Zhi’s safety, scanned the surroundings but couldn’t spot the two wolf pups.

“Sister, where are those two wolf pups?” he inquired.

Su Zhi, considering the wolf pups as mere baby wolves, believed Li Shi could recognize them. Truthfully, she recounted the encounter with the white wolf and the black dog, hoping her account would soften Shen Zi’an and Li Shi’s hearts towards them in the future. She felt the wolf wouldn’t pose a threat to humans and genuinely liked them. If they didn’t harm anyone, fostering a friendly relationship would be beneficial.

Upon hearing Su Zhi’s words, Shen Zi’an and Li Shi shared the impressive tale of the white wolf, revealing its remarkable background and significance.

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