The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring
The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Proving She’s Not a Jinx

Regardless of location, there exists a mix of naive and intelligent, good and bad individuals. Yet, predominantly, good-hearted people prevail, especially in rural areas. Though literacy might be scarce, honesty and simplicity are abundant—qualities exemplified by the villagers of Riverside Village.

When Li Shi claimed Su Zhi wasn’t a jinx and possessed evidence to back his assertion, the villagers, while not viewing him with the same reverence as the esteemed Taoist, were curious. No one wished to reside in the same village as a jinx, even if Su Zhi dwelled at the village’s eastern edge.

“Li Shi, you assert that Zi’an’s wife isn’t a jinx and have evidence. Please present it!” The speaker was the village head, akin to a mayor, holding the highest position in the village hierarchy. He aimed for peace and prosperity within the village, understanding the negative impact a jinx could have. Ridicule from other villages and potential superstitions from higher authorities could tarnish Riverside Village’s reputation.

Also named Li, the village head was fairly just and held a favorable view of Shen Zi’an. Tolerating Su Zhi’s jinxed status was a testament to his fairness. In less benevolent hands, Su Zhi might have faced exile from the village, if not worse consequences.

“Indeed! Show us the evidence!”

“If Zi’an’s wife isn’t a jinx, it’s beneficial for all of Riverside Village!” The sentiment echoed among the villagers, eager for the truth to be revealed.

Some villagers shared skepticism, unconvinced by Li Shi’s words, attributing it to the Taoist’s aura and the fear of being hoodwinked. Others, envious of Shen Zi’an’s good fortune, believed that his success in hunting, including slaying tigers, warranted him having a jinxed wife.

“I think it might be a hoax! That Taoist is extraordinary at fortune-telling! How could he be wrong?!”

“Yeah, why didn’t he mention the jinx earlier if it were true?”

Excitement drew the Shen’s Third Grandson and his brothers to the scene. They gazed at the intimidating dead tigers, eyes shining, pondering how satisfying it would be to have killed them themselves. Shen’s Fourth Grandson approached, eager to touch the tiger but hesitated, saliva dripping. the Shen’s Third Grandson, older and more cautious, grew anxious upon hearing that his uncle’s wife might not be a jinx. He worried that the supposed curse might turn in his direction if his aunt reclaimed her status, potentially leading to her return to the Shen family—a prospect he dreaded.

“Auntie is definitely a jinx! Her face is already dreadful! Soon, her bones will be visible! In the summer, she’ll stink to high heaven! She must be a jinx; the old fortune-teller couldn’t be wrong!”

The Shen’s Third Grandson was almost pulled to the ground by his brother’s tug, echoing in agreement, “Absolutely, he can’t be wrong!”

Sun Shi, pleased by her sons’ responses, thought, “My sons are so clever! No wonder the old Taoist foresaw great wealth and prosperity in their future!” In her elation, she momentarily forgot that the Taoist was merely an actor they had hired, not a wise and venerable sage.

The crowd resonated with the Shen’s Third Grandson sentiments, pondering the severity of Shen Zi’an’s wife’s affliction, noting the disfigurement of her face and the incurable nature of her illness. Such a malady, they believed, indicated some grave transgression, reinforcing the idea that she must indeed be a jinx.

The Shen’s Eldest and secon Grandson, hearing the younger brothers’ comments, intervened, pulling them aside. The Shen’s Third and Fourth Grandson took the opportunity to slip away, having been unnerved by their uncle’s gaze, impressed by his feat of tiger-slaying.

Li Shi, observing the situation, felt a pang of sympathy for Shen Zi’an and his wife. Though his own family might not be the most reliable, they were at least not as contentious. Clearing his throat, he addressed the villagers.

“Dear fellow villagers, it’s been said that Shen Zi’an’s wife is a jinx, attributing their encounter with the tiger to her bad luck. However, consider this—despite the ferocity of these tigers, no harm came to any person; instead, we managed to kill them! Just think, it takes great skill and luck to kill such fierce beasts, let alone two of them! Shen Zi’an’s prowess aside, luck played a significant part in this feat. Killing two tigers unscathed not only brought them wealth but also renown. How can we call that misfortune? Instead, we should view it as a stroke of luck brought by Su Zhi!”

His words resonated with the crowd, who found his reasoning sound. They began to see the situation in a new light: encountering a tiger was unfortunate, but successfully killing them was a stroke of fortune. Could it be that Shen Zi’an’s wife was truly a fortunate individual?

A portion of the crowd began to adopt this perspective.

The village head stroked his beard thoughtfully, agreeing with the sentiments.

Upon hearing the discussions and seeing the village head nod in agreement, Shen Zi’an and Li Shi felt a sense of relief, sensing a positive turn in the situation.

Shen Zi’an respectfully addressed the crowd, stating, “Fellow villagers, my wife is virtuous and intelligent. It’s my good fortune to have her as my partner, and I do not believe she is a jinx. Regarding her illness being attributed to being a jinx, it’s even less credible. Let me assure you that her condition has already begun to improve. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have accompanied me up the mountain. In a few days, she will be completely healed.”

“Is that true? Can she really recover so quickly? Her condition was terrible when the Taoist visited the Shen family; her face was unbearable to look at!”

Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

Li Shi interjected with certainty, “Indeed, her illness has improved rapidly. In a few days, she will be completely healed. If you doubt it, wait and see for yourselves in a few days.”

Most of the crowd now believed that if Shen Zi’an’s wife’s illness had improved so quickly, she couldn’t possibly be a jinx. The miraculous recovery, coupled with the image of the two slain tigers, cast doubt on the Taoist’s words, leaving the villagers uncertain about whom to trust.

Sun Shi sneered, “Because she’s a jinx, it’s no surprise that her illness improved. Maybe she just absorbed someone else’s luck to feel better.”

Shen Zi’an glared at Sun Shi, about to retort, but Li Shi intervened.

Addressing the now intrigued crowd, Li Shi proclaimed, “I have evidence that Su Zhi is not a jinx! Today, while we were on the mountain, we not only encountered those two tigers but also a divine beast!”

At the mention of a divine beast, the villagers of Riverside Village were taken aback. The term stirred them like a pot of boiling water. Though rural folk, they were well aware of what a divine beast meant. Officials issued decrees to avoid provoking these creatures, and stories of divine beasts had been passed down through generations. Even the youngest children knew that a divine beast, a white wolf, was not to be trifled with. To them, a divine beast deserved more reverence than even heavenly beings, as it was a wolf that could indeed harm them.

The village head stepped forward excitedly, stroking his beard as he inquired, “Li Shi, did you truly encounter a divine beast?”

Li Shi nodded, confirming, “We did indeed. It was a large wolf with fur almost as shiny as silver. Su Zhi saved two of its cubs, and it treated her kindly! When Su Zhi stood with them, everything was peaceful. The wolf even gifted her a hundred-year-old ginseng.”

The crowd erupted once again, buzzing with astonishment. Shen Zi’an looked at Li Shi, marveling at his storytelling skills. He hadn’t realized that Li Shi was so adept at spinning tales.

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